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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday July 16th, 2023

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Good morning. Well, we had more torrential downpours yesterday afternoon and the Wi Fi and cable got a work out with six power blips. More of same in today’s forecast. Feel sorry for those on vacation here but bad weather usually drives folks to local stores to shop which bolsters our local economy.

As usual I need to get ready for church. Will pray for those on the Daily list and have a few more on my personal list. More prayers of thankfulness that surrounds our lives.

Flew into Busan on a military mission years ago and I remember it was freezing cold at 3 AM!
Have a great Sunday and thanks for the reports.



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Good morning.We are having thunderstorms and heavy rain all day but it looks like the worst rain is north of us.Unfortunately those are the areas hit by flooding last week.

We have not been to the port and will celebrate spinach.I remember making  raw spinach and mushroom salad back in the seventies and it was considered exotic.I often sauté  it with garlic and oil for one of our vegetables with dinner.

Snakes are fine far away from me.I had a co worker years ago who kept two snakes at home.I learned a lot more than I wanted to know about those pets.He once waited for me outside the hospital so that I could " meet" one. Oh my.I tried to be polite but it was way too  close.

I have finally gotten back to cooking the way I usually do.DH's diet for the next six weeks is limited and I can see that he tries but is just not hungry. Last night I made honey mustard chicken and rice and  he was more enthusiastic. 

Tana has more difficulty breathing in this weather and she tires easily.However she still likes to choose our meals and help chop things with me.The zucchini  parm recipe appeals today and we have all the ingredients. 

Have a good day everyone 

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Thanks for our Sunday Daily, Sandi.


Interesting collection of days.  I’ll celebrate spinach (love it) and skip the snakes.  They don’t bother me - just don’t like finding one in my garden.  LOL on the Einstein quote.  The meal looks good @dfish thank you and the drink sounds fabulous @summer slope.  The Care & Celebration list is getting more extensive - what a great job you are doing with it @JazzyV.  It’s a lot of work.




Raining here - no surprise.  It was called for.  Hoping this time it knocks some humidity out of the air.  I just wish we could ship some of it to the areas that need it so badly like areas in the prairies and our forest fires.  😔




Ivan and I slept in.  I stayed up too late last night to finish a batch of jam.  The berries were going to get too ripe so I bit the bullet and finished the 2nd batch of freezer jam.  It looks like my strawberry rhubarb jam has set 👍 


I am out of fruit now (which is good).  Will probably pick up more strawberries (if they are decent) and blueberries for the blueberry/strawberry jam and I think that will suffice.




I guess I better get moving.  Ivan says it’s time for fetch 😂 It can get dangerous around here LOL.




Prayers for those on the Care list especially those suffering losses & health challenges and all those that need them.  Cheers to those celebrating 🥂 


Have a great Sunday everyone !

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Good morning,

My sister in law was a bit confused about what Murphy was getting done yesterday. She did not get tubes out as her incision is not closed up yet. They are working on extra fluid she has on board before that can happen. She is making slow but steady progress. Thanks for the prayers. 

The power is still out in areas around town. My friend has lost everything in her refrigerator. Unfortunately the heat wave continues for those without electricity. Her power came on overnight. 

Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day. 


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Thank you Sandi, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work. And thank you everyone for being here!


We are scheduled to visit Busan on our April 2025 cruise before beginning the Transpacific back to Vancouver. Looking forward to the photos for today.


Stay Safe!


- Jack

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Good morning, everyone. Happy Sunday. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Rainy here is Pa. @1ANGELCAT just heard about the flooding in Bucks County. 

Today I am going to continue organizing my home office. A major task. 

Thinking of those on the care list. Celebrating with those who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 




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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We like spinach in salad and spanakopita.  I abhor snakes.  While I've never seen a real woodie, when I was a teenager, a friend of mine took his dad's station wagon and applied wood grained mac tac to the sides to replicate one.  LOL  With the heat of summer and the occasional rain, it didn't last long.  His dad was a pretty good sport about it, though.


