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Monday December 18th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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Good Morning Daily-it’s from the Rotterdam!


We should dock in San Juan in less than 2 hours. Thanks to HIA, we will take the Yunque Rain Forest excursion. Skies are clear and although there is still some movement, the seas are much more gentle today.


A few random and very personal observations:

- The new wifi is a vast improvement. We have Surf and have been able to access our email most of the time.

- Last night’s MDR dinner was amazing! Yes, it’s not what it used to be but there were varied selections. Hot food arrived hot. Both DH & I enjoyed our meals immensely. Terrific service.

- Dinner at Tamarind previous night was a bit of a letdown. Ordering a drink no longer available (old menu) was not a great start. My selections were meh. The lamb chops were ‘chewy’ and my knife had difficulty cutting through. The crispy eggplant was not crispy— more braised. The staff were fabulous— of course. We will return but hope to make better choices.

-Breakfast and lunch in the MDR yesterday were very nice. The MDR itself is a stunner.

- I think whoever updated the website also worked on the shipboard technology. The day we boarded, staff were handwriting tickets because the computers were down. Using the app to order from Dive In and New York Deli & Pizza is not available. New bar prices result in ludicrous extra charges of $0.30 (or something equally absurd) for HIA passengers that in turn have to be posted to accounts . How can this be efficient? In the Crow’s Nest, the big screens that used to show ship position, etc., say ‘Not Programmed.’ Goodness knows what staff have to cope with that we aren’t aware of. @seagarsmoker went through quite a dance when boarding the NS and beyond. Hopefully, that is all in his rearview mirror.

- This is a gorgeous ship. The artworks are amazing. Thanks to @QuattroRomeo, posting so many terrific photos, you have the idea.

- The Thermal Spa is terrific. Even more  so during the holidays when the pools and hot tubs are overtaken by children.

- The Library is great. Quiet. Comfy chairs (not many). Great selection of reading material.

- Entertainment: We are not fans of the dance company HAL is so enamored with. Took in a ‘standards’ set at Billboard one evening. We enjoyed the playlist. The performers are not the strongest we’ve heard. We heard a set from Rolling Stone. Again, the Playlist was great; the lead vocalist, not so much. We are among many of you who miss the Lincoln Center  offerings. Will check out the comedian tonight.

- the Half Moon Bar looks great!

- Club Orange DR is very well attended. Much more attractive than the previous iterations we have seen.


having a wonderful time on the beautiful ship.


love reading all your posts. You continue to inspire with your humor and goodwill.


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Good morning to all. We still have plenty of flakes on the ground from the last 2 storms and no new ones anticipated until the weekend.... maybe. My Grandmother had twin girls but sadly one passed away when she was only 17... the other lived to be 92.  Have not been to today's destination.


Nothing really new here. I am not sending cards this year and I need to write or call a number of people. Will start that this evening. The only social event on my calendar this week is breakfast tomorrow morning with a former colleague from the college. Looks like a pretty dull week in store and that is fine with me.


Take care all. I hope that some relief can be found for those of you undergoing physical issues. I guess even modern medicine can only do so much.



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We made it home midnight!  Amazed we made it!  The wedding was grand, wonderful visits with family and extended family. 
Several family had their returning flights cancelled. Some had their alternative flights canceled too. 
DH and I flew yesterday into Philadelphia, arrived about 9pm, just a tad late. The storm was rough but we were in the beginnings of it so flooding wasn’t the issue yet. Our 2 hr drive became almost 3 but we were on secondary roads. It was intense, hard to find lanes, many cars running slow with 4-way flashers, others too fast!  Heavy rain and wind, low visibility, but little traffic. We managed ok with both of us watching intensely. It’s worse today especially northern NJ. So glad we made it last night!  We’re out of power this morning. Our community is warning residents not to go out. Roads are flooded, impassable. The backside of the storm is increasing now, more wind and rain.  So glad we are home!  We have good backup systems here in our seniors complex including elevators, good hallway lighting and some hallway outlets on generators. The dining room kitchens are working!  Water is working!  (Well pump was always the biggest issue for our mountain home until we got a 220v generator. We melted snow on the wood stove!  Those days are behind us!)

