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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday July 1st, 2023


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1 hour ago, RedneckBob said:

Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info for all the contributors.


National Joke Day. No, I will not tell a redneck joke today.


What is the difference between a hippo and a zippo? A hippo is heavy and a zippo is a little lighter. Maybe I should tell a redneck joke! 😀

Oh no! Just when I thought it was good to be back.😁

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We stopped in Halifax last August while aboard the Nieuw Statendam and took an excursion that took us to some rural areas away from the port.  Our first stop was at the picturesque village of Peggy’s Cove.  We then went to Lunenburg, where we had a great lobster roll.  Our last stop was at Mahone Bay, which has numerous shops and several pretty churches.




















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Good morning. We still have smoky skies but it is improving  slowly.We have been to Halifax twice and enjoyed the city.The last time we went to the Citadel.Thanks for the pictures Lenda and Sandi.

I enjoy Greek salads but usually get them with diner take out orders.Chicken wings are ok but I wouldn't  go out of the way for them.

We are waiting for Tana's  friend to arrive and then will leave for the hospital to see DH.I am hoping that he is feeling better  today.Hospital stays are not easy for anyone.

Take care everyone

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Since it’s Canada Day - A friend of mine posted this which I have also posted in the past.




Before we get too cocky we need to remember..




yes - a beaver is a rodent 😆 


Seriously regarding lighthouses and views.  There are a number of spots in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick with beautiful views and lighthouses.  Some are prettier than Peggy’s Cove IMO.  If you can get to them there are no tourists or crowds other than some Maritimers who enjoy the view.


41 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

In 2013, we drove north from Halifax to close to the end of the Bay of Fundy, since we wanted to see the bore tide, which was not very tall, but your could hear it long before you could see it.


It sounds like you went to the Tidal Bore in Truro?  The drive to Moncton it’s bore would be much longer one from Halifax.  

If you enjoyed that and ever in Saint John go to the Reversing Falls at low or high tide (high tide is best IMO) That’s where the the falls literally reverse with the change of the tide.


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Rabbit rabbit rabbit.  Good morning everyone.  Thanks for the daily report. Happy Canada Day to all of our daily friends up north (or south if you live in the Detroit area).  A nice collection of days, chicken wings, jokes and devotion to duty, I like them all.  I’ve been having Greek Salads for lunch lately and never tire of them, plus they’re easier to make than regular salads.  The drink sounds really good.  I’ve been to Halifax once and loved it.  Boston gets it’s Christmas Tree from Halifax each year dating back to the explosion there in 1917.  The first relief trains with doctors and supplies came from Boston to aid the injured and homeless.  Prayers for all on our prayer list.  Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events like Canada Day! 🇨🇦🐇🐇🐇🍺

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Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit!


Good Morning to All!


Happy Canada Day to all those who live up north!!  Love the days (can't tell a joke to save my soul - I always forget the punchline!), love wings (just bought some yesterday to make - VERY spicy!!), I could eat Greek salad daily, and the drinks sound delicious.


Just came back from Halifax; my first time there and I just walked around.  Fortunately (or unfortunately 😬) I happened to be at the Citadel when the canon was shot.  I am not so sure when my heart started again but it was a tad later!!  I will post some of my pics (as you probably have guessed I like architecture and statues - and bridges!!).


Workout day and trying to decide if I will drive up to the White Mountains for a festival.  A former colleague is displaying some of her jewelry there and I can go today, tomorrow, or Monday.  Not a bad drive (3.5 hours) and it is cooler up there.  Decisions, decisions!


Woke up early and discovered my coffeemaker gave up the ghost.  It is a Cuisinart and lasted at least 5 years so..........  Immediately got online and bought another one.  I will pick it up a Kohls later today.


So many on the care list; my thoughts are with all.  Cheers to those celebrating!!


Have a great day everyone!!












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1 hour ago, RMLincoln said:

White rabbit white rabbit. 
🍁 Happy Canada Day 🇨🇦


Thanks @grapau27 for your input on P&O and no classical music. Too bad. 

