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Friday December 8th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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It looks like Weather Bug was having issues this morning as it’s not in the thirties this morning but currently 53 F.  I’ll forgive them as Jim Cantore did not come visit us during the Hurricane season.

@RedneckBob Good hearing from you. We need a current picture of you as It’s been so long since we cruised together I’m not sure I would recognize.

Glad to hear your having a great time.

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Good morning, everyone!


We have sunny skies and warming temperatures this morning in mid-Michigan.   It should be a nice day.  DS Mary Jo is coming over for coffee this afternoon.  I lured her with the promise of whipped cream to put in her coffee.  So, I guess I had better go get some!  We are going to the gardens tonight for the winter walk.  They are all decorated for the holidays and have roving carolers performing and hot chocolate shacks along the way.  We tried to go last night but half of Midland was there.  We decided we'd go tonight with the other half.  


DB and his wife tested negative.  We're thankful for that, but we decided to cancel Farkel this weekend and wait until they are completely well.  They understand that I have to be careful with surgery coming up. 


Today's meal is one that is part of a healthy eating plan.  Turmeric has some very important health benefits.  The active ingredient in turmeric is a natural compound (polyphenol) called curcumin, which has both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Anyone who’s trying to manage inflammation could benefit from adding some turmeric to their foods. Inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and other joint disorders, colitis, allergies and infections can be helped.  You can read more about turmeric and health benefits here:  https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/turmeric-benefits


The recipe for this meal comes from Bon Appetit, a pay site, but I did find it elsewhere.  Yay!  The kitchen is not closed!   Those who don't like coconut can just leave that part out.  If you don't like the greens selected, choose different ones.  https://www.andybaraghani.com/recipes/turmeric-salmon-with-coconut-crisp




I'd eat that!   This next one has some honey in it.  https://blythesblog.com/recipe/turmeric-honey-salmon-with-coconut-crisp/




And there is this one with kale.  https://www.chefsplate.com/recipes/turmeric-salmon-61924fd91406be0f881c134d




@Ichiban Nekko's DH Dave:




Wishing you all a wonderful day.

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Good morning . It is 35 going to 47. The street pipeline diggers and the roofers continued working until 7 last night. So far there are no working roofers…they were probably informed yesterday that they could not access the street. I guess the dumpster will stay in the driveway unless special arrangements can be made. We continue to park all over the neighborhood. A man yesterday came out of his house to tell DD that she was in his spot. Whoa. She decided to find another spot as he was totally ridiculous. It was not a handicapped spot but the man felt only he could park there, right in front of his house. Oh my.

i made the slow cooker risotto last night and it was a big hit. Thanks Debbie @dfish!

@grapau27, I can certainly relate to arthritic pain. I find the seasonal changes  wreak havoc on unhappy joints. I hope today is a better day for you.

Have a great day everyone.

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  My mother used to do crossword puzzles every day - I tell people I don't know enough words to do them.  A huge salute to all blue collar workers; without them, our world would fall apart quickly.  I do enjoy a good brownie.


It stopped raining by around 9:30 last night and so far there isn't any snow, so maybe it will miss us.  I do know it will make those having to drive to work this morning a little less stressful for a Friday.  Looking at the forecast, we're still not expecting snow, so who knows when it will happen.  According to my FB memories, on this day in 2015 we had rain - I think that might have been the year we didn't have a single snowflake until Dec 24th.  


@dfishwow, you and Sue won the lottery with that upsell - congrats!!

@Sharon in AZI'm glad your second cataract surgery went well.

@Cruzin Terrisorry you had such a disappointing medical appointment yesterday.

@ottahand7I hope DH's shingles isn't getting him down.

@marshhawkhow are you managing with the oxygen?  Is DH feeling any better?

@Ichiban Nekkowishing your DH a very Happy Birthday!


Today is our little grandson Parker's 4th birthday so I left a voice message on his dad's phone that can be played when he gets up this morning.  We'll do a video call tonight to see how his day went - the family is hoping to get to see the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train early this evening, which I'm sure the kids will enjoy.  


Not a lot on the agenda today, so I think I'll take the day to either make a batch of nuts & bolts or Christmas Crack.  I have to get the butter out of the freezer for the crack, so if I'm going to make it, I'd better get it going soon.  


