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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday August 6th, 2023


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Good morning again.  After my walk and breakfast, while it was still nice, we took the convertible out for a short ride with the top down.  We explored some of the roads leading to the lake waterfront.  There are so many roads and short off shoots, that it would easily be possible to get lost.  As you can tell, we found our way home.  


2 hours ago, Tbay said:

Thank you for the birthday wishes. But my birthday is the 10th.

Today is youngest DGS  birthday. Big 4 year old.


🎂 🍭  HAPPY 4TH BIRTHDAY!  🎈  🎁  your DGS.


2 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good sunny morning. It’s currently 76 and humid, going up to 87 with strong storms this evening and tomorrow. 
I have not heard anything further on Barb , so I guess no news is good news 🤞🙏

I was a bad pet parent last night, Tux accidentally spent the night locked in the vestibule. Brother heard him crying this morning and opened the door and he ran out. 
Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.


You weren't a bad pet parent.  Remember, cats can get in tight places and hide.


2 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

@Copper10-8 Bon Voyage!   🍾🛳️



Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports @richwmn.  Hiroshima was the beginning of the end of WWII in the Pacific, I enjoy blues more than jazz and farmworkers are really important so we can eat.  A good quote.  I will pass on the vegan lasagna and the cocktail but I really like Cava I wish it was easier to find. Thanks for the the lovely photos of Malta @Quartzsite Cruiser.    Thanks @cat shepard, @0106 and @summer slope for researching these for us every day. 

Thanks for keeping us up to date @JazzyV.  Prayers for everyone on our Care list, baby Murphy, @1ANGELCAT friend Barb, and the people of Ukraine.  

@StLouisCruisers, thanks for the photo of you dinner with @dfishand Sue and your DH. I hope the fog clears for you. 

@kazu thanks for the beautiful lily photos yesterday and the picture of Ivan starting to grow some eyebrows.  

We had a nice time at wine and tapas last night.  They really need some help on outreach to the community to get some better silent auction items. The food and all but one of the wines were very good.  I am smoking a pork shoulder, the last big cut from my 1/2 hog.  I am afraid all the county fairs in Michigan will have no 4-H hogs after this week.  CDC has confirmed 2 cases of human transmission of swine flu in Michigan.  

A day of grill tending and gardening for me, fishing for John.  Have a lovely Sunday. Nancy 


The smoked pork shoulder sounds good.  I need to get a Boston butt and smoke it.  The only ones I've found lately are too big for us, and I don't have room in the freezer for the extra meat to save for later.


1 hour ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning from a warm and sunny dayv at the beach

     We did not get the storms yesterday that @cat shepard had. Few sprinkles, that was it.  Forecast for some showers this evening. We will see.

    @Copper10-8  Have a wonderful trip

       @StLouisCruisers  Sandi, great picture of all you enjoying the Pinnacle Grill. I think it  is great when dailylites meet.

        We had unexpected news yesterday from my niece. All good. She is engaged! We are very happy for her and her wonderful DH to be. 

      Quiet here today. Nice after a very busy couple of weeks with company. 

     You are all in my prayers.

Stay safe and enjoy today





Charlene, congratulations on your niece's engagement.


46 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good Sunday Morning to All!  Thanks for the daily and fleet reports and thanks to all who post pictures and cartoons.  It starts my day with a smile.


I occasionally will listen to blues, hopefully we will never have another Hiroshima.  I salute farmworkers as my Dad was a migrant farmworker as a child.  They would go from farm to farm in CA picking crops until, according to my Dad, around 7 years of age his Mother said he had to start school.  He did not want to.  He only spoke Spanish and picking crops was all he knew.  Fast forward - He received a MBA, was the import/export director at Beckman Instruments (now Beckman-Coulter) then became a Safety Engineer and they traveled the world.  It all started in a farm field!  (Can you tell - I think my Dad is an amazing person!!).


Interesting quote, I will pass on the meal (lasagna HAS to have cheese at least!!) and drinks and have never been to the port.  Boy, the church really had some turbulent times.


Lazy day today as we are still under an excessive heat warning but only up to 108F predicted.  No rain the last couple of days unfortunately.  Humidity even right now at 0730 is too high for my liking - 32%.  Oh, well.  Decided not to make the trek to the beach this morning.  Will leave early tomorrow morning to be in CA by noon.  Probably will leave around 0300.  I do this a lot.  🙂 


Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those sailing and celebrating.


