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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday September 16th, 2023


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Good Saturday Morning Dailyites!  It's a Formula 1 race weekend, they are in Singapore, and they are racing at night.  I slept well, in fact I didnt even get up in the middle of the night at all (of course I was up until midnight catching up on the F1 news), but the eye still hurts, and the vision is still pretty bad out of it.  I have an eye appointment on Tuesday, guess I will wait until then.


I was cleaning out the spam on the computer and found an email from our hotel.  Turns out that beginning October 1st all 4 star hotels in Rome are increasing their room tax.  Glad I caught that.  Then I worried that perhaps I had cleaned out spam that I needed to read.  Oops!


I am a rock collector.  Especially when I go north to New England.  The quartz imbedded in to the black stone is so beautiful to me.  I fill my suitcase up every time I go up there.  When we hike in the park at Stone Mountain, I seem to always find quartz, and bring that home too.  There is a place in Helen GA where you "pan" for gemstones, by buying a bucket of sand that has rocks in it.  You can keep all of them, and if there is one you want for a ring, or necklace you can pay to have it cut and polished.  I have a ruby from one adventure.  The stones I don't want polished, I have placed on the kitty graveyard in the back of our yard. 


DH and I both work today, I am doing 5 hours, he is doing 6, I told him I would take him out to dinner.  I have no idea where, as I took him out for BBQ last night( I pay for dinner on Fridays with my dog walking money).  The places we like to eat have early closings. We cant start  work until 1 our time.  I actually am doing a 12-5 shift, DH is doing a 1-7 shift.


@JazzyVYou can take Scott off the rotation list.  He is back home.  Thank you.


I too am interested in Vegan scallops.  





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Thank you @dfish for the recipes! I love scallops and mushrooms but I don’t think todays recipe should be called  Vegan Seared Scallops; it should be called Seared King Mushrooms.  I am lucky enough to live close to Kenneth Square, PA and exotic mushrooms are available at my local farmers market.  If you like mushrooms I suggest you try toGrow Your Own Mushrooms

I wonder why yesterday’s Daily has been locked?


Sending you peace, healing and all good wishes.  May your life be good.

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12 minutes ago, 0106 said:

Thank you @dfish for the recipes! I love scallops and mushrooms but I don’t think todays recipe should be called  Vegan Seared Scallops; it should be called Seared King Mushrooms.  I am lucky enough to live close to Kenneth Square, PA and exotic mushrooms are available at my local farmers market.  If you like mushrooms I suggest you try toGrow Your Own Mushrooms

I wonder why yesterday’s Daily has been locked?


Sending you peace, healing and all good wishes.  May your life be good.

I can open yesterdays daily though maybe one of my posts was not Redneck enough!

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Good Saturday morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet reports.  Interesting days and love Meade's quote.  I would rather have real scallops but the vegan recipes does sound good.  Pass on both drinks, never been to NZ.  So glad the Mayflower came and here in AZ today is a big day - Mexican Independence!!  When I first moved to AZ, I "ran" for Mexican Independence Queen.  We had to raise money.  Unfortunately, there was a miner's strike and we left to camp around the western US.  I even sold raffle tickets in Glacier National Park!!  Of course, I didn't win (the popular local girl did) but I got a crown and rode on a float and was all dolled up!!  🙂 


Cool start to the day for us (around 68F) heading to high 90's.  Gym this morning, car alignment this afternoon and finish booking flights for my Christmas/NY cruise - I have one on hold.  Gosh they are expensive.  I have been watching the prices and even the "budget" airlines are not budget friendly at all.  FE doesn't really save me anything so I think I will just book on my own.


I realized this morning that I have very few "free" days until I fly out Sept 27th.  I need to get my derriere in gear.


Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.


Have a great day everyone

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5 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:


I realized this morning that I have very few "free" days until I fly out Sept 27th.  I need to get my derriere in gear.


Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.


Have a great day everyone

I seem to be behind on getting ready too. I finally have my suitcase out and most clothes in it but need to get busy. I fly out on Oct. 1.  Thoughts and prayers for those on the care list and those in the path of the storm. I hope everyone has a good weekend. 

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Great respect for Legions of any country that has them for providing a place for past and present service members to relax and socialize.  I'm not a rock collector, but DH seems to pick up rocks/stones/sand wherever we go.  I became a step-mother at the ripe old age of 22; what doesn't kill you only makes you drink more wine.


Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes for DH yesterday - I'm sure they helped.  We arrived at the hospital at the dot of 6 and he was whisked away to surgery at 8:30; a little over an hour later he was back in his room and spent the next 8 hours under close observation and we were home by 6.  The technician who came in to check the device said it was working beautifully and she didn't expect to see him for about 8 or 10 years when he needs a battery change.  Yay!


