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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday November 4th, 2023


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53 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


I told you you would enjoy the Galley lunch!  It's fabulous with everything you could possibly want to eat.  We say it's the best cruise "lunch" we ever ate!





More great news for Baby Murphy!  Wonderful!  Also very nice to hear DB is doing well, too.





Brenda, as always fantastic photos.  That is a fierce looking bison!


I didn't post it earlier but do have a photo we took at our dinner on Prinsendam with Capt. D. D.  That was a jolly good time.  Here you go.


Here's a photo of us at dinner in Canaletto the following night.  The Executive Chef of the fleet was on board and brought us out a huge fish he had prepared for our dinner.  I only had a few bites of it since I'm not a huge fish lover.  But it was good and I enjoyed my separate entree.  George brought a special bottle of wine he had purchased on our cruise in Civitavecchia and the Captain was very surprised and honored that he had done that.  He said usually I provide all the wine, but he enjoyed it very much and asked where the shop was in Civitavecchia that George had bought it.  We were there for hours enjoying the conversation and food, and finally Captain said I have to go back to work now.  We bid him good night, then all four of us sat and chatted a while about it having been one of the best dinners we had ever experienced on a cruise.  The company was outstanding!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJHtRTdJ2k-W5gkdLqTNhUd?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526159922






That is such a sweet thing for younger brother to do!

yes, captain Dag, great captain.

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36 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


I have had that Captain's name cause my posts to be hidden and have to wait for the mods to release them because of his name being used.  They have explained that apparently someone in the past had abused guidelines concerning certain terms and it is not my fault.  So we get around it by referring to him by his initials or the Captain whose name shall not be mentioned.  Very sad they have to watch for nasty comments like that.  It's the software that catches it and makes us wait for the posting to print.


Hope this prints!  lol

For what it's worth the Captain that cannot be named is named at the bottom of the first page of this program:





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Hi Friends! Well, my week included an unexpected detour back to the hospital. My heart rate was elevated, so they put me on an IV to bring it down. If it didn't work, the next step was to shock the heart. Luckily, I ended up "self-regulating" at 3am on Wednesday, so that wasn't necessary.

Happy to be home again, and this time I plan to stay put!!

Don't forget to set your clocks back tonight!



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12 minutes ago, NextOne said:

Hi Friends! Well, my week included an unexpected detour back to the hospital. My heart rate was elevated, so they put me on an IV to bring it down. If it didn't work, the next step was to shock the heart. Luckily, I ended up "self-regulating" at 3am on Wednesday, so that wasn't necessary.

Happy to be home again, and this time I plan to stay put!!

Don't forget to set your clocks back tonight!



I'm happy to hear your raised heart rate was sorted without an electric shock.

After my heart attack I was prescribed a Beta blocker called Bisoprolol 2.5mg tablet in the morning before food and every time I check my BP/heart rate it is 55-60 beats per minute.

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19 minutes ago, NextOne said:

Hi Friends! Well, my week included an unexpected detour back to the hospital. My heart rate was elevated, so they put me on an IV to bring it down. If it didn't work, the next step was to shock the heart. Luckily, I ended up "self-regulating" at 3am on Wednesday, so that wasn't necessary.

Happy to be home again, and this time I plan to stay put!!

Don't forget to set your clocks back tonight!




2 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

I'm happy to hear your raised heart rate was sorted without an electric shock.

After my heart attack I was prescribed a Beta blocker called Bisoprolol 2.5mg tablet in the morning before food and every time I check my BP/heart rate it is 55-60 beats per minute.


Edi I'm so happy to hear all is well now with your heart rate!  Continued good health to you!  XX


Graham, I'm also grateful you are in much improved health since your heart attack.  What would we do without you?  XX

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13 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:



Edi I'm so happy to hear all is well now with your heart rate!  Continued good health to you!  XX


Graham, I'm also grateful you are in much improved health since your heart attack.  What would we do without you?  XX

Thank you for your kind words Sandi which I really appreciate.

I'm grateful to you for being a lovely friend and for all of your excellent posts and photos and to most of our Dailyite family for the camaraderie we all share.xx

Edited by grapau27
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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


I have had that Captain's name cause my posts to be hidden and have to wait for the mods to release them because of his name being used.  They have explained that apparently someone in the past had abused guidelines concerning certain terms and it is not my fault.  So we get around it by referring to him by his initials or the Captain whose name shall not be mentioned.  Very sad they have to watch for nasty comments like that.  It's the software that catches it and makes us wait for the posting to print.


Hope this prints!  lol



ditto.  I have had the same experience when I made the mistake of posting his name.



39 minutes ago, NextOne said:

Hi Friends! Well, my week included an unexpected detour back to the hospital. My heart rate was elevated, so they put me on an IV to bring it down. If it didn't work, the next step was to shock the heart. Luckily, I ended up "self-regulating" at 3am on Wednesday, so that wasn't necessary.

Happy to be home again, and this time I plan to stay put!!

Don't forget to set your clocks back tonight!




