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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday February 13th,


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47 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

@JazzyV we had our galentine day one year when I lived in NC.  All us single ladies went to Mama Dip's in Chapel Hill.  It was a small soul food place and not a hot spot for Valentine's Day.  I still remember her stewed tomatoes. I wonder if her cookbook survived my lifetime move to Michigan and I am too far away to check. 


I never ate there, but I knew of Mama Dip's. She died in 2018 and I read that her children had put the restaurant and property up for sale last May, asking $3.6 million. It hasn't sold and remains open in the meantime.

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6 hours ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

Sorry to hear Bar Harbor was deleted. Has anyone heard if all bigger cruise ships will be turned away from Bar Harbor?

At the moment Bar Harbor is still included in our north bound itinerary.

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Greetings from the Koningsdam somewhere in the Pacific.


@Crazy For Cats I wouldn’t mourn the loss of Bar Harbor after last year.  The town was totally overrun as was Acadia NP.  It was not an enjoyable time and we always loved Bar Harbor.  

Dressy night was last night and I had the tenderloin.  It was awful-tough and rubbery.  

Otherwise, all is well and we are savoring our last few days.  Our room stewards have been excellent as has our dining room steward.  There have been some interesting enrichment talks and Sue has really gotten into the ukulele lessons.


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49 minutes ago, dfish said:

Greetings from the Koningsdam somewhere in the Pacific.


@Crazy For Cats I wouldn’t mourn the loss of Bar Harbor after last year.  The town was totally overrun as was Acadia NP.  It was not an enjoyable time and we always loved Bar Harbor.  

Dressy night was last night and I had the tenderloin.  It was awful-tough and rubbery.  

Otherwise, all is well and we are savoring our last few days.  Our room stewards have been excellent as has our dining room steward.  There have been some interesting enrichment talks and Sue has really gotten into the ukulele lessons.


We ate at Rudi’s last night and my grilled seafood platter horrible. So salty.  Left. 

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Good morning from the Koningsdam on another very cloudy day.  Sadly, we have not been able to use our balcony as much as we hoped.  No matter if we were heading west or now heading east, we've gotten a lot of salt spray and wetness.  It's still nice to have a full length window and door.


I'll honor Shrove Tuesday and Black Love Day, but will ignore Desperation Day.


While there are things I wish I'd done differently, I don't think I want a second edition of my life.


Chicken and dumplings are good, but I'm not sure about cornmeal dumplings.  We'll pass on the drink.  The wine sounds good, but a bit pricey.


We have not been to Abu Dhabi.


Two interesting days in British history.


7 hours ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Morning, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. The expected foot of snow has been reduced by half.  It hasn’t started yet so we’ll see what really happens.  Today’s meal suggestion sounds good to me, we are having chicken just not sure how we are cooking it.  
I woke up to major changes to our 8/31 Zuiderdam itinerary.  Quebec will no longer be an overnight stay.  Bar Harbor was removed.  Saint John and Portland were added. All other ports were shifted. It’s disappointing about the overnight but good news about Saint John.  
I hope everyone has a good day today.



Jake, it's interesting one leg of your cruise has an itinerary change, but not the other.  An overnight in Quebec City is always good.  


6 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Happy Mardi Gras to those who celebrate it.  Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Vanessa, Ann, Paul, and Eva.  I think I'll take a pass on the other 2 days. 


Not sure about today's quote.  Two interesting days in British history, although it is interesting that the Bill of Rights may not have given rights to ordinary citizens.


I have not been to Abu Dhabi although close, disembarking Silver Whisper there in 2007 and Queen Elizabeth in 2010.


I'll  pass on the meal.  My alternative is Chilled Strawberry Bisque, Citrus Compote with Honey and Raisins, Veal Medallion with Creamy Porcini Sauce, and Cherry Crisp as served on MS Zaandam February 13, 2012.


A busy week with Pulminologist today, Podiatrist tomorrow, Fire Department photo and church AV rehearsal Thursday, and Drivers License Renewal Friday.




Roy, I hope all the appointments and meetings go well this week.


5 hours ago, kazu said:

Happy Fat/Shrove/Paczki/Mardi Gras Day - or whatever other one appeals.  Thanks Rich, Roy, Vanessa, Ann, Eva & Paul for your dedication.





