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Friday December 8th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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Good morning, Dailyites!   Thanks to Rich for the Daily News, and to all who post with their interesting tidbits.,  Sorry for those hurting right now.  I went back to our exercise group on Wednesday and again this morning.  The doctor advised me that I am still not ready for a new hip, so I need to suck it up and at least get my muscles helping out.  I didn't  have too much additional pain after Wednesday's workout (just over half an hour of gentle exercises and stretches), so I will try to keep doing more.  I am also getting down on the floor a few times a day and trying to get up just hanging onto a chair.  The joys of getting old!


We do the cryptic crossword in our daily paper, anything we can't figure out, DD does in 5 minutes!  I also do lots of sudokus,  and DD put a word game called Wordscapes on my iPhone.  I think it was developed by teenagers because it accepts words like techie, aah, and eek!  and rejects creel and lee.  (and lots of other words).  I do jigsaw puzzles on my iPad.   I made brownies yesterday, but I put them all in the freezer for emergency chocolate access.  We have Happy Hour in the complex clubhouse tonight, so I might get them out of the freezer for that.  


We visited Rhodes in our first cruise after Covid, on the beautiful Eurodam;  Tony, @sailingdutchy organized a great tour for us for the second day there.  The first day the guys went walkabout, the ladies started out with them, but turned back after a short stroll.    My pictures from the tour, through Rhodes and Lindos are like the ones already posted, I'll just add a bit of food porn.  Our guide took us to a restaurant on a hill with beautiful views and we had an amazing lunch.  I wish I had taken a photo of the fried cheese (in a tempura-like batter), but it disappeared very quickly.  There was a kitten who helped with the fish... 










The sun is shining today, but the reservoir has gone up to 76%;  with all the rain we have had the watershed must be saturated.  Usually by December, we're at 100%, and releasing water...







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Home from Europe travel, a Mediterranean cruise on Oceania’s Nautica, a week in Barcelona (😊), and a B2B on Oceania Marina, transatlantic to Miami. The autumn sailings from Europe to the USA are habit forming!

Delayed flight from Miami cut into our sleep time, but we managed a next day afternoon flight to Seattle to celebrate early Christmas with DD and family! For years, we have joked about the sunny days we spend in the Pacific Northwest, this week is certainly a first for us with all day long, day after day rain. 🌧️

Next week, off to Hawaii for early Christmas with DD and family, home for Christmas with DS and family, and (hoping for 🤞) one more New Year’s with Dear Mother Ruth, in Arizona. Thoughts and prayers to Daily-ites, Happy Holidays and safe travels.


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@Ichiban Nekko a very happy birthday to your DH!





5 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Been awake two hours, too early. Brain is like a pin ball machine!  Problems with selling the condo- inspection mitigations…. DH is working on those.  He did battle yesterday with CVS and insurance getting eye drops Rx transferred. Two weeks. Ugh. He got them, would have run out next week while we’re to be in TX for granddaughter’s wedding. Still no progress on medical records to new eye doctor. 


Oh dear, Maureen - so sorry about the pin balls you are experiencing 😔. I hope things improve for you today 🤞 



4 hours ago, cunnorl said:

       Played golf yesterday. There was a huge alligator not 5 feet from where my ball landed. I took a penalty and stayed away. There are always gators there, usually on the banks but this one was very close to the fairway. I called back to the clubhouse to tell them. There are many visitors here and they dont understand just how dangerous gators can be.


Yikes!  I’d be taking the penalty too.  I’m so glad you decided to do that 👍 




4 hours ago, dfish said:

DB and his wife tested negative.  We're thankful for that, but we decided to cancel Farkel this weekend and wait until they are completely well.  They understand that I have to be careful with surgery coming up. 


I am glad they tested negative and hope they continue to test to be certain.  I am so glad you are bypassing Farkel until you are satisfied as to their status health wise 👍 



4 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Today is our little grandson Parker's 4th birthday so I left a voice message on his dad's phone that can be played when he gets up this morning.  We'll do a video call tonight to see how his day went - the family is hoping to get to see the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train early this evening, which I'm sure the kids will enjoy.  


A very happy birthday to Parker!  The CP Holiday train is a great birthday treat!