I'm going to give a pass on the drink of the day; like @kochleffel, I'd rather have a PB & J sandwich.  I'll let others have the white wine, and will bypass the menu suggestion as it's Friday night pizza night at our house.  DH mentioned the other day we haven't had the bacon chicken ranch pizza in a long time, so I think we'll be enjoying that one at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


Edited by ger_77
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5 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

It looks like Weather Bug was having issues this morning as it’s not in the thirties this morning but currently 53 F.  I’ll forgive them as Jim Cantore did not come visit us during the Hurricane season.

@RedneckBob Good hearing from you. We need a current picture of you as It’s been so long since we cruised together I’m not sure I would recognize.

Glad to hear your having a great time.


Does this help. Getting ready to snorkel.






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Happy Friday, Happy Birthday Dave, and Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate.  Thank you Rich,  Vanessa, Debbie, Dixie, and Ann.  I'm awful at crosswords but love Sudoku.  I'll salute Blue Collar Workers but pass on the Brownie.  I have not been to Rhodes.  Robin Williams seems to have had a strange sense of humor.  Lincoln was one of our great statesmen.


I'll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Chilled Anjou Pear Soup, Perfectly Grilled Breast of Chicken, and Rhubarb Crisp as served on MS Prinsendam December 8, 2013.


Did my Wegmans run early today and am very late getting to the Daily.


Not expecting much from my Doctor visit today.  The key visit will be the Cardiologist Wednesday.



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Good Friday Morning Dailyites!  Happy Hanukkah to those celebrating!  


If i am still working next year at this time, I will take Hanukkah off.  Calling people on a Holiday is just dumb in my opinion.  Not many people answered, and those I did get, were, not now, Happy Holiday!

I got one small donation, and that was from a retired doctor, who had had his business in NYC, but went home to Houston when he required back surgery.  He gave because I got his attention when I told him the division I was fund raising for paid the rent to the LC, so that NYC could run the two biggest blood donation drives in the city.  


DH appreciates the questions about his health, but basically he says he feels crappy all the time.


Whatever this weird disease is that we both got on the ship, I am now down to 4 times a day, when the cough is bringing up the goo glue. Morning when I rise, when the sun goes down, when I lie down to sleep, and in the middle of the night.  This is an improvement over 24 hours a day. And I am seriously sleeping,  I used to wake up at 7, and now it's 8:30.  Maybe because I work nights, and stay up later, or I am so grateful for sleep.  


My computer keeps saying regarding the weather, Temps to Plummet.  Once in a while it goes back to the degrees and sunny, but basically Temps to Plummet is much scarier.  I know we are supposed to get slammed with rain this weekend, its the monday and after that the temps to plummet.


Tonight we are going to the Atlanta Master Chorale's Christmas concert with our friend Debbie.  She is joining us for the season subscription we purchased.  We went last year, and enjoyed it, talked her into going to a spring concert, and the 3 of us became subscribers for this season.









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Good morning,

I had a wild evening yesterday. I was putting the trash can at the curb and Molly disappeared. I mean vanished. My neighbors and son helped me look for her and she was gone. As a last resort I called the assisted living home behind my house and behind a grove of trees. When I called there they asked if I was looking for Lucy. They had renamed her!  All I can think is she heard someone in the parking lot and went through the trees to find them. This morning I ordered her a new tag and updated her chipped. In my panic last night I realized I had not done that after moving. Needless to say falling asleep was difficult. 

I expect my luggage forward tags today. The list for special events came out and I am not worrying about it. It is to stressful just packing. I will have to make do with what I have. I will finish my luggage forward today!


Murphy is doing better after her Rhino virus infection. They are trying something new and she is tolerating well. My DSIL had a hard time describing but what I gather it works with stimulating the diaphragm. 

Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day. 

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@RMLincoln  first…. Welcome to NJ!
we live right smack between EWR and PHL in NJ. (My DH hails from Kinnelon, which is very nearby your new home ).  Our first choice is always to fly from EWR, as it is a tad closer and is a United hub.   However, we do on occasion fly from PHL.  It is 60 miles from our house to the airport, and with no traffic talkies just over an hour.   However, there is normally some sort of construction on I95.  That, coupled with rush hour traffic (which tends to run from 7 - 10 am from about 10 miles north of the city), causes us to typically add at least 30 minutes to our “plan”….  Would rather be there 30 minutes “early” if the expected jams don’t materialize.   That being said, we typically park on-site…. It’s much easier (and MUCH more reasonably priced than parking at EWR!… even the parking deck!). We have never used off site parking there, but have been using Spot Hero for offsite locations at EWR.

if for some reason you happen to be at PHL on 12/21, we may even cross paths!

hope you have a great trip to the wedding!