Have a wonderful day everyone!


Penny, your DF sounds like an amazing person who has made the most of his education and life.  His mother was also a smart woman to send him to school.


22 minutes ago, dfish said:

Some scenic sights






















Debbie, thanks for the wonderful pictures.  You had a much better day than our first trip through Prince Christian Sund.  In case the captain didn't mention it, the village visible in one of your pictures was Aappilattoq.  In 2017, Captain DD arranged for us to tender into the village on our return through the sound.  While we were walking around the village, all but a few villagers were having lunch on the ship, mainly pizza, burgers, hot dogs and ice cream.


7 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

A newspaper is having hysterics about "devil birds" in New York.



The same paper made an uproar about a timber rattler recently but they are native here.




A very interesting article about the Devil Birds.  Thank you for sharing, Paul.


2 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. Am enjoying all the pictures. Makes me want to get traveling. I know I really enjoyed the VoV years ago. It was foggy at times but it lifted. I remember someone complaining loudly about the fog horn. And I love Ivan's lovely eyes.  He looks so content.


It was actually about 48F when the dogs and I went out and the current temp is only 60.... but it will get hot later. Haven't heard anything about the fires and can't see any smoke so I am hoping they got them beaten down pretty quickly.


Today will be slow day with sorting and putting stuff in the trash or the recycle bin and again getting a couple light boxes for the shelter thrift store. I have my eye on the hall closet. I think tonight's meal will be a grilled pork chop and salad. Nothing really exciting. Take care all.






Susan, I'm glad the first if any are not bad.


3 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Awake much too early this morning but that’s not a bad thing. Used the time to start researching Quebec history and look for a guide to Quebec City. I was there with my parents when I was 13, a very long time ago. My French is also from almost that long ago, Junior High and High School, and just as fuzzy.  I’m excited about the cruise next month but have to refocus for our car trip next week. It’s all good!  

Sad history recalled today with Hiroshima and all the atrocities of that dark era. Unfortunately we are not ever without war somewhere.  

Blessings to those in need of healing, comfort or hope. Prayers for Ukraine, and all the needs shared here. Hoping for improvements for all. 

Cheers to those celebrating birthdays, anniversaries and accomplishments. Smooth travels for all away and especially thinking of our cruisers. 

One of our granddaughters was allergic to most food groups: Red meats, fish, wheat, soy, legumes, dairy, eggs….  It was hard traveling with her but in our trailer we were able to stock and prepare safe meals for her. She loved my lasagna:  not vegan, she could eat poultry so Italian-seasoned ground turkey worked well; gluten free noodles; “Rice-cheese” for the mozzarella; and for the ricotta I mashed tofu into a “white sauce” made with coconut milk, olive oil and cornstarch and with a lot of garlic- it was just the right texture; sauce was from canned tomatoes and tomato paste plus organic herbs, onions, mushrooms, and more garlic. She loved that I’d eat it too with her so she didn’t feel so ostracized but it really was delicious. If I wanted it to be vegan I’d use either a chickpea falafel mix or textured soy protein but DGD couldn’t eat legumes or soy so those weren’t safe for her then. I used some of these methods when DH was in cancer treatment and his diet needs were awkward.  Thankfully DGD outgrew most of the severe allergies and can now eat anything but nuts - peanuts are still deadly for her and put her in the ER periodically from an unsuspected cross contamination. She still eats mostly poultry but doesn’t have to worry about getting sick if there’s meat in something. And I’ve really enjoyed our cruise dinners watching her experiment with new foods, what a joy!  When she was 8 yrs old she was on a nasal feeding tube for several months to help her system heal. It was rough patch but now she’s an amazing, healthy woman of 29!  Thank you Tina @0106 for all your inspiring ideas and showing us there are so many options we may not be aware of!  



Maureen, I'm glad your DGD outgrew most of her food allergies, but sorry peanuts are still a problem.


2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

The fog cleared and everyone is enjoying our slow sail through Prince Christian Sound.  We met with FCC Annette and the fog lifted as we finished up. I went on the bow for photo taking. 


Isn’t it odd you can’t see my photos either?  I have no idea why not as that generally doesn’t happen. I figured it was a problem here but not if you can’t see them either. Thanks for trying. We also took the double decker tour bus and it was quite hot there. I wished the bus had a roof over our heads that day. 


