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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday August 13th, 2023


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Good Sunday morning.  An interesting group of days.  My older DS is left handed no one else I know are left handed.   Both John and I are middle children third out of four.  No garage sales for us today.  I will pass on cauliflower and the busy cocktail but the Pinot noir looks like a good one.  Thanks to @summer slope, @cat shepard, and @0106 for researching these for us each day.  @StLouisCruisers thanks for the photos of Mazatlan.  

@JazzyVthanks for keeping our cares and celebrations reports for us.  I am so sad about the massive loss in Lahaina, prayers for all of the citizens of Maui, so much devastation to repair. Prayers for everyone on our Care list and the people of Ukraine.  @smitty34877 prayer that your DH can get treatment for his low white blood cells.  

@StLouisCruisers happy 75th birthday to your DH. 🍾

@Copper10-8 Happy anniversary! 🍾

It was 46 degrees when I got up this morning.  It has been so cool my tomatoes are just beginning to get a hint of color.   The lake has barely made it into the 70s all summer.  Fishing for us today once the fog burns off and it warms up.   Have a lovely Sunday.   Nancy 

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Good Sunday Morning Dailyites!


Yesterday afternoon we had an adventure.  DH was in the dumps, and while I had my first sale in my new campaign, I felt that getting him out of the doldrums was better than sitting at a desk.  So I went outside where he was sitting and asked if he wanted a change of scenery.  He said yes.  So we drove over to Stone Mountain Park, crossed the covered bridge to the island, and went and sat on a picnic table by a tiny beach and watched the water.  Water is great at changing your negatives.


We were at the the narrowest part, and I saw a deer walking along the edge of the rocks across the lake.  I saw a huge butterfly on the wet sand, and saw a school of tiny fish swim by...and then I heard thunder.  We still sat there, and then it started to sprinkle.  I noticed a fisherman under the trees, and about 3 minutes later the skies just opened up.  He was on the phone, and we were going back to our car. He was telling someone where he was, and I asked him if he needed a safe place to sit the storm out.  "oh no, my truck is in the parking lot." We got in the car, and others were scrambling to get to their cars, by the time I backed out, the fisherman was loading up his truck, he was very wet.  We sat in the car facing the water, but we really couldnt see anything but rain pouring down. 


Chuck said lets just drive around the park, so we headed back (the drive becomes one way where we were,) and then we stopped at the sky lift and parked and watched huge waterfalls come down from the top of the mountain.  It's not everyday that you can see 800 foot plus waterfalls in this area, but the rain was so intense, that is what we were looking at, maybe 7 of them.  DH said it reminded him of the Misty Fjords in Alaska.


Well the rain was quitting, the thunder and lightning was fabulous, and we headed into Tucker for a burger and some ice cream.  After we got the burger, we drove to get the ice cream, and sat in the car watching the clouds, and the lightning and it started to rain heavily again, and after we finished we headed home.  


We pass a small farm that has goats and sheep, and noticed in the rain that one of the goats was on the outside of the fence. That was not good, so I turned around, just to verify what I had seen, and then stopped at the farm house to let them know that one of their goats was loose by the street.

The gentleman (who oddly reminded me of a billy goat) said that the electricity had gone off, and the fence was electric, and the goat must have jumped the fence.  He said he would he would go get the goat.  And we left.  I truly hope he got there before the goat tried to cross the road.



When we got home the rain had stopped, but that was just for a moment or two and storms passed over several times, but at sunset, the sky was orange towards the west, and black in the east, and one more storm went over, and I went to bed. 


Today is grocery shopping day.  


I hope that everyone is feeling better today, and if you need to take a break, go enjoy something different!  Yesterday afternoon was definitely different for us, and I got to see some beautiful things, in my own "back yard".



Edited by marshhawk
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Happy Sunday everyone. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Slept through some big storms overnight. 

I love my air fryer. Any chance I get to cook with it I will take. 

Will be working in the garden today. 

Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with those who are celebrating, 

Have a safe and healthy day. 

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Good morning Daily-ites. 

I am a right handed middle child who had my last garage sale prior to moving to Texas and gave away my brand new still in the box air fryer to a neighbor who loved cooking with one. I will pass on the tacos and go with Roy's alternative. 


