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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday June 26th, 2023


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Good Monday Morning!  Thank you to all who post on the F & D.


I am sorry that so many posters are experiencing medical difficulties.  This message is for the caregivers, please take care of yourself too.  As the wife of a cancer survivor, I know how difficult it is when a loved one is ill.  My DH doesn’t remember the worst three months of his treatment.  I remember them vividly.  While he was in the hospital, I thought I needed to be with him every minute. When he came home, I was overwhelmed by what was now an expected of me. Luckily, my friends and family convinced me to allow them to help.  They made a schedule, took him to radiation and stayed with him for a few hours; I was able to go back to work. I realized I needed to take care of myself in order to take care of him.  IMG_7603.jpeg.03948fbebf65ab4a49b55cab81eae126.jpeg
Wishing the best possible outcome to all who are ill, injured or in need and sending positive thoughts to all the caregivers.

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Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach

   Forgiveness is hard but necessary. Those that are toxic you remove from your life. I love my beautician, he has been doing my hair for over 25 years. Havent been in a canoe in years. It was always fun. 

    The care list is very long. Special thoughts and prayers for @luvteaching and @smitty34877

   Carol  @mamaofami a very Happy Birthday to you. May you have many more.

   Not much on the agenda today. We were out on the beach last evening as we often do. DD was in her beach wheelchair. It was amazing how many people were asking about the chair. More than usual. Not sure if the need is increasing or what. 

 Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach

   Forgiveness is hard but necessary. Those that are toxic you remove from your life. I love my beautician, he has been doing my hair for over 25 years. Havent been in a canoe in years. It was always fun. 

    The care list is very long. Special thoughts and prayers for @luvteaching and @smitty34877

   Carol  @mamaofami a very Happy Birthday to you. May you have many more.

   Not much on the agenda today. We were out on the beach last evening as we often do. DD was in her beach wheelchair. It was amazing how many people were asking about the chair. More than usual. Not sure if the need is increasing or what. 

 Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good morning from a sunny and slightly breezy central Texas.  It was not bad when I took my walk before 8 am, but the predicted high is 103F.  We did not get as hot yesterday as predicted, but it was still 100F yesterday afternoon.  I hope today is cooler than predicted, but I still won't be spending much time outdoors.


I'll gladly celebrate Beautician's Day.  My wonderful beautician (yes, that term fits her) retired three years ago, and I now have a young stylist.  My retired beautician had a sign on her station that read, "I'm a beautician, not a magician".  Forgiveness is always good even when it is very hard to do.  I was in a canoe once, and realized I like my watercraft to be a bit more stable, maybe like a BHB.  🛳️


I don't agree with today's quote.  Sometimes talking is necessary, especially when imparting information.


I would like today's meal, but DH doesn't care for lamb.  I guess I'll wait until I'm on a BHB for lamb.  We'll pass on the drink and wine.


We have not been to Puerto Princesa.


The Victoria Cross is a great honor to many British military, but I wish there would not be wars which necessitates the need for such honors.


Karen, @luvteaching  I hope you got some rest last night after your update on your DH.  You, your son, your DH and all those caring for your DH are in our thoughts.

Graham, @grapau27  thank you for the information on the Victoria Cross.

Terri, @Cruzin Terri  I hope you are enjoying a pleasant and relaxing "sea" day.

Lorraine, @cruising sister I'm sorry about your toe, and hope it is not too painful.  I'm also sorry your sister let you down when you needed her the most.

Penny, @Nickelpenny  welcome home.  I'm happy you had such a great trip, and wish your friend safe travels today.

Tina, @0106  thank you for honoring all the caregivers here.  It's understandable, but I don't think our loved ones realize what caregivers go through besides the physical parts of caregiving.


Terry, @smitty34877  sending good wishes to you and your DH, Lou, for a successful surgery and an easy recovery.


Also, all those who's husbands are ill, @marshhawk Annie and Chuck, @Vict0riann Ann and Pat, @Seasick Sailor Joy and Allen, and anyone else I might have missed, I'm sending positive thoughts that all the issues are being taken care of or getting a treatment plan and all are beginning to recover.




















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Good cloudy and humid morning with more rain and storms coming this afternoon. 
Therapy is scheduled for 11 Amanda then Houdini had a routine nurse vet appointment for bloodwork this afternoon. Not sure if he will get there as that’s when the storms are expected.