Oh my heavens, Edi.  So glad you are ok 😥 

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@NextOne Wow, I am sure glad that it all sorted out and that you are home to stay!   

@smitty34877 I've been thinking of you and your family all day.  I hope all went well and that the memories bring you comfort.

@cruising sister More great news for Baby Murphy and your DB.  This train is rolling in the right direction!

@Cruising-along The picture of the two boys is fantastic.  Keep that for their wives.

@grapau27 I agree that it is wonderful that you have had a good recovery from your heart attack.  Follow all the doctor's advice!


We had a great time painting houses for River's fairy garden.  We relocated the fairy garden to a spot where it isn't covered in leaves.  But, I'm thinking it needs to have some leaves and trees around it.  












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8 minutes ago, dfish said:

@NextOne Wow, I am sure glad that it all sorted out and that you are home to stay!   

@smitty34877 I've been thinking of you and your family all day.  I hope all went well and that the memories bring you comfort.

@cruising sister More great news for Baby Murphy and your DB.  This train is rolling in the right direction!

@Cruising-along The picture of the two boys is fantastic.  Keep that for their wives.

@grapau27 I agree that it is wonderful that you have had a good recovery from your heart attack.  Follow all the doctor's advice!


We had a great time painting houses for River's fairy garden.  We relocated the fairy garden to a spot where it isn't covered in leaves.  But, I'm thinking it needs to have some leaves and trees around it.  












Thank you Debbie @dfish.

I have a (CHD) coronary heart disease check up with the practice nurse on Monday and to discuss recent blood tests.

Edited by grapau27
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Thanks for the HAL Fleet report and all the daily information.  Great photos of Horta.

@grapau27  before my laptop developed problems, you had let us all know that you were about to have a birthday, that must have occurred while I was without internet, so belated Birthday Greetings.

Hope you had a good day, I suppose that you would have done some celebrating with your mates/friends.

Today you again  mentioned that you had a heart attack, were you advised to go for a walk each day?  How far do you walk each day?  {Am just curious if  advice  in the UK is  the same as here.}

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A late good evening.  We are celebrating the Longhorns' win in OT, even though we missed the end of the game.


The weather turned nice this afternoon, and we drove up to the motorhome dealership.  Before the battery snafu yesterday afternoon, we had decided to keep the 24 year old diesel pusher.  After thinking about getting four "house" batteries too and six new, expensive tires, plus who knows what else, we wanted to take a closer look at the motorhome we saw two weeks ago.  The salesman , who was vey low key, left us alone to really look at the motorhome.  


While it will be a change to downsize some. We put a deposit on a 2024 gas Class A motorhome.  We thinknit will be less hassle, and know it will be cheaper to operate.  We should get it in a week to two weeks, we hope to be in Quartzsite by Thanksgiving if all goes well.


9 hours ago, aliaschief said:

We just attended The Signature Galley Buffet. Good grief what a spread. Lobster, snow crab, suckling pig and on and on. We just swayed back to room and soon will be nap time. 

Here’s some pics albeit not very good but holding a plate, dealing with a moving ship and taking pics are not my forte.






Bruce, I got full just looking at all that food.


8 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'd celebrate candy day with chocolate. Community service is important. We should all use common sense daily, but many don't. I like the quote. I like a good chicken pot pie, but have never made one. Pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Horta. 3 good days in history.


It's partly sunny and going into the low 60's today. I took a muscle relaxant before going to bed. I had thought I slept better. Although I awakened multiple times due to pain, I didn't think I was awake as long. But my watch shows about 4 hours of sleep total; better than 2.5, but not great. And I had strange dreams, that I can't remember now. I'm back to a lot of pain and tingling when I stand. I'm trying to parcel and vacuum seal some meats I bought, and I have to sit down every 5 minutes or so.


@smitty34877 Thinking of you and the family as you remember and celebrate your dear Lou.

@seagarsmoker Enjoy St. Kitts. Sorry to hear of a passenger drowning in St. Lucia.

@StLouisCruisers Good luck to Ren today. Thanks for the Horta photos.

@kazu Oh no on Ivan getting out. I'm glad he knows where "home" is!

@aliaschief A spa visit sounds nice; although I don't like when they try to sell you all kinds of products. Thanks for the info on the motion sickness device. I don't usually have that issue. Wow on that Galley buffet!

@kochleffel Sorry about the itinerary changes, and the lackluster gala dinner. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Nice photos. Good job on getting those heavy batteries in place. 

@dfish I'm sure River felt very special. Thanks for the recipes.

@Nickelpenny Love the meme. 

@travelnap Oh the picture that paints in my head! 😁


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to all those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I'm glad you got more sleep.  I just wish you could have a pain free night.


7 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good afte

More happy news. Murphy got to have clothes on today. They are working on weaning her last bit of sedation so she can have a line pulled leaving just the PIC for her little bit of TPN. DB continuing to improve so things looked brighter for that family. 

I met for breakfast with some of my old work mates. It was nice to see them. One just called me and told me it was nice to see me smile. I was in a very different place a year ago. 

