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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday April 16th, 2024


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Good morning all!

Today will only get to the low 50's and wet this morning,  but tomorrow will warm up and we'll have a string of sunny days.  At least the bulbs I planted are getting watered-in.


I'll celebrate Emancipation Day and Bean Counter Day (DH was an accountant), will pass on the red wine and meal but would like the drink.  Have not been to Whitehorse.  


I haven't heard any more news from BFF about her hospitalized DIL, I'll contact her later today if I don't hear more.  I'm afraid it sounded very bad and I'm worried for them.  😞  


Prayers for all on the Care List and cheers for all who are celebrating today.

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Emancipation Day is an important one to celebrate. When I saw Foursquare Day I thought of my house, which is considered an American Foursquare. This was a type of Arts and Crafts style popular from the mid-1890s to the late 1930s. Some of the Bean Counters can relax now that tax day has passed. Good quote. I like the meal, drink and wine today. I haven't been to Whitehorse; on my one trip to Alaska we couldn't dock at Haines due to high winds. We had scheduled to ride the train from Skagway to Whitehorse.


Another lovely day. It's already 70F and sunny. I feel like I got more sleep, although both my Fitbit and Apple Watch say 2 hours. I have medical appointments all afternoon, then a stop to pick up a prescription and a few groceries.


@aliaschief Enjoy the trip to see the Taj Mahal.

@StLouisCruisers Congrats to Ren on his game winning goal. I hope sister Linda is not having too much pain today. HBD to your niece and DGS.

@richwmn Enjoy the PC transit.

@LambKnuckles I'm glad you got a good report. Respiratory illness recently seem to have a cough for quite a while after you improve.

@0106 Nice poem. 

@grapau27 I too had tears in my eyes reading that poem. 

@Mr. Boston Hugs to you on this sad anniversary and on the loss of your friend Lauren. 

@Gsel I hope your memories made with your DH will comfort you today. Welcome to the Daily.

@smitty34877 I hope you can fit a little "me" time in; I'm sure you're right about the constant adrenaline rush. I hope Tana enjoys vegging today.

@marshhawk Welcome to your new kittens. Thanks for the Carcross photos. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the Whitehorse photos. 

@Haljo1935 I hope your headache goes away soon.

@RMLincoln Good of you to try to put together directions and lodging choices for the family. I'm glad DH's numbers are still good!

@Cruising-along So sorry to hear about your friend's DIL. Prayers for her.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.


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Vanessa @JazzyV I hate to hear about your two hours sleep!  You are amazing at coping.  I did get a text back from Linda.  She said she got an hour or two of sleep last night and finished a book at 4 am.  The arm felt dead for 23 hours!  Not too much pain this morning but she had a hard time getting dressed.  Her DH was driving her to a hair appointment and that was all she was going to do all day.  I'm surprised to hear it was scheduled for today but...  She said we'd talk more later. 🤷‍♀️

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Thanks all for the good wishes. Staying busy and remembering all the cruises and travel we did. DH loved to travel and we went lots of lovely places. I read this thread every day just don't post often, fee like I know all of you!


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20 minutes ago, Gsel said:

Thanks all for the good wishes. Staying busy and remembering all the cruises and travel we did. DH loved to travel and we went lots of lovely places. I read this thread every day just don't post often, fee like I know all of you!


Welcome Barbara.

Best wishes today.

Graham from England.


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Good afternoon.  We actually got a couple of rain showers, one over night and one about an hour ago.  In total, they measured 0.06 inch.  At least, it got the grass and the flowerbeds wet.  It's still cloudy but a little brighter.  After my errands, I finally had time for breakfast, and then straightened part of a shelf in the closet.  It was my catchall corner, and it was time to toss a few things.  


4 hours ago, Denise T said:

Happy Tuesday. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Sunny and high of 70 today. Might sit out and to my work outside today. 

Just got a class of 25 students. My biggest yet. We will see how this goes. This weekend I hope to start getting some of my plants in. Regardless of the nasty neighbor, my intent is to make a peaceful sanctuary. 

Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 

Funny & Happy Tuesday Morning Quotes With Funny Tuesday Memes


Denise, I'm glad you are going to make a peaceful sanctuary in your garden in spite of the nextdoor grouch.