Looking at 3 different weather apps on my phone, it's either 7, 9 or 10 degrees and cloudy, partly sunny, or some clouds.  I went out on the deck and all I know is the sun is shining, the sky above our house is clear and I need a bunny hug if I'm going to sit out there with my coffee.  I know many places are suffering through flooding and torrential downpours, but a district just south of our city has declared an agricultural disaster due to drought.  There has only been 69mm of rain (2 inches) since the beginning of April and crops that should have been tall and strong by now are stunted and withering.  So sad - I wish there was a way to bring some (not all) of the rain that is falling elsewhere to places where it could do some good.  I'm sorry to hear of all the devastation the rains are causing throughout the world.


Not a lot on the agenda today except heading out for a few groceries and dropping off extra lawn chairs we borrowed for last week's Summerfest.  I read online that it is National Ice Cream Day today so I think that will call for a stop at the Dairy Queen for a treat.  My favourite is usually a small chocolate dipped cone, while DH likes to order milkshakes.  One of these times I'm going to order a Peanut Buster Parfait, something I haven't had in ages - I'm sure by now the price is likely double or triple what it used to be!  


Today is an anniversary of sorts - an important one, as far as I'm concerned.  34 years ago today we embarked on our very first cruise - I won it on a radio contest - on the Carnival Jubilee.  Who knew that day how many countries, ports and cities we would ultimately visit, and how many wonderful friends we would make along the way?  



I'd like to try today's drink - I think the basil strawberry combination would be a nice change.  I like the wine suggested, especially James Suckling's instructions to drink or hold.  I'd do both, hold it in my hands and drink it.  Neither of us is a huge fan of zucchini, so think I'll pass on the menu suggestion.  DH said he wants smokies again, so I'm going to take a couple of the cooked ones that are in the freezer, thaw and heat them in the air fryer and we'll enjoy them along with a Greek Salad on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations!


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! 


Thank you @grapau27 for bringing us Father David. His message always reminds me that we are human, we are not always perfect, we do not always act with a good heart, and that we should make that a goal, but with truth and love in our actions.


I used to agree with the Einstein quote, but I think his theory was that if your brain retained everything, there would not be room to learn more, so let go of the trivia knowledge and learn more.  But now we rely on the internet to tell us everything. and some of what we learn from there is not always true.  And relying on it too much makes for a lazy brain.  But not on the Daily! I learn something new, and see someplace new every day.




I talked with DH last night, his luggage was delivered yesterday! He said it was nice to put on clean clothes. And he said that what they are discussing, planning, and researching is very stressful.  They are discussing the future of two lives, their mom, and the great grand daughter (who may or may not be their "sister")  While she raised the kid, no one is sure if she really was legally adopted.  Something else that needs to be researched.  I told Chuck that while Mom was still there, and until they can find a recent will, to ask Mom to allow them to take what they want before the house is emptied out.  All DH wants are some family pictures.  And actually since the other brother has power of attorney, maybe he should ask him instead.


The cats will not sleep with me when DH is gone.  It's very lonely, but I think I understand their actions.  This spring everytime I drove away with one of their "family members", the "family member" never came back.  I am sure that they are wondering what I did with their "Dad cat".



Edited by marshhawk
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Good Morning to All!  Thanks for all the information; it is fun to read.


I use spinach a lot - cooked and uncooked. Though we never had a "woodie wagon" I remember seeing them as a child. 


I love snakes.  My first husband kept a couple when we were first married.  One would "rest" in the plant next to where I would sit and then slither to the nape of my neck and just lay there.  He/she was only about 8 inches long.  He/she was so cute.  BUT we had another one - a red racer - who was close to 5 feet long.  My husband would take him weekly into the bathroom and feed him (dead mouse).  We kept him one of those bottles that you put on top of a water cooler.  I felt sorry for him because he was so cramped.  He did NOT like me at all; would strike at me when I would walk by him in his bottle.  So, we came up with a solution:  attach a 4ft tall cardboard box to the bottle.  Unfortunately, there was a slight tear at the top of the box and he managed to slither up to the top on the little ledge the tear made.  Oh, boy!  I finally put my foot down to get rid of him when I went into the bathroom to get my daughter who was sitting on the toilet and the snake was right behind the commode.  My daughter had no fear of the snake but he was so big and I was afraid she would get bit.  


I truly believe in Einstein's quote.  The food, drink and wine sound delicious.  I haven't been to Busan, only Seoul and the DMZ.