Prayers to our Daily friends and family. Prayers lifted for @DeeniEncinitas , David, and all suffering the Maui fires. 


We are also praying for RAIN!! Our watering has been cut back so much that even our huge oak trees are suffering in the natural "green" space behind us. 


Little Oliver has been a good boy, although a petty thief still taking coasters, socks, and reading glasses and hiding them in his bed. He really is sweet and my heart aches knowing what his first 10 months was like. 


Wishing you all a splendid day. Thanks to our food and beverage ladies and Rich for your faithful contributions. 



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I'm not left handed, am the older sister to 3 half siblings, and there haven't been many garage sales this year for some reason.  Or maybe I've just been ignoring the signs because I have enough junk in my house.  


We had a lovely evening last night with our friend Wayne and his new lady friend, Fran.  There were 2 other couples there besides us, all dear friends of Wayne; I think he really wanted to see if the chemistry would work with a new person in his life.  It certainly did.  The conversation and laughter flowed freely, and we enjoyed lots of nice appetizers made together by Wayne and Fran.  I hope the friendship develops into something more, as they are both great people and each having lost a partner, deserve happy times again.


@smitty34877I'm glad the doctors have figured out what's wrong with your DH; now to get him on the road to recovery.  Continued prayers for all of you.

@marshhawk what a nice thing to do - get your DH out of the house and into nature.  It's amazing what a change of scenery will do for a person's outlook on life.  Congrats on your first sale; may there be many more for you!

@StLouisCruisers Happy 75th to your DH today!

@Copper10-8 withing you and Maria a very Happy Anniversary!


Not a lot on the agenda today, although I know some of my time will be spent looking at cruises for January or February, as DH has declared that once he gets healed up after his pacemaker, we need to start traveling again.  You don't have to tell me twice!  Although we've been to the Caribbean several times, it's always a good getaway during the cold winter months, so that's where we'll be heading.


@0106 Tina, I have an air fryer / toaster oven that sits on our deck in the summer and it replaces the oven during the hot months.  In it I've baked cakes, cupcakes, and muffins, and used the air fryer to cook everything from pizza to pork chops.  It has become my most used kitchen appliance over the past couple of years.


I'll take a pass on the drink of the day, and know that DH wouldn't appreciate the menu suggestion.  The wine on the other hand, looks to be very drinkable, so would like to try it!  The sun is shining and it's going to be a nice day, so I'll be getting DH to grill up some burgers and I'll make a Greek salad to go with it so we can enjoy that on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




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Good morning from a sunny, windy and hot central Texas. It is 83F and feels like 90F with 75% humidity, and a dew point of 74F.  Our predicted high will be 106F. It was 80F with 82% humidity earlier so I decided to skip my walk today.  I got enough exercise this past week that I can skip a day.  Instead, it will be laundry day.


My mother was a lefty, and fortunately, they did not try to make her change hands in school.  DH is a middle child.  The last garage sale I had was in 2019 in Quartzsite.  Since then, I've set a lot of stuff aside for a fall garage sale, but I don't know when it will happen.  I may just give up and donate everything to a trift store that uses the proceeds to make donations to the fire department, police, elementary school and other local groups.  They generally get what doesn't sell anyway.  Doing the garage sale give me a chance to meet some of our neighbors and others in town.


An interesting quote from Pablo Picasso.


I cook cauliflower in my air fryer, but I don't think it will in tacos.  We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds nice.


We have been to Mazatlan seven times, including b2b2b2bs in 2021 and 2022 on Koningsdam.


Another interesting day in history.


@0106  Tina, I resisted getting an air fryer for several years, but finally got one in 2020  for our Quartzsite house.  I got it because while my deep fryer was great, I was tired to messing with the oil and really wanted to use less oil.  When we wound up spending more time in Texas than normal, I got another air fryer for here.  My is just an airfryer, but it is one that has three racks, a rotisserie and basket.  I use it a lot, especially in the summer, and many nights everything for supper is cooked in the air fryer.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I hope you enjoy Gunderfjordur as it's a very walkable town with great scenery.  Please wish Dennis a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, again.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad they found out what was making your DH Lou so sick, and I hope the treatments work very quickly.  Do you know if they will continue with the chemo after he is over the infection?  I'm glad DS will get to see Lou.