I’m not sure if I agree with the quote.  We learn from our mistakes / errors which helps us grow.  I don’t know if anything needs to be corrected?  it is what it is.  Today’s meal sounds good - as long as someone prepares it for me 😉.  Important days in history today, indeed.





Appointment this morning and I will pick up a few key things needed in case.  I’m not sure what we are getting ‘Nor Easter wise  - one minute we are in the track and the next minute not.  Bottom line - we are in the circled area where they don’t know what will happen. 🤷 I have another appointment tomorrow that is not wise to cancel, so hopefully it will be good enough to get out of here 🤞 Poor Nova Scotia - parts of it are definitely going to really get dumped on - not sure where they will put it with all the snow they already got 😔 





Prayers for those on the Care list, those suffering losses, grief, pain, health problems, worries & those that need them.  🙏 Cheers to those celebrating and cruising 🥂.





Jacqui, I hope you do not have any trouble getting to your appointments today and tomorrow.


5 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

Good morning from HMC.  A beautiful day today with 18 mph winds.  No plans for us today, hopefully enjoying our balcony.  

Thanks for today's Daily and Fleet reports @kazu and for the accompanying maps @rafinmd.   

@JazzyVthank you for maintaining our cares and celebrations reports and I forgot to thank you for doing so on the one year anniversary a few days ago.  Prayers for everyone needing them and the people of Ukraine.  

Our busy day went well yesterday until the very end.  The Mariners reception was well attended and 5 300 day medallions were given out, though actually there were 8 because there were several couples who got them.  Then they recognized the five President's Club members/couple ranging from 1740 days to 2400.  Lots of sparkling wine, mimosas and bloody Marys.  Then a nice lunch in the PG and then off the the premier wine tasting.  Our Sommelier Rodel poured some nice wines that we went through very quickly.  Then he turned to the food pairing with each wine.  I do believe this was the best HA tasting we have done due to the matching of the food component.  

Things went bad at Tamarind. There must have been a private group in the other part because at 5 the place was packed.  John never got his meal or his special order Nami sushi.  I had finished my entree and we left.  We are enjoying the MDR more and more on this cruise.  Have a great day! Nancy 



Nancy, that is unacceptable that John did not get his entree.  I'd have been a very squeaky wheel.


5 hours ago, grapau27 said:




Graham, thank youndor the explanations of the days.


5 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

I don't know what Desperation Day is, but I'm sure someone will clue us in. I like the quote. The meal sounds good, pass on the drink, would try the wine, not been to the port.

TA did not call me back and the hold expires today on the cabin we want, so I'm going to try to do another hold. Why are some holds only 1 day?

Lots of Super Bowl cake pictures posted by CC cruisers - the bakers did a great job, some had intricate embellishments. How nice!

PT and work today; see surgeon tomorrow and hope to learn the plan for my shoulder.

Boss said Friday HR was sending me an invite for a call; it was yesterday at noon for 15 min. Just as I was dialing in, the HR guy canceled the call w/no reason given. He did not reply to my message asking if it would be rescheduled; Boss says he has no idea. So I turned on the TV 📺 & ate a chicken salad sandwich.

Neurologist called yesterday saying they received a referral from my PCP but didn't know why. First appointment is March 8; I took it. Now just need to hear from the eye doctor. 

Finished the meds for sinus infection, but I don't feel any better.

Currently a chilly 34° headed to sunny 64°. No rain in the forecast - maybe the yard can dry out.

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 



I hope your appointment with the surgeon tomorrow gives you a plan for getting the shoulder fixed.  I hope you feel better soon.


4 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Good days to celebrate, but not sure about the Desperation Day.  If you're so desperate to find someone just so you're not alone on Valentine's Day, you need to give your head a shake.  You're valuable, you're enough, go and treat yourself without worrying about having to be with someone else!  Go and volunteer at a food bank, help a neighbour, be kind to a stranger, then order in a lovely meal for yourself and enjoy it.  Jumping off my soapbox now.