4 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

Good collection of days to celebrate; I don't use the Foursquare app, but support local shopping.

I like the quote - we need to stand up for each other when appropriate. Pass on the meal (cauliflower), yes to the drink & wine, not been to the port.

Yay for numbers on jerseys; identifying fast moving players is difficult. 


Condolences @Mr. Boston prayers and hugs to you and Lauren's family.

@StLouisCruisers prayers 🙏 Linda's recovery is smooth.

Thank you @grapau27 @0106for the lovely poems.

Nice pictures @richwmn.

@smitty34877 hats off to Tana on her goal - I may use that myself 🤭

Nice picture @seagarsmoker.

Thanks @Quartzsite Cruiser for the pictures - looks like great weather.

@marshhawk very nice pictures. 

Hugs @Gselas you think of your DH today.

@StLouisCruisers Go Ren!!


Don't know if this headache is from the eye procedure or allergies, but it needs to go away - it's so bad I'm nauseous. Another heavy work day when I return from this morning's neurology appt. There's nothing for him to assess as insurance denied the Rx.


Currently 70° headed to a muggy rainy 88°.


Prayers 🙏 and positive thoughts for all. 



Elizabeth, no matter the cause, I hope your headache is history now.  I hope the neurologist can offer another drug that will do what the one the insurance denied was supposed to do.


4 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Out of Skagway, we made it as far as Carcross (the abbreviated name for Caribou Crossing).  It was September 9th (our anniversary) and the very nice people at the visitors center stamped our Passports.  Since we didnt make it all the way to Whitehorse, I'll just show a few pictures, and not waste your time.  




















Annie, thanks for the pictures from Carcross.  It's always interesting to see a desert in the Yukon.


2 hours ago, richwmn said:

Leaving Centennial Bridge




Going forward toward Culebra Cut






Change in schedule, Gatun Locks at 1:30pm, about 20 minutes later than previously stated



Rich, thanks for the pictures of your canal transit.  I'm enjoying following along, and it brings back memories of our transit in 2020 on Rotterdam VI.


3 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Beautiful day in north Jersey!  Sunny and it’ll be mostly 60s. Spring colors abound!  Lovely! 


No word from brother or niece. We wait. Yesterday I spent most of the day assembling an informational email for my cousins and NC brother on routings to where services will be and lodging options. Most of us use a Navigator but it helps to have the big picture and understand options. Around here there are always accidents and slow-downs so Navigators give options that can be very confusing. We have found a route we prefer which is not the shortest but easier and less congested, so the Navigator is constantly trying to turn us around. The lodging options were more complex to pull together, none are ideal or very close. It’ll be difficult for people to make it to the services and, as the youngest, I feel a need to help my family with information. Most of them don’t drive that much anymore and not to this region 3-4 hours away, 8-9 for NC brother.  I guess it’s what I can do, can’t do much in this situation. I kept busy. 

We’re working up a list of things to discuss with a CPA soon. We’ve never used one’s services but it’s time to get established with one.  Eventually we’ll need a CPA to help with the trust taxes when that begins but we need to get started with a CPA before that. It’s part of the shift that will come when we or one of us will eventually need our kids/grandkids help. 

My condolences to @Mr. Boston on his BFF Lauren’s passing 💔.  And best wishes for the move!  Do you have a place to go to in Maine or is everything going into storage for the transition?  What a stressful time!  Oh, just read it’s the anniversary of your brothers passing last year… I remember when you dropped everything and went. So very sad. You need extra TLC today, we’re sending it. 

And hugs to @Gsel too. We’re here to lean on. Hope you can smoke at some good memories through the tears!  

I’m happy to hear @Cruzin Terri Terri that you had a good meeting yesterday - was it at your home?  I’m wondering if they do home visits because caretakers usually can’t leave their loved ones alone. Knowledge is power and hopefully takes some of the fear down a notch. There are multiple types of  support groups on our campus, a benefit to living here.  I hope Jim does ok on his own while you’re at Anita’s funeral. 


