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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday September 21st, 2023


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17 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

I brought food to my friends house yesterday and stayed for 5 hours visiting with her out of town relatives. We cried and laughed reminiscing about her.  I am glad I saw them before the celebration where there would be lots of people to deal with. 

I got my luggage forwarding notice for my GA cruise .  Is there any limitations to what you can pack in the suitcases?


I went back to read yesterday’s thread this morning and saw it was locked. Is this happening everyday? I like to read it at night but got home too late so looked at it this morning. We are a troublesome bunch. 

So mainly travelers right now and I am jealous. Safe travels and have fun!


I'm glad you had a nice visit with your friend's relatives.  I was surprised to read that yesterday's Daily was locked.  It hadn't been locked for several days lately.  


6 minutes ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Thursday Daily, Rich.

And thanks Ann, Debbie, Dixie & Vanessa.


Good collection of days especially Peace & Gratitude which are two that should be celebrated every day.  Interesting quote.  And YAY on that white wine.  I’d love some 😉 We were in São Paulo but it was quick and not in Santos, proper.  Nova Scotia’s founding is definitely something to celebrate. 🙂 




Busy morning today - a couple of appointments including the painful one that I pay for (elbow therapy).


Nothing much got accomplished yesterday - 1st our meet time for our whale watching had to be changed so the spread sheet that was already closed had to be re-opened and re-converted.  Then the on board events co-ordination advised our meeting room had been changed.  Back to the spread sheet and conversion again. ‘Sigh’.  All bad things come in 3’s, right?  Ivan stole cheese off the counter last night and of course is not feeling well.  GRRR.  (His first theft and his last).




On the bright side, when I was outside yesterday you couldn’t help but miss how some plants had taken a beating from Lea:




Only a few of these are left standing:




But amazingly, look at this - this fragile clematis withstood it all and is still blooming away.  (It’s the first year this one has bloomed).






@Oceansaway17 Bon Voyage !


Prayers for those on the Care list, those suffering losses, health problems, worries & those that need them.  Cheers to all those celebrating and cruising 🥂 




Have a good Thursday everyone.



Jacqui, I'm sorry you had to redo the spreadsheet twice yesterday.  I hope Ivan is feeling better soon.  I hope things go better today.  Your flowers still look lovely to this non-gardener.


We were on the Ruby Princess in 2015, and we had wanted to to to Sao Paulo, but were advised that the timing was not good for getting back in time, and IIRC, the ship did not offer tours to Sao Paulo.   Since that was a new port for us, we took a tour offered in the terminal, and enjoyed it.   We also saw the cathedral, but my pictures would be repeats of Sandi's.


Our first stop was a park and beach area in an upscale neighborhood, with a lot of free time. Part of that time we spent in their small, but nice aquarium.





The church was across the street from the park.



An interesting statue in the park



Santos is the town and team where Pele got his start.  He played with the Santos team and the New York Cosmos.  We drove by the stadium where he played but could not get a good picture.  A picture of the Pele museum , which was interesting.



A tram station across the street from the museum



A few different pictures of the Coffee Exchange.  The last two are where the coffee was bought and sold.







One of the narrow streets in the central part of town



The Palace of Justice



Santos as we sailed for Rio de Janeiro. 







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12 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

@ocean sounds  Congratulations on the up grade to a mini-suite.  You will be spoiled.  The north Pacific tends to be a little less smooth than sailing from San Diego or LA, but it shouldn't be too bad as long as there is not a typhoon in the area.

Thanks!  That’s great to hear. 

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Good morning, everyone!


It is another beautiful day in mid-Michigan.  We expect sunny skies and a high of 82F.  Tomorrow I am hosting a luncheon for former classmates.  Today is dedicated to getting things in shape for them.  The chicken is already marinating and ready to go on the grill.  I got a new gas canister the other day, so we'll have plenty of gas to do the cooking.  @Cruzin Terri mine needs a new ignitor, but I just use a torch.  


Today's meal probably tastes divine, but is a bit too sweet for me.  I'd give it a pass due to the sugar content.  Ahead of Thyme has easy to find ingredients and an easy recipe to follow.  These might be good for a party appetizer.  https://www.aheadofthyme.com/sticky-honey-garlic-meatballs/




This recipe uses a ginger chicken meatball.  The meat is more highly seasoned, but not hot spicy.  https://www.halfbakedharvest.com/honey-garlic-meatballs/




Here is one last variation on the recipe.  A suggestion is to use store bought meatballs to save time, but they would miss the flavor these have from the seasoning that goes in them.   https://www.theendlessmeal.com/honey-garlic-meatballs/




Wishing  you all a wonderful day no matter what you have for dinner!