We had a good day yesterday - DH worked on the computer while I spent most of the morning working on fabric, getting it ready so I can cut out pieces and make coasters.  We went to the hospital in the afternoon where they increased his pacemaker to 60bpm, and came home.  I asked DH if he felt any different, and he said there was no change that he could tell.  I guess we'll see how he does today.  Funny thing (well, funny to me) last night DH was watching a news program while taking his night meds and instead of taking a potassium pill, accidentally took a diuretic.  Well, he was up and down like a jack in the box every half hour through the night - you'd think for as long as he's had to take medication, he'd be a little more observant of what pills he's got in his hand.  I'm sure he'll be more careful in the future.  


Not much planned for the day, but there's a fabric store across town having a sale on notions, and I'd like to pick up some different threads, etc., so will likely head out.  DH will come with me and depending on how he feels, will either join me in the mall or may just sit in the car and read.


I'm going to give a pass on the drink of the day (bourbon), am pretty sure I'd like the wine, and a hard no on the menu suggestion.  I dislike dumplings - there's something about the texture that just doesn't do it for me.  It's Shrove Tuesday so we'll be having shroves for dinner  - pancakes and bacon will be served at our kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, or who just needs a hug.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!   ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, I hope the change to your DH's pacemaker will help your DH feel better as his body adjusts to the change.



4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. The snow, although quite beautiful, is coming down like crazy. The trees look incredible but of course it is very slippery out there. I have bacon and could make pancakes later. I would like the meal of the day but don’t have the ambition to make it. I agree with Gerry @ger_77  about Desperation day. That is really sad. I have not been to the port and hope that in this house at least it is always love day for all.

We all slept better last night for the first night in what feels like forever. I am hoping for a good day today and wish the same for all of you.



Terry, it was good to read that everyone slept better last night.  I hope things continue to get better.


Just now, dfish said:

Greetings from the Koningsdam somewhere in the Pacific.


@Crazy For Cats I wouldn’t mourn the loss of Bar Harbor after last year.  The town was totally overrun as was Acadia NP.  It was not an enjoyable time and we always loved Bar Harbor.  

Dressy night was last night and I had the tenderloin.  It was awful-tough and rubbery.  

Otherwise, all is well and we are savoring our last few days.  Our room stewards have been excellent as has our dining room steward.  There have been some interesting enrichment talks and Sue has really gotten into the ukulele lessons.



Debbie, I'm sorry about your steak last night.  DH said his was very tender and good.  It's amazing the difference in steaks of the same cut.  My lamb chops were also good.  We also have a great cabin steward and dining steward, along with several wonderful bat servers.


Just now, summer slope said:

We ate at Rudi’s last night and my grilled seafood platter horrible. So salty.  Left. 


Dixie, that is bad news about your dinner in Rudi's.




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5 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

We all slept better last night for the first night in what feels like forever. I am hoping for a good day today and wish the same for all of you.



That is SO good to hear 👍. I hope this is the start of many good sleeps to come 🤞 




3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

It's also Galentine's Day, for us single women to celebrate female friendship.


I hate to admit it but I had never heard of that before.  what a terrific idea 👍 



3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Sleep and pain are the same.


I am so praying your procedure helps with this.  🙏 



4 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

DH had blurry vision suddenly late in the evening, then couldn’t get a pressure reading on the surgical eye. Oiy!  Which eye drops to do? Texted docs but it was rather late to expect an answer. Made a best guess that the pressure was too low, took the steroid only, and was able to get a reading - still very low but he guessed right. This morning’s text from surgeon confirmed to discontinue the glaucoma med in that eye. Today blurriness is gone but again can’t get a pressure reading. It’s so tricky!  I wish the docs had given us better instructions for What Ifs!  But we are muddling through. One day at a time is Everything!  


Oh dear - thank heavens you guessed right.  😰 I hope the discontinuation of the med helps your DH.  Doctors can be so frustrating.



6 hours ago, ger_77 said:

not sure about the Desperation Day.  If you're so desperate to find someone just so you're not alone on Valentine's Day, you need to give your head a shake.  You're valuable, you're enough, go and treat yourself without worrying about having to be with someone else! 


I so agree with you.  



6 hours ago, ger_77 said:

I asked DH if he felt any different, and he said there was no change that he could tell.  I guess we'll see how he does today. 