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3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


On Nov. 29, 2018 we and other Pacific Princess passengers arrived in Rhodes, Greece but it was a rainy morning which included thunder and lightning.  So we waited out the storm and after lunch there was a break in the weather.  We headed down the gangway and walked over to the City Walls for a quick look at Rhodes.  Our view from the ship.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJXxG51CkGe74m50j-WPzD4?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1546385064










Inside the walls we saw the ruins of the Temple of Aphrodite00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIzpwihpaXpFD4ox0zWXUZY?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1546390204




This is the Street of Knights, a medieval road featuring the lodgings of "The Knights of St. John".  They started as a religious order but eventually served as a military order.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLjT9eT6Xntd0Q-xpCnUhV4?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1546390213






The Palace of the Grand Master, the highest point in Rhodes.







The clouds were getting darker so we turned back and walked through a shopping area as we neared the ship.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVILWzT5sfbi5osq8bMiVopH?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1546390297


Few people were out and about, mostly those from the Pacific Princess.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVK0Gaq_Cin0lZAtHhFhtfDJ?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1546385450


We had seen several cats wandering through the old town, and when I took this photo of a cat on a wall, we heard a clap of thunder.  So we scurried through a gate and rushed towards the gangway.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIyav7pnp85nj7qbZ1ayYqY?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1546390304


As we neared the top of the gangway the winds gusted and raindrops began to fall.  We had only spent one hour in Rhodes exploring the streets and sites.  A trip back there is a must do!  The ship left about 7 pm so I took a few photos of the city after dark.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKBjUI-uR85SdkJd1kdYKq9?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1546390308





Excellent photos of a nice port Sandi.

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3 hours ago, Lady Hudson said:

Good morning and best wishes to all.  Big job today is getting DH to the lab for his blood work.  I went yesterday to my primary care to try to figure out cause of the migraines.  Medication change is in order.  


Graham - so sorry you are in pain.  
Roy -  look luck with your doctor today.

Started to look very festive in town.  Have a “merry” day.  Katherine 

Thank you Katherine.

I hope you find the cause of your migraines and a permanent cure.

I hope your DH blood tests give good results.

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Good morning from a sunny Quartzsite.  It's 51F with a predicted high of 71F.  The forecast has changed again.  It will be 69F and in the lower 70s from Sunday through December 22 with just a few days in the upper 60s thrown in.  I am not complaining about the forecast.  I'm hoping for a warm sunny Christmas where we might be able to enjoy Christmas dinner outside.  It will be a welcome change from the colder and drearier weather of the past several Decembers here.


Yesterday, I would have been doing my happy dance if we hadn't spent several hours trying to reach our PCC and fighting the HAL web-site.  We were given the name of our new PCC, and she emailed us with the suggestion to make an appointment.  After trying for a couple of hours to book a cruise on line, DH called HAL and reached a very nice lady who got our next cruise booked.  We wanted to do a cruise, but not a long one since we won't have as much time here as normal.


I'm looking forward to being on a BHB, and the good part is we'll be meeting (hopefully) several Dailyites.  We booked the January 30 Hawaii cruise on Koningsdam.


I like to do crossword puzzles, but I'm not that good.  My mother was a crossword puzzle genius, and was insulted when my father gave her a crossword dictionary for Christmas one year.  Without those willing to do the blue collar jobs, our economy would grind to a halt.  I'll salute the young girls who are Brownies, and will never turn down a chocolate brownie.  


The Robin Williams quote is funny and different.  He really did have a different sense of humor.


I like salmon but would leave off the turmeric and coconut.  We'll pass on the drink (peanut butter) and the wine.


We have been to Rhodes several times, and I'll retrieve my pictures in a few minutes.


Abraham Lincoln did all he could to keep the union together and to reunite the country when he couldn't.


@Ichiban Nekko  Please wish your DH a VERY HAPPY 81ST BIRTHDAY for us.

@grapau27  Graham, Pauline did a great job with the tree, and it's lovely.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I'm sorry the neurologist's tentative diagnosis was worrying.  I'm glad he is ordering tests.  If his thought is what I think it is, there are some physical conditions that can lead to the same symptoms you've described, and they can be treated with a pretty good outcome.  I'm glad your fatigue is getting better.  