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

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In Judaism there is a duty to forgive anyone who requests it, especially before Yom Kippur, but it's only mandatory if they ask on three separate occasions. I once asked a rabbi whether it was obligatory to forgive people who didn't want to be forgiven. She replied that it wasn't, but it might be good for my mental health.


I live in spiedie territory but the spicing of today's menu would be OK with me. So would the cocktail. FWIW, grenadine was historically made from pomegranate, but in the U.S. shifted during World War II to raspberries. I've suggested a Finger Lakes syrah recently, so instead I'll mention the wine I was given at our annual meeting, a Yarden 2019 Cabernet Sauvignon from Israel. I haven't been to Puerto Princesa but you could have guessed that.


Last night I knew where Mona Lisa was hiding, but she has moved from there and now I can't find either cat. I think that they have eaten. I was going to work at home this morning but concluded that they might be braver if I went to my office.


No visible bruising, but maybe a little swelling. CVS says that I have to pick up a prescription even though I won't need it for another five or six weeks.







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Happy Birthday to Carol @mamaofami 🌈🎂🎈


Prayers lifted for @smitty34877Lou, Terry and all the Care Team and family for tidayscsurgery.  And for @luvteaching DH and family at such a difficult time. And for @marshhawk and @catmando with new needs.   And for @Vict0riannand Pat both needed new paths. . And for @aliaschiefand @kochleffel healing from falls. And for injured toes for @cruising sister and @ottahand7. And all on the Cares list @JazzyV faithfully keeps for us. 
Together we are woven into a raft that holds us up!  

I haven’t been to the port, will enjoy the pictures for sure. 
Lamb skewers sounds very good but I don’t find it here much. 
We used a beautiful passage from Khalil Gibran’s The Prophet in our wedding, but it sure wasn’t today’s quote. 
I prefer a kayak to a canoe but had a great week camping on tge Buffalo Nation River in Arkansas long ago. 

Forgiving myself has been the hardest, as @0106 alluded to. I have a family member who won’t forgive me or talk to me and I don’t even know why. It’s kept me from a relationship with that branch of the family and three step-grandchildren from my first marriage, but I am grateful I’ve accepted the situation and come to peace with it. It took a long time.  I’ve forgiven her though I’ll never understand it. I’ve had to let it go for my own peace and not let it corrode the love in my life. We’re all doing the best we can with what we have to work with at the time!  

Another hot day here. We’re into summer heat and humidity for as far as the forecast goes. I’m grateful for the AC!  

Blessings all!  

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I have a sunset rather than a sunrise today.  The last week of June was often Scout Camp for me and this is from June 26, 2013 from a camp in the Pocono Mountains:





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Good morning all!

We're having great weather this week, summer is creeping in finally. I must have done something yesterday while gardening because last night it hurt to turn my head and the pain went up my neck and up the back of my head.  Maybe a pinched nerve (?) After taking a pain pill and sleeping well it's a little better this morning but still painful so I think I'll take it easy today.  


I guess I look at the quote differently.  I can think of several relatives who talk too much -- constantly.  I believe they can't tolerate quiet and their own thoughts, and must fill the space with words.  Thankfully not many people are like that because it's exhausting to be with them.


I love lamb and would like this dish if the spice was cut down some.  Also would like the drink but pass on the red wine.  Have never been to the Philippines.


Happy Birthday Carol @mamaofami!

Terry @smitty34877 Thinking of you today as your DH has his surgery.  Prayers for a successful outcome and swift recovery.

Continued prayers for Karen @luvteachingand her DH.

Also prayers for Ann @Vict0riannand DH Pat, Joy @Seasick Sailor's DH Allen, and Annie @marshhawk's DH Chuck @catmando.  

Lorraine @cruising sister Oh no about the broken toe!  So sorry that happened.

Welcome home @Nickelpenny thank you for "bringing us along" on your road trip. 🙂  



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24 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

Happy Birthday to Carol @mamaofami 🌈🎂🎈


Prayers lifted for @smitty34877Lou, Terry and all the Care Team and family for tidayscsurgery.  And for @luvteaching DH and family at such a difficult time. And for @marshhawk and @catmando with new needs.   And for @Vict0riannand Pat both needed new paths. . And for @aliaschiefand @kochleffel healing from falls. And for injured toes for @cruising sister and @ottahand7. And all on the Cares list @JazzyV faithfully keeps for us. 
Together we are woven into a raft that holds us up!  

I haven’t been to the port, will enjoy the pictures for sure. 
Lamb skewers sounds very good but I don’t find it here much. 
We used a beautiful passage from Khalil Gibran’s The Prophet in our wedding, but it sure wasn’t today’s quote. 
I prefer a kayak to a canoe but had a great week camping on tge Buffalo Nation River in Arkansas long ago. 

