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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday August 8th, 2023


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Good afternoon.  

Our meeting with the attorney went very well and we are pleased.  She feels that she can draw up wills that should be satisfactory and we have another appointment on Sept. 8.  If she has a cancellation, it will be sooner.  As far as I am concerned, the sooner the better.  i am very unhappy with the present wills and she knows it.  They were drawn up in 1998 and should have been updated long before this.  I will rest easy when I sign the new one.


@marshhawk Annie, I am so thrilled with your good news.  That is really great.


Do we have any news on Baby Murphy?  Sam?


Debbie @dfish Thanks for the lovely photos.  Looks like you are all having a wonderful time.


Thank you to Rich, Dixie, Vanessa, Ann and Tina for your contributions to this thread.


Prayers for all—especially those on the cares list.

Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.

God Blesd all of you,


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8 minutes ago, alibabacruisers said:

I haven't been checking this board for awhile and was wondering why no sailaways from FLL?  Miss those "parties".


What a great and informative post. 


Prayers to all.


Has anyone heard from Kathi?  I check her blog and FB routinely, but have not seen any new posts for awhile.

There are no sailaways during our summer as the ships are all either in Europe, the Northeast US, or Alaska.  After a long time off the boards she did post to the July 27 Fleet Report and Daily.


On 7/31/2023 at 2:50 PM, Scrapnana said:

Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.  I'm still recovering from cancer and hoping to be able to cruise in January if I can get my strength back.



I think she is out of Medical facilities and either back home or with her daughter.



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Good early afternoon and Happy Tuesday. We must have had a lot of wind overnight because the backyard and pool were a mess. Craig has it all cleaned up now and is in the pool enjoying a movie or a book. Blue is on his third or fourth nap after playing with his lambchop and I’m getting ready to make lunch. I made a pot of beans in the crockpot yesterday to have for lunch today but they came out really spicy. I’m going to doctor them up and hopefully they won’t be as spicy. I think it was the chipotle chili powder that I used. I’m also going to be make cornbread. 

What can I say about enchiladas?  I really think it’s personal preference but IMO they are never made with flour tortillas. I usually don’t use a recipe and have to confess that I’ve never made the sauce from scratch. There are some really good canned sauces available.  There is a brand called Hatch Valley that is really good.  The other issue are the softness of the corn tortillas. They crumble if not cooked before rolling with filling. I’ve tried multiple different ways including frying them but found that spraying both sides with baking spray, like Pam (TJ’s has a good version), then baking them at 350F for 4-5 minutes a side works best and much easier. I even use this method to make tacos but cook them a little longer and add cheese to the tops for the last few minutes, yum.  Chicken and cheese are my favorite but just cheese is good too. So…. Those are my thoughts about enchiladas!


Annie @marshhawk congratulations on the great report!


@RMLincoln Quebec City is a beautiful place!  Are you overnighting there?  We’ve been there 4 times and last time in October we stayed at the Château Frontenac. They have a great free walking tour for guests and I’m not sure but it might be available for non guests for a cost. I wasn’t able to complete the entire tour because I wasn’t feeling well but Craig did he really enjoyed it.  The food is fantastic too!  If you like Christmas stuff there is a great store I can look up for you. I bought some really unique things and they even mailed it to me. 


Have a great day everyone!


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Good afternoon from a hot central Texas.  This morning we tried to troubleshoot the problem with the convertible but neither engine tester could get the code.  The next step was checking all the sparkplugs again.  At least, it was easier and faster today since we knew how to do it and which tools we needed.  The good news was, I did not need to remove the sparkplugs.  The problem was the coils were not on the sparkplug completely.  The new design is a rubber cap that is thin where it fits down over the sparkplug and then widens into a cap that seals the area where the sparkplug is located.  We noticed yesterday that some of the coils would not stay down while I screwed the top back in place. 