Sandi, I looked again for your pictures.  When I clicked on the small icon or enhance, the message was the page could not be found, that it had either been deleted or moved.  I hope it was just moved and that this is a one off.



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9 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. Am enjoying all the pictures. Makes me want to get traveling. I know I really enjoyed the VoV years ago. It was foggy at times but it lifted. I remember someone complaining loudly about the fog horn. And I love Ivan's lovely eyes.  He looks so content.


It was actually about 48F when the dogs and I went out and the current temp is only 60.... but it will get hot later. Haven't heard anything about the fires and can't see any smoke so I am hoping they got them beaten down pretty quickly.


Today will be slow day with sorting and putting stuff in the trash or the recycle bin and again getting a couple light boxes for the shelter thrift store. I have my eye on the hall closet. I think tonight's meal will be a grilled pork chop and salad. Nothing really exciting. Take care all.





Hi Susan. I remember the fog horn and never complained about it. Maybe because our cabin was aft at the bottom deck just above the engine room 😀.

Another interesting cruise story, I think, about the sea fog. On our 2010 VoV we were somewhere between Newfoundland and Greenland. It was 6:32 AM and I had just started my walk around the deck. No one else was out and the fog was very thick. While walking I was 123 feet from the back of the ship when I began to hear this strange swooshing sound over the outside railing. I walked over to the edge of the railing and looked down and there were three orca whales not 20 feet from the ship swimming with the ship. This lasted for about a minute. And no one else was around.

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2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Yesterday we went to a special event at Pupology,  a store filled with fresh foods, treats, organic treatments, toys etc. I've tried so many foods in the last 3 weeks but Oliver hasn't been eating much. I was promised this raw frozen food made with turkey and sardines would do the trick. And it did. He's gobbled up his last 3 dishes. He's a chewer, so they suggested frozen raw turkey necks and buffalo bones to keep him busy. If it works it will be worth money spent.


If Oliver is a chewer try an antler bone too.  They don’t splinter easily like some chew stuff and last a very long time.



4 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Here we are!  Debbie, Sue, Dennis and me. Hope this posts properly. 



Wonderful picture 🙂 


@Nickelpenny - your father is amazing.  You have every right to be proud.  👍 

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

Hiroshima has been thought of more lately, due to the Oppenheimer movie release. I like some blues music, and certainly salute hardworking farmworkers. Good quote. Pass on the meal, drink and wine. I haven't been to Gozo Island. 


Another warm and sunny day, humid, with possible thunderstorms later. My house tidying efforts yesterday didn't go so well, as vacuuming caused me back pain. I need to get this sorted, as it's getting so I can't do much without pain or having to take frequent breaks to sit. BFF and I had a nice dinner out, then came back to my house to watch a movie.


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for the lovely picture of the four of you at your PG dinner. I'm glad the fog lifted for your sail through Prince Christian Sound.

@0106 Interesting recipes, but it's real cheese for me.

@kazu I'm glad to hear that Ivan is good.

@Lady Hudson I hope DH continues to show progress with his PT. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thank you for the Gozo Island photos.  

@Tbay Oops! Sorry I got the date wrong.

@1ANGELCAT Prayers that Barb is successfully recovering from that big surgery.

@RMLincoln You were an amazing GM, coming up with tasty foods that DGD could eat, with all her limitations at the time. Great to hear that she outgrew most of her severe allergies.

@ottahand7 Sorry to hear about the swine flu there. We have West Nile found in mosquitos here, and our always high incidence of lyme disease due to ticks.

@cunnorl Congrats to your niece on her engagement!

@Seasick Sailor I'm glad you found something that Oliver will eat. I read the John Hersey book in high school.

@Nickelpenny Your DF had an impressive career trajectory! Safe travels tomorrow.

@dfish Gorgeous scenery! Thanks for sharing.

@RedneckBob That sounds intense, when you were cruising through the Sund. And seeing the orcas too!


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.

Be well everyone.


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4 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

An early good morning from central Texas where it will be hot again today.  It is currently 82F and feels like 85F with a 7 mph wind.  The wind will help when I take my walk after I finish here.  The humidity is 61% with a dew point of 67F, and that should make it more comfortable outside.  Our high is predicted to be106F and I don't even want to think what the heat index will be.  At least, we'll be comfortable inside.  I would not mind having some of the rain that Florida is getting.  It is extremely dry in Texas.