3 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

I had a wild evening yesterday. I was putting the trash can at the curb and Molly disappeared. I mean vanished. My neighbors and son helped me look for her and she was gone. As a last resort I called the assisted living home behind my house and behind a grove of trees. When I called there they asked if I was looking for Lucy. They had renamed her!  All I can think is she heard someone in the parking lot and went through the trees to find them. This morning I ordered her a new tag and updated her chipped. In my panic last night I realized I had not done that after moving. Needless to say falling asleep was difficult. 


Wow!  I am so glad you found her ♥️ 



3 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Murphy is doing better after her Rhino virus infection. They are trying something new and she is tolerating well. My DSIL had a hard time describing but what I gather it works with stimulating the diaphragm. 


Good news.  I’m glad Murphy continues to be a fighter 🙏 



2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

I'm looking forward to being on a BHB, and the good part is we'll be meeting (hopefully) several Dailyites.  We booked the January 30 Hawaii cruise on Koningsdam.


Wonderful 🙂. I hope you have a fantastic time.



1 hour ago, Nickelpenny said:

For better or worse many of the crew seem to know me and chat with me. 🥴


Oh, I think it’s for the better, Pennie.  they know who the good people are 🙂 



58 minutes ago, dobiemom said:

Flight leaves ~6am so we need to leave the house at 3am. But it’s nonstop (and I upgraded myself to first class). Called the hotel yesterday to confirm my reservation. 


Yikes on the early morning start 😬. Safe and smooth travels to you tomorrow, Marcia.  



58 minutes ago, dobiemom said:

PSA for AirTag users: When you change your (CR2032) batteries, do NOT get the ones with child-proof coating. 


LOL - that is a good tip. 😉 

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4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning . It is 35 going to 47. The street pipeline diggers and the roofers continued working until 7 last night. So far there are no working roofers…they were probably informed yesterday that they could not access the street. I guess the dumpster will stay in the driveway unless special arrangements can be made. We continue to park all over the neighborhood. A man yesterday came out of his house to tell DD that she was in his spot. Whoa. She decided to find another spot as he was totally ridiculous. It was not a handicapped spot but the man felt only he could park there, right in front of his house. Oh my.

i made the slow cooker risotto last night and it was a big hit. Thanks Debbie @dfish!

@grapau27, I can certainly relate to arthritic pain. I find the seasonal changes  wreak havoc on unhappy joints. I hope today is a better day for you.

Have a great day everyone.

Thank you Terry.

I have severe osteoarthritis in my hips and moderate arthritis in my knees so the pain Is always there when moving around unfortunately but I am used to it.

I hope you and Tana are both well.

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Ha ha on the quote; pass on the meal. I have been to the port once during a 2017 Med cruise. I don't have pictures, so I offer this morning's sunrise as seen from my balcony. 

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 





Edited by Haljo1935
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Good afternoon.  Our two day road trip is over and now I am playing catch up at home and will try to look at yesterday's daily.  Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports @richwmn.   Thanks for the lovely photos of Rhodes today @StLouisCruisers  @Quartzsite Cruiser @Cruising-along and @Vict0riann

@JazzyV II hope you had some sleep last night and are getting closer to a treatment for your leg pain. Thanks for keeping the Cares and Celebrations lists for us as you go through all of that.  Prayers for everyone on our care list and those in war zones, Israel, Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza.  

@grapau27 what a lovely Christmas tree!  

John's shingles did not progress from the 2 by 3" spot on his stomach and it is starting to dry up.  Thankfully it hasn't been painful for him.  He still has to take the Valtrex for another week.  

After I finish this I am heading out to dump all my winter bird seed into the trash barrels before it starts to rain.   We are above 50 but winter returns tomorrow.   Have a lovely Friday

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I like crossword solving. Blue collar workers work hard. A brownie would be nice. Funny quote. Pass on the meal (fish), drink and the wine. I may have been to Rhodes, but can’t get into my PC to check.

it’s nice out, low 50’s and sunny. It’s not been a good day for me. The PC worked a few hours and then back to the same problem. I unplugged it overnight, but no help. I rolled back one update, still nothing. And strangely BFF has the same issue. And today my pain level is off the chart. I knew I was in trouble during the night, when sitting up in bed didn’t help. I could barely walk to the car to go to PT. I wanted to take a copy of my imaging results. I couldn’t do much there, mainly heat, then stretching and ice. I’m hoping sitting a bit will ease the pain, and I just took ibuprofen . I see my PCP Monday, if I can manage.