It was just Amazing to be in our own bed last night!  

We haven’t heard from our newlyweds… we gave them a honeymoon cruise which left Galveston the day after the wedding!  Hope they made it!  

Will catch up now. Blessings to each and all of you, and thank you for your continued support! 


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In April of 2018 while we were on the Trans Atlantic crossing from Ft Lauderdale to Rotterdam on the MS Rotterdam VI we landed in Brest , France and with the great help from Jacqui @kazu I chartered a full size bus and provide transportation for a group of 27 of us to go to the beautiful medieval town of Quimper .
This was done through a broker and even though it was quite an undertaking and I was a little nervous because I felt the responsibility but everything went great and we had a very nice day with great transportation . 
Once in Quimper everybody could choose whatever they wanted to see or do as long as they were all back in time to get back to Brest .
Always have a problem with pictures taken with my iPad , but you get the idea .
A little bit of rain did not bother us , with all we were able to see 
For a nice lunch we went to a very nice Creperie 
In the afternoon we went to a very nice market in the center of town but for some reason I lost those pictures 
I was very happy to see everybody was back on the bus on time and Mrs Berangere drove us back right into the Port next to the Rotterdam . That evening we went over our adventures with our friends having a nice dinner in the Pinnacle Grill and later on partied because it was the Kings birthday April 27 and Orange Party night .
Cheers , Tony 😄


Edited by sailingdutchy
Had to credit Jacqui !
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Good morning all!

We're pretty tuckered out after having the DGSs for 3 days and then yesterday our early family Christmas celebration.  We didn't get home last night until nearly 9 but it felt like midnight we're so tired -- but a good tired.  Today other than getting my hair cut I plan to do absolutely nothing other than a little straightening the house after our little "whirlwinds" stayed here.


I didn't need to bake cookies this year, DDIL made so many -- all excellent too.  There are no twins in either of our family trees, and we haven't had snow here -- yet.  Usually ours doesn't start until January if we get any at all,  so I'm hoping we have clear roads when we have to get to the airport on the 2nd.


I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine today.  DS makes Alton Brown's eggnog every year and we were thankful to bring some of that home with us last night.  So good!


Our luggage was last tracked just 130 miles north of San Diego yesterday.  Making good time!


Happy Birthday Nancy @ottahand7!



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I’ve been to Brest twice.  For many, Brest is a starting point to visit other places.  Brest had a lot of damage and resulting reconstruction after the war.  The boardwalk is beautiful though with lots of wonderful seafood restaurants.


Quimper is about an hour’s drive away and a beautiful town.  Most of it was not damaged by the war.






Taken through the bus window as we were driving





It has a beautiful church which is well worth a visit


































It’s famous for its pottery which is beautiful but it has skyrocketed in price.  I didn’t take any pics this time of the pottery, sorry.

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Good morning, all.  I was going to go grocery shopping this morning, but have put it off until tomorrow, as today is the day i do my nursing duties, and then we have a coffee date with friends, and Pat has an EKG this afternoon at the hospital.  I didn't sleep well last night, and am slow getting started.  We are entertaining tomorrow, so it will be a rush tomorrow, too.  I have been thinking of you all, just never seem to find the time to post.  Dreary and grey here, but no flakes to appreciate, and we appreciate that!  I have three sets of cousins who are twins, only one set are identical.  Pat had an aunt and uncle, twins.  So they are around there somewhere.  I think it would be neat to be a twin.  


We went to Quimper/Kemper with Jacqui on a visit to Brest, so  all we saw of Brest was as we returned to the port.  In Quimper they make Faience pottery, and I bought the number of our house there in a tile.  We have pictures like Tony's, and we had lunch in the market, where they made beautiful crepes while we watched.  


Pottery shop




My tile




Crepes and beautiful artichokes in the market






Returning to Brest port






Edited by Vict0riann
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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Sadly I think I'll have to buy some cookies rather than bake them. A salute to all twins! Snowflakes are great, except when I have to drive in them. Interesting quote. Maybe on the meal. Pass on the drink and yes to the wine although a bit pricey. I haven't been to Brest. A good day in history.