@CrabbyPattiI'm so sorry to read about the passing of your dear Dad.  He was so fortunate to have been in the comfort and care of those he loved when he transitioned into the next realm.

@marshhawk yikes on your eye - please let your neighbour know that you sustained a dangerous injury and have that person contact their insurance company!!  If your sight is blurry, please go to an urgent care clinic and have it checked, don't wait till next week.

@kazu I wish we lived closer, so we could help you and Ivan ride out the storm.

@Haljo1935Bon Voyage!


We'll be laying low for the next little while because DH can't drive for a week, or lift anything over 10 lbs for the next 3, and his chest is pretty tender.  I'll remove the dressing some time tomorrow, but he can't shower or bathe (only sponge baths) for the next 5 days.  We had some wind blowing through that tossed a bunch of leaves on the back lawn so I'll head out there when the dew burns off to rake them up and put them in the compost bin for collection.  


I'd like the drink of the day, will pass on the white, and am pretty sure neither of us would appreciate the menu suggestion, as we're definitely carnivores.  I've got a couple of pork chops thawing that will be pounded and made into breaded pork chops, served along with parmesan potatoes and green beans that we can enjoy on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.  Happy Rosh Hashanah to all who celebrate - may you have a wonderful year ahead.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good morning from a cloudy central Texas.  It is 73F and feels like 73F, but the humidity is 94% with the dew point sitting at 72F.  Our predicted high is 83F, which sure beats the 103F last week.  There is only a 20% chance of rain, and looking at the future cast on the radar, the big storm west of us will die out before it reaches us.  But, that was what the radar future cast said yesterday too.  Of course, getting 3.5 inches of rain in two days is probably enough for now.  Besides, I think I might have jinxed our chances for rain last night when I took the fancy rain gauge apart to see if there was a problem with it.  There were several pieces of bark mulch stuck in the drain, but I don't know how they got in there since the opening on the gauge is several inches above the mulch.


An interesting and good group of days to celebrate today.  I discovered this week that my paternal grandmother was very active in the American Legion in the 1920s and 1930s.  When the DDs were younger, we would collect rocks and polish them.  I still have a jar of polished rocks.  I'll definitely celebrate step families.  The grandfather I knew was actually my DF's stepfather, and a wonderful father and grandfather. My father remarried after my mother died, and although I was already married then, my stepmother was wonderful to me and the DDs.  She also took very good care of my DF, and without her, he would not have lived nearly as long.  DH's stepmother also took good care of his DF.


The Margaret Mead quote is very true.


We'll pass on the vegan scallops, the drink and the wine.


We have not been to Picton.


We have been to the place in Plymouth where the Pilgrims sailed from and to see Plymouth Rock.  The Pilgrims actually set out from The Netherlands, but had to stop at Plymouth, England, for repairs.  I'm sure Mexican Independence Day will be celebrated in many places in Texas.


When I looked at yesterday's Fleet Report/Daily this morning, there was a message that the thread was closed to further comment.  At that time, you could still read yesterday's Fleet/Daily.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I hope Ren's new team has improved since Mexico City.  I'm glad the new computer is working so well.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope the wind does not get too high where you are.  Stay safe.

@Lady Hudson  Katherine, it sounds like your cruise is off to an interesting start.  I hope the seas calm down, and the remainder of the cruise is smooth sailing.

@rafinmd  Roy, I'm sorry about the positive test.  We've seen rebound cases when the person takes the drug when they first test positive.  

@Crazy For Cats  Jake, I hope rain is all you get from Lee.

@dfish  Debbie, thank you for explaining vegan scallops.  They might work when our vegetarians are here.  That is, if I can find that variety of mushrooms in central Texas.

@marshhawk  Annie, I'm sorry about the damage from the tree, and your eye injury.  I hope the neighbor's insurance will cover the damage and removal of the tree.  It might even cover your medical expenses.  I join the others in urging you to have the eye looked at today.  I cut my eye about 45 years ago, and it was painful.  The doctor gave me some cream for the eye and had me wear a gauze eye patch for several days.  You do not want to get an infection in the eye.

@ger_77  Gerry, I'm glad Maurice is doing so well, and that the pacemaker is working.


















Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good morning from a gray wet day in Kansas,

DGD and I stayed home from this mornings game. I don’t like to get wet. I hope our NE friends are staying safe from the storm. 

Annie, I agree with the others that visual changes after eye injury is an emergency. It sounds like you have a possible puncture wound to the eye that needs to be seen. 

