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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday September 11th, 2023


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The Ruby Princess anchored off Stanley, Falkland Islands, on February 25, 2015.  It was a cold, grey and windy day.  We were able to tender tender into the port.  We stopped at the visitor center and paid to drive out to the cove to see the penguins.  Afterwards, we walked around town.


For some reason many of the penguins there and in Punta Arenas had finished molting and were heading out to sea earlier than normal.  The tour in Punta Arenas to the penguin colony was canceled because all the penguins had left two weeks earlier.


I tried not to repeat many pictures, but of course I had to include a few penguins.


The majority of the penguins were on the beach ready to head to sea, and a few were already in the water.



There were a small number of penguins that were still molting.





During our walk, we stopped in Christ Church Cathedral, where I took a picture of the organ



When we are in foreign ports, especially small ports, we like to wander through their grocery store.  We found three cans of diet Dr. Pepper for a pound each, and since I had three pound coins, being from Texas, we bought them.  We also found this New Zealand wine that we thought was appropriate to be selling in Stanley.



Walking back to the dock from the store



The seas were already beginning to get rougher as the last tenders were heading back to the ship, and they would get even rougher before we reached Cape Horn.



A departing view of Stanley from our aft balcony.




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Good morning,

It will be a cool rainy day today. I am having a hard time getting motivated. I don’t have any news on Murphy. I am letting the family contact me to give them space. 

I remember what I was doing on 911 like I remember when I found out  about JFK’s death in second grade. Two defining moments in history during my lifetime. I don’t think they would announce things like death over a loud speaker in schools today. 

I tried the cheesy chicken recipe from last week. Thanks Debbie the family loved it. Looking up all the recipes is a lot of work. I wanted to let you know it was appreciated. 

Prayers for all those on our care list and for those grieving the loss of loved ones.

Take care and have a great day. 


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     Today is a day we should always remember. All of us have memories of that terrible day. DH was in Seattle  on business. He and his coworker drove back across the country with complete strangers, one of whom is still a friend. My neighbor was a NY firefighter who lost several of his fellow firefighters. He became the standin Dad for several children. He and his wife always attended their events and are now attending all the weddings. He never talks about it.

    My brother lost his boss and the boss`s wife on a plane from Dulles. My cousin`s childhood friend was on a plane from Boston.

    Today and all days I will keep them all in my thoughts and prayers.


Stay safe



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Good morning, everyone!


It will be a cool, rainy day today.  Instead of my morning walk I'll be heading to the gym to use the machines.  Time to get back to them anyways.  


I was at work on the morning of 9/11.  A student came running in to the classroom and told me to turn on the TV because a plane had just hit the World Trade Center.  We turned it on and watched the second plane hit.  I realized that this was no accident and that we were under attack and I think most of the students realized that as well.  Many parents came and picked up their kids that day, wanting to keep their loved ones close.  We did decide to stay open the next day, but would not count absences against any student's record, giving the choice to the parents on what they wanted to do.  Most high school kids came, a lot of elementary students stayed home.


Today's meal is a picnic favorite.  I'm sure everyone has their favorite recipe.  My mom made a great macaroni salad.  She didn't use pickles in it, just celery, onions, green olives, and hard boiled egg.  I'll offer a few recipes, but ask you what your secret ingredient is for macaroni salad.  What makes yours unique?  


Our first recipe claims to be a classic.  You decide.  https://sugarspunrun.com/macaroni-salad/




This one has an interesting recipe for the dressing.  Mom just used plain old mayo.  https://southernbite.com/macaroni-salad-and-my-childhood-fears-of-the-potluck/




Ree Drummond offers her recipe for macaroni salad:  https://www.thepioneerwoman.com/food-cooking/recipes/a10675/the-best-macaroni-salad-ever/




When I saw the title of Hawaiian macaroni salad I fully expected to find pineapple as an ingredient.  It isn't.  https://www.chewoutloud.com/hawaiian-macaroni-salad-ll-bbq-copycat/




This last one has peas and capers.  https://www.loveandlemons.com/macaroni-salad-recipe/




Healing thoughts and wishes to those who need them.   Wishing you all a wonderful day.