Today, all are seated properly and the car is running better.  There is still something else since the check engine light is on, but DH hasn't figured out what is going on.  After we got the sparkplugs installed correctly, I turned in my resignation as an auto mechanic.  Compared to DH, you can tell I am not one since I finished mostly unscathed -- no cuts, abrasions, bruises or broken fingernails.  I even got all the dirt and grease off my skin and from under my fingernails.  I know it bothers DH that I'm so much slower than he is when it comes to mechanical work, but it keeps him from doing things that he shouldn't be doing right now.  And, we're still speaking to each other.  🤣


The closest we've come to eating frozen custard was in Copenhagen several years ago.  Everyone said we had to try their ice cream because of the custard in it.  The flavor was good, but ice cream was too thick and heavy for our tastes.


7 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Rich, thank you Tina, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work. And thank you everyone for being here!


Just returned from driving my son-in-law to the car dealer to have them check something. They leave tomorrow for the drive to Chicago and we leave Thursday. The occasion is Lilly's baptism and first birthday! I have to admit that the fun of driving has left me after doing the same trip four times last year. Summer road construction and the usual congestion at the Chicago end has me thinking of continuing west from Indianapolis into Illinois. Then to go north which is about another hour but maybe less irritating.


Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need today.


- Jack


Jack, safe travels to you and your family.  We can understand the lack of fun driving now.  DH used to love driving and would drive late into the day.  Since things started getting back the "normal" after Covid, there are too many trucks and crazy drivers on the road to be enjoyable.  This is especially true of the Interstate highways.  Also, the condition of a lot of the highways has deteriorated drastically.


4 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Another cloudy morning, but the sun should break through later like it did yesterday and get to the mid 70's.  

I'm all for Cat Day and wish we still had one but long travels have taken precedence.  Our last cat passed in 2011 at the age of 17.  She was abandoned at only a few days of age and I raised her with a tiny kitten bottle.  No surprise, she thought I was her Mama and we had a very close relationship! 🤣  Here she is with our DD who chose to have her in one of her high school graduation photos.


If frozen custard is the same as yogurt, I'll take some.  Will pass on the zucchini, drink, wine and meal.  Enchiladas are one of the only Mexican dishes I don't care for.  Love the quote, have never been to Japan.


I hope everyone has a great day!



Carolyn, a great picture of your DD and the cat.


4 hours ago, dfish said:

Greetings from Isafjordur!  It is a beautiful day here in Iceland.  We went to the Dynjandi waterfall.  It was a small private excursion and Val most of those on the bus were from our roll call.  After the waterfall we went to a farm for coffee and cake.  Mmmmm.  





















Debbie, thanks for your pictures of today's tour.  That is such a pretty area.  In 2017, we rented a car and drove out to  Dynjand waterfall, and your pictures brought back some great memories.


2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

@dfish Wow on those pictures!  I wish I was there !


ok, are you ready?  Good news on the lung.  What started out as 8mm large, and the doc wanted to do emergency surgery, to which I said, no, I have to go to Alaska, to right before we left, it was 10mm, but not cancer, go to Alaska.  Got covid.  Came home had another CT, and met with him today.  He was very excited, whatever it was has broken apart, nodules he said, there are 5, but  nothing bigger than 5mm.  With the COPD I still havent passed a breathing test to his satisfaction, but breathing tests every 4 months, and one CT per year with follow up visit.


Happy Cat dancing!



And tomorrow, I can sleep late.  I hope.


Annie, that's great news.  If I wasn't sore and tired from bending over the car engine the last two days, I'd be doing a happy dance with you.


2 hours ago, highland cruiser said:

Good morning or afternoon to all wherever you live!

Love the pictures .  We enjoyed that same view when we were there.  All Iceland's waterfalls and landscape are awesome.  Enjoy your visit.

We are packing the trailer for our road trip to Yellowstone Park.  We leave Thursday.  I have been multiple times but still enjoy visiting.  Although the traffic and huge amounts of people can be a nuisance, we will enjoy every minute.  We have a RV campsite reserved at Fishing Bridge.  Will be our base for traveling around the park.  Taking our almost 13 year old grandson with us.  He is very excited.  Have books ready to listen to as we make the drive.  