@JazzyVdarn on that pain. 

@smitty34877I hope you have a beautiful day with your family. It will open some feelings of loss again but also helps you move forward. 
@kazuI am glad you taught him a safe word. I always taught my dogs “where are you” and treated them well and they would come running from anywhere to great me. 

Sounds like DGD is up. Have a great rest of your day. 


Lorraine, that's more great news about Murphy.  She's proven she's a fighter.  I'm glad your DB is continuing to improve.


4 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


I agree Ray!  We all have nice stories to share about him with others but must be so careful.  It's not fair.


Edited to add that I forgot to report in on soccer.  The Dallas team won 5 - 0 and Ren played the first half.  I wish the team website was working so we could look up scores, standings, time and dates of games, but they must have some IT people similar to HAL's working for them.  It's been down for several months.


Sandi, that's good news that the Dallas team won, and Ren played the first half.


4 hours ago, NextOne said:

Hi Friends! Well, my week included an unexpected detour back to the hospital. My heart rate was elevated, so they put me on an IV to bring it down. If it didn't work, the next step was to shock the heart. Luckily, I ended up "self-regulating" at 3am on Wednesday, so that wasn't necessary.

Happy to be home again, and this time I plan to stay put!!

Don't forget to set your clocks back tonight!




Edi, I'm sorry you landed back in the hospital, but glad your heart self-regulated before an intervention was needed.


3 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you Debbie @dfish.

I have a (CHD) coronary heart disease check up with the practice nurse on Monday and to discuss recent blood tests.


Graham, I hope all goes well at your check up Monday.


2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Ocean is calming some. We arrive Charleston tonight at midnight and tomorrow we don’t sail until 10:30 PM.

Monday is a sea day and we disembark Tuesday.😒


Bruce, enjoy your remaining time on the ship.



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The sea seems to be calming, I think I’ll be able to shower this morning.  Pat told me not to yesterday, the ship was rolling so much.  There are crackers!  At least Carr’s Water Biscuits, which are not my favourites, but they will do.  I don’t know if we’re low on eggs, but there was no custard for the bread pudding yesterday, so I didn’t bother taking a picture.  

las Palmas is this afternoon, with evidently 4 other ships outrunning the storm.  We’ll probably just take a taxi to the cemetery to check on Pat’s father, and then head back to the ship.  If we can get a taxi.    

thinking of you all, and I said a prayer for you at Mass yesterday afternoon.  

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51 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

The sea seems to be calming, I think I’ll be able to shower this morning.  Pat told me not to yesterday, the ship was rolling so much.  There are crackers!  At least Carr’s Water Biscuits, which are not my favourites, but they will do.  I don’t know if we’re low on eggs, but there was no custard for the bread pudding yesterday, so I didn’t bother taking a picture.  

las Palmas is this afternoon, with evidently 4 other ships outrunning the storm.  We’ll probably just take a taxi to the cemetery to check on Pat’s father, and then head back to the ship.  If we can get a taxi.    

thinking of you all, and I said a prayer for you at Mass yesterday afternoon.  

It was definitely hard to shower yesterday.


At dinner last night there was disagreement at the table about whether missing the last ports would affect supplies, although we were thinking about fruit and veg, not eggs. Some passengers said that the ship could be resupplied just as well at Tenerife, but others doubted that replacements for whatever would have been waiting at Lisbon or Funchal could be redirected or replaced in time.


I am switching to the Lido for lunch, I think, because there are only about two things on the MDR menu that I would ever order.


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6 hours ago, erewhon said:

Thanks for the HAL Fleet report and all the daily information.  Great photos of Horta.

@grapau27  before my laptop developed problems, you had let us all know that you were about to have a birthday, that must have occurred while I was without internet, so belated Birthday Greetings.

Hope you had a good day, I suppose that you would have done some celebrating with your mates/friends.

Today you again  mentioned that you had a heart attack, were you advised to go for a walk each day?  How far do you walk each day?  {Am just curious if  advice  in the UK is  the same as here.}

Thank you for your interest in my health and your belated birthday wishes @erewhon 

My 67th birthday was on October 27th and we took our Sarah out for a meal at our favourite Italian restaurant.

I posted our food photos on October 27th daily.

My heart attack was on December 19th 2019 a couple of weeks after getting off Grand Princess from our 15 night Hawaiian cruise from San Francisco.

I was in the gym lifting heavy weights every day of the cruise but I have stopped lifting weights since my heart attack.

I was in Cardiac care for 3 days and had an angioplasty operation and had 1 stent put  in my circumflex artery.

This artery supplies blood to the outer side and back of the heart and why I didn't have classic heart attack symptoms at the time as it is a silent killer.

I was advised to walk 10,000 steps a day and do gardening, swimming etc.

I have had knee and hip arthritis for over 10 years which I controlled with high dose Ibuprofen.

I was told my heart medication would react with Ibuprofen and told to stop taking Ibuprofen so my arthritis has got progressively disabling without ibuprofen.

Edited by grapau27
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