This will be brief as 3 yo need constant attention. Prayers for those on our list and others in need. 
Have a great day. 

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1 hour ago, 0106 said:

Thank you @dfish for the recipes! I love scallops and mushrooms but I don’t think todays recipe should be called  Vegan Seared Scallops; it should be called Seared King Mushrooms.  I am lucky enough to live close to Kenneth Square, PA and exotic mushrooms are available at my local farmers market.  If you like mushrooms I suggest you try toGrow Your Own Mushrooms

I wonder why yesterday’s Daily has been locked?


Sending you peace, healing and all good wishes.  May your life be good.

I noticed the lock, too. It was done by host micheal one minute before I signed in  early tiday. I went and looked at some older dailies and they are locked too as are some of @kazus voyage postings. 

i scrolled back to sept 5 and all of them are locked. Didn’t go back any farther. 

Edited by superoma
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34 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes for DH yesterday - I'm sure they helped.  We arrived at the hospital at the dot of 6 and he was whisked away to surgery at 8:30; a little over an hour later he was back in his room and spent the next 8 hours under close observation and we were home by 6.  The technician who came in to check the device said it was working beautifully and she didn't expect to see him for about 8 or 10 years when he needs a battery change.  Yay!


Woo hoo!  That is absolutely wonderful news 🙂.  So happy to hear it.


Thanks everyone for the good wishes.  So far, so good other than one big bang I heard.  I’ll wait until the storm goes before I check.  LOL.  It’s a long lasting storm - peaks this afternoon and carries on tomorrow.


As you can see we are in it’s path.




You can only make the John part out of the Saint John as the red mostly covers it.  They think it will make landfall at Yarmouth (which is right below us).  Not sure.




Western Nova Scotia and Bay of Fundy will have the highest winds, etc.  But, all of the Maritimes are feeling its effects.  It’s a HUGE storm.

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Good morning, 


Quick check-in today. We're doing DH's Celebration of Life/Family Picnic today and the weather is supposed to be mid-70's and sun! I have several friends/family coming down from Canada which I'm very appreciative of. We're doing hamburgers, salmon burgers, hot dogs, etc. and my job was the sweets DH loved - chocolate chip cookies, Nanaimo Bars, and Oreo Cookie fudge. We're going from 11-3 in a very casual park venue and I've counted at least 40 so far who are coming. Should be a fun time. I just hope it all ebb and flows nicely. DS came yesterday afternoon and loaded up his vehicle and mine with tablecloths, etc. My job is now to get DH's urn in as well as a few last minute items. I'll update later or tomorrow.



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Good morning. Awakening to dense fog but most likely will clear. Our last full day will be quiet and getting ready to travel tomorrow. It has been a great vacation surrounded by family and the beautiful state of Oregon. We just enjoyed eggs Benedict and that will be the last of the cooking. Tonight’s wood oven baked pizzas from the brewery up the road. 
Haven’t had time to read our Daily post. 
Time for a second cup of coffee. Thanks Rich and all who contribute to the Daily. Bruce



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Good morning Dailyites. 


My husband is a lifetime member of the American Legion. My step son and his wife are here visiting til Tuesday, so will celebrate step family day.


I do not collect rocks. Back in the 80's while on Maui we were told if you take a stone off the island you will have bad luck. Also known as Pele's curse. There really are stones mailed back to the island. 


Yesterday we went to the veterans memorial plaza and took a picture of Allen's brick. I don't know how to blacken out his last name or I'd post a picture. 

It says

CW4 (name...)

US Army Vietnam 

Silver Star


Gerry so relieved to hear about DH surgery going well.

Thinking of the folks in storm's way, Jacqui and Ivan.

Prayers for all on Vanessa's care list, especially Lou, Sam, baby Murphy, Annie, Sandi's DB and DF DB.


I was happy to get the hummingbird feeders out again. We have a family of 4 at the feeders. Have not seen the bee's back.


DSS is picking his wife up now at the airport. Have not seen her since 2018. She is flying down for back to back concerts in Austin.


Wishing everyone a great day. Blessings!

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Good Afternoon from a warm but cloudy day at the beach

       Played golf this AM  and it was HOT. I was soaked. I only played 9 holes but it was fun. Planning on playing again on Tuesday.

     We were in Picton on Christmas Eve 2022. Nice little town. We took the ships shuttle to town and then we just walked around. We enjoyed it.  I will post some pictures .

     @luvteaching Sounds like the Celebration of life will be a real nice event.

       @kazu   Stay safe in the storm. The noise from the wind is what always gets me. 

     Why are the posts locked?


Stay safe and enjoy today


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