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Good morning. It was only 53 when I took the dogs out this morning. It will get up to 70 later.

I read the Daily for the last few days but neglected to comment. I was sad to read about the DH of Melisa @Hal sailor. ( where are the blue bubbles when they are needed?) and hope the birthday was happy. It is so hard to watch a decline in function and I hope the docs can help.

@OceanSounds, Bon Voyage! I loved sailing the Pacific and hope you will too.

@rafinmd, Roy, I am so glad you opted to go on the cruises and hope you feel more energetic soon. It does take a while but I am confident you will get there.

@grapau27, Graham, I am very glad you got a good report from the Doctor. And I want to see Pauline’s feet on the dash!,

@ger_77, I hope your DH is feeling better . I am sorry that there is still smoke to contend with.

@JazzyV, Vanessa, I took the same medication for years and always had a wonky stomach for a few days post injection. My rheumatologist said it was “ uncommon” as well. I also got the itchy rash. I hope you are feeling better.

@mamaofami, I hope your DH is home and that things continue to improve.


My son returned home yesterday and our smaller group ate dinner together last night with a meal I cooked. It was good to do something normal. The hospice equipment was finally removed yesterday and my bed will be reassembled tomorrow  when we have more help.The six days we had DH on hospice seemed like an eternity and now time seems to have sped up again.Both of my children continue to help with every possible thing which is greatly appreciated. Today we will pick up the urn an d find a spot in the house  that is good.We are starting to think of what we want to do for the Celebration of Life. My Lou loved a party and that will be a fitting goodbye from all of us.

I am so glad that this community is here every day.


Edited by smitty34877
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1 hour ago, RedneckBob said:

Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from all contributors.


Miniature Golf Day or what I call putt putt. Below is my favorite putt putt course.



I guess  on one got it but the second photo is Hole #2 for a reason! 😀

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Thank you ALL for yesterday's supportive messages and birthday wishes for my DH. I so appreciate your care and he enjoyed hearing Happy Birthday! so many times.


And, thank you @JazzyV for including my DH on the Rotation List. That's perfect as his maladies are likely with us for the long-term.


As DH's new normal begins to take on some shape and we develop new routines, I hope to contribute here more often. 


I'll take a first step in that direction by congratulating @rafinmd on his decision to move forward with his Cunard/Crystal cruise. I marvel at the travel combinations he has put together over the years. I think of him as Trains, Planes, Ships Roy and I aspire to someday be as creative! @rafinmd Enjoy your cruise countdown and when you do head off, please travel safely, be well – and enjoy!



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Good morning Dailyites. 


I'm hoping everyone has a great start to their day. Prayers lifted for all in my prayer book and our Daily-ites and family. Prayers for people who are suffering around the world. What a terrible tragedy for so many.


DH and I got our flu and RSV shots yesterday before DH doctor's appt. Has not affected us, luckily. Doctor advised DH to make an appointment for a urologist and nephrologist, so on the way out we got those appointments scheduled around our 54 day cruise coming up. The new covid vaccine came in and out lickity split, so need to wait for the next batch.


@kazu Jacqui I don't know how much cheese Ivan ate, but Oliver gets cheese for part of his raw diet. Now if Oliver would stop eating crickets and leaves... 


@RedneckBob I got the outhouse, but didn't realize it was #2. Funny you!








Have not heard from our incoming guests. I'll send a text and see where they are. I don't know if I should prepare for our lunch or what.


Wishing everyone a blessed day. @smitty34877 Terri you are one great lady. Loving and kind.



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I wish we had International Peace Day every day.  I am grateful for so many things every day, one of them being this safe space for all of us to rant, rage, commiserate and celebrate.  Haven't played miniature golf in years - we still have 1 mini golf course left in the city that does get lots of play.


Yikes, it's cold out this morning - wasn't expecting to wake up to +2C (35F); if I'd known it was going to get that cold, I'd have hustled outside and covered the plants.  As I look into the back yard, it seems they are all okay - we live in a slightly lower section of the neighbourhood and always get frost before others. 


Today I'm going to bring out the step ladder and do a final measurement of the 3 papyrus plants before the frost gets them and they begin to droop.  It's also time to get the lower level bedrooms ready to bring in the plants we're going to over-winter.  I have to line the bookcase and shelves with boot trays that will catch the extra water that always seems to seep out, even though we try to be careful.  DH said he put the trays away somewhere, but can't recall exactly where . . . oh great.  LOL   I think I see a trip to the dollar store in my daily plans.  Speaking of dollar stores, can any of my Daily family tell me if the Dollar Tree in the US still sells plastic cutlery?  We can't buy it here any longer, and we need to get a supply in for our Summerfest barbecue next year.  I was hoping to hit the Dollar Tree near our hotel in FLL when we're there in February and pick up a few packages.