The weather is not nice here. Windy, dropping temps, rain turning to snow later, snow squall warnings. We're only supposed to get 1-2". My trek tomorrow to the Neurosurgery appointment is on main roads, so I should be ok. I slept about 3.5 hours again. I did get in a 2 hour nap yesterday in the recliner, once my leg settled down. I'm going to try to get BFF's gifts wrapped today, otherwise just chill. He still wants to come and spend a few days, so he will be doing the cooking such as it is, along with getting takeout some days. 


@ottahand7 Happy BIrthday, Nancy!

@Cruzin Terri I hope Jim's MRI goes well. 

@aliaschief Safe travels home.

@grapau27 Thanks for the explanation of Flake appreciation day.

@StLouisCruisers Happy Twin Day! 

@seagarsmoker Wow on your difficulties with no account, and all the hassles. And sorry about all the changes that don't seem for the better.

@RedneckBob Welcome back. Thanks for the start of your review.

@smitty34877 Hopefully no flooding near you and that you don't need to go out.

@kazu Stay safe!  Great photos.

@Lady Hudson Happy Twin Day!

@57redbird I'm sorry you're still having so much pain, and I hope it eases up soon.

@Nickelpenny I hope the injection went well!

@0106 Thanks for the photos from your excursion to Quimper.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos. 

@Ichiban Nekko Thanks for sharing your observations about your cruise. 

@RMLincoln I'm glad you made it home safely, what with all the weather issues. And that the wedding was great, as was seeing family. The driving part sounds like a white-knuckled affair; I've done that and kissed the ground when I made it home! Oh my on the power outage, but the community sounds well equipped to handle it. Stay safe!

@sailingdutchy Wonderful photos, Tony.

@Vict0riann Thanks for the photos.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

Edited by JazzyV
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I don't think I will bake cookies today, but you never know. Twins run in my family but not in my branch of it. The last special day makes me think of former Senator Jeff Flake, who was from Snowflake, Arizona--named partly for his great-great-grandfather. He said that everyone there was a Flake and that he was in college before he learned that it sounded odd to most people.


I like the soup but no longer make it, because I'm not sure that it cooks enough after the egg is added to be completely safe. Pass on the drink and also on the dancing. The wine can be a different mix of varieties every year, but there is still no Zinfandel in the Finger Lakes. I'll suggest Hector Wine's Essence. I haven't been to Brest, but I know the poem by Jacques Prévert:


Rappelle-toi Barbara
Il pleuvait sans cesse sur Brest ce jour-là.


The furnace appears to have a burned-out circuit board. They have one in stock so it may be repaired yet today.




Edited by kochleffel
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3 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

Rappelle-toi Barbara
Il pleuvait sans cesse sur Brest ce jour-là.

A translation since I wasn’t familiar with the quote: 

Remember Barbara
It was raining ceaselessly on Brest that day
And you were walking smiling
Glowing overjoyed streaming
Under the rain
by Jacques Prevert (France’s most popular port of the 20th century)


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1 hour ago, kochleffel said:

The furnace appears to have a burned-out circuit board. They have one in stock so it may be repaired yet today.


Oy oy oy oy oy. The circuit board was fried, but the cause appears to have been a fault in the thermostat wiring, which is inaccessible. A wireless thermostat may be the answer.

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2 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

We made it home midnight!  Amazed we made it!  The wedding was grand, wonderful visits with family and extended family. 


I am so glad you made it safely through the weather and are home 👍 



2 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

 We’re out of power this morning. Our community is warning residents not to go out. Roads are flooded, impassable. The backside of the storm is increasing now, more wind and rain.  So glad we are home!  We have good backup systems here in our seniors complex including elevators, good hallway lighting and some hallway outlets on generators. The dining room kitchens are working!  Water is working!  (Well pump was always the biggest issue for our mountain home until we got a 220v generator. We melted snow on the wood stove!  Those days are behind us!)\\


Definitely stay in.  It’s no weather to be out.  Hope the flooding doesn’t cause too much damage 🤞. So glad to hear you have good back up systems.


LOL - I hear you on the well pump.  I got tired of filling the bathtub any time there was a hint of a problem and we finally got a generator.  Since we got it, power outages on my side of the street seem much rarer. 