@marshhawk  Annie, congratulations on the sale.  I think you and @catmando Chuck deserved a day out and a change of scenery.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, the entire state needs rain.  Our ground is cracking with half inch wide cracks.

@dfish  Debbie, thanks for the pictures from your tour.

@Copper10-8  Again, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!  Hope your flight is on time and safe travels.












Last night on our golf cart ride, we saw four deer in the field just outside our community.  



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This is what I posted on Novemeber 4, 2022.  I'll look for my pictures from our fall 2021 and spring 2022 visits to Mazatlan.


We have been to Mazatlán seven times, but when I posted my pictures on August 13, 2021, we'd only been there once on Ruby Princess in 2016.  On our b2b2b2b cruises on Koningsdam last fall and last spring, we were their six more times.  Some days we got off the ship and walked around the port area after taking the shuttle to the port building.  Other days, we just stay on the ship.  I'll repost my pictures from our 2016 stop and look for different ones from the Koningsdam cruises.


In the morning, we took one of the little open air vehicles that were outside the port for a tour of the city and the Golden Zone.  In the afternoon, we took another one into the old town and walked around.


Our first stop that morning was a viewpoint over looking the bay and the town.




A little further along the road




The drive along the Golden Zone, the modern tourist area.  We preferred the main downtown area.



The market




This is what happens when you feed the pigeons.



A pretty gazebo in the middle of the park in the main square



The area around the port






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Here are some more pictures from our stops in Mazatlán.  Most were taken on December 1, 2021, when we did a short tour in one of the open air vehicles.


We'll start our tour with the blue line that leads passengers to the Old Town.  I didn't walk it, but may the next time we're there.



There are many statues around town and along the waterfront.  These are just a few.







A nice playground and water park across from the statue above.



Even though it was December 1, the decorations for Día de los Muertos were still up in the main plaza.





The traffic along the coast road, and the divers.  My timing was off when the diver made is move.  BTW, you could not pay me enough to make that dive.







A nice neighborhood heading to the coast road.



Looking out from the overlook.  With the Carnival Panorama and NCL Bliss in port with us, the port area and town were sure crowded.





This place we passed looked interesting with food, books and beer.  Too bad the books are probably all in Spanish.



Town as seen from the upper deck of Koningsdam.





The sun was setting as we sailed.






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2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

DH has a chemo related condition  called neutropenia  fever.White blood cells  cannot fight infection  and he is presently  on IV antibiotics. He is somewhat  confused and very weak. I am heading over to the hospital with DS later this morning. DH will be happy to see his son, I hope. The doctors have told us it will be a few more days until we see things start to recover.


I am glad to hear that at least the doctors have found the problem.  Hopefully his treatment works and he is on the way to recovery soon 🙏 My prayers are with him and you.

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Good morning!  Very early for me!  Interesting days - I "should" have been a left-hander, but my DF made me use my right hand.  There are still things I do with my left that seem more natural.  He felt that his DM and DSis who were lefties had so much trouble that he wanted to save me from that - i.e., left handed irons and scissors for example!


Garage sale day is ironic for me  today.  The end of my estate sale was yesterday.  When the company notified me of the amount of sales (or maybe my portion) I was disappointed. My neighbor indicated to me what she thought had sold.  When I went to my old house I was at least happy that everything was gone, and after the final cleaning on Tuesday, I will turn over the keys to the landlord's daughter.  As far as having everything gone, it is a "freeing moment" and I have come to terms with the fact that I have let lots of things go.  Time for a new chapter of my life!


@smitty34877, my prayers for your DH. Oh how I wish I was in NY, not Western Colorado, as I would be happy to be a fill-in at your home for Tana.  I hope and pray that all aspects of life improve for you and all of your family!


@marshhawkyour day yesterday sounds like the perfect plan for helping your DH.  What sights you saw.  You can send your rain to Texas or Colorado or both!  Our two states plus many more need rain desperately.  I think our one afternoon rain was the beginning, middle and end of our monsoon season.