@Ichiban Nekko Happy Birthday to your DH Dave!
@StLouisCruisers Nice photos from your short time in Rhodes.

@grapau27 Lovely tree; Pauline did a great job! Sorry you’re having arthritis pain.

@Cruzin Terri I’m glad you’re less fatigued. 
@Crazy For Cats That is a great photo, Jake.

@kazu Enjoy your time today with BFF.

@RMLincoln Sorry to hear of issues with selling the condo. And all the other stuff going on. Deep breath!

@aliaschief Great to hear you got a good report from the Cardiologist.

@cunnorl Yikes on that alligator that close!

@RedneckBob Thanks for checking in when you could.

@kochleffel Thanks for the synagogue photos.

@dfish Nice that you got that upsell for your trip.

@smitty34877 People seem to think they own the street too!
@ger_77 Happy 4th Birthday to Parker!

@cruising sister Oh my o the fright with Molly last night! I’m glad all turned out well. Thanks for the update on Murphy.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Congrats on booking the cruise. Great Rhodes photos.

@luvteaching I’m glad the rivers stayed below flood stage.

@Cruising-along Lovrly photos.

@Vict0riann nice photos.

@bennybear Great photos. 
@Sharon in AZI hope you’re doing well. My ophthalmologist was ultra conservative and had me wear a shield for 7 days, day and night. 

prayers for the CareList and Cheers for those Celebrating. 
My doi hate typing on the iPad!




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3 minutes ago, dfish said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, I am so excited that you will be joining us.  7:00 pm in the Ocean Bar on embarkation day.  Be there!


You can message me off CC at debfish34 at gmail dot com.  

Debbie it's wonderful that so many Dailyites will be on the cruise!  Please take lots of photos, wish we were joining you!


Vanessa @JazzyV My heart breaks for you.  I know I wouldn't be handling the pain as well as you are.  We all feel helpless, just know we all are sending prayers and gentle hugs.

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Well, not a lot of answers with the Doctor..  He leaves at noon so as the last patient of the day the visit did not go quickly.  He listened to my chest, took some blood and ordered an x-ray.  That was at the same place as the office so I arrived about 11:30 and was home just before 2.


That will be 3 visits to the radiology place in 3 weeks.



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Good afternoon.  This morning got away from me again.  DH's new telescope had to be sent back to the manufacturer in France.  They changed from a magnet connection for the charging cable to a USB connection.  It is very difficult to plug the cable into the connection, and even then it does not charge.  I had to get the package to the UPS drop off place before noon.  At least, they are paying for the shipping.  While I was in town, I also ran a few errands and was partially successful, which is about what I expected.


I've also been helping DH with the new battery for the Ranger, and a few other things.  In addition, we are having the satellite antenna on the motorhome changed to one that will actually work and receive two satellites at the same time on different TVs.  We know the owner of the company who's doing the work, and he said the unit on the motorhome was a piece of junk and they just throw them away.  We did not have any choice as the piece of junk was on the motorhome when we bought it.


Once I finish here, I'm going to try to check in for the cruise and get some things arranged.


3 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 


IT's actually a dry day here - at the moment. We're in between atmospheric rivers. The local rivers crested just below flood stage and are now receding but still have road closures, etc. I'm high and dry so don't have to worry about flooding. 

I enjoy crossword puzzles and make good chocolate brownies. Today is also our DS's adoption day. 45 years ago he came to us. He was 2 1/2 years old, almost potty trained and a red-haired ADHD child (undiagnosed at that time). He has added grey hair to my head but the last 5 months, since DH's passing, he's been an invaluable support as has DDIL. 


Today is getting the Christmas cards in the mail that go to Canada and England as they take close to 2 weeks to arrive at their destination as well as a couple of errands. Tomorrow night I'm joining a friend at the Skagit Symphony's Christmas program and looking forward to that. Rain comes back tomorrow - oh well. 