Another hot day on the agenda.  We really need some widespread monsoons.  Humidity is high - around 58% and it predicted to be close to 110 - again!!  May try to go to the farmer's market early and then hibernate inside.


Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.


Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning from a very overcast central Texas.  Later this afternoon, there is a 24% chance of rain, but around here that's not that good of a chance.  I really hope I'm wrong, and we get some much needed rain.  It is 84F and feels like 91F, and our predicted high is only 96F!  It will be back in the triple digits tomorrow.  Our humidity is only 71% with a dew point of 73F, so my walk earlier was fairly comfortable.


I like fresh spinach in a salad or as a salad, and also wilted in oil with mushrooms.  It may have been the canned spinach as a child, but I do not like cooked spinach.  DH is not fond of spinach in any form.  Snakes do have a purpose, but I appreciate them from a distance.  Rattlesnakes and other venomous snakes can stay out of our yards, please.  I remember woody wagons from my childhood.


I like the Albert Einstein quote.  My head is filled with a lot of useless trivia, and my mother was a human telephone directory.  Now, with cell phones, I don't remember as many phone numbers as I used to remember.


Today's meal looks good, and could be a side dish or a meal for our vegetarian family members.  The drink looks interesting, especially if someone else makes it.  I probably won't remember it the next time I'm on a BHB though.  The wine sounds nice, and the price for a NZ wine isn't too bad, but I bet I'd need to go the NZ to find it.  That would make the price too pricey.


We were in Busan in 2000 when it was still Pusan on the old Regal Princess.  It was a cruise from Vancouver to Osaka.  All my pictures are pre-digital.


During the debate on this day in history, Martin Luther certainly changed the direction of religion.


@StLouisCruisers Sandi, I read about that horrific shooting near you.  I hope they catch the shooter soon.  Thanks for your pictures of Busan.

@1ANGELCAT  That is sad news about the flooding, the loss of life and those missing in the floods.

@RedneckBob  RDB, of course in Texas, it is Blue Bell ice cream.  I prefer their natural vanilla bean, but also just about anything that has chocolate in it, too.  Their strawberries and homemade vanilla or the peach and homemade vanilla are like eating vanilla with fresh fruit.

@dfish  Debbie, I hope your air quality improves soon.  I had to look up spiedies.   They look and sound good, and the description said they are generally only found in Broome County in upstate NY.

@smitty34877  Terry, I hope the areas affected by last week's floods are not flooded with this storm.

I hope your DH's appetite improves.  I'm sorry Tana is having more difficulty breathing in the weather you're having, but I'm glad she still wants to help with the menu selection and prep work.

@cruising sister  Lorraine, I'm glad Murphy is making slow but steady progress, but I'm sorry she still needs the tubes.  I hope the power is restored to those without soon. 

@ger_77  Gerry, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY of your first cruise.  Our first cruise was in March 1987, and we haven't looked back.  I'm sorry the drought is affecting the area south of you.  Our county in Texas is one of several that have been declared a natural agriculture disaster area.

@marshhawk  Annie, I'm glad Chuck's luggage was delivered yesterday afternoon.  I'm sorry all that's being discussed is so stressful.  I like your idea of the brothers getting some of the things they like and want now before they could possibly be lost.

@Nickelpenny  Penny, you are braver than I would have been with that big snake.  Stay safe in that heat, and I hope the monsoons arrive soon.
















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7 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

BUT we had another one - a red racer - who was close to 5 feet long.  My husband would take him weekly into the bathroom and feed him (dead mouse).  We kept him one of those bottles that you put on top of a water cooler.  I felt sorry for him because he was so cramped.  He did NOT like me at all; would strike at me when I would walk by him in his bottle. 

The very reason we celebrate St Patrick's Day!! 

The only snakes here are politicians! 

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16 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from a very overcast central Texas.  Later this afternoon, there is a 24% chance of rain, but around here that's not that good of a chance.  I really hope I'm wrong, and we get some much needed rain.  It is 84F and feels like 91F, and our predicted high is only 96F!  It will be back in the triple digits tomorrow.  Our humidity is only 71% with a dew point of 73F, so my walk earlier was fairly comfortable.


