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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday April 10th,


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52 minutes ago, P&PNH said:

Good Morning, thanks to everyone for their contributions, and prayer to those in need.  @RMLincoln Sept. is a great time to visit Cape Cod, after Labor Day the crowds leave and things have not closed down yet. We went on a whale watch with Hyannis Whale Watch Cruises a few years ago and it was fantastic.  Saw about 60 Humpback whales doing bubble netting, and breaching.  Well worth your time, and a little cruise thrown in as well.


We also used Hyannis for a  🐋 whale watching cruise that was amazing! The crew was great. 

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Good morning and thanks all! So sorry to hear @smitty34877 had another tough nite!  Sending prayers for improvement.  

@kazu glad you are approved for travel, the joys of air travel, sigh!  Hoping all the appointments go well!  

Will wish my DB, my only sibling a great day.  He was gone too soon at 30 from a very aggressive brain cancer. 

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@dfish I love it - trade for a pony 😊

Those are great pictures. 


This is all 4 of us taken when my younger brother was on Christmas break from Notre Dame; a rare time when we were living in the same area. Who knew all these years later he would be gone. 💔


This is a framed sketch a friend did for me from a picture I found when cleaning out my dad's house. My younger brother had been born, but for unknown reason was not in the picture, so this is the 3 of us now, just younger, lol.


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Good morning all!

Today is the only sunny day this week, so I'm going to take advantage of that and try to do some gardening.  It's also a lull in the week because tomorrow our 4 bags will arrive from Luggage Forward (plus the 15 bottles of NZ wine!) So a lot of unpacking in my future.


Good days, and I will celebrate Sibling Day.  I have 2 older sisters, the eldest passed away in 2011 after a 10-year battle with Lymphoma.  I miss her a lot. She and I had a lot in common, including a love of gardening and travel.  


Will pass on the meal, would try the drink out of curiosity, and pass on the red wine.  Have not been to this port, but would love to go.  Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the as always great photos.


These are some of my favorite photos with my sisters.

I'm the baby here.   We were at Mt. Baker, our Dad's favorite place.



When our sister was fighting cancer, every time she went into remission we did a "Sisters' Weekend".  We chose a different location every time.









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My mother took all of us on a cruise from NY on the Queen Mary. She was already very sick but really wanted to go. My sisters in law were unenthusiastic initially but we have all continued to cruise. She started a dangerous habit!




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The Universe must celebrate Siblings Day... I was preparing to back out of Dr parking lot, sister pulled in next to me; she uses same PCP.

She gave me a box and said it would make me think of Baby Brother. ❤️

Already cleaned w/icy cold tea in it.




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I'm loving all the pictures of siblings.  @Haljo1935 I love the cup!  I'm sure the tea tastes a lot better from that one!


@smitty34877 How wonderful that your mom started you all on cruising.  I'm sure she really enjoyed having all her kids with her on that cruise.  


@Cruising-along Beautiful pictures!  Sisters Weekends are the greatest.  We haven't done one is a while as the pandemic put a damper on them.  Sue, Barb, and I did one, but Jodie wouldn't come as it was too dangerous.  

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Happy Hump Day to all and thanks for the fleet and daily report.  I will celebrate all 3 days.  I do have siblings (5 of them) but we are not close.  I live the quote! Yes to the stuffed cabbage, no to the concoction of a drink, yes to the wine.  Cool about Big Ben!


I have been to Aqaba and Petra but not from a cruise.  I flew up to Amman from Dubai in Jan 2010 and then rented a car to drive down to Aqaba, past the Dead Sea, and then back to Amman.  The next day I drove down to Petra.  I found my pictures - I have over 500 of them!!  😊  But here is just a couple and I will split them up into a couple of posts:


Driving down from Amman heading to the Dead Sea











I saw many things going down and I got lots of stares!  At the time, I didn't know that most women did not drive so I was a spectacle.  Had to stop at many checkpoints asking for my papers.  At one stop, once the police/military person asked me harshly for my papers and then looked at me, proclaimed "Oh, Amirikin!  Would you like to join me for some coffee?" in a very pleasant voice.  I apologetically said no, I needed to get to Aqaba and that I would be coming this way the next day so maybe then.  Ha-Ha.  Never went back that way!! Went by where they would make the salt.