Forgiving myself has been the hardest, as @0106 alluded to. I have a family member who won’t forgive me or talk to me and I don’t even know why. It’s kept me from a relationship with that branch of the family and three step-grandchildren from my first marriage, but I am grateful I’ve accepted the situation and come to peace with it. It took a long time.  I’ve forgiven her though I’ll never understand it. I’ve had to let it go for my own peace and not let it corrode the love in my life. We’re all doing the best we can with what we have to work with at the time!  

Another hot day here. We’re into summer heat and humidity for as far as the forecast goes. I’m grateful for the AC!  

Blessings all!  

I think you are a kind and lovely poster Maureen @RMLincoln and don't need to forgive yourself because another family member acted the way they did.

I learned 7 years ago that a family member was jealous of me for 35 years but pretended they were my best friend and this is the only time I have really disliked someone.

My friends on here and my good friends on Dani's thread on RCL daily are wonderful people and I'm sure most would never hold a grudge just like I never would.

God bless.

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2 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

it is a rough time for many of the guys associated with this wonderful thread. My prayers  are with you all and your families as well. I hate to add my woes but I broke the baby toe on my other foot in the middle of the night Saturday. Luckily I am a pro at this and I taped it up and went back to bed. 


Yikes!  You should have it checked in case they need to do more than tape it.  Please?



2 hours ago, cruising sister said:

I need to work on forgiveness a bit. I still am unhappy with my sister who left on a month long vacation after my son died and missed everything. Looking back I realized our relationship was not a healthy one and need to decide how much to let it affect me. 


If you can forgive, it will help you as cruel & hurtful her actions were.  She’s not worth the grief it is causing you.



2 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

My sojourn across the country and back has come to an end.  I arrived back in Tucson last night and my friend will leave this morning to drive up north to see her son.  I am going to calculate how far I drove but it was approximately 6000 miles with a cruise breaking up the drive.  I think my car has bugs from every part of the country!!  I had the best time.  Now it is back to reality!!



Welcome home 🙂 

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Good Monday Morning Dailyites!


Those muscle relaxers make me sleep late, but the moment i'm up, the ice goes on.  I called the therapist, they can see me next Monday.


I love the quote. Our society announces every thing immediately, whether it is worthy of reporting or not.  Listen to people on their cell phones, talking all the time, but not saying anything.  TVs and radios on all the time, as if we are scared of silence.  When we go to the symphony, the moment that we should be listening to the silence at the end of the piece, in America, we automatically applaud. Watch a few symphonies from Europe.  The music is done, the conductor holds up his/her arms,  and lowers them slowly.  The silence after the music, makes you appreciate the music more.  If you are comfortable with yourself, silence is quite OK.


I have canoed down the Delaware river several times when I lived up north.  I loved it, leaving in the early morning with the mist rising from the river, and seeing the grey herons, waking and flying over head.







Edited by marshhawk
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Good morning to all. We are having sun, wind and today we are under a Red Flag warning on fires. No rain expected until next week at the earliest. June is our driest month. I think I would like the lamb, depending on the amount of spice. And the talk of forgiving reminds me of one of my favorite Willie Nelson songs.... "Forgiving you was easy, but forgetting seems to take a long long time". And now I am going to have that song on my mind all day long. I have had trouble forgiving some people, but have generally made peace with it and don't dwell on what happened. It is past, done, can't be changed so move on.


My most positive thoughts to all with hospitalizations, falls and breaks. Take care everyone and to the caretakers.... take care of yourselves too. This seems to be an unusually stressful time. As my Sister says it is a sign of getting older. I am looking forward to talking with her this evening. She has been out in Ohio with her son for the last week and I always hesitate to call since they are usually in the middle of something. I think they are trying to get her to move near or with them, but she prefers to remain where she is.


Off to do whatever I feel needs doing. And maybe go to the store this afternoon.... my frig is starting to look pretty bare.









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Good morning and thanks all!  Prayers for all who need them, even those unspoken!  Special prayers for Terry and Lou and family.  

happy birthday Carol! 

We too had some of the prophet read at our wedding.   I like the quote, I take it to mean that when you are at peace with your thoughts they remain unspoken.  But at times you need to process things and they need to be discussed.   Some are naturally more reclusive at times.  