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5 minutes ago, cruising sister said:


I tried the cheesy chicken recipe from last week. Thanks Debbie the family loved it. Looking up all the recipes is a lot of work. I wanted to let you know it was appreciated


I tried it last night using a frozen chicken pattie instead of a fresh chicken breast marinated in buttermilk. Also delicious. Since there's just the 2 of us and we always have an opened jar of salsa, I may try that next time instead of using half a can of Ro-Tel. Seems I'm always trying to streamline the recipes.

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Good cloudy and very humid morning. More rain is expected today .

I remember being at work on 9/11 after having been to the beach for a long weekend 

A close family friend had a son working in the Pentagon and was unable to contact him for quite some time. He was okay and still works there today.

@Lady Hudson, I agree he’s too close for comfort, Find him now.

I love macaroni salad, a local deli makes it with bacon and cheese.

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

Never forget 💔

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Good Monday Morning Dailyites!  


On 9/11/01 I was working in a garden center.  My neighbor called me to tell me that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center, and I thought small plane, and thought nothing of it. I told my boss and he turned on his computer.  I went about working in the green house, and he came in and said another plane had hit, and he was going home, he'd be back.  He never came back. 


Not having seen anything, I kept the center open that day, I played classical and relaxing music, and one person came by all day.  She sat on the floor and cried.  We had a class that night, on What lives in your Pond, we didn't cancel.  We had a micro biologist speak, and about 6 people showed up. When the class was over, every one left, DH and I went to get dinner.  We sat outside and watched the helicopters fly over the south part of town near the airport.  


My father had worked in the building next to the trade center, and for once I was glad that he had passed so that he wouldn't have seen his work world destroyed.


I ran the garden center for another year without my boss.  His brother actually owned the business, and closed the center.


Have you ever known a person, who asks you for advise, and when you give it to them they give a thousand reasons, why they wont do what you suggest?  When my childhood friend's wife walked out on him 3 years ago, he started calling me.  And he can talk, and whine, and complain, and then ask what should he do, and I give him some helpful hints, and he doesn't like it, and then he calls another person until someone will tell him what he wants to hear.  He does the same thing with his medical people, he has medical issues, and when a doctor tells him what he needs to do, he calls another doctor (they don't even have to be in the same field) to get another diagnosis.  Well on Saturday he called, and since I didn't answer he emailed me.  He told me he was going to die, that he had kidney failure, that he was going into the hospital... and I called last night. He was not going into a hospital, he was going to have a test in an outpatient surgery center.  He has not been diagnosed with kidney failure, they are trying to find out what is wrong with a kidney.


I lost it with him.  And I told him that if he wants advise because he doesnt know what to do, then to talk to a professional because I was tired of being in his chain...He has done this with 2 other of our childhood friends,  and only one has any sympathy left.  I told him that if he does nothing, then nothing will change in his life.  You cant talk to every doctor until you find one that will give the answer you like, that you have to take care of yourself.  I told him I had to get off the phone.  He said he didnt have to get off the phone, and I said I do, because other wise I would slam the phone in his ear.  I got off the phone, and looked at DH, and said I'm sorry, I guess that wasnt very nice, and he said he would have done it 3 years ago.  Sorry I vented, and I hate to lose a friend, but this is not a friend, this is a leech.  And in life, you have to eliminate the negative.




And this is why  I love being here in the Daily.



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11 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

I tried the cheesy chicken recipe from last week. Thanks Debbie the family loved it. Looking up all the recipes is a lot of work. I wanted to let you know it was appreciated. 

Thank you!   I made it Friday night and it was a hit.  Sue and I finished off the leftovers last night.  


I forgot to mention I was in the Falklands in 2011.  I walked out to Gypsy Cove and back.  That was a hike!  I know I couldn't do it today.  

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I was teaching high school in Baltimore on 9/11.  We weren’t allowed to turn our tvs on.Many of my students had parents who worked in DC.  A terrifyingly day for all of us.  Thank you to all first responders, on that tragic day and every day.


I hope we are able to tender to Stanley in February when I am on the Oosterdam.  I have booked a tour with Patrick Watt’s company.  Thank you for the pictures.


Sending you peace, healing and all good wishes.  May your life be good.

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Good morning Dailyites. 


A somber day for us. I will never forget. I believe in years past I told you where we were on 9-11.


It is a beautiful, quiet morning! The 2 visiting dogs went home at 8:30 last night. Oliver is rejoicing. His bed, blankets and toys are being washed and he doesn't have to worry that his food will be stolen. 