The lawn guy is coming this morning, but we're going to tell him that it doesn't need cutting, and he now only needs to show up every 2 weeks.  Instead of doing the lawn, we're going to have him blow out / clean out the gutters again so they're ready for winter.  DH said he could do it to which I said "you wish" and that pretty much ended the conversation. 


@kazu sorry for the pain you're going to be experiencing, and oh wow on Ivan stealing the cheese.  Hope he doesn't get too sick from it!

@marshhawk how I wish we lived closer so I could help with your tree issues - you've got so much on your plate!


I'm giving a pass on the drink of the day and the wine, but think the menu suggestion would be great for a dinner party, so will tuck away the recipe in my file.  Tonight we're going to have air fried salmon, parmesan potatoes and green beans that we can still enjoy on the deck.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations!


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




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3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  Frisco is 77 degrees at this early hour, will be 93, windy and cloudy today.  Thanks Rich @richwmn for your Fleet Report and Daily!  DH and I kept busy yesterday earning our keep here.  Ren did feel well enough to go to practice and school, then ended up with a second practice indoors from 5 to 6 pm so we were alone all day.  We did some vacuuming and then cleaning the wood and tile floors for DDIL, some laundry, a little shopping, lunch at Chick-fil-A (it was spotless and the service fantastic as usual).  Then we prepared dinner at 7 for the three of us.  I was pretty tired last night.  


As to the "days", I agree that international peace and world gratitude are two worthy causes and great to celebrate together.  I'll pass on the miniature golf.  A very interesting and true quote from Benjamin Franklin.  I'll pass on the meatballs and cocktail but would try the white wine.  Wow on selling Stonehenge back in 1915, and a good beginning for Canada.  Thanks to our ladies Debbie @dfish,  Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard for their reporting today.


Prayers for our group on the Care list.  Hoping for improvement for as many as possible.  Good news on the all clear by the dermatologist, Graham @grapau27.  I'll offer up extra prayers for DB and friend's DB Mark, those around the world still suffering from their fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and war.🙏  A salute to everyone cruising and the Dailyites busily preparing for their cruises, visiting family and friends, birthdays and anniversaries.  Have a wonderful time!  Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for your list keeping!❤️


Our port this morning is Santos (Sao Paulo), Brazil.  This was our port once before way back on May 30, 2021.  We were there once but my photos have disappeared from Rich's post so I have to place them again.  I will make a new post and get on that!  Here's the link to May 30, 2021.




Hoping we all experience a super day and stay safe and well.  

Thank you Sandi.

Booster jab tomorrow and 

Flu jab on Monday.

I have had a busy day today and stopped for a Steak Bake and a coffee.

Pleased to hear Ren was well enough to practice.


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3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


We visited Santos (Sao Paulo) Brazil on Ruby Princess. It was February 16, 2015 and overnight our ship had been decorated for “Carnaval”.






We docked in Santos in a commercial area which is not unexpected on a cruise.  It was cloudy and would rain a little when we left our port, but we headed off the ship to walk around this new to us destination.  We walked for miles that day.  The first thing we came across was this massive statue.





Santos City Hall which is named José Bonifácio Palace




The Coffee Stock Exchange




Here is the coffee cafe inside the building.  I don't drink coffee and DH hadn't started drinking it either at the time.  Now he has a cup or two every day - a late in life habit.




I loved the ships above the doorway here.  The plaque on the wall described this as the Santos Trade Association building.




Next is an electric trolley car pulling a trailer behind it.






Following that we saw a caravan of trucks pulling floats behind them.  From my Google search it says the parade was held in Santos on the 14th, two days earlier.








Here is the Portuguese Cultural Center.




And here we have the Santos Cathedral.  I really wish it had been sunny that day because these photos all look so gloomy and grey.






Soon we were heading back to the Ruby Princess.  However when we got close to the ship we were stopped by a train blocking the path and had to wait for quite a while before it moved out of the way.




It rained just before leaving the port of Santos.  I still took photos at sail away.  I should have had an IPhone camera at the time because these few photos from my camera aren't all that sharp.  Looks like ferries taking people and their cars home.








That was it for our first and only visit to Santos, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Interesting photos Sandi.