I find the comments on forgiveness very interesting.  People can be very hurtful and unfortunately not all operate with the same consideration for others.  I try very hard not to leave people out, as it can be very hurtful.   Our minister has been doing sermons on the parables and had a very interesting one on trying to keep the lines of communication open and seeing each other.   She said the apology may never come but at least there is a chance for togetherness.  I think what’s important is to do the right thing so you can look yourself in the mirror.  I believe Karma will take care of others.  





Edited by bennybear
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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I have a male hair stylist. Forgiveness is important, I think more for the one doing the forgiving. I've never been in a canoe or a kayak. I don't agree with the quote. I'd take the meal is someone makes it for me, yes to the drink and wine. I'll salute those who received the Victoria Cross.

I haven't been to the Phillipines.


Weird weather here. They say morning and evening showers, but right now the sun is out. I may go out and collect all the sticks that have come down in the yard due to wind. If it stays dry, maybe I can get at least half the lawn mowed. Tomorrow is Rheumatology appt and PT, then Wednesday I take BFF for a MOHS procedure.


@smitty34877 Prayers for DH and his surgical team today. We're all behind you and your family.

@luvteaching Prayers for DH and you during this difficult time.

@mamaofami Happy Birthday Carol!

@Cruzin Terri Rest up for the busy days to come. 

@dfish Enjoy Frankenmuth. I'd like to visit there sometime. I get Bronner's catalogs in the mail.

@cruising sister Ouch on the toe! Did you run into something during the night? Sorry your sister did that.

@Nickelpenny Welcome home.

@cunnorl That is great that DD has a wheelchair that allows her to go on the beach.

@kochleffel I'm sure the cats will hide less once they've been there a while. I'm glad you don't have any significant injuries from you fall.

@Cruising-along Feel better! I hate when that kind of thing happens from doing stuff. 


Prayers for the big Care List and Cheers for those with something to Celebrate.

Be careful out there, Dailyites!

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17 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

I love the quote. Our society announces every thing immediately, whether it is worthy of reporting or not.  Listen to people on their cell phones, talking all the time, but not saying anything.  TVs and radios on all the time, as if we are scared of silence.  When we go to the symphony, the moment that we should be listening to the silence at the end of the piece, in America, we automatically applaud. Watch a few symphonies from Europe.  The music is done, the conductor holds up his/her arms,  and lowers them slowly.  The silence after the music, makes you appreciate the music more.  If you are comfortable with yourself, silence is quite OK.

A symphony is like a beautiful painting.  Silence is the canvas it is painted on.



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We had an enjoyable but emotional day of visiting Flanders Field and many other cemeteries for our World War 1 heroes. Our guide was very knowledgeable on pointing out the different front lines of this horrible trench warfare which we visited. Today the war site is pretty much reforested but during the was there was nothing but mud, trenches and blood stained soil. Remains of bunkers. Farmers and construction often find ammo, bombs and human remains.

The last cemetery was for the British, Canadians and Australians with over 12,000 graves many unknown.

My head is still sore but I have no headaches or complications. My knee and ankle are still sore but better. Thanks for all the concerns.

We are enjoying our last sail-away for this cruise. We arrive in Amsterdam tomorrow morning and overnight on ship and disembark Wednesday and fly home Thursday morning. This has been a perfect cruise.

Thanks for the report and prayers and concerns for all on list.




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Hello everyone. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet report. 

It's cloudy here with a possibility of rain. I am working from home today. Hoping to have a very light week. I am also eagerly for the HAL 2025 Alaska itineraries to come out so I can book another cruise. 

Thinking of you all and celebrating with those who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 

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Good afternoon from a sunny and windy central Texas.  It's 100F, but with the wind it doesn't feel too bad if you are only outside for a couple of minutes.  I just set the little telescope with the solar filter on it outside.  The sun is almost straight overhead now.


5 hours ago, kochleffel said:

In Judaism there is a duty to forgive anyone who requests it, especially before Yom Kippur, but it's only mandatory if they ask on three separate occasions. I once asked a rabbi whether it was obligatory to forgive people who didn't want to be forgiven. She replied that it wasn't, but it might be good for my mental health.


I live in spiedie territory but the spicing of today's menu would be OK with me. So would the cocktail. FWIW, grenadine was historically made from pomegranate, but in the U.S. shifted during World War II to raspberries. I've suggested a Finger Lakes syrah recently, so instead I'll mention the wine I was given at our annual meeting, a Yarden 2019 Cabernet Sauvignon from Israel. I haven't been to Puerto Princesa but you could have guessed that.