Vanessa,  I have to commend you for the work you do on our cares/celebration/cruise updates. You are amazing. I go back to your lists throughout the day, as I can't recall what ships our Daily-ites are on. Many thanks go to Ann, Debbie, Dixie. And of course Rich.


I believe in the power of prayer. And I pray throughout the day. Even for some crabby folks I meet along the way..




Love libraries. I volunteered for a library when we lived in Montana.






A big thank you to Sandi and Lenda for the pictures today. Enjoyed them!

Wishing everyone a blessed week. 

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I was in Houston conducting employee meetings regarding a new benefit plan. I called DH at home to see if he had the morning news on. “No, why?”  At that point I was stumped, I hadn’t thought about what I was going to say. Finally “we seem to be under some kind of attack”. He turned on the TV just in time to see the 2nd plane hit. The company’s insurance broker and I got a ride with a provider;s rep up to Dallas, DH drove down from Tulsa to pick us up, and the broker’s wife drove down from St Louis to collect him in Tulsa. We made very good time on that trip; arriving home around 10. The few people on the highway that night were making very good time —- 


Never forget. Never forget the stunning courage and sacrifice of first responders and their families, and the passengers on Flight 93. Never forget the innocent lives lost. 

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I was teaching and a fellow teacher who wasn’t all there came in and asked if DH was in NY on the 105 floor of the twin towers because they just fell. No common sense. Thankfully he was in town. 
SIL’s uncle was supposed to be the pilot on the Boston flight but a fellow pilot wanted to switch. 

Edited by summer slope
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1 hour ago, dfish said:

I'll offer a few recipes, but ask you what your secret ingredient is for macaroni salad.  What makes yours unique?  


8 ounces macaroni twists, cooked and drained
1/8 cup (2 tablespoons) each of chopped onions, chopped green olives, ripe olives
1/3 cup sweet pickle relish
4 teaspoons sugar (or sugar substitute)
mayonnaise to taste

Mix all together. Refrigerate. Best after 24 hours.

If you can find New Orleans’ olive salad, that can be used with twists and mayonnaise. Just 3 ingredients - how easy is that!

Edited by Cruise Suzy
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2 hours ago, Denise T said:

Good morning, everyone. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

I still remember exactly what I was doing when the first reports came in about the first plane hitting the towers. I remember standing there in disbelief as I watched the television, and my brain was trying to make sense of what I had just seen. This is always a somber day. 

I am preparing for my MRI today. Thank you @JazzyV for adding me to the care list. 

A big thank you to @StLouisCruisers for the lovely pictures of penguins. I love penguins and this made my day. 

Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day!

Remembering the 9/11 victims with ties to Connecticut

Best wishes and good luck for a good result from your MRI today Denise.


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Good morning! A day we should never forget!

We ended our day with an on the beach campfire and s’mores. I believe there was also a few wee drams of whisky being savored.

Today we are going to do some more sightseeing but that may be hampered with fog and drizzle. It’s early so maybe it will clear up.

Thanks for the Reports, List and Recipes.

Have a great day and week. Bruce



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Good morning, late for me.  Sad day of remembrance for all of us.

We still aren't home. Something electronic caused our brakes to fail in a huge traffic jam waiting to get onto the Mackinaw bridge.  We limped over thankfully for lower speeds and it opened to 2 lanes on the bridge.  No rest stop open so we went slow in the right lane until we hoped to get to a rest area. One closed rest area then the next was close to a city so John got us to a hotel by the highway by crawling, downshifting and the tiny bit of brake.  We had it towed and spent the night.  We just heard it was repaired and we are waiting for a courtesy pickup. Good news no charge.   Back to normal, fingers crossed, for tomorrow. 

Edited by ottahand7
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Good morning all after a very exciting weekend with family , today a few nice pictures of the Falklands with still more penguins than you already saw today . 
We were very lucky that the captain of the Zaandam in 2015 was able to get us into the inlet near Port Stanley which usually has a 1 in 3 chance due to wind and rough seas.
Ready and dressed for the occasion , including painters booties for the penguin dodo  ! 
Roughing it for miles and miles through the wet fields in a group of jeeps so they could pull each other out in case they got stuck.
And there they were waiting for us but than they turned their back on us ! 
Going in for a dive to get some lunch 
They chose the wading pool 
There were still a lot of mines to be found and to be cleared by experts coming from Africa , a result of the English - Argentine war .
Old cruise ship ….. NOT from Holland America ! 
Yorke Bay …..more penguins 
DW would like a cup of hot chocolate ……….
Next time I would like to go a little further to Volunteer Point where our friends went ………to see the  Emperor Penguins ……
Have a very nice start of the week everybody . See you in the next Port 
Tony 😁😁
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Good morning. Cooler here today. High forecast at about 72F. We did have some rain last night and showers and T-storms are forecast for now (off and on) through Thursday.  And the "S" word was mentioned for the higher elevations. I have turned off the sprinkler system as I can always turn it back on if needed.