Condolences to @57redbird on your cousin’s passed. I’m the youngest of my generation of what used to be a big bunch of cousins and lave lost 3 between Oct and April, likely many more to come… each one is a part of my life. Hugs to you!  

@marshhawk Annie I’m glad you’re getting some relief. Give it time, a holiday break should help!  

@Denise T I feel for you with the constant irritation of unreasonable neighbors. Lifting up hope for a path toward relief. 

@luvteaching Thanks for posting an update. I’d love to read the obituary you wrote but I understand fully if a link to it is not something you want to post here. Just know that we honor you and Phil just as we know you!  Holding you in my heart. 

I only slept a couple of hours, brain too full with the granddaughter and DH here helping. We got some stuff accomplished yesterday!  Today more to do then they’re heading out Sunday morning. I’ll sleep then I guess. Not too concerned.  It’s great having them here. We spent some time together last night looking at our long term plans to move closer to them, and end of life plans, going over trusts and finances.  It’s a lot.   I’m content here but being in a more supportive community setting long term, and being only a hour or so from them will feel very good!  But one day at a time… and now it’s time to get coffee and breakfast going.  (I sent out all the usual and special blessings hours ago!  😉.)  M—


We have 5 P&O cruises booked Maureen so I will report back if there is any classical music venues on board.

If you are thinking of sailing on P&O let me know and I will ask my friends on P&O board if they know of any classical music venues onboard.


Edited by grapau27
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Rabbit, rabbit, and Happy Canada Day, especially to Canadian rabbits. We have Canada geese here but I think that the Canada rabbits stay north of the border, considering that it's in Lake Ontario.


Living in this part of New York, I should be more enthusiastic about wings than I am. Every day should be joke day and devotion to duty day.


The last time I had a Greek salad was as a main course in Alaska (!) in 2021. Pass on the drink. None of the red grapes allowed in Rioja is grown in the Finger Lakes, so the substitution is a wild card. I'll suggest the Silver Thread Blackbird blend of 2018.


I've been to Halifax twice. The first time was on the night of Canada Day, so today is the anniversary, in 1982. The Air Canada flight was approaching the airport with fireworks visible to one side. This was for a stay at a friend's cottage on Cape Split. The photographs are all pre-digital but here's a vase from a pottery, Birdsall & Worthington, in Mahone Bay.



The second time was on the Norwegian Gem in October 2018. It was raining, but that was an improvement over sailing through a thunderstorm on the way from New York, when the bow pitched down so sharply that sea water came over the pool deck. On our first morning aboard, every conversation I heard at breakfast was about Dramamine. I may have been one of the few passengers not seasick, but I was afraid of falling. These photos are from very near the cruise dock in Halifax.



I was also in Ottawa once for Canada Day in the early 1990s and went to Parliament Hill for the fireworks. The occasion was a four-day Volksmarch festival over the holiday weekend, with four scheduled walks and five possible self-guided walks, all over measured routes. I wore out a pair of shoes during that visit.



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Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit!


Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Happy Canada Day to all our Canadian Daily family members!  I like chicken wings, especially the salt & pepper ones.  DH never used to tell jokes, but in the last few years when on cruises, he had a joke for the table every night at dinner.  Devotion to Duty Day is interesting; I took it to mean put your whole self into whatever job you were involved with.  Maybe it's to do with the military?


The hot temperatures brought in a line of thunderstorms last night.  We had lots of lightning and thunder, but just a few spits of rain, while on the other side of the city, streets were flooded as the storm drains couldn't handle the downpour.  We're looking at another +34 day, so thunder and lightning will likely come through in the later afternoon or evening as well.  I hope it holds off long enough for the public fireworks display - the city shuts down one of the bridges and sets the fireworks off from there while people line the riverbanks and enjoy the sparkles.  


Prayers for @luvteaching as she goes through the painful process of losing her DH, for @smitty34877's DH Lou for better health to come, for the family of @57redbird's cousin who passed away, and of course for dear baby Murphy.  