Thanks for all the information.  It is a lot of work and I appreciate it.  Read it almost daily.  Enjoy catching up with everything when I can.

Prayer to all.  A lot going on in everyone's lives.  Cheers to those celebrating.  I am celebrating my pink eye infection is almost cleared up.  Not sure where I got that.  Escaped pink eye during all the years I taught school.  

Stay well and safe.



Mary, safe travels to Yellowstone.  I know you will have a great time.


44 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

This is not how I wanted today to go.  They said 2:30 but here's the status at 3:20:







Roy, I hope your power is back on soon.


27 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good afternoon.  

Our meeting with the attorney went very well and we are pleased.  She feels that she can draw up wills that should be satisfactory and we have another appointment on Sept. 8.  If she has a cancellation, it will be sooner.  As far as I am concerned, the sooner the better.  i am very unhappy with the present wills and she knows it.  They were drawn up in 1998 and should have been updated long before this.  I will rest easy when I sign the new one.


@marshhawk Annie, I am so thrilled with your good news.  That is really great.


Do we have any news on Baby Murphy?  Sam?


Debbie @dfish Thanks for the lovely photos.  Looks like you are all having a wonderful time.


Thank you to Rich, Dixie, Vanessa, Ann and Tina for your contributions to this thread.


Prayers for all—especially those on the cares list.

Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.

God Blesd all of you,



Terri, I'm glad the meeting with the attorney went well, and the wills will be ready soon.


In honor of International Cat Day.






Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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42 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

This is not how I wanted today to go.  They said 2:30 but here's the status at 3:20:






Yikes.  They just updated the repair ETA.  Now 10PM tomorrow.  If you don't hear for a while it will be because I have no internet.



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1 minute ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


😱  Roy, that is not good news.  Will you stay at the firehouse tonight?



No.  I'll go home and probably have a very LONG sleep.



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Good afternoon, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Sochi is happy that it's International Cat Day and will gladly celebrate it.  I've never had frozen custard, but my DFIL used to make home made ice cream using a cooked custard mixture - would that be similar?  We no longer have a garden so can't sneak zucchinni onto anyone's door step.


Well we've had a wonderful 4 days with DS, DDIL, and 2 DGS's.  I cooked a ton of food, played snakes & ladders, bean bag toss, coloured pages, sang silly songs (On Top of Spaghetti), and told bedtime stories.  Oh, and made sure they had adequate amounts of sugar in their diets to keep them going.  Older DGS (8 years old) asked if he could have "Grandma's special pancakes"  for breakfasts - Eggo waffles with ice cream and M & M's.  Who am I to refuse a request that's usually accompanied by a big hug?  LOL   We had a nice family barbecue with DH's 2 children, 1 spouse and DH's sister.  Lots of fun and laughter, including a water gun fight that ended in everyone getting wet.  It was SO tough saying goodbye to them this morning - as usual I was a teary mess, but then they're used to that whenever we have farewells.  Now the house is strangely quiet and even Sochi is wandering around looking like she's lost.


I've missed so much over the past for days of the Daily - Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday to those who have celebrated, and I have to say a special thank you for the beautiful photo of our darling Miss Camilla . . . she's going to be an absolute stunner when she grows up, just look at her now!


@marshhawk I will gladly do a happy dance for you - that's awesome news!

@rafinmd sorry to hear about your power situation; hard to believe it's going to take so long to repair!


DH has his angiogram rescheduled for Thursday this week, but just before the family left, he had a phone call from the cardiologist.  Apparently the results of the Holter monitor came in to him this morning and he wanted DH to know he's going to be fitted with a pacemaker.  He's going to mark it "urgent", but it will still take a couple of weeks until he gets an appointment.  That will certainly explain why DH is always tired; his heart is beating too slow.  Hopefully that will fix him up and we can look at booking travel again; if he gets it soon, we can start looking at dates in January or February.