I was teaching on 9-11 and I cancelled my classes (college level and mainly freshman that day). I turned on the TV in my lab and I had students coming and going all day. Some sat for hours just staring. Many came and went... mainly leaving to call home and then returning to sit with friends.


My score for Port Stanley is 2 out of 3. Missed with the QE2 which would have been her final call there. I am a great fan of penguins in their natural habitat so I really enjoyed both times we did get in. The 2nd time it got very rough on the tender ride back to the Amsterdam and Captain Mercer who was sitting just ahead  to me on the tender got soaked. I  was so glad he blocked me.


We are still looking for our most recent disappeared hiker but without much hope. I have several friends who with the Search team and they feel pretty helpless. The area, which is east of our local ski resort, is very rugged and it would be easy to fall into one of the ravines or gullies and not be visible. They are using search dogs which should help. And drones.


Best wishes to all.









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The TV show 60 Minutes had an excellent documentary memorial to the New York Fire Department's heroism at 9/11.  They lost more than 300 fire fighters that day.  On that day we were just getting up and we received a call from relatives in Taiwan telling us to turn on the TV.


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Good morning all!

We will never forget.  It was my day off from work, our son called us (he was living in Champagne, IL then) and told us to turn on the TV.  Like everyone, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was like a nightmare -- especially since I had just woken up...


The recipes all look good for the most part, but will pass because we had pasta just last night.  Will pass on the drink too, but the Pinot Grigio sounds good.  We haven't been to this port, thank you for all photos posted!


We're waiting to hear from HAL what will be substituted for Lahaina on the GA.  Many cruises that sail after ours have been notified.  Then last night someone on the roll call saw that What's In Port has us overnight in Honolulu -- that would be fine with us, although sorry to not be going to Maui.  Now to wait for the official word!


We have begun packing for Alaska -- and it looks like nearly every day will be rain.  Hopefully it won't be too bad.  I'll try to send photos if possible. 🙂  


I hope everyone has a great day!  

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21 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. Cooler here today. High forecast at about 72F. We did have some rain last night and showers and T-storms are forecast for now (off and on) through Thursday.  And the "S" word was mentioned for the higher elevations. I have turned off the sprinkler system as I can always turn it back on if needed.


I was teaching on 9-11 and I cancelled my classes (college level and mainly freshman that day). I turned on the TV in my lab and I had students coming and going all day. Some sat for hours just staring. Many came and went... mainly leaving to call home and then returning to sit with friends.


My score for Port Stanley is 2 out of 3. Missed with the QE2 which would have been her final call there. I am a great fan of penguins in their natural habitat so I really enjoyed both times we did get in. The 2nd time it got very rough on the tender ride back to the Amsterdam and Captain Mercer who was sitting just ahead  to me on the tender got soaked. I  was so glad he blocked me.


We are still looking for our most recent disappeared hiker but without much hope. I have several friends who with the Search team and they feel pretty helpless. The area, which is east of our local ski resort, is very rugged and it would be easy to fall into one of the ravines or gullies and not be visible. They are using search dogs which should help. And drones.


Best wishes to all.










Hello Susan , 
I keep looking at your  CC name @durangoscots , reason being that I am a huge cycling races fan , yes I grew up on a bike , and have been watching for the last couple of weeks  “ The Man From Durango “ from the Jumbo Visma Team , Sepp Kuss  who has been doing amazingly well , he is from Durango ,  in the Vuelta of Espanja race and which he is leading. 
Hope he can win this race , another 6 tough days to go , if he wins it would be very deserving because for a few years now  he has supported and brought other riders of the team to be big champions .
This year Jumbo is amazing and 3 of the 8 in that team are in the first 3 spots over all  , that is 3 out of 176 riders who stared this race 2 weeks ago in Spain . 
Have you and people in your town been following what is happening ? 
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