Suppose I need to get started on accomplishing a few things.  Went to church yesterday.  I am expecting a delivery of my new (very small) table and chairs this afternoon.  Need to rearrange the dust on things as I have a friend coming from Denver tomorrow.  I do have cleaning included here at my new apartment, but they don't dust.  


My prayers continue for all on the Cares List, and hope those on the "happy" list continue to enjoy great celebrations!  Have a great Sunday for all who continue to make this such a special place.

Mary Kay

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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I write with my right hand, but can use my left hand as well for things. And interestingly I bat and swing a golf club left handed. No siblings. I used to have garage sales, then switched to ebay or donating stuff. Interesting quote. Maybe on the meal, pass on the drink and yes to the wine. Sad that the Aztec Empire ended. I have been to Mazatlan, on my Panama Canal cruise.


It was cool this morning, in the mid-60's, but now sunny and 74. We got some rain last evening, with lots of lightning and thunder (one bolt made me jump), but nothing severe. The county to the south of me had 1 confirmed and another possible tornado touch down. The back isn't happy today, so I've put on a Salonpas patch; it may have been doing laundry yesterday. I'm sad that doing normal household things make me hurt 😞. I think it's too wet to mow, but maybe I'll check later. More rain tomorrow. The lawn was just fertilized, so the grass will be growing even more.


Sadly by late last night 4 people had been found dead from that house explosion, that also took out the houses on either side. They had to stop searching because of the storms last night, but have resumed today.


@StLouisCruisers Happy Birthday to Dennis! Nice photos from Mazatlan and Iceland.

@0106 I have a counter-top air fryer oven. I use it as a toaster, to bake when I don't want the big oven on, and to air fry (I never deep fry and only rarely shallow fry things).

@cat shepard I need to do the same brutal weeding out of my stuff, just lacking ambition.

@aliaschief I was going to ask if you were going to Fogo De Chao. Enjoy the Little League World Series game.

@smitty34877 Continued prayers for DH's recovery and for Tana. Do you think they might change the chemo or the dose after this reaction?

@dfish Thanks for the photos from Grundarfjordur.

@GTVCRUISER Nice photos. 

@marshhawk It sounds like a nice day, even with all the rain. 

@Copper10-8 Happy Anniversary to you and Maria!

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos from Mazatlan.

@cruzn single Best wishes for this new chapter of your life!


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.


Some pictures from Mazatlan copied over from Aug 2021:

The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Mazatlan







At the Central Market





Performers at Plaza Machado





Day of the Dead decorations








Olas Atlas Beach





Cliff Divers





Modern Mazatlan








Interesting jetty




Edited by JazzyV
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Good morning all!

Again I'm the first one up this morning so it's nice and quiet in the house.  Today is our last day with DGS and it will be another full day.  He had a ball yesterday at the Aquatic Center and can't wait to go back.  Maybe next month when we have both boys here on the 9th. Today will be the Children's Museum and then an inflatable play center that the boys have been going to since they were toddlers.  Then it will be dinner at his favorite spot and take him home.  Then Nana will collapse!  It's been a lot of fun but wow my stamina isn't what it used to be!  BTW these weekends each boy had with us were their birthday presents from us.  Doing everything they love to do and favorite foods, each one separately instead of always together.  It seems to have been a big hit!


I am left handed and don't understand when I hear that we have "problems" using things like scissors etc.  I have never noticed any problem -- I guess I've just adapted and don't notice.  There was only one person who tried to switch me to right-handed, a teacher.  But when my mother found out she let him know what she thought of that! 

I'm the youngest girl of 3, and have never had a garage sale.  Too much work!  I'll pass on the meal, red wine and drink. 


Tina @0106 I've never had an air fryer either.  I do have a deep fryer but only use it when making Lumpia -- which I make maybe once or twice/year.  Would the air fryer do the same as the deep fryer for that?  I would like to not use all that oil, and would get an air fryer for that reason alone.


The next few days will be "hot" here (for us) up to 90.  I'm sure we'll be turning on the new A/C we got last year!  Then it will be back down to the 70's.  It never stays hot here for long, thank goodness.  


Happy Birthday Dennis @StLouisCruisers!!

Happy Anniversary John and Maria @Copper10-8!!

Welcome home @AV8rix!