Karen, I'm glad the rivers crested below flood stage and that you are high and dry.  Forty-five years ago, you son was very lucky to become a member of your family.  All children give their parents gray hair.  😁  I'm happy he and your DDIL have been such a big help the last few months.


3 hours ago, dobiemom said:

Good morning Dailyites!  Thank you for the HAL fleet report and all the daily information.


Clothes are packed, just need to pack all the rest. I checked in with the airlines and the boarding pass is in my wallet. Need to go to the post office, a quick run to the grocery store (see PSA below), and make dinner (so DH has some leftovers). 


Flight leaves ~6am so we need to leave the house at 3am. But it’s nonstop (and I upgraded myself to first class). Called the hotel yesterday to confirm my reservation. 


I’ll try to keep up with the FR & D but y’all know how cruise internet is. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Thank you all for caring and sharing. Stay safe and healthy everyone. 


PSA for AirTag users: When you change your (CR2032) batteries, do NOT get the ones with child-proof coating. 


I hope you have a safe and uneventful flight tomorrow.  Upgrading to first class was a good idea, and should help you get some rest.


3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

My Dear Dad was an avid crossword solver up until his death at the age of 101 and I know it's one reason his mind remained so sharp.  Blue collar workers are the backbone of our country, and I do love brownies -- the darker chocolate the better.  Funny quote, I miss Robin Williams too. Will pass on the meal, drink and wine.  We were in Rhodes for 2 days a couple years ago.  The first day we toured the whole island so will just post those photos and not the ones of Rhodes itself.


Our luggage tags are supposed to arrive today.  The bags are packed, we just have one small box we'll be adding to the pile.  

As already mentioned, we finally got the list of Theme Nights yesterday -- HAL dropped the ball IMO, not letting us know until this late in the game.  We also aren't going to worry about it -- too late anyway.  We do have some things I got ahead just from looking at prior theme lists so we'll bring those (small things like special bow ties for DH, hair pieces for me etc.)  It's fun to look at Inside Cabin's blog -- my goodness, he even had a full penguin costume!  No wonder they brought so much luggage and boxes! 😂


@Ichiban Happy Birthday to your DH Dave!

Debbie @dfish I'm thrilled that you and Sue got that great upsell -- 2 bathrooms -- wow!!

Sharon @Sharon in AZ So glad that your 2nd cataract surgery went well.

Gerry @ger_77 Happy 4th Birthday to your DGS Parker!

Lorraine @cruising sister So glad that Murphy is doing better again.

Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser Yay on booking a cruise!  Wish it was on ours, but maybe some day!

Karen @luvteaching I'm glad the rivers have crested below flood stage and you're having a "dry day".  It definitely isn't dry here in Snohomish County, the rain continues and coming down hard. 


Here are some of my photos from our tour around Rhodes Island.


Rhodes from our balcony



Gorgeous views on our tour of the island



That's Turkey across the water



We went to Lindos and the Acropolis












Carolyn, I'm finally getting excited about the cruise.  After all the stress trying to book it, last night I was too drained.  I also wish we were on the cruise with you, but for various reasons, this was not the year for that cruise.  Still, it will be nice to meet Dailyite friends in person.  Hopefully, we'll meet on a BHB in the future.


2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites!   Thanks to Rich for the Daily News, and to all who post with their interesting tidbits.,  Sorry for those hurting right now.  I went back to our exercise group on Wednesday and again this morning.  The doctor advised me that I am still not ready for a new hip, so I need to suck it up and at least get my muscles helping out.  I didn't  have too much additional pain after Wednesday's workout (just over half an hour of gentle exercises and stretches), so I will try to keep doing more.  I am also getting down on the floor a few times a day and trying to get up just hanging onto a chair.  The joys of getting old!


We do the cryptic crossword in our daily paper, anything we can't figure out, DD does in 5 minutes!  I also do lots of sudokus,  and DD put a word game called Wordscapes on my iPhone.  I think it was developed by teenagers because it accepts words like techie, aah, and eek!  and rejects creel and lee.  (and lots of other words).  I do jigsaw puzzles on my iPad.   I made brownies yesterday, but I put them all in the freezer for emergency chocolate access.  We have Happy Hour in the complex clubhouse tonight, so I might get them out of the freezer for that.  