I would like to try today's wine - it's a little stretch moneywise from Cardboardeaux, but it is a Rioja, so I could do that.  I'm going to give a pass on the drink of the day - cold cucumbers in alcohol don't do it for me.  Today's menu suggestion is one that I make on a regular basis, as it's one of the easiest to put together and takes just a few minutes of cutting up the tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers and red onions and feta cheese (no olives for this girl).  My basic dressing consists of red wine vinegar, canola oil, salt and oregano, nothing more.  I'm going to be making it today as a side dish that we're going to have with burgers DH will grill on the bbq for an easy dinner on a hot July day in the pergola.  And wine.


Prayers for all who are in need (and those I've missed above), cheers to everyone with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




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Good afternoon everyone.  Sorry I was in absentia yesterday.  Not my fault.  Blame Oceania, who thought my cruise’s first segment ended a day earlier than it did.  No way i could get connected until this afternoon when the new segment started—even if I wanted to pay.


Thank you to Rick @richwmn for the Daily and Fleet Report.  Also much appreciation to Debbie, Vanessa, Dixie and Ann for their contributions to this thread.

Prayers for all those on the Cares list, especially to those who have lost someone near and dear to them.

Also prayers for those who are ill, and recovering from surgery.  Speedy recovery for all.


Cheers to those who are celebrating and cruising.


As for what we are up to.  

We did not do anything in Karlskrona and found out that we missed nothing.  The jury is out whether we will get off the ship when we visit there again on July 15.  We will see.


Yesterday we had a short day in Copenhagen.  We hired a taxi beforehand for a 4-hour tour of the city.  Our driver was great and took us to all the places we needed to see so that we know exactly what we want to do when we stay for 3 days at the end of the cruise.  We were done a bit early so he invited us to his home and served us coffee in his beautiful garden.  What a treat!  What ship tour would do something like that?  It was the perfect ending to the tour.  He has arranged to pick us up on the day we leave Copenhagen to go to the airport.  We have a 7 am flight and he said he would be at the Hotel at 4:30 am to get us.  Really nice guy.


Today, on the other hand, was a bust.  As I mentioned Oceania cancelled all shuttles to town and tours because of the Pride Parade. To be honest, I think that was a made-up story because they did not get the required number of people to participate.  Additionally they may have been overly cautious because of a shooting last year that left two people dead and 21 wounded.


We found out that the Nobel Peace Center was very close to the ship and we decided we would walk there.  I researched the web and it said that it was closed for renovation.  However, this morning there was a woman at the hospitality desk from Oslo on the ship and she assured Jim the Center was open.  So in the hot sun we walked the 3/4 of a mile there only to find it in scaffolding and shut tight.  After a night of tummy troubles from a very rocky ship and God knows what else, and little sleep, I made myself walk there.  What a mistake and what a disappointment!

Some things are not meant to be.


So we are back on the ship.  So far the Wi-Fi is working.  We will see how long.  

After I download yesterday’s photos I will post them.


Hope everyone is having a great Saturday.

God Bless,


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Welcome back @Cruzin Terri.  While there are some disappointments I am delighted that you are on the cruise.  I think I remember you wondering before hand if you were up to it but it certainly seems that the opportunity do do nothing and have your needs served was exactly the right thing.



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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit!

Happy Canada Day! I like chicken wings, jokes and salute those who are devoted to duty. Interesting quote. I like Greek salads, san olives (I've tried to like olives, even in Greece and Italy, but no). Pass on the drink and yes to the wine (although a bit pricey).

I've never been to Halifax, but it's a port on next year's cruise.


It's partly sunny now and warm, but rain/thunderstorms are on the way. Thankfully the AQI is down to 68, much better. I'm sore from yardwork yesterday and PT. So I think I'll just do tidying up inside today, and catch up on a few programs on TV. My thumb is still quite painful from the RA, so it's hard to do too much.


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for the Halifax photos.

@kazu I hope it dries out soon. Isn't it true that the rain doesn't seem to go where it's needed most?

@RedneckBob Haha!

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos.

@ottahand7 Nice catch!

@dfish I'm sure the house will seem too quiet when River is gone. Thanks for the recipes.

@Mtn2Sea Appreciate the photos from Halifax.

@smitty34877 I'm glad Tana's friend was able to help out. I hope DH is feeling better.