I like fresh spinach in a salad or as a salad, and also wilted in oil with mushrooms.  It may have been the canned spinach as a child, but I do not like cooked spinach.  DH is not fond of spinach in any form.  Snakes do have a purpose, but I appreciate them from a distance.  Rattlesnakes and other venomous snakes can stay out of our yards, please.  I remember woody wagons from my childhood.


I like the Albert Einstein quote.  My head is filled with a lot of useless trivia, and my mother was a human telephone directory.  Now, with cell phones, I don't remember as many phone numbers as I used to remember.


Today's meal looks good, and could be a side dish or a meal for our vegetarian family members.  The drink looks interesting, especially if someone else makes it.  I probably won't remember it the next time I'm on a BHB though.  The wine sounds nice, and the price for a NZ wine isn't too bad, but I bet I'd need to go the NZ to find it.  That would make the price too pricey.


We were in Busan in 2000 when it was still Pusan on the old Regal Princess.  It was a cruise from Vancouver to Osaka.  All my pictures are pre-digital.


During the debate on this day in history, Martin Luther certainly changed the direction of religion.


@StLouisCruisers Sandi, I read about that horrific shooting near you.  I hope they catch the shooter soon.  Thanks for your pictures of Busan.

@1ANGELCAT  That is sad news about the flooding, the loss of life and those missing in the floods.

@RedneckBob  RDB, of course in Texas, it is Blue Bell ice cream.  I prefer their natural vanilla bean, but also just about anything that has chocolate in it, too.  Their strawberries and homemade vanilla or the peach and homemade vanilla are like eating vanilla with fresh fruit.

@dfish  Debbie, I hope your air quality improves soon.  I had to look up spiedies.   They look and sound good, and the description said they are generally only found in Broome County in upstate NY.

@smitty34877  Terry, I hope the areas affected by last week's floods are not flooded with this storm.

I hope your DH's appetite improves.  I'm sorry Tana is having more difficulty breathing in the weather you're having, but I'm glad she still wants to help with the menu selection and prep work.

@cruising sister  Lorraine, I'm glad Murphy is making slow but steady progress, but I'm sorry she still needs the tubes.  I hope the power is restored to those without soon. 

@ger_77  Gerry, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY of your first cruise.  Our first cruise was in March 1987, and we haven't looked back.  I'm sorry the drought is affecting the area south of you.  Our county in Texas is one of several that have been declared a natural agriculture disaster area.

@marshhawk  Annie, I'm glad Chuck's luggage was delivered yesterday afternoon.  I'm sorry all that's being discussed is so stressful.  I like your idea of the brothers getting some of the things they like and want now before they could possibly be lost.

@Nickelpenny  Penny, you are braver than I would have been with that big snake.  Stay safe in that heat, and I hope the monsoons arrive soon.
















Ms Crystal,  Blue Bell is the best. Learned about BB on one of our visits to our DD who lives in the Houston area. Before BB made it to Florida, our DD would bring us BB if they drove from Texas to Florida.

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Good morning everyone.  Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists.  Surprise, surprise it’s going to rain yet again today.  I’ll celebrate spinach and woodie wagons but I’ll pass on snakes.  I like the quote.  The meal and drink suggestions sound good. I haven’t been to today’s port.  Prayers for everyone on our prayer list.  Cheers to those celebrating happy events today!

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While I don't want to get very up close and personal with a snake, some help keep the rodent population down.  While others also keep the rodent populations down, I don't want them in the yard. 


These are two visitors to our yard in Quartzsite.


This is a harmless gopher snake. 



On the other hand, this is a western diamondback rattlesnake which was not welcome in our yard.  DH used the rock rake in the picture to pin him to the fence until the fire department could arrive and relocate him far out in the desert.  Needless to say, that was one angry snake when the rake was removed.



We were introduced to this big fella when we took a small boat from Manaus out into the jungle.  DH touched him, but I petted the sloth they also brought out to the boat.




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56 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We like spinach in salad and spanakopita.  I abhor snakes.  While I've never seen a real woodie, when I was a teenager, a friend of mine took his dad's station wagon and applied wood grained mac tac to the sides to replicate one.  LOL  With the heat of summer and the occasional rain, it didn't last long.  His dad was a pretty good sport about it, though.