We visited Rhodes in our first cruise after Covid, on the beautiful Eurodam;  Tony, @sailingdutchy organized a great tour for us for the second day there.  The first day the guys went walkabout, the ladies started out with them, but turned back after a short stroll.    My pictures from the tour, through Rhodes and Lindos are like the ones already posted, I'll just add a bit of food porn.  Our guide took us to a restaurant on a hill with beautiful views and we had an amazing lunch.  I wish I had taken a photo of the fried cheese (in a tempura-like batter), but it disappeared very quickly.  There was a kitten who helped with the fish... 










The sun is shining today, but the reservoir has gone up to 76%;  with all the rain we have had the watershed must be saturated.  Usually by December, we're at 100%, and releasing water...








Ann, I hope the exercise class helps you deal with the hip pain.


2 hours ago, Norseh2o said:

Home from Europe travel, a Mediterranean cruise on Oceania’s Nautica, a week in Barcelona (😊), and a B2B on Oceania Marina, transatlantic to Miami. The autumn sailings from Europe to the USA are habit forming!

Delayed flight from Miami cut into our sleep time, but we managed a next day afternoon flight to Seattle to celebrate early Christmas with DD and family! For years, we have joked about the sunny days we spend in the Pacific Northwest, this week is certainly a first for us with all day long, day after day rain. 🌧️

Next week, off to Hawaii for early Christmas with DD and family, home for Christmas with DS and family, and (hoping for 🤞) one more New Year’s with Dear Mother Ruth, in Arizona. Thoughts and prayers to Daily-ites, Happy Holidays and safe travels.



Welcome home, sort of.  You will be logging a lot of miles this month and I wish you safe travels.  I hope Dear Mother Ruth is around for several more New Year's.


54 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I like crossword solving. Blue collar workers work hard. A brownie would be nice. Funny quote. Pass on the meal (fish), drink and the wine. I may have been to Rhodes, but can’t get into my PC to check.

it’s nice out, low 50’s and sunny. It’s not been a good day for me. The PC worked a few hours and then back to the same problem. I unplugged it overnight, but no help. I rolled back one update, still nothing. And strangely BFF has the same issue. And today my pain level is off the chart. I knew I was in trouble during the night, when sitting up in bed didn’t help. I could barely walk to the car to go to PT. I wanted to take a copy of my imaging results. I couldn’t do much there, mainly heat, then stretching and ice. I’m hoping sitting a bit will ease the pain, and I just took ibuprofen . I see my PCP Monday, if I can manage.


@Ichiban Nekko Happy Birthday to your DH Dave!
@StLouisCruisers Nice photos from your short time in Rhodes.

@grapau27 Lovely tree; Pauline did a great job! Sorry you’re having arthritis pain.

@Cruzin Terri I’m glad you’re less fatigued. 
@Crazy For Cats That is a great photo, Jake.

@kazu Enjoy your time today with BFF.

@RMLincoln Sorry to hear of issues with selling the condo. And all the other stuff going on. Deep breath!

@aliaschief Great to hear you got a good report from the Cardiologist.

@cunnorl Yikes on that alligator that close!

@RedneckBob Thanks for checking in when you could.

@kochleffel Thanks for the synagogue photos.

@dfish Nice that you got that upsell for your trip.

@smitty34877 People seem to think they own the street too!
@ger_77 Happy 4th Birthday to Parker!

@cruising sister Oh my o the fright with Molly last night! I’m glad all turned out well. Thanks for the update on Murphy.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Congrats on booking the cruise. Great Rhodes photos.

@luvteaching I’m glad the rivers stayed below flood stage.

@Cruising-along Lovrly photos.

@Vict0riann nice photos.

@bennybear Great photos. 
@Sharon in AZI hope you’re doing well. My ophthalmologist was ultra conservative and had me wear a shield for 7 days, day and night. 

prayers for the CareList and Cheers for those Celebrating. 
My doi hate typing on the iPad!