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


I'm glad you had a nice visit with your friend's relatives.  I was surprised to read that yesterday's Daily was locked.  It hadn't been locked for several days lately.  



Jacqui, I'm sorry you had to redo the spreadsheet twice yesterday.  I hope Ivan is feeling better soon.  I hope things go better today.  Your flowers still look lovely to this non-gardener.


We were on the Ruby Princess in 2015, and we had wanted to to to Sao Paulo, but were advised that the timing was not good for getting back in time, and IIRC, the ship did not offer tours to Sao Paulo.   Since that was a new port for us, we took a tour offered in the terminal, and enjoyed it.   We also saw the cathedral, but my pictures would be repeats of Sandi's.


Our first stop was a park and beach area in an upscale neighborhood, with a lot of free time. Part of that time we spent in their small, but nice aquarium.





The church was across the street from the park.



An interesting statue in the park



Santos is the town and team where Pele got his start.  He played with the Santos team and the New York Cosmos.  We drove by the stadium where he played but could not get a good picture.  A picture of the Pele museum , which was interesting.



A tram station across the street from the museum



A few different pictures of the Coffee Exchange.  The last two are where the coffee was bought and sold.







One of the narrow streets in the central part of town



The Palace of Justice



Santos as we sailed for Rio de Janeiro. 







Nice informative photos Lenda.

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1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. It was only 53 when I took the dogs out this morning. It will get up to 70 later.

I read the Daily for the last few days but neglected to comment. I was sad to read about the DH of Melisa @Hal sailor. ( where are the blue bubbles when they are needed?) and hope the birthday was happy. It is so hard to watch a decline in function and I hope the docs can help.

@OceanSounds, Bon Voyage! I loved sailing the Pacific and hope you will too.

@rafinmd, Roy, I am so glad you opted to go on the cruises and hope you feel more energetic soon. It does take a while but I am confident you will get there.

@grapau27, Graham, I am very glad you got a good report from the Doctor. And I want to see Pauline’s feet on the dash!,

@ger_77, I hope your DH is feeling better . I am sorry that there is still smoke to contend with.

@JazzyV, Vanessa, I took the same medication for years and always had a wonky stomach for a few days post injection. My rheumatologist said it was “ uncommon” as well. I also got the itchy rash. I hope you are feeling better.

@mamaofami, I hope your DH is home and that things continue to improve.


My son returned home yesterday and our smaller group ate dinner together last night with a meal I cooked. It was good to do something normal. The hospice equipment was finally removed yesterday and my bed will be reassembled tomorrow  when we have more help.The six days we had DH on hospice seemed like an eternity and now time seems to have sped up again.Both of my children continue to help with every possible thing which is greatly appreciated. Today we will pick up the urn an d find a spot in the house  that is good.We are starting to think of what we want to do for the Celebration of Life. My Lou loved a party and that will be a fitting goodbye from all of us.

I am so glad that this community is here every day.


Thank you Terry.

I hope Tana and yourself are okay.

Kindest regards.


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23 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you Sandi.

Booster jab tomorrow and 

Flu jab on Monday.

I have had a busy day today and stopped for a Steak Bake and a coffee.

Pleased to hear Ren was well enough to practice.


I will make a comment today. Another great photo.

I have been studying your technique for months. So here’s my effort while going to my local hardware store today. Do I get a thumbs up?




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7 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

I will make a comment today. Another great photo.

I have been studying your technique for months. So here’s my effort while going to my local hardware store today. Do I get a thumbs up?




Nice photo 👍👍👍

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1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. 


I'm hoping everyone has a great start to their day. Prayers lifted for all in my prayer book and our Daily-ites and family. Prayers for people who are suffering around the world. What a terrible tragedy for so many.


DH and I got our flu and RSV shots yesterday before DH doctor's appt. Has not affected us, luckily. Doctor advised DH to make an appointment for a urologist and nephrologist, so on the way out we got those appointments scheduled around our 54 day cruise coming up. The new covid vaccine came in and out lickity split, so need to wait for the next batch.


@kazu Jacqui I don't know how much cheese Ivan ate, but Oliver gets cheese for part of his raw diet. Now if Oliver would stop eating crickets and leaves... 


@RedneckBob I got the outhouse, but didn't realize it was #2. Funny you!








Have not heard from our incoming guests. I'll send a text and see where they are. I don't know if I should prepare for our lunch or what.


Wishing everyone a blessed day. @smitty34877 Terri you are one great lady. Loving and kind.



Thank you Joy.I have always felt the same way about you!