The mountains seemed like the upper AZ desert to me.






Finally got to Aqaba








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The next day I drove down to Petra. I parked and started to walk down and this cute young man with 2 horses asked me if I wanted to ride the horse up to the top.  I asked how much and he said $50.  I had brought a tad over $100 so I said - Why not?  I got on the horse and then he said - Oh, but it is 2 horses as he had to ride one so it is $100!  I got scammed but I would do it again in a heartbeat.  He took me up to above Petra and I walked down.  Then as I was walking back up after a couple of hours, he picked me up and took me back to my car.  Amazing!!


Just some of the pics of my day at Petra:






I am on the horse




After walking down from the top




Starting the amazing views
















Just some camels along the way


















I was so glad to be able to go!!



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Good afternoon. Thanks for the FR/Daily, @kazu @rafinmd & maps @rafinmd.

I'll salute farm animals and the Salvation Army's founder. I have no siblings (at least that I know about). Excellent quote. Maybe for the meal and the drink and pass on the wine. I haven't been to Aqaba. A good day in history.


It's cloudy and rainy here, but warm. More rain the next few days, with wind warnings and severe storm warnings for tomorrow night. I had my pre-op exam with my PCP this morning. Now I am very sleepy. I just made my morning coffee and am having my bagel with it. Maybe the caffeine will help. I may see if I can nap soon. I need to write out checks to pay taxes owed, and for estimated payments for next year. Tomorrow I have to be up at o'dark thirty to take BFF for his Mohs procedure. 


@MISTER 67 Good to hear you're better and I hope DW hasn't caught what you had.

@kazu I hope you can get some answers about your foot. Sorry to hear of the flight issues getting home. 

@StLouisCruisers Excellent Petra photos!

@smitty34877 I'm sorry to hear the aide won't be there, and that last night's sleep was interrupted. I hope things stabilize for Tana, and you all have better nights. Nice photos.

@kochleffel That must have been quite a fall; good to hear the pain is subsiding.


@Haljo1935 I hope you can get the work/medical issue worked out satisfactorily. Thanks for the siblings photo.

@RMLincoln Prayers for DSIL and all the family, especially those making decisions.

@dfish Fun photos of you kids.

@Cruising-along I'm jealous of the wine that's coming! Thanks for the photos.

@Nickelpenny Thanks for the great photos.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.



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4 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

I have 1 sibling sister, but have some precious friends I call my sisters. Hi Denise!! @DeeniEncinitas!!

Goodmorning from my home in Maui!

@Seasick Sailor


Mahalo and thank you Joy! I bet it’s 5 years now when you joined Fleet Report we became close.

Happy Wednesday to all and prayers where needed and Happiness in life to all!!

Joy my only ( Kaikamahine ) meaning sister virtually here on the Daily! 
Have a great day all!




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I am the oldest of five and we are still here. My two sisters come down to Florida several times during the year for us to have a get together. One brother lives in Hawaii and the other one in Arizona.

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Posted (edited)

My sister and I. No, we didn’t have a pony but there were itinerant photographers who went round with a pony and took and sold pictures. I am surprised my parents took advantage because money was tight so this would have been an extravagance.  Our mother often dressed us alike but we are 13 months apart. My sister and I are having lunch together tomorrow. And I got a really nice text from my DSIL in Germany regarding sisters. All 3 of my DSILs are like sisters to me. 

first and last time for me on a horse!


Edited by superoma
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7 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

The restaurant we ate lunch at was called Alcantarah.  They had a huge buffet inside but on the porch they were preparing a delicious chicken and vegetable stir fry dish.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKK_HJ2nKc9-lbReHGzyp67?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium








I think we cleaned them out of desserts!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLeIFlFGennAd3Dqpk861uD?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium








On the drive back to Aqaba we stopped at this shop and were able to have a restroom break.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKMuTFia_fW8jna0H5XOlIM?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium








We had very nice clean restrooms which were much appreciated by this very tired group.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKw2WQKTm6_TfWnHhNj2YV4?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


See anything you like?00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVL4NjmOtYfYMP0BR8Qho_c8?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium










I recommend the restaurant and the rest stop here highly.  