I'm not sure about the drink; because I love cherries, I'd like to try the very inexpensive red wine, and neither of us is a fan of enchiladas, so will pass on the menu suggestion.  We've got lots of leftovers to finish tonight - everything from porcupine balls to barbecued pork chops, potato salad and fresh veggies and dip will be gracing our table for 2 on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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2 hours ago, highland cruiser said:

Good morning or afternoon to all wherever you live!

Love the pictures .  We enjoyed that same view when we were there.  All Iceland's waterfalls and landscape are awesome.  Enjoy your visit.

We are packing the trailer for our road trip to Yellowstone Park.  We leave Thursday.  I have been multiple times but still enjoy visiting.  Although the traffic and huge amounts of people can be a nuisance, we will enjoy every minute.  We have a RV campsite reserved at Fishing Bridge.  Will be our base for traveling around the park.  Taking our almost 13 year old grandson with us.  He is very excited.  Have books ready to listen to as we make the drive.  

Thanks for all the information.  It is a lot of work and I appreciate it.  Read it almost daily.  Enjoy catching up with everything when I can.

Prayer to all.  A lot going on in everyone's lives.  Cheers to those celebrating.  I am celebrating my pink eye infection is almost cleared up.  Not sure where I got that.  Escaped pink eye during all the years I taught school.  

Stay well and safe.


Have a wonderful time in my favorite place on earth! We get there every year preferably in the spring. Much fewer people and the babies are adorable!

Recently our 10-year-old grandson bought this for me—he definitely knows what his Nana loves. 


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Good afternoon. I am all stretched out, after PT. I do the exercises, then the therapist does this passive stretching of my legs that makes me feel like a wishbone being pulled apart. He also kneaded all the painful lower back muscles, so I opted for a heat pack after he was done. It is lovely outside, but I am too lazy today to do any yard work.


@Cruising-along Lovely photo of your DD and the cat.

@RMLincoln I empathize with the mobility issues and excursions. I was limited on my last cruise, and my fall certainly didn't help. I hope to be much more mobile by my cruise next year.

@dfish Wonderful photos, and I'm glad you're having such good weather!

@rafinmd Good news that the power is back on. I'm glad you had somewhere to take food; I've lost a lot in the past and now have battery backups for the freezer and fridge.


@marshhawk image.gif.1aa31f201206034267f73f3d88db7d7d.gif Doing the happy dance for your news!


@highland cruiser Safe travels to Yellowstone; a great place to visit.

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad your meeting went well.

@ger_77 It sounds like you had a wonderful time with family that was visiting. Best wishes for DH to feel better. BFF's father had a heart rate in the 30's, due to a calcified valve interfering with the heart's electrical system. He got a pacemaker and was back out walking his usual 4 miles a day in about 6 weeks.

Edited by JazzyV
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45 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

@rafinmd, I hope by now you are home to restored power and can safely put your food away. 

Great to have it back on.  I did bring a few things home with me but most of it is still at the station.  I'll bring it home tomorrow.



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Good cool and breezy evening. I have not had frozen custard from Kohr Bros at the shore for years. I could eat some now.

Houdini’s blood work is improving slightly, increase the dosage and retest in a month.🤞

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

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My Silky and Lucky both insist that Every Day is Cat Day and I agree with them. I wish I could  figure out how to post their photos. Both are rescues, Silky (a calico) is 7 and Lucky (a tuxeudo) is 6.

This New Mexico native grew up eating flat cheese enchiladas, usually with a side of avacado or guacamole. I don't remember ever going to a restaurant that didn't serve them but the ones made by my Dad were the best. In today's world my nephew's chicken enchiladas are the best.

I don't understand why anyone would ruin a perfectly good Margarita base by putting mint in it. I prefer white wines but would have been tempted to try yesterdays red wine aged in whiskey barrels.

I was hoping to see an update regarding Murphy today and also and update regarding Sam's brain bleed. Praying that no news is good news.


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11 minutes ago, lazey1 said:

I wish I could  figure out how to post their photos.

Do you have a Smart phone that takes pictures?  We can easily talk you through how to share a photo.

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