Vanessa, I'm sorry the pain is so bad today, and I hope you get some relief soon.  I hope your PCP can do something while you wait to see the neurosurgeon.  Your computer needs a swift kick you know where.  I agree, typing on a tablet is not as easy.


26 minutes ago, dfish said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, I am so excited that you will be joining us.  7:00 pm in the Ocean Bar on embarkation day.  Be there!


You can message me off CC at debfish34 at gmail dot com.  


Debbie, I'm looking forward to finally meeting you, Sue and all the others.  I hope to be in the Ocean Bar at 7 pm on embarkation day.  DH and I usually try eat about 6 and about 7 on embarkation day, but I don't want to miss meeting you. 


11 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Well, not a lot of answers with the Doctor..  He leaves at noon so as the last patient of the day the visit did not go quickly.  He listened to my chest, took some blood and ordered an x-ray.  That was at the same place as the office so I arrived about 11:30 and was home just before 2.


That will be 3 visits to the radiology place in 3 weeks.




Roy, do they have a frequent patient discount?



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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I like crossword solving. Blue collar workers work hard. A brownie would be nice. Funny quote. Pass on the meal (fish), drink and the wine. I may have been to Rhodes, but can’t get into my PC to check.

it’s nice out, low 50’s and sunny. It’s not been a good day for me. The PC worked a few hours and then back to the same problem. I unplugged it overnight, but no help. I rolled back one update, still nothing. And strangely BFF has the same issue. And today my pain level is off the chart. I knew I was in trouble during the night, when sitting up in bed didn’t help. I could barely walk to the car to go to PT. I wanted to take a copy of my imaging results. I couldn’t do much there, mainly heat, then stretching and ice. I’m hoping sitting a bit will ease the pain, and I just took ibuprofen . I see my PCP Monday, if I can manage.


@Ichiban Nekko Happy Birthday to your DH Dave!
@StLouisCruisers Nice photos from your short time in Rhodes.

@grapau27 Lovely tree; Pauline did a great job! Sorry you’re having arthritis pain.

@Cruzin Terri I’m glad you’re less fatigued. 
@Crazy For Cats That is a great photo, Jake.

@kazu Enjoy your time today with BFF.

@RMLincoln Sorry to hear of issues with selling the condo. And all the other stuff going on. Deep breath!

@aliaschief Great to hear you got a good report from the Cardiologist.

@cunnorl Yikes on that alligator that close!

@RedneckBob Thanks for checking in when you could.

@kochleffel Thanks for the synagogue photos.

@dfish Nice that you got that upsell for your trip.

@smitty34877 People seem to think they own the street too!
@ger_77 Happy 4th Birthday to Parker!

@cruising sister Oh my o the fright with Molly last night! I’m glad all turned out well. Thanks for the update on Murphy.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Congrats on booking the cruise. Great Rhodes photos.

@luvteaching I’m glad the rivers stayed below flood stage.

@Cruising-along Lovrly photos.

@Vict0riann nice photos.

@bennybear Great photos. 
@Sharon in AZI hope you’re doing well. My ophthalmologist was ultra conservative and had me wear a shield for 7 days, day and night. 

prayers for the CareList and Cheers for those Celebrating. 
My doi hate typing on the iPad!




I'm sorry to hear how much pain you are in Vanessa.

Sending you my best wishes that your pain eases with the rest, heat, stretching and ice plus ibuprofen.

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Good afternoon to all the Dailyites and Thank you to Rich and all the Daily organizers !
We have been a number of times to Rhodes and have toured much of the island and saw a lot of very nice places . Thank you Ann @VictOriann for posting some pictures of the Taverna where we had that lovely lunch in 2021 , in such a beautiful spot !
Today I have chosen a few pictures from the 2014 cruise while on the Eurodam  when we went from Rhodes to the Acropolis in Lindos 
Acropolis of Lindos 
St Paul’s Bay and near the top where the Acropolis is standing the Cave where the movie the Guns of Navaronne was filmed with Anthony Quinn 
Climbing to the top of the Acropolis 
On the side of the path the locals were selling their wares 
View from near the top onto St Paul’s Bay 
A little more climbing 
On our return to the town of Rhodes we visited a very old church and monastery 
There were dozens and dozens of peacocks all over the property 
Walking the path , with the stations of the cross , from the church to this huge cross which can be seen from far.
Quick visit to see the beautiful Bay and Anthony Quinn Beach 
Hope I showed a few different photos from what already has been posted today .
......maybe next time I will show some more of the lunch we had with Ann and Pat  in 2021 while doing a similar tour .......
Tony 😁
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5 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

I'm looking forward to being on a BHB, and the good part is we'll be meeting (hopefully) several Dailyites.  We booked the January 30 Hawaii cruise on Koningsdam.