I hope the pacemaker adjustment helps Maurice 🙏 



1 hour ago, cat shepard said:



Laura has graciously volunteered to cover the Wine du Jour, while I am gone. I really appreciate her offering to help. 

Thank you Jacqui, Eva & Paul for offering. 



THANK YOU @Lcubed.  Laura,  we really appreciate you stepping up to help Ann and us while she is away.  Many, many thanks ♥️ 



20 minutes ago, summer slope said:

We ate at Rudi’s last night and my grilled seafood platter horrible. So salty.  Left. 


Oh no, Joy!  How disappointing.   I hope you let them know before you left.  Hopefully they will offer you a replacement dinner (and better one) or refund your meal 🤞  I would have made them bring me a complimentary fruits de Mer LOL (like that would happen - 😂)




6 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

PT and work today; see surgeon tomorrow and hope to learn the plan for my shoulder.


Best wishes for your surgeon appointment tomorrow.  I do hope that there is a good plan for you. 🤞 



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Good early afternoon from somewhere in the Pacific, almost halfway between Hawaii and Ensenada. The Captain just said during his noon announcement that halfway will occur at 2:30 this afternoon. 

Nancy @ottahand7, wow on your Tamarind experience. Ours was the exact opposite. I felt very rushed and the female server talked so fast I had to ask her to repeat most everything. 

Debbie @dfish and Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, I also had the tenderloin and it was tough but cooked perfectly. I should have realized it wasn’t going to be good when our server told me that I should choose the upsell tenderloin and lobster instead, but $25??  Big no. 

I need to run. Craig is ready for lunch. Have a great day!

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@Quartzsite Cruiser I feel for you not being able to use your balcony, we are in the Caribbean and have only been able to use our wrap around in port.  Today at HMC I could only use one side for two hours.  Just curious, we booked 7190 aft for Hawaii in 2025, are you up that high?   

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Good afternoon everyone from sunny Ft. Lauderdale.  Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists.  Enjoying our extra vacation day this Fat Tuesday on the beach at Lago Mar Resort and I did have ice cream to celebrate.  I like being imperfect and am glad there are no rewrites.  The meal and drink suggestions sound like good choices to me.  I haven’t been to today’s port.  Prayers for everyone on the prayer list.  Cheers to those celebrating happy events!  Thanks for all the well wishes yesterday, they worked and we traveled uneventfully. 

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We had heavy rain last night. When I went to the lab this morning at 7:00 to get blood drawn for next week's physical, it wasn't raining. When I came out 1/2 hour later, there was a heavy mist. After I got home (5 mins.) it had started to snow. The roads stayed wet and just accumulation on the grass & cars. But they delayed schools for 2 hours!! By 10am, the sun came out & all the snow is gone. Weird weather day!

I'm making pancakes & sausage for dinner tonight. I wonder how that would go with today's pinot noir??

Prayers raised for all in need and cheers for all who are celebrating!


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45 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser I feel for you not being able to use your balcony, we are in the Caribbean and have only been able to use our wrap around in port.  Today at HMC I could only use one side for two hours.  Just curious, we booked 7190 aft for Hawaii in 2025, are you up that high?   


Nancy, we are on deck six aft of the forward elevators.  The weather this year has been weird.  It has been cooler, windier and at times bumpier tha past years.  Also, it has been cloudy and damp most of the time we're at sea.  We tried sitting outside just now, but it was too cool and damp.  


When DH looked over the railing, all the balconies on this side were covered in salt spray.  We're in an angled cabin at the end of a bumped out section, so it's easy to see the side of the ship.


There is a good chance that by next year the weather will be completely different.



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4 hours ago, summer slope said:

We ate at Rudi’s last night and my grilled seafood platter horrible. So salty.  Left. 

I am so sorry.  I had that same dish when we were there and it was great.  Do note this in your evaluation. 


3 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Debbie, I'm sorry about your steak last night.  DH said his was very tender and good.  It's amazing the difference in steaks of the same cut.  My lamb chops were also good.  We also have a great cabin steward and dining steward, along with several wonderful bat servers.


I’m glad someone got a good one!  Three of us at our table got chewies.  You win some, you lose some!

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4 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

  Sadly, we have not been able to use our balcony as much as we hoped.  No matter if we were heading west or now heading east, we've gotten a lot of salt spray and wetness.  It's still nice to have a full length window and door.