Hiroshima Day is a good day to remember the horrors of war and how WWII ended.  Blues music is another type of music I enjoy in small doses.  I appreciate all that farmworkers do for us.


The Horace quote is good and one I'll try to remember.


No thanks to vegan lasagna.  Vegetarian lasagna is okay, but adding meat is good too.  We'll skip the drink and the wine.


We have been to Gozo twice in 2017 by ferry from Malta, and 2019 when we were able to tender.  I'll look for my pictures and Sandi's @StLouisCruisers in a few minutes.


The day in history is a sad one of religious intolerance which continues to this day.




Debbie, I hope the fog lifts so you can enjoy Prince Christian Sound today.



Sandi, great picture of the four of you.



Jacqui, I'm glad Ivan is good.  It looks like his fur is growing back nicely.



Katherine, I'm glad your DH is making some progress with the physical therapy.


@Copper10-8 Bon Voyage and have a great Alaskan cruise.

















This cartoon reminds of a formal, beaded jacket I bought once for formal nights.  Directions - do not wash or dry clean!

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3 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Are you a Mets fan?  I would have guessed either Orioles or Phillies.



Yes — long, live the Mets. (I grew up in central Jersey — so it was either the Yankees or the Mets.) My twin started following them (and keeping a scoring book for each game) in 1962 — their birth year.  Very sorry about how the year has gone but there is always next year.  😀. I wish the Orioles well.  Katherine 

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10 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

Hiroshima has been thought of more lately, due to the Oppenheimer movie release. I like some blues music, and certainly salute hardworking farmworkers. Good quote. Pass on the meal, drink and wine. I haven't been to Gozo Island. 


Another warm and sunny day, humid, with possible thunderstorms later. My house tidying efforts yesterday didn't go so well, as vacuuming caused me back pain. I need to get this sorted, as it's getting so I can't do much without pain or having to take frequent breaks to sit. BFF and I had a nice dinner out, then came back to my house to watch a movie.


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for the lovely picture of the four of you at your PG dinner. I'm glad the fog lifted for your sail through Prince Christian Sound.

@0106 Interesting recipes, but it's real cheese for me.

@kazu I'm glad to hear that Ivan is good.

@Lady Hudson I hope DH continues to show progress with his PT. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thank you for the Gozo Island photos.  

@Tbay Oops! Sorry I got the date wrong.

@1ANGELCAT Prayers that Barb is successfully recovering from that big surgery.

@RMLincoln You were an amazing GM, coming up with tasty foods that DGD could eat, with all her limitations at the time. Great to hear that she outgrew most of her severe allergies.

@ottahand7 Sorry to hear about the swine flu there. We have West Nile found in mosquitos here, and our always high incidence of lyme disease due to ticks.

@cunnorl Congrats to your niece on her engagement!

@Seasick Sailor I'm glad you found something that Oliver will eat. I read the John Hersey book in high school.

@Nickelpenny Your DF had an impressive career trajectory! Safe travels tomorrow.

@dfish Gorgeous scenery! Thanks for sharing.

@RedneckBob That sounds intense, when you were cruising through the Sund. And seeing the orcas too!


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.

Be well everyone.


It was quite intense with the sudden strong winds! Barely got off the back of the ship into the Lido Restaurant. Of course today it would not be a problem since my center of gravity is  now very low to the ground! 😀

The orcas were quite an experience; so close to the ship. I saw the same thing at Sea World but it was a lot cheaper 😀

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1 hour ago, cruisemom42 said:


Following as I'm going to be in Greenland in about two weeks, on Oceania. You guys have been having pretty nice weather and it doesn't look too chilly on the bow. What have the temps been like for you?



Me,too.  Going to Greenland in September.

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Good morning again. I was in a mad rush this morning but back after a great church service and sermon that can help with every day issues.
Rain gauge showed we received approximately four inches of rain last night and now the heat and humidity is up there. Heat advisory in effect.🥵

Managed to cook a steak during a lite rain period last night and may have to do the same with today’s turkey burger dinner.

What a beautiful day in Greenland to experience sailing through the Sund. Would love to do that cruise again.