Looking at 3 different weather apps on my phone, it's either 7, 9 or 10 degrees and cloudy, partly sunny, or some clouds.  I went out on the deck and all I know is the sun is shining, the sky above our house is clear and I need a bunny hug if I'm going to sit out there with my coffee.  I know many places are suffering through flooding and torrential downpours, but a district just south of our city has declared an agricultural disaster due to drought.  There has only been 69mm of rain (2 inches) since the beginning of April and crops that should have been tall and strong by now are stunted and withering.  So sad - I wish there was a way to bring some (not all) of the rain that is falling elsewhere to places where it could do some good.  I'm sorry to hear of all the devastation the rains are causing throughout the world.


Not a lot on the agenda today except heading out for a few groceries and dropping off extra lawn chairs we borrowed for last week's Summerfest.  I read online that it is National Ice Cream Day today so I think that will call for a stop at the Dairy Queen for a treat.  My favourite is usually a small chocolate dipped cone, while DH likes to order milkshakes.  One of these times I'm going to order a Peanut Buster Parfait, something I haven't had in ages - I'm sure by now the price is likely double or triple what it used to be!  


Today is an anniversary of sorts - an important one, as far as I'm concerned.  34 years ago today we embarked on our very first cruise - I won it on a radio contest - on the Carnival Jubilee.  Who knew that day how many countries, ports and cities we would ultimately visit, and how many wonderful friends we would make along the way?  



I'd like to try today's drink - I think the basil strawberry combination would be a nice change.  I like the wine suggested, especially James Suckling's instructions to drink or hold.  I'd do both, hold it in my hands and drink it.  Neither of us is a huge fan of zucchini, so think I'll pass on the menu suggestion.  DH said he wants smokies again, so I'm going to take a couple of the cooked ones that are in the freezer, thaw and heat them in the air fryer and we'll enjoy them along with a Greek Salad on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations!


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


Nice photo Gerry.

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2 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:




We were introduced to this big fella when we took a small boat from Manaus out into the jungle.  DH touched him, but I petted the sloth they also brought out to the boat.




I would have been out of that boat in a heartbeat!!!!!

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Another sticky day in MD but there was rain overnight, maybe more today so not as hot. I’ll call my sister in Vermont when the sun comes out there , she’s less stressed when it’s sunny, unlike me, a true cloud worshiper!  

@grapau27 Thanks to Fr David for his message, he sure gets to the heart of it! 😄


We have spinach a lot. Now I usually add it to our nightly salad. I used to buy the huge bags of it in Costco and quick-steam it for supper side dishes, add a bit of Greek seasoning and a bad of butter or olive oil. But now my fridge is too cramped for those big bags, but I buy a small container and love having it fresh. 

I used to waitress at a Pennsylvania Poconos resort in the 70s to make college money. Well the owners sons had a “surprise” for me one afternoon, had me sit with me eyes closed and hands out…. I was anticipating their prank so didn’t react when they handed me a snake. I figured if they handled it, it wasn’t going to hurt me. They were so disappointed !  Im not fond of snakes but tolerate them in their environment. We lived in desert parts and snakes were common. Came upon rattlesnakes out sunning on the walking paths trying to get warm a couple of times, just gave them a wide pass.  They do a lot of good keeping the rodents down. 

Haven’t been to Korea, will pass on drinks, DH doesn’t eat any type of squash but I’d enjoy the meal for sure!  Love Blue Bell ice cream!  Can’t imagine a flavor I wouldn’t like!  There’s a brand in Oregon that rivals it too, I think it was Umqua?  The PNW will know!  

@marshhawk Annie, my heart goes out to Chuck and his family ❤️ and all the decisions they must make under very stressful circumstances. Glad he finally got his luggage but that is very poor indeed!  

@cruising sister You were right, baby Murphy is on a long road, and some days will go sideways!  We’re hanging in with her and you!  

@smitty34877 Terry you are creative finding foods DH can enjoy now. I’m sure it is so heartwarming to see him eating and trying!  And to have Tana helping. I hope you can do something enjoyable for yourself today too!  

Everybody stay safe and well!  Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope! And for the shooting and flood victims, and Ukraine, and all on the Cares List.  May all our air conditioners keep working !  

Cheers to those celebrating, Life is good! 🌈. Love the photo @ger_77Gerry!  That’s an anniversary to remember!  @kazu Love that array of Ivan’s toys!  Reminds me of being 5 with a bed full of stuffed animals to keep me company. 