@Nickelpenny Oh no, a non-functioning coffee maker is a true emergency! Thanks for the photos from Halifax.

@kochleffel Interesting photos.

@rafinmd Great sunset picture.

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad you enjoyed your tour in Copenhagen. Sorry Oslo didn't work out.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those with something to Celebrate.

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Good morning all and Happy Canada Day to our friends and neighbors up north!

I'll pass on the chicken wings (spicy or not), love the jokes and memes here every day, and devotion to duty is a commendable trait no matter what "duty" it is.


I'll pass on the spicy drink and red wine, but love a good Greek salad -- especially in Greece!  We've been to Halifax many times.  Usually we rent a car, we've been to Peggy's Cove a couple times, Titanic Cemetery, the Public Gardens, the Market, Citadel and Lunenburg.  I won't post photos, there are too  many and too much like those already posted.


Well it didn't take long for me to give in, and I went to the big plant sale yesterday at my favorite nursery.  30% off pretty much anything.  I only wish I needed more and especially wish I had more room to add more!  But I found some annuals to fill more pots (I'm sure I can find some empty pots around here) 😉  So that is what I'll be doing today.


I hope everyone has a nice day!



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Thank you Rich, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work. And thank you everyone for being here! 


Happy Canada Day! There actually were two chances that I could have been Canadian. On my father's side, his paternal roots had a great (x?)- grandfather that was a fur trapper in the 1600's trapping in Upper Quebec. Instead somewhere along the line someone crossed into the UP. I actually have cousins that use the French version of our surname. On my mother's side, my grandmother immigrated from Ireland through Canada with two sisters around 1912. One sister stayed in Montreal while the other continued on to Chicago with her. My first name came from her brother that was killed in WWI fighting for the British.


Sue and I have been to Halifax by water once. It was the same 2015 cruise on the Veendam that I posted photos from the other day. It was the first time we had sailed with Captain Noel O'Driscoll who is now Master of the Nieuw Statendam. The cruise between Sydney and Halifax had seas at Beaufort 6 bumping to 7 so that day when we called on Halifax, it was a terrible rainy day. The weather was so bad that the Carnival ship came up the channel to the port but turned and left without docking. All Sue and I did was walk in the terminal building before re-boarding. Veendam had docked bow to bow with the Queen Mary 2. After our short walk and lunch we just spent the afternoon in the Crow's Nest.





Stay Safe!


- Jack



Edited by Heartgrove
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Good morning again.  At least, it is still morning when I'm starting this, but it will be afternoon before I finish.  I was outside before 8:10 and finished with the yard before 10:30, so it wasn't too bad doing the yard today.  Finally, it was a day when all I did was trim and mow the grass, and blow leaves and grass off the sidewalk, patio and port.  I'm now presentable again and the morning chores are finished.  According to the computer it is 92F outside.  


4 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

White rabbit white rabbit. 
🍁 Happy Canada Day 🇨🇦


Thanks @grapau27 for your input on P&O and no classical music. Too bad. 

Condolences to @57redbird on your cousin’s passed. I’m the youngest of my generation of what used to be a big bunch of cousins and lave lost 3 between Oct and April, likely many more to come… each one is a part of my life. Hugs to you!  

@marshhawk Annie I’m glad you’re getting some relief. Give it time, a holiday break should help!  

@Denise T I feel for you with the constant irritation of unreasonable neighbors. Lifting up hope for a path toward relief. 

@luvteaching Thanks for posting an update. I’d love to read the obituary you wrote but I understand fully if a link to it is not something you want to post here. Just know that we honor you and Phil just as we know you!  Holding you in my heart. 