@Crazy For Cats  Jake, that is a beautiful tree in San Juan.

@kazu   Jacqui, I hope you enjoy your day at the City Market.

@Denise T  Denise, that is good news the desk was easy to assemble and that you like it.

@cunnorl  Charlene, I think it was worth a penalty to avoid the gator.

@RedneckBob  RNB, glad you are enjoying the cruise.

@kochleffel  Paul, thank you for the pictures of the interior of the synagogue in Rhodes.  We've walked by it many times, but never saw the interior.

@ger_77  Gerry, please wish Parker a HAPPY 4TH BIRTHDAY for us.  

@rafinmd  Roy, I hope you get a good report from your PCP today.

@marshhawk  Annie, I hope Chuck will feel better soon.  I'm glad your cough is improving even if it doing so slowly.

@cruising sister  Lorraine, I can't imagine how scary losing Molly was.  I'm glad you found her and are updating her chip.  The news about Murphy is very encouraging.















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We have been to Rhodes three times.  In 2003, the old Regal Princess stopped there on the mystery cruise.  Because of the Iraq invasion and SARS, Rhodes was not crowded.  The next two times, 2016 and 2017, we were there on the Prinsendam.  Part of our days were spent walking around town, and the rest of the day we either hired a taxi for a tour (2003) or rented a car.  I am going to divide my pictures between Rhodes town and the rest of the island.


This is where the Colossus of Rhodes stood in ancient times.  (Added that I read something last week that said this might not have been the place.  So who knows after so many centuries.)



The area around the harbor entrance, but outside the city walls




A church in the area




Inside the old city




Inside the Grand Masters Palace, where most of the furnishing had been moved to Malta







The Acropolis of Rhodes, which is surrounded by the modern city.






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The island of Rhodes.  


These pictures were taken as we drove along the north side of the island.



Near the far end of the north shore, we stopped at a small harbor with a café where we had a coke.  There was a Lycean tomb in the hill by the harbor.  Lycean tombs are not normally found on Rhodes.  It is the area of the hill that looks manmade.





We saw the runs of Kritinia Castle on the hill near the harbor; so we drove up there but did not go inside.




A secluded beach which I think is on the south shore.



I'm not sure where these were taken, but I thought they were interesting.  It might have been in Rhodes Town or one of the villages the taxi driver showed us in 2003.




A view of Lindos from an overlook up in the hills



Lindos from the parking lot on the main road



And finally, our elegant home away from home




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Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet reports. Three good days and how I miss Robin Williams.



The drink sounds 🤢 but I think I would like the fish. Tonight in dinner at the Pinnacle so it will be a filet. 


The 7:30 shows are so packed I tend to go to the 9:00 pm ones. But last night one of the dancers was injured during the first show so the later one was canceled 😞. They showed the live action Jungle Book and I stayed. They brought popcorn and I had a great time!  


the Mariner’s luncheon was split into two groups and was delicious!  Today our little group we have assembled here were pop open my 2 bottles of champagne!!!  Cooking demo and Christmas caroling on the agenda as well as watching the ballroom dancing (I am just a spectator) and listening to the pianist during happy hour in the ocean bar. 

For better or worse many of the crew seem to know me and chat with me. 🥴


Thoughts to all on the care list and cheers to all who are celebrating!


Have a great day everyone!

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1 hour ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

I had a wild evening yesterday. I was putting the trash can at the curb and Molly disappeared. I mean vanished. My neighbors and son helped me look for her and she was gone. As a last resort I called the assisted living home behind my house and behind a grove of trees. When I called there they asked if I was looking for Lucy. They had renamed her!  All I can think is she heard someone in the parking lot and went through the trees to find them. This morning I ordered her a new tag and updated her chipped. In my panic last night I realized I had not done that after moving. Needless to say falling asleep was difficult. 

I expect my luggage forward tags today. The list for special events came out and I am not worrying about it. It is to stressful just packing. I will have to make do with what I have. I will finish my luggage forward today!


Murphy is doing better after her Rhino virus infection. They are trying something new and she is tolerating well. My DSIL had a hard time describing but what I gather it works with stimulating the diaphragm. 

Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day. 