Tomorrow is DH’s pre- surgery physical 🤞. So far, so good!  One day at a time is everything! 🌻

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Good morning. Still sunny, hot and dry but we do have forecast break in the weather the end of the week ahead. I can but hope. Dogs and I took two walks this morning as there were some loose dogs out when during our first attempt. They are now crashed for the morning.


I was married to a herpetologist at one time so snakes don't bother me. I always try to identify quickly since we do have rattlers which are becoming more common at our elevation. Our kennel club is hosting another avoidance training and tomorrow I will be putting up posters. Have not been to the port of the day and probably never will be. I like spinach and do eat it fairly regularly. Right now I am so tired of my own cooking that I am not eating much. Will have to start thinking about some variation in the menu.


Haven't heard anything further about M who fell and was found by the mail carrier. Will have to try to check. My usual source of information who is a neighbor of hers has also been having issues with depression and has been away. Living alone as you get older can get really tough unless there is immediate family close by (and I know that does help in some cases). Am going to have to give that some thought. I do not want to move closer to my nephews and nieces as they all live in places that that are hot and humid. Actually, the thought of moving leaves me cold. Better get hiking and get more down-sizing done.


Take care all. @marshhawkGlad the luggage has joined your DH. Sounds like he is going to have a somewhat stressful visit without missing luggage. Most positive thoughts to all. I need to reach out to some friends in town in the next few days since I obviously have missed some things with a few of them.





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Good morning and thanks all!  We’re praying for some relief from the smoke, maybe tomorrow.   

@RedneckBob Swensen’s Swiss chocolate orange chip is my very favourite but I can’t get it anymore.  I also love gelato and dark chocolate Dove bars.  
@RMLincoln wondering if it’s Tillamook?  It’s pretty good stuff! DS adores it.

I used to have pet garter snakes, lol! Our DGD is continuing the tradition.







Edited by bennybear
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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'm not a fan of spinach, fresh or cooked. Snakes have their place, just not near me. BFF had a large one (nonpoisonous) in his backyard last year, and whenever I go there I look around carefully! I remember seeing woodie wagons when I was growing up. Let's not forget National Ice Cream Day!! I agree with the quote, to a degree; some things need to be memorized. Maybe on the meal, no on the drink (basil) and yes to the wine. An important day in history. I have not been to Busan.


It's another hot and humid day here today, with possible thunderstorms this evening. Also we're supposed to get wildfire smoke tomorrow, but they can't say how bad it will be yet. I'll be inside today, watching Wimbledon tennis and doing stuff around the house. Tomorrow AM I have to get going for appointments, mammogram and bone density. I'll try to remember to close the car to outside air when I leave.


@StLouisCruisers Thank you for starting us up today, and @richwmn for laying the groundwork. Excellent photos from Busan. Sad about so many shootings with people killed and injured; every morning on the local news there seems to be new ones here. Stay safe! 

@grapau27 Thanks for the link to Fr. David's sermon. 

@dfish What are spiedies?

@smitty34877 I hope DH's appetite picks up, but probably not easy if his diet is limited. So sorry to hear of the weather's impact on Tana; but good that she is still participating with meal choice and prep.

@kazu Thanks. Your jam sounds great; my mother used to make jam that she put wax on top of (I gather this is no longer considered that safe).

@cruising sister Continued prayers for baby Murphy that she progresses in her recovery. After several times losing refrigerator and freezers full of food, I have a couple of indoor power sources to keep them going about a day. It's terrible, plus trying to sleep in the heat.

@ger_77 Congrats on your 1st cruise Anniversary!

@marshhawk Good to hear that DH got his luggage! I hope the brothers can get things straightened out about their DM. 

@Nickelpenny Yikes on the snake on your neck! And the big one. You're braver than I am. 

@RMLincoln I hope DH's physical tomorrow goes well, so there's no impediment to surgery on August 1.

@RedneckBob My favorite ice cream is the hazelnut gelato in Germany (see pic below). I've tried to replicate it by making my own, but haven't gotten a satisfactory batch yet. Commercially, my favorite is Haagen Dazs Rum Raisin. 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those with something to Celebrate.




Edited by JazzyV
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