Oh Lenda!!  I’m so excited you are on the cruise with us!  Debbie, Dixie, Sue, and I have a chat going that we would love you to join. Please email me, my email is in my signature and we’ll arrange everything. I’m getting so excited !  52 days!

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6 minutes ago, sailingdutchy said:
Good afternoon to all the Dailyites and Thank you to Rich and all the Daily organizers !
We have been a number of times to Rhodes and have toured much of the island and saw a lot of very nice places . Thank you Ann @VictOriann for posting some pictures of the Taverna where we had that lovely lunch in 2021 , in such a beautiful spot !
Today I have chosen a few pictures from the 2014 cruise while on the Eurodam  when we went from Rhodes to the Acropolis in Lindos 
Acropolis of Lindos 
St Paul’s Bay and near the top where the Acropolis is standing the Cave where the movie the Guns of Navaronne was filmed with Anthony Quinn 
Climbing to the top of the Acropolis 
On the side of the path the locals were selling their wares 
View from near the top onto St Paul’s Bay 
A little more climbing 
On our return to the town of Rhodes we visited a very old church and monastery 
There were dozens and dozens of peacocks all over the property 
Walking the path , with the stations of the cross , from the church to this huge cross which can be seen from far.
Quick visit to see the beautiful Bay and Anthony Quinn Beach 
Hope I showed a few different photos from what already has been posted today .
......maybe next time I will show some more of the lunch we had with Ann and Pat  in 2021 while doing a similar tour .......
Tony 😁

Great collection of photos Tony.

Nice photo of Martha and yourself.

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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

The PC worked a few hours and then back to the same problem. I unplugged it overnight, but no help. I rolled back one update, still nothing. And strangely BFF has the same issue. And today my pain level is off the chart. I knew I was in trouble during the night, when sitting up in bed didn’t help. I could barely walk to the car to go to PT. I wanted to take a copy of my imaging results. I couldn’t do much there, mainly heat, then stretching and ice. I’m hoping sitting a bit will ease the pain, and I just took ibuprofen . I see my PCP Monday, if I can manage.


Oh Vanessa - from bad to worse 😔 


I am so sorry you are in so much pain 😢. I hope you can get to your PCP and please let them know how bad it is.  Please.

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4 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Today is also our DS's adoption day. 45 years ago he came to us. He was 2 1/2 years old, almost potty trained and a red-haired ADHD child (undiagnosed at that time). He has added grey hair to my head but the last 5 months, since DH's passing, he's been an invaluable support as has DDIL. 

Congratulations on your son’s adoption day !  Both of our children are adopted and both are blessings. 

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Just got a call from the surgeon's office....instead of a 9:30 check-in on Monday, now it's 5:40 ---- UGH!!!  I'm not a morning person & throw in the fact that I need to do a 2nd Hibiclens shower in the morning----do I even need to go to bed & try & get some sleep?  The good news is it'll be over sooner.

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Great pictures of Rhodes!  Thank you. We were there once, 2017 I think. We were getting over colds, in fact DH got worse after that and Rhodes was his last port; he visited medical after that, got on antibiotics for pneumonia and we laid low, and got better! 

But Rhodes was where the Knights of St John established a healing facility to tend to those wounded in the battles of the Crusades, especially those burned by fire bombs, the weapon of the age. It is my understanding that the Knights became precursors to what we know today as the fire service  which adopted the Maltese cross as its emblem. Being volunteer fire fighters and EMTs we enjoyed visiting the old “hospital” which is an interesting museum. Would love the chance to get back. 

@marshhawk Sorry Chuck is still feeling so rough. Sending blessings to you both!  

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