Good hear about Murphy. Hope improvement continues,


I am not worrying about the special events for the cruise either. Living in Durango we are very limited in the need for special "duds" and at my age there is no sense in investing in a fancy wardrobe. I wear what I have and I have never had a problem. A variety of tops goes a long way. Just get ready to view a number of repeats.





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Good morning, 


IT's actually a dry day here - at the moment. We're in between atmospheric rivers. The local rivers crested just below flood stage and are now receding but still have road closures, etc. I'm high and dry so don't have to worry about flooding. 

I enjoy crossword puzzles and make good chocolate brownies. Today is also our DS's adoption day. 45 years ago he came to us. He was 2 1/2 years old, almost potty trained and a red-haired ADHD child (undiagnosed at that time). He has added grey hair to my head but the last 5 months, since DH's passing, he's been an invaluable support as has DDIL. 


Today is getting the Christmas cards in the mail that go to Canada and England as they take close to 2 weeks to arrive at their destination as well as a couple of errands. Tomorrow night I'm joining a friend at the Skagit Symphony's Christmas program and looking forward to that. Rain comes back tomorrow - oh well. 



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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

The island of Rhodes.  


These pictures were taken as we drove along the north side of the island.



Near the far end of the north shore, we stopped at a small harbor with a café where we had a coke.  There was a Lycean tomb in the hill by the harbor.  Lycean tombs are not normally found on Rhodes.  It is the area of the hill that looks manmade.





We saw the runs of Kritinia Castle on the hill near the harbor; so we drove up there but did not go inside.




A secluded beach which I think is on the south shore.



I'm not sure where these were taken, but I thought they were interesting.  It might have been in Rhodes Town or one of the villages the taxi driver showed us in 2003.




A view of Lindos from an overlook up in the hills



Lindos from the parking lot on the main road



And finally, our elegant home away from home




Nice photos Lenda 

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Good morning Dailyites!  Thank you for the HAL fleet report and all the daily information.


Clothes are packed, just need to pack all the rest. I checked in with the airlines and the boarding pass is in my wallet. Need to go to the post office, a quick run to the grocery store (see PSA below), and make dinner (so DH has some leftovers). 


Flight leaves ~6am so we need to leave the house at 3am. But it’s nonstop (and I upgraded myself to first class). Called the hotel yesterday to confirm my reservation. 


I’ll try to keep up with the FR & D but y’all know how cruise internet is. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Thank you all for caring and sharing. Stay safe and healthy everyone. 


PSA for AirTag users: When you change your (CR2032) batteries, do NOT get the ones with child-proof coating. 

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Good morning all!

My Dear Dad was an avid crossword solver up until his death at the age of 101 and I know it's one reason his mind remained so sharp.  Blue collar workers are the backbone of our country, and I do love brownies -- the darker chocolate the better.  Funny quote, I miss Robin Williams too. Will pass on the meal, drink and wine.  We were in Rhodes for 2 days a couple years ago.  The first day we toured the whole island so will just post those photos and not the ones of Rhodes itself.


Our luggage tags are supposed to arrive today.  The bags are packed, we just have one small box we'll be adding to the pile.  

As already mentioned, we finally got the list of Theme Nights yesterday -- HAL dropped the ball IMO, not letting us know until this late in the game.  We also aren't going to worry about it -- too late anyway.  We do have some things I got ahead just from looking at prior theme lists so we'll bring those (small things like special bow ties for DH, hair pieces for me etc.)  It's fun to look at Inside Cabin's blog -- my goodness, he even had a full penguin costume!  No wonder they brought so much luggage and boxes! 😂


@Ichiban Happy Birthday to your DH Dave!

Debbie @dfish I'm thrilled that you and Sue got that great upsell -- 2 bathrooms -- wow!!

Sharon @Sharon in AZ So glad that your 2nd cataract surgery went well.

Gerry @ger_77 Happy 4th Birthday to your DGS Parker!

Lorraine @cruising sister So glad that Murphy is doing better again.

Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser Yay on booking a cruise!  Wish it was on ours, but maybe some day!

Karen @luvteaching I'm glad the rivers have crested below flood stage and you're having a "dry day".  It definitely isn't dry here in Snohomish County, the rain continues and coming down hard. 


Here are some of my photos from our tour around Rhodes Island.


Rhodes from our balcony



Gorgeous views on our tour of the island



That's Turkey across the water



We went to Lindos and the Acropolis











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