Terry @smitty34877 I was so sorry to hear about your DH's chemo-related condition but happy that the doctors can treat it.  I remember that my sister had lots of ups and downs with chemo too.  Continued prayers.


Now for another cup of coffee.  I hear stirrings in the house...






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My college roommate was left-handed. When he was about 8, his father was appointed as a visiting professor at a famous university in Germany. My roommate got kicked out of school for writing with his left-hand; the school said that left-handed children were uneducable. His father went to the school, introduced himself as the Herr Doktor Professor at the Universität ---------------, and pointed out that he was left-handed.


I've read that middle children often develop exceptional social intelligence, because it's useful for holding their own in the family.


Connecting the third special day with the meal suggestion: I have an air fryer but it will be going bye-bye in the fall rummage sale. The cocktail would be OK. For the wine, Element 2015 Pinot Noir from Geneva, NY. I haven't been to Mazatlan.










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Hello Everyone,

This week has been tough and disheartening for the US, IMO. The Lahina tragedy is unspeakable. All I have to offer is prayers and a donation to the Red Cross. Love Lahina; I was last there for a Holiday Cruise in Dec 2019. Just wow.

It has been a busy week for those here too; @smitty34877 hope your husband continues to improve and hope sweet baby Murphy is improving. I know there are others with health issues that I also hope and pray improve. Continued prayers for all.

I am a middle child.

Not left handed. I remember the nuns in grade school torchering the kids that were left handed. Very sad.

Not a garage sale fan but my sister is! Here we do not have garage sales on Sundays usually.

I have never been to Mazatlan though I have been to many places in Mexico.

Not much happening for me this week except for cleaning out some closets with stuff I not longer want and need. It is cathartic and freeing. I have more to go; I call it my dejunking. I know others here have done that before a move so I now get how much work it is and how much stuff I have. 


I saw the Barbie movie this week 😜....it was cute, sends a good message actually, the sets and costumes were good IMO. 

My thanks to all contributors here on the Daily.

Prayers for all of us, celebrate the joys in your life.

Take care.


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Good morning and thanks all!  I’ll take the wine red, white or blush.   My grandma was a southpaw as she called it, and tried to teach me to crochet, but it was a no go.  Glad people are no longer being made to change. @kochleffel loved your story! 
Thanks for the Iceland photos Debbie and Sandi.  

Happy birthday again to Dennis! 
Happy anniversary again John and Maria! 
@smitty34877 sending continue prayers for Lou’s recovery! 
@kazu we think alike,  our preference is to donate as well.  
@0106we bought an air fryer and DH agrees with you.  He thinks it just takes up space and blows the breakers.  Our DS loves his, and bacon wrapped water chestnuts were amazing in it.  
His ankle is healing nicely so he’ll be able to go on his work trip,  thank goodness for those ski Boots! 
Prayers for Maui! 

@marshhawkit is interesting to explore nearby places. I loved your story,  we need to get out into the wild!   

 Here’s a photo of our badlands,  where a lot of dinosaur bones have been discovered.  Would love to see others pictures of where they live. 



Edited by bennybear
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Good afternoon!


We had a most fantastic excursion here around the Snaefellsnes Peninsula.  What spectacular scenery!  I hope everyone found the birds nesting in the rocks in my previous pictures.  Pictures 2 and 3.  Here’s from the black sand beach.  We walked down between the lava fins, walked down the beach, and came back up another trail.










Hoping you all have a wonderful day.

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Good morning. Sunny and dry so far... and comfortable as far as temperature goes. I have laundry going and that is about all I will do today. Several loads including some rugs to go. I am a middle child... but there are big gaps between us. Of course when you throw in all the step-siblings, the field gets pretty crowded. Our local newspaper celebrated left-handed day by printing the paper so it opened on the left side to the right. Interestingly enough, my sister and brother-in-law were both right handed but 3 of their 4 children are lefties. One of my grand-mothers was left handed. She wanted to be dressmaker but was told she could not be due to the left-handedness. She made many of my clothes, doll clothes and quilts... all by hand. The stitches were so tiny. I still have doll clothes and several quilts.


So much sad news. Glad to hear that Lou's problems have been identified and hoping that everyone is on the road to healing.


Take care all.







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