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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I so wish we had International Peace now. I haven't played miniature golf in ages. We all have much to be grateful for, even though at times it's hard to see it. Interesting quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Santos, or Brazil at all. Good days in history.


Another chilly start today at 54F, now up to 67 and sunny. I did appreciate the comforter on the bed last night. Not much on the agenda today, except going out for a local restaurant's German Oktoberfest meal with BFF. I have weaned off the ibuprofen, so the back and joints are protesting today. I also mowed the lawn yesterday, so that's contributing. I may try to get the RSV shot soon. I will get the flu and Covid vaccines in October. The Covid vaccine is scarce here right now.


@ocean sounds Congrats on the cruise and upgrade. When I cruised to Hawaii from LA, the Pacific wasn't bad in terms of waves, but it was chilly outside the first few days. 

@StLouisCruisers I'm sorry Ren still wasn't feeling well yesterday and I hope he's better today. Great photos from Santos.

@Crazy For Cats Belated Happy Birthday to Tucker!

@rafinmd Rest up if you can.

@cat shepard Interesting about the hybrid car scarcity. I'll be curious as to what you might get. My car is getting older, but doesn't even have 30K miles after 8 years, so I will likely hang on to it since I don't drive that much these days.

@RedneckBob Whoa, clever, lol.

@cruising sister That sounds like a nice time reminiscing about your friend. I don't know why yesterday's thread is locked.

@0106 That's a great quote from Hendrix.

@kazu Good luck with the PT. It's great all you are doing for your roll call; I hope they appreciate you. Oh my on Ivan stealing cheese - I hope he feels better soon. I'm glad some of your flowers survived.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the photos of Santos.

@smitty34877 ((hugs)) I'm glad you have family with you during this difficult time. Thanks for your insight on the medication.

@HAL Sailer We look forward to hearing from you as conditions allow.

@ger_77 Our Dollar Tree still sells plastic cutlery, although the store is now the $1.25 store (still a bargain). 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.

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Thank you Rich, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work. And thank you everyone for being here!


Back from our last excursion of this cruise and then lunch in the Buffet. Tonight we set sail back to Hamburg with two sea days. Then two days in Copenhagen before flying home on Tuesday. One of my first tasks when home will be to get my phone fixed as the SIM card failed. I can still use WiFi though. It also seems that I can't transfer photos to my phone either


We have had good weather in Ireland. Yesterday we took the bus from Dun Laoghaire into Dublin and walked around the area of Merrion Square. Today we docked at Ringaskiddy (across from Cobh) and had an excellent excursion to Kinsale and Charles Fort. 


Tonight is the "White Night" celebration. Our MDR time is 6:00 pm which is the same time as the sailaway so need to decide which one we will do. It has been a nice cruise and sad to see it ending Sunday. Some photos have blue cast for some reason. Sorry.


Stay Safe and prayers for those in need.


- Jack





Cobh with the Regal Princess docked.



Kinsale in the distance



Three of six different types of pizza!



Grilled Blackened Salmon



Crunchy Crusted Pork Chop



Gateau Opera cake







Edited by Heartgrove
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Good morning to all.

I figure I better write now than wait til later when I might get locked out.  I was next to the last poster on yesterday’s thread before it got locked.

Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report.  I like the days.  

Peace and Gratitude go together.  What a wonderful world it could be if we all adhered to these principles.  I haven’t played Mini Golf in a while, but it was always fun when we did that.  DBIL used to love that.

I will skip the meal and drink.  Maybe the wine.  I have not been to the port.

I agree with Roy @rafinmd about the quote.


We expect some bad weather today.  There is a tropical depression off the east coast.  So today is a day for inside activities.  I have a lot of ironing to do so i may try to make a dent in that.

I also have a lot of clothes that no longer fit me.  I have lost about 22 pounds.  I need to get them ready for the thrift shop.  So I have enough projects to keep me busy for a rainy day.  I am sure they will not all get done today.


@JazzyV Thank you for keeping me on the Cares list.  I am doing better, and I think you can remove me.  i will let you know about my cousin as soon as I find out.  The last I heard, she was seeing a wound doctor, due to an infection at the wound site.

@smitty34877I hope you are doing okay.  You and your family are in my prayers.  i am happy that you have family near you to see you through this difficult time.

@mamaofami I’m glad your Sam is home.  I hope he recuperates well from the surgery.

@HAL Sailer Prayers for you and your DH.

@rafinmdGlad you decided to take that cruise.

Prayers for all who need them.  Especially Baby Murphy.


Cheers to those who are celebrating and cruising and getting ready to cruise.


Happy Thursday.

God Bless,


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