What a disappointment - so sorry.



15 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We're in an angled cabin at the end of a bumped out section, so it's easy to see the side of the ship.


We had one of those once.  One and done.  I know people rave about them but if you happen to be on a cruise where the wind and spray are coming at both sides (it was on ours) there is zip protection compared to a regular balcony.


So sorry - sad to pay for a balcony and not be able to enjoy it.  But, the full length window is a huge plus and with luck ( I hope) you will enjoy your balcony - even if it is coming or leaving port when things a are smoother 🤞 

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Free Paxlovid


For a considerable time, the U.S. government provided Paxlovid at no charge for anyone who had a prescription for it. That's no longer the case, and you may find that even with insurance there's a large co-pay.


Pfizer has a program called Paxcess that makes it free for Medicare and Medicaid enrollees and for people with no insurance. It can also reduce the cost for those who have commercial insurance that doesn't cover it in full.


It takes only a few minutes to sign up, and you can't sign up until you have a prescription. If the prescription went straight to the pharmacy, the pharmacist should pause filling it and call you, but you can't count on that. Once you've sign up, you get a voucher that you can take or send to the pharmacy.


Description of the program: https://wapo.st/3uwSZix


Link to sign up: https://paxlovid.iassist.com/


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2 hours ago, kazu said:


What a disappointment - so sorry.




We had one of those once.  One and done.  I know people rave about them but if you happen to be on a cruise where the wind and spray are coming at both sides (it was on ours) there is zip protection compared to a regular balcony.


So sorry - sad to pay for a balcony and not be able to enjoy it.  But, the full length window is a huge plus and with luck ( I hope) you will enjoy your balcony - even if it is coming or leaving port when things a are smoother 🤞 


All the balconies aft of us also had a lot of salt spray.  As I said, the weather has been weird this winter.


The aft facing angle balcony isn't bad, but I wouldn't want a forward facing one.  Took much wind when under way.  We also like the extra room in the cabin, especially with DH's rollator.



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6 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser I feel for you not being able to use your balcony, we are in the Caribbean and have only been able to use our wrap around in port.  Today at HMC I could only use one side for two hours.  Just curious, we booked 7190 aft for Hawaii in 2025, are you up that high?   


4 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Nancy, we are on deck six aft of the forward elevators.  The weather this year has been weird.  It has been cooler, windier and at times bumpier tha past years.  Also, it has been cloudy and damp most of the time we're at sea.  We tried sitting outside just now, but it was too cool and damp.  


When DH looked over the railing, all the balconies on this side were covered in salt spray.  We're in an angled cabin at the end of a bumped out section, so it's easy to see the side of the ship.


There is a good chance that by next year the weather will be completely different.



Nancy, we are about 12 cabins toward midship from Lenda on the same side, port. We have also been unable to use the balcony. Too cool and too much spray. Craig has used it probably 20 minutes total. We were just talking about not being able to use it and I agree with Jacqui, having the full length windows is still a big plus. 


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5 hours ago, kochleffel said:

Free Paxlovid


For a considerable time, the U.S. government provided Paxlovid at no charge for anyone who had a prescription for it. That's no longer the case, and you may find that even with insurance there's a large co-pay.


Pfizer has a program called Paxcess that makes it free for Medicare and Medicaid enrollees and for people with no insurance. It can also reduce the cost for those who have commercial insurance that doesn't cover it in full.


It takes only a few minutes to sign up, and you can't sign up until you have a prescription. If the prescription went straight to the pharmacy, the pharmacist should pause filling it and call you, but you can't count on that. Once you've sign up, you get a voucher that you can take or send to the pharmacy.


Description of the program: https://wapo.st/3uwSZix


Link to sign up: https://paxlovid.iassist.com/


Thanks for the information and the links.  I am wondering how this will work if you contract covid while on a cruise ship a few thousand miles from home.  I have medicare, and the ship's doctor could provide a prescription and I assume the ship's pharmacy would have the drug so maybe I shouldn't worry about it.

I heard on the news today that the CDC just said that there is no longer a requirement for a five day quarantine if you test positive.  They just require quarantine until 24 hours have passed without a fever.


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