Last week DH had a consult by phone with his oncologist who said his numbers are still good. Yay!  Did I post this?  We’ll do it again in 6 months. If numbers get much higher he’ll request a scan to check. I guess we’re all living on borrowed time in one way or another so we need to really appreciate every day!  

@aliaschief Smooth travels to Taj Mahal!  Thanks for your efforts sharing with us!  It’s a great lift! 

Thanks to all who contribute to make this thread happen.  Jacqui, Roy, Ann, Dixie, Debbie, Vanessa, Graham, Sandi, and Tina for the poem today!  For all the photos and memories of beautiful and meaningful places on our earth, it all makes such a rich venue for the loving care expressed Daily!  

🥅 Go Ren!  Breaking the tie in the last minute!  He is one exciting player!  Someday we’ll all be thinking, I “knew” that Star when he was just a kid!  Thanks Sandi!  

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope, peace or direction. For your country and mine. And all the too-many lives caught up in wars and disasters beyond their control. 

Waiting on Amazing news from all the procedures! Glad @LambKnuckles that your prognosis is good. I’ve people refer to that cough as the 100 day cough!  

Cheers to those celebrating Life is Good🌈. And to Annie on her new kittens!  


Smooth travels to all away especially our cruisers!  
❤️ you all for being here! 🤗 Enjoy something meaningful today. Maureen 


Maureen, I'm sure your family appreciates all the hard work you are doing to help them when it's time to say a final farewell to your DSIL.  You are helping your DB and niece by relieving them one thing so they have more time with your DSIL.



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Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie     I like the days, I think in my working years I could have been considered a bean counter.

A great quote by Roth.

I have been to Whitehorse twice, first in 1991 on a drive to Anchorage after disembarking the ferry Matanuska in Skagway, and again in 2018 on my Grand Alaska Panama trip.

A great day in baseball history.

I’ll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Chilled Pear, Cucumber, and Melon Gazpacho, Braised Grilled Herb Strip Loin Steak, and Key Lime Pie as served on MS Zaandam April 16, 2017:


Back from my daily errands with some church and VFD issues still to be handled.


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Good afternoon, everyone!


@Gsel Hugs to you today and everyday that you need them.  I'm glad the memories of your travels with DH help sustain you.  

@Mr. Boston Hugs to you on the anniversary of your DB's passing.  It is always tough to lose a sibling

@RMLincoln Wow, it sounds like you have done a lot to help family members.  I know they'll be thankful for your thoughtfulness.

@Denise T You mentioned the nasty neighbor and it reminded me of my DSis's neighbor a few years back.  He would regularly threaten to shoot my nephews because they were Hairy Hippies, or so he said.  My DBIL went over and talked to his wife and it turns out that he was bipolar and his meds needed adjustment.  They were having a hard time regulating him.  So, every so often a police car came and picked him up and took him to the hospital.  He'd spend a few days there and come home a lot calmer.  His wife was so appreciative of my DSis and DBIL's understanding that she often brought them cakes and other pastries.  

@smitty34877  I'm thinking you've earned a day of vegging out and watching TV with Tana.  Order pizza for dinner.

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8 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

I think 2 of the fur babies are following Tana's veggie regimen 




I just showed her the picture! Sweet. Sorry about the headache and nausea.

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Today's sunrises is from a 2013 Crystal Symphony transpacific from Japan to Vancouver,  April 16 was a sea day from Kobe to Dutch Harbor:





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I'm still trying to figure out of there are 3 Kittens or 4.  I went out and sat with Munchkin for a few minutes while she was taking a well deserved break from the hungry hippo kitten's.  I told her that they were very beautiful, and that two had been spoken for, and she glared at me, and went back into the bed and started nursing them again.  I have not told her that when the time came, she was getting spayed.  Butter comes by every evening since her being porched, and sleeps as close as he can to the screen.  I dont know if he has noticed that not one of the kittens look like him.


Well since DH is working, Mark called and said that boss # 1 found out his plans and told him that he would not allow me to work that many hours for the opera once CTG starts back up.  I told him that was fine, but I still got bills to pay until the end of May.  So training starts on Monday.  Whether I get the full 20, or just 10, I have a seat at the table.


Errands are run, Dinner is left overs, all I have to do is put food out for the birds and squirrels and I am going to take a nap.  Yay!!!