Last night I knew where Mona Lisa was hiding, but she has moved from there and now I can't find either cat. I think that they have eaten. I was going to work at home this morning but concluded that they might be braver if I went to my office.


No visible bruising, but maybe a little swelling. CVS says that I have to pick up a prescription even though I won't need it for another five or six weeks.








Paul, I'm glad you were not bruised after your fall, but I'm sorry about the swelling.  I suspect and hope that as DaVinci and Mona Lisa get used to you and their new home, they will come out of hiding.  I thought of you when I saw this today.



4 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

We're having great weather this week, summer is creeping in finally. I must have done something yesterday while gardening because last night it hurt to turn my head and the pain went up my neck and up the back of my head.  Maybe a pinched nerve (?) After taking a pain pill and sleeping well it's a little better this morning but still painful so I think I'll take it easy today.  


I guess I look at the quote differently.  I can think of several relatives who talk too much -- constantly.  I believe they can't tolerate quiet and their own thoughts, and must fill the space with words.  Thankfully not many people are like that because it's exhausting to be with them.


I love lamb and would like this dish if the spice was cut down some.  Also would like the drink but pass on the red wine.  Have never been to the Philippines.


Happy Birthday Carol @mamaofami!

Terry @smitty34877 Thinking of you today as your DH has his surgery.  Prayers for a successful outcome and swift recovery.

Continued prayers for Karen @luvteachingand her DH.

Also prayers for Ann @Vict0riannand DH Pat, Joy @Seasick Sailor's DH Allen, and Annie @marshhawk's DH Chuck @catmando.  

Lorraine @cruising sister Oh no about the broken toe!  So sorry that happened.

Welcome home @Nickelpenny thank you for "bringing us along" on your road trip. 🙂  




Carolyn, I hope your neck is feeling better by now.


4 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I have a male hair stylist. Forgiveness is important, I think more for the one doing the forgiving. I've never been in a canoe or a kayak. I don't agree with the quote. I'd take the meal is someone makes it for me, yes to the drink and wine. I'll salute those who received the Victoria Cross.

I haven't been to the Phillipines.


Weird weather here. They say morning and evening showers, but right now the sun is out. I may go out and collect all the sticks that have come down in the yard due to wind. If it stays dry, maybe I can get at least half the lawn mowed. Tomorrow is Rheumatology appt and PT, then Wednesday I take BFF for a MOHS procedure.


@smitty34877 Prayers for DH and his surgical team today. We're all behind you and your family.

@luvteaching Prayers for DH and you during this difficult time.

@mamaofami Happy Birthday Carol!

@Cruzin Terri Rest up for the busy days to come. 

@dfish Enjoy Frankenmuth. I'd like to visit there sometime. I get Bronner's catalogs in the mail.

@cruising sister Ouch on the toe! Did you run into something during the night? Sorry your sister did that.

@Nickelpenny Welcome home.

@cunnorl That is great that DD has a wheelchair that allows her to go on the beach.

@kochleffel I'm sure the cats will hide less once they've been there a while. I'm glad you don't have any significant injuries from you fall.

@Cruising-along Feel better! I hate when that kind of thing happens from doing stuff. 


Prayers for the big Care List and Cheers for those with something to Celebrate.

Be careful out there, Dailyites!


Vanessa, I hope your BFF's MOHS procedure goes well on Wednesday, and they can get it all on the first try.  I hope your appointment and PT session go well tomorrow.


3 hours ago, aliaschief said:

We had an enjoyable but emotional day of visiting Flanders Field and many other cemeteries for our World War 1 heroes. Our guide was very knowledgeable on pointing out the different front lines of this horrible trench warfare which we visited. Today the war site is pretty much reforested but during the was there was nothing but mud, trenches and blood stained soil. Remains of bunkers. Farmers and construction often find ammo, bombs and human remains.

The last cemetery was for the British, Canadians and Australians with over 12,000 graves many unknown.

My head is still sore but I have no headaches or complications. My knee and ankle are still sore but better. Thanks for all the concerns.

We are enjoying our last sail-away for this cruise. We arrive in Amsterdam tomorrow morning and overnight on ship and disembark Wednesday and fly home Thursday morning. This has been a perfect cruise.

Thanks for the report and prayers and concerns for all on list.





Bruce, I'm glad your head is better and that your knee and ankle are also doing better.  Thank you for your pictures from Flanders.  


Unlike stargazing, using the telescope to look at the sun doesn't take much time, especially when the sky is not optimal.  The telescope was back inside before I finished this post.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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