Busy week in store as tree/shrubbery project continues tomorrow, need to contact banks, brokerage etc. on our Living Trust and then leave Thursday for Pittsburgh to visit son and family. Hard to believe grandson Logan turns 13 this week.
This morning we took neighbors to airport at 4:30 and we are now cat sitting until Thursday.

Enjoyed catching up on all your post. Thanks to all who make our Daily a enjoyable part of our daily routine.

Have a great, safe and healthy week.


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Good Sunday Afternoon.

If I don’t post now, I probably won’t.  Life is not too easy these days for reasons I would rather not explain right now.

Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Tina, Ann and Dixie for your contributions to this thread.  I have been to Malta, but not Gogo.  I will pass on the meal. Simple is the word these days.

Interesting days.  May we never have another Hiroshima.  

Thank you to Graham for Father David’s Sermon.  I enjoyed listening to it as did DH.  


Tomorrow I have to call the Termite Company.  The bond renewal is due tomorrow and we received notice while we were away.  I forgot to call them last week.  I hope they will still come and honor our contract and inspect the house.  With the A/C problems I forgot all about them.  

I also have lots of other things to catch up on.  These days it seems to all fall on my shoulders.  


I am trying to decide whether the Italy trip and transatlantic is really a good idea or we should cancel.  DH really wants to go.  Not sure he realizes what it entails.


Prayers for all, especially for Baby Murphy and Sam.  Terry, I hope Lou starts to feel like eating soon and the same for Annie’s DH.


Got to get moving with all the things I need to do.

Have a good day and God Bless,


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Wow this is now 3 days in a row that I can show you my pictures ! 
We had the great pleasure on October 31st , 2016 while we were on the Prinsendam , the " Elegant Explorer “ to go the the Island of Gozo on a tour with a small group together with our good friends Ann and Pat  and DD Cathy @VictOriann 
With our minibus we drove to the Northern part of the Main Island where we got on board the Gozo Ferry that would take us to the smaller island of Gozo 
I kind of like this picture taken from on the ferry at our arrival on Gozo 
Gozo is quite different from the main island , qua culture , scenery and also history so there are lots of pictures to chose from today , hope to show a nice selection here without too much description. 
After visiting the two historic sites we drove to the North West coast of Gozo to see this natural wonder the  “ Azure Window "  a natural bridge developed from nature which started from the beginning of the 1800’s 
Another look at this amazing natural phenomenon , look at the scale of this with people standing on top ..........
I am really happy to show you this nice picture , but also very sad because the Azure Window is no more ,  …… After a storm on March of 2017 , this huge 92 foot high pillar ……. Completely disappeared into the sea after a very large storm in the Mediterranean ……..just 6 months after we were there  ! 
Sharing this delicious platter  " A Taste of Malta " with everything on it with for 4 of us  ! 
Waiting in the departure hall for the ferry back to the main island 
A wonderful day was had by all of beautiful Gozo ……….glad we had an overnight in Valetta to be able to do this .
Have a wonderful Sunday everybody ! 
Tony 😄
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Another book about Hiroshima and the bomb is The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes.  It is more technical than the Hersey book and more than 800 pages, but I found it interesting to learn how fission was discovered and the breakthroughs that happened after 1932.  Maybe you would have to be kind of nerdy to appreciate it.  About 20 years ago I started to buy used books to add to my collection with plans to read them when I retired.  Just got around to reading this one a few days before we saw the movie "Oppenheimer".


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4 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

Great Photos!!!


Another interesting cruise story, I think. On our 2012 VoV cruise while sailing through Prince Christian Sund, a very strange thing happened. It was a partly cloudy day with temps in the lower 50’s. I was at the back of the ship on the Lido Deck taking photos. We were just finishing the final cruising through the Sund when in the next 30 seconds the winds went from 5 mph to close to 60 mph! Deck chairs and lounge chairs started flying across the deck. The Captain immediately came on the PA to tell everyone to get inside the ship. I had a very difficult time getting back inside; the wind was incredible. The wind died down in 20 minutes.


3 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

Hi Susan. I remember the fog horn and never complained about it. Maybe because our cabin was aft at the bottom deck just above the engine room 😀.

Another interesting cruise story, I think, about the sea fog. On our 2010 VoV we were somewhere between Newfoundland and Greenland. It was 6:32 AM and I had just started my walk around the deck. No one else was out and the fog was very thick. While walking I was 123 feet from the back of the ship when I began to hear this strange swooshing sound over the outside railing. I walked over to the edge of the railing and looked down and there were three orca whales not 20 feet from the ship swimming with the ship. This lasted for about a minute. And no one else was around.