1 hour ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

I just picked up my free ham from the grocery store and I’m heading to the food bank to donate it. 


how very thoughtful & generous of you 👍 



1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

My trek tomorrow to the Neurosurgery appointment is on main roads, so I should be ok. I slept about 3.5 hours again.


I hope the roads are good for you tomorrow and that the neurosurgeon can provide some answers and relief for you. 🙏 



1 hour ago, kochleffel said:

The furnace appears to have a burned-out circuit board. They have one in stock so it may be repaired yet today.


Great news!  It will be a relief when it is working again, I’m sure. Edited to say - just saw your last post after I finished typing.  I hope the wireless thermostat works 🤞 


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We drove straight through for five hours and got home around noon. When we entered our car this morning there was a ding chip and about a two foot crack on the front windshield right in front of driver. It was like driving a car with bi focals. There was no window crack when we used the car Saturday so maybe it was caused by gust of wind blowing an object onto windshield over night. Who knows but car insurance covers it and waivers deductible so in process of getting it repaired.

@ottahand7Do hope you are enjoying your special day. Happy Birthday!🎂

Time for some unpacking then recliner and Happy Hour. B.

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Good afternoon!


@RMLincoln Maureen, the description of your trip home was white knuckle reading, let alone actually driving.  I'm glad you made it safely.


I have achieved my goal today and the top of the quilt is ready for borders.  I have to go to the fabric store and pick out material for them.  That should be fun.  




There were a couple triangle points that were cut off, but nothing bad enough to rip out and redo.  IF I was entering this for competition, I would redo them.  But, I'm not and I doubt anyone will notice them.  

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2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Sadly I think I'll have to buy some cookies rather than bake them. A salute to all twins! Snowflakes are great, except when I have to drive in them. Interesting quote. Maybe on the meal. Pass on the drink and yes to the wine although a bit pricey. I haven't been to Brest. A good day in history.


The weather is not nice here. Windy, dropping temps, rain turning to snow later, snow squall warnings. We're only supposed to get 1-2". My trek tomorrow to the Neurosurgery appointment is on main roads, so I should be ok. I slept about 3.5 hours again. I did get in a 2 hour nap yesterday in the recliner, once my leg settled down. I'm going to try to get BFF's gifts wrapped today, otherwise just chill. He still wants to come and spend a few days, so he will be doing the cooking such as it is, along with getting takeout some days. 


@ottahand7 Happy BIrthday, Nancy!

@Cruzin Terri I hope Jim's MRI goes well. 

@aliaschief Safe travels home.

@grapau27 Thanks for the explanation of Flake appreciation day.

@StLouisCruisers Happy Twin Day! 

@seagarsmoker Wow on your difficulties with no account, and all the hassles. And sorry about all the changes that don't seem for the better.

@RedneckBob Welcome back. Thanks for the start of your review.

@smitty34877 Hopefully no flooding near you and that you don't need to go out.

@kazu Stay safe!  Great photos.

@Lady Hudson Happy Twin Day!

@57redbird I'm sorry you're still having so much pain, and I hope it eases up soon.

@Nickelpenny I hope the injection went well!

@0106 Thanks for the photos from your excursion to Quimper.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos. 

@Ichiban Nekko Thanks for sharing your observations about your cruise. 

@RMLincoln I'm glad you made it home safely, what with all the weather issues. And that the wedding was great, as was seeing family. The driving part sounds like a white-knuckled affair; I've done that and kissed the ground when I made it home! Oh my on the power outage, but the community sounds well equipped to handle it. Stay safe!

@sailingdutchy Wonderful photos, Tony.

@Vict0riann Thanks for the photos.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

Good luck at the neurosurgery tomorrow Vanessa.

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@kochleffel,Paul, I hope the wireless thermostat works to fix the problem. Today with the wind it feels colder than the stated temperature. Oy.

@RMLincolnI worried about the two of you when I saw the severe wind warnings for our areas. I am sorry it was such a challenging drive but am glad you are home.

@dfish,Debbie!What a lovely quilt!


@JazzyV, I hope you get some pain relief tomorrow. I was glad to read that BFF will be with you for Christmas. 


The rain has stopped but there is still a little wind up to 40 mph. My SE Mass family had 70 mph at times. Yikes.


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