Nice photos Sandi.

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7 hours ago, kazu said:


I’m not Graham.  those tests are always negative.  Foot doctor thinks there is a circulation problem.

That is excellent news you are not diabetic.

I hope your foot doctor can find a permanent cure for you.

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2 hours ago, dfish said:

My siblings and I are pretty close as siblings go.  Well, Sue wanted to trade the brothers for a pony, but Dad wouldn't go for it.  Mom's biggest worry was that when she and Dad were gone that we'd kind of go our own ways.  We sort of have done that, but we make a point of getting together as siblings each year.  We also have a family picnic in the summer and all the grandkids and great grandkids come.  




Dad liked to take pictures on Sundays after church, so we had to sit on the couch or the coffee table and pose.  You can see that we were very happy to do this.  




This was a Saturday in early fall.  




A variation of sitting on the couch was standing on the porch.  This was in winter and Sue is showing  you how cold it was out there.

Thanks for sharing your family photos Debbie.

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2 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

@dfish I love it - trade for a pony 😊

Those are great pictures. 


This is all 4 of us taken when my younger brother was on Christmas break from Notre Dame; a rare time when we were living in the same area. Who knew all these years later he would be gone. 💔


This is a framed sketch a friend did for me from a picture I found when cleaning out my dad's house. My younger brother had been born, but for unknown reason was not in the picture, so this is the 3 of us now, just younger, lol.


Nice photos.

Which one of the 2 lovely girls are you?.

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2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Today is the only sunny day this week, so I'm going to take advantage of that and try to do some gardening.  It's also a lull in the week because tomorrow our 4 bags will arrive from Luggage Forward (plus the 15 bottles of NZ wine!) So a lot of unpacking in my future.


Good days, and I will celebrate Sibling Day.  I have 2 older sisters, the eldest passed away in 2011 after a 10-year battle with Lymphoma.  I miss her a lot. She and I had a lot in common, including a love of gardening and travel.  


Will pass on the meal, would try the drink out of curiosity, and pass on the red wine.  Have not been to this port, but would love to go.  Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the as always great photos.


These are some of my favorite photos with my sisters.

I'm the baby here.   We were at Mt. Baker, our Dad's favorite place.



When our sister was fighting cancer, every time she went into remission we did a "Sisters' Weekend".  We chose a different location every time.









Nice photos.

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1 hour ago, Nickelpenny said:

The next day I drove down to Petra. I parked and started to walk down and this cute young man with 2 horses asked me if I wanted to ride the horse up to the top.  I asked how much and he said $50.  I had brought a tad over $100 so I said - Why not?  I got on the horse and then he said - Oh, but it is 2 horses as he had to ride one so it is $100!  I got scammed but I would do it again in a heartbeat.  He took me up to above Petra and I walked down.  Then as I was walking back up after a couple of hours, he picked me up and took me back to my car.  Amazing!!


Just some of the pics of my day at Petra:






I am on the horse




After walking down from the top




Starting the amazing views
















Just some camels along the way


















I was so glad to be able to go!!



Awesome photos.

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On Sunday I went to pick up some meds at the pharmacy.  
The pharmacist informed me It was time for my Covid shot, my RSV shot and my Shingles shot.  I said really?  How much, and it turned out to be 0.00.  Can you do all 3 at once? They said yes.  And I said no.  So I just got back from the pharmacy having shingles 1 shot, and the RSV shot, both in the same arm, and I am set to go for 14 days, then come back for the Covid, and then after 60 days come back for the 2nd shingles shot.  So far, I feel fine, my arm hurts, and I may put off the kitchen cabinet clean out.  Krogers was having a buy one get one on very chocolaty popsicles Magnum, and I figured I needed a treat.  So I indulged, got the chocolate with chocolate and the chocolate with raspberry.  That one has dark chocolate on the outside, a drippy gooey liquid raspberry dip, and that surrounds the raspberry ice cream.  It sounds almost healthy.  LOL.


Im loving the pictures of the family and siblings, and loving the pictures of Petra.  Thank you.

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