Double wow!!


@cruisemom42  Temps have been in the mid 50s for a high.  With no wind and sunshine it has seemed quite pleasant.  Early morning on deck with a moving ship can be chilly.  

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3 hours ago, cruisemom42 said:


Following as I'm going to be in Greenland in about two weeks, on Oceania. You guys have been having pretty nice weather and it doesn't look too chilly on the bow. What have the temps been like for you?



I hope the good weather continues too. Yesterday we were in the low 50’s and sunny in Qaqortoq. It was in the low 40’s this morning with fog but as it burned off we got to about 49 but little wind. Going so slowly there was no real wind chill.  Now I’m seeing a bit of fog rolling in and temp is about 45. Still lots of sun out there. Predictions for Iceland are for mid 50’s. 

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My father was in a prisoner of war camp in Shanghai on August 6,1945, they had no idea of what was happening.  He said that a few days later, all the Japanese guards just disappeared, leaving the gate open.  The prisoners stayed in the camp for another couple of weeks and were fed by the Swiss contingent in Shanghai, until it seemed safe to go home.  

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Good morning.  Although I was very unsure about visiting Hiroshima, it was an amazing place.    Highly recommend a visit  to this eye opening and truly awesome city. 

so much in light of its history to experience 



We spent two nights there at the beginning of our trip to Japan. 











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For a change something different from Tony 
When sailingdutchy does not sail , he also has a few hobbies to keep him occupied and this is one of them 
Just this morning I harvested my garlic that I planted last November 
Also started picking the pole beans , bush beans were a disappointment after the deer jumped my fence 
Tomatoes are getting close to finally , these are heritage “Brandywine “  a delicious beefsteak-shaped fruit . 
They are named after Brandywine Creek in Chester County , PA 
Cucumbers are done so is my kale after the rabbits finished them up , but made a lot of kale soup for in the winter.  Still picking leaf lettuce that has been wonderful since May .
This is how it started in May after we came home from the " Rotterdam “
Lettuce , radishes , green onions , shallots some herbs and beans 
Second garden , tomatoes , cucumber , peas, kale, kohlrabi, beans, squash and celery 
That's my throne in the back .....
And a small rhubarb plot that I just started late last year .
Great hobby to have with good healthy benefits , nothing is sprayed .
Tony 😄😄
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1 hour ago, sailingdutchy said:
Wow this is now 3 days in a row that I can show you my pictures ! 
We had the great pleasure on October 31st , 2016 while we were on the Prinsendam , the " Elegant Explorer “ to go the the Island of Gozo on a tour with a small group together with our good friends Ann and Pat  and DD Cathy @VictOriann 
With our minibus we drove to the Northern part of the Main Island where we got on board the Gozo Ferry that would take us to the smaller island of Gozo 
I kind of like this picture taken from on the ferry at our arrival on Gozo 
Gozo is quite different from the main island , qua culture , scenery and also history so there are lots of pictures to chose from today , hope to show a nice selection here without too much description. 
After visiting the two historic sites we drove to the North West coast of Gozo to see this natural wonder the  “ Azure Window "  a natural bridge developed from nature which started from the beginning of the 1800’s 
Another look at this amazing natural phenomenon , look at the scale of this with people standing on top ..........
I am really happy to show you this nice picture , but also very sad because the Azure Window is no more ,  …… After a storm on March of 2017 , this huge 92 foot high pillar ……. Completely disappeared into the sea after a very large storm in the Mediterranean ……..just 6 months after we were there  ! 
Sharing this delicious platter  " A Taste of Malta " with everything on it with for 4 of us  ! 
Waiting in the departure hall for the ferry back to the main island 
A wonderful day was had by all of beautiful Gozo ……….glad we had an overnight in Valetta to be able to do this .
Have a wonderful Sunday everybody ! 
Tony 😄

Thank you for all of your interesting photos Tony.


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For August 6 I have a sunset, rather than a sunrise.  It is from August 6, 2016, taken from the Alaska Ferry Kennicott out of Bellingham Washington headed to Anchorage to meet Crystal Serenity for her Northwest Passage cruise.





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