I only slept a couple of hours, brain too full with the granddaughter and DH here helping. We got some stuff accomplished yesterday!  Today more to do then they’re heading out Sunday morning. I’ll sleep then I guess. Not too concerned.  It’s great having them here. We spent some time together last night looking at our long term plans to move closer to them, and end of life plans, going over trusts and finances.  It’s a lot.   I’m content here but being in a more supportive community setting long term, and being only a hour or so from them will feel very good!  But one day at a time… and now it’s time to get coffee and breakfast going.  (I sent out all the usual and special blessings hours ago!  😉.)  M—



Maureen, I'm glad you are getting some help sorting through things.  It's not easy as I've found the last three years while we have been in Texas much more than normal.  I'm trying to get things sorted and some tossed so that the DDs won't have so much to face later.  I really should get rid of some things that I have just in case, which hasn't happened in decades.  🤣


4 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

Good morning.   Happy Canada Day to our friends up north.  🇨🇦

An interesting group of days.  I love wings, naked so I can control the heat and ranch dressing on the side. Jokes are great and a helpful quote by Zig Ziglar.   Salad is a winner, put the cuke in the drink in the Greek salad and the vino sounds great. Thanks for the photos of Halifax and Peggy's Cove.  Never have visited.  We were booked for 2020 on the Zaandam which was cancelled. 

Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations reports.  Prayers for everyone needing them and the people of Ukraine.  

It is a beautiful day here again.  I think more fishing is in order today.  Tomorrow will be windy so that equals no fishing.  I caught 2 keeper walleye, the only fish I caught.  We had fish fry last night.  I added club soda instead of water in Drake's Crispy fry and the batter was much lighter.  Will do that again.   Have a wonderful day!   Nancy 




Nancy, I hope the fishing is even better today.  The batter does look light and crispy.


3 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. We still have smoky skies but it is improving  slowly.We have been to Halifax twice and enjoyed the city.The last time we went to the Citadel.Thanks for the pictures Lenda and Sandi.

I enjoy Greek salads but usually get them with diner take out orders.Chicken wings are ok but I wouldn't  go out of the way for them.

We are waiting for Tana's  friend to arrive and then will leave for the hospital to see DH.I am hoping that he is feeling better  today.Hospital stays are not easy for anyone.

Take care everyone


Terry, I'm glad that Tana's friend will be there to help today.  I hope that you found Lou much improved today and in better spirits.  I'm also glad that the air quality has improved.


3 hours ago, aliaschief said:

After at month of European weather we just received a heat advisory. Heat index could reach 111 F.🥵


Bruce, I could not like your post since I know what you are facing with the heat index.  I try to get everything done outside early in the day or about sunset.  


3 hours ago, kazu said:

Since it’s Canada Day - A friend of mine posted this which I have also posted in the past.




Before we get too cocky we need to remember..




yes - a beaver is a rodent 😆 


Seriously regarding lighthouses and views.  There are a number of spots in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick with beautiful views and lighthouses.  Some are prettier than Peggy’s Cove IMO.  If you can get to them there are no tourists or crowds other than some Maritimers who enjoy the view.



It sounds like you went to the Tidal Bore in Truro?  The drive to Moncton it’s bore would be much longer one from Halifax.  

If you enjoyed that and ever in Saint John go to the Reversing Falls at low or high tide (high tide is best IMO) That’s where the the falls literally reverse with the change of the tide.



Jacqui, we did go to Truro to see the Tidal Bore.  With the distances and timing of the tide change, it was the best option.  In 2004, we had planned to rent a car and take our tablemates with us to a different location to see the tides.  The day we were in Halifax, it was a miserable day which became a sea day.  We were in Saint John twice in 2004 on the same cruise, and we made a point to see the Reversing Falls on both days.  My pictures don't do them justice.  We still haven't found another cruise at the time we want to cruise that will take us back to Saint John.


2 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good afternoon everyone.  Sorry I was in absentia yesterday.  Not my fault.  Blame Oceania, who thought my cruise’s first segment ended a day earlier than it did.  No way i could get connected until this afternoon when the new segment started—even if I wanted to pay.


Thank you to Rick @richwmn for the Daily and Fleet Report.  Also much appreciation to Debbie, Vanessa, Dixie and Ann for their contributions to this thread.

Prayers for all those on the Cares list, especially to those who have lost someone near and dear to them.

Also prayers for those who are ill, and recovering from surgery.  Speedy recovery for all.


Cheers to those who are celebrating and cruising.


As for what we are up to.  

We did not do anything in Karlskrona and found out that we missed nothing.  The jury is out whether we will get off the ship when we visit there again on July 15.  We will see.


Yesterday we had a short day in Copenhagen.  We hired a taxi beforehand for a 4-hour tour of the city.  Our driver was great and took us to all the places we needed to see so that we know exactly what we want to do when we stay for 3 days at the end of the cruise.  We were done a bit early so he invited us to his home and served us coffee in his beautiful garden.  What a treat!  What ship tour would do something like that?  It was the perfect ending to the tour.  He has arranged to pick us up on the day we leave Copenhagen to go to the airport.  We have a 7 am flight and he said he would be at the Hotel at 4:30 am to get us.  Really nice guy.


Today, on the other hand, was a bust.  As I mentioned Oceania cancelled all shuttles to town and tours because of the Pride Parade. To be honest, I think that was a made-up story because they did not get the required number of people to participate.  Additionally they may have been overly cautious because of a shooting last year that left two people dead and 21 wounded.


We found out that the Nobel Peace Center was very close to the ship and we decided we would walk there.  I researched the web and it said that it was closed for renovation.  However, this morning there was a woman at the hospitality desk from Oslo on the ship and she assured Jim the Center was open.  So in the hot sun we walked the 3/4 of a mile there only to find it in scaffolding and shut tight.  After a night of tummy troubles from a very rocky ship and God knows what else, and little sleep, I made myself walk there.  What a mistake and what a disappointment!

Some things are not meant to be.


So we are back on the ship.  So far the Wi-Fi is working.  We will see how long.  

After I download yesterday’s photos I will post them.


Hope everyone is having a great Saturday.

God Bless,



Terri, I'm sorry you were given bad information about the Nobel Peace Museum.  It was an interesting place to visit.  I mentioned the other day about the City Hall where the Peace Prize ceremony is held.  If you make it back to Oslo, it is also an interesting place to visit, and it's a short walk from the Nobel Peace Museum.  I found some pictures taken in 2011 that you might be interested in seeing, and hopefully, you will be back to Oslo some day, and can visit the museum and City Hall in person.  The first picture is the outside of the Peace Museum, and the second is the display as you enter the building.  Each screen has a picture and information about a Nobel Peace Prize recipient beginning with the most recent.    





These two are the front of City Hall and the great hall where the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony is held.





2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit!

Happy Canada Day! I like chicken wings, jokes and salute those who are devoted to duty. Interesting quote. I like Greek salads, san olives (I've tried to like olives, even in Greece and Italy, but no). Pass on the drink and yes to the wine (although a bit pricey).

I've never been to Halifax, but it's a port on next year's cruise.


It's partly sunny now and warm, but rain/thunderstorms are on the way. Thankfully the AQI is down to 68, much better. I'm sore from yardwork yesterday and PT. So I think I'll just do tidying up inside today, and catch up on a few programs on TV. My thumb is still quite painful from the RA, so it's hard to do too much.


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for the Halifax photos.

@kazu I hope it dries out soon. Isn't it true that the rain doesn't seem to go where it's needed most?

@RedneckBob Haha!

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos.

@ottahand7 Nice catch!

@dfish I'm sure the house will seem too quiet when River is gone. Thanks for the recipes.

@Mtn2Sea Appreciate the photos from Halifax.

@smitty34877 I'm glad Tana's friend was able to help out. I hope DH is feeling better.

@Nickelpenny Oh no, a non-functioning coffee maker is a true emergency! Thanks for the photos from Halifax.

@kochleffel Interesting photos.

@rafinmd Great sunset picture.

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad you enjoyed your tour in Copenhagen. Sorry Oslo didn't work out.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those with something to Celebrate.


Vanessa, I'm glad your air quality is also improved.  I hope your thumb gets better soon.


1 minute ago, dfish said:


Wow!  Did you get that one right.  Total silence unless I make a racket.


Debbie, I know what you mean as our house is very quiet after the DDs and their guys leave when visiting.



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5 hours ago, dfish said:

I'll take the chicken wings.  They don't have to be hot or spicy.  Here's a picture of mine.




I’ve saved your recipe and waiting for the right potluck to bring them too. 😋 

Edited by dobiemom
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