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19 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

I told her that they were very beautiful, and that two had been spoken for, and she glared at me, and went back into the bed and started nursing them again.  I have not told her that when the time came, she was getting spayed. 

I am happy that you have found homes for two of the kittens and am even happier to hear you will be getting Munchkin spayed.  Although somewhat controversial, I feel that trap-neuter-return (TNR) is the best method for dealing with feral cats.

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3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

So sorry to hear about your friend's DIL. Prayers for her.

Thank you so much, Vanessa.  She needs lots of prayers...

I heard from BFF this morning.  Amber was transported from the Bellingham hospital down to Seattle late last night/early early morning where she can get better neurological care.  She said the main thing right now is to pray that Amber will come out of this without permanent organ damage due to untreated high blood pressure for who knows how long and now brain swelling. 😞  

I don't know if they've been able to get an MRI done, apparently when they tried before, she became too agitated and they had to stop.  I hope to hear something more today.


The sun has come out, so I'm headed outside for some garden therapy.  

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It's been a productive but not an exciting afternoon.  I didn't feel like working out in the humidity, so I tackled a few tasks that I'd let slide the last month, and some for a couple of years.  I spent a good bit of the afternoon cleaning out old emails and files on the computer.  Then, it was time to get the financial files in order.  Those were ignored for about the last month while I was getting everything ready to come back to Texas, and the the last couple of weeks while we were getting settled, etc.


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

I'm still trying to figure out of there are 3 Kittens or 4.  I went out and sat with Munchkin for a few minutes while she was taking a well deserved break from the hungry hippo kitten's.  I told her that they were very beautiful, and that two had been spoken for, and she glared at me, and went back into the bed and started nursing them again.  I have not told her that when the time came, she was getting spayed.  Butter comes by every evening since her being porched, and sleeps as close as he can to the screen.  I dont know if he has noticed that not one of the kittens look like him.


Well since DH is working, Mark called and said that boss # 1 found out his plans and told him that he would not allow me to work that many hours for the opera once CTG starts back up.  I told him that was fine, but I still got bills to pay until the end of May.  So training starts on Monday.  Whether I get the full 20, or just 10, I have a seat at the table.


Errands are run, Dinner is left overs, all I have to do is put food out for the birds and squirrels and I am going to take a nap.  Yay!!!


Annie, I'm glad you've found homes for two of the kittens.  They will have a better life in a loving furever home.  I'm glad that Munchkin will be spayed, too.  I'm glad you will have a job beginning Monday.


1 hour ago, 0106 said:

I am happy that you have found homes for two of the kittens and am even happier to hear you will be getting Munchkin spayed.  Although somewhat controversial, I feel that trap-neuter-return (TNR) is the best method for dealing with feral cats.


Tina, I agree that TNR is a good method for dealing with feral cats and digs.  However, I think that  Annie's adopting Munchkin and finding homes for the kittens is a better solution for them.  Their lives will be so much better and safer.


51 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Thank you so much, Vanessa.  She needs lots of prayers...

I heard from BFF this morning.  Amber was transported from the Bellingham hospital down to Seattle late last night/early early morning where she can get better neurological care.  She said the main thing right now is to pray that Amber will come out of this without permanent organ damage due to untreated high blood pressure for who knows how long and now brain swelling. 😞  

I don't know if they've been able to get an MRI done, apparently when they tried before, she became too agitated and they had to stop.  I hope to hear something more today.


The sun has come out, so I'm headed outside for some garden therapy.  


Carolyn, thanks for the update on your BFF's daughter.  I hope Amber will make a full recovery, but what you found out does not sound good.  Sending positive thoughts their way.



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Hello all. Thanks for the Fleet report, care lists, maps, and all your posts.


I'm going to start a new thread with this question, but thought I would ask here first:

My wife has a constant battle with motion sickness. She takes Dramamine, which helps if she takes the drowsy type. It means that at times onboard I'm eating dinner alone!


I've found that ginger tablets work pretty well for me if I have an issue, and they help her, but not enough. Studies have shown that ginger is the best remedy, but......


About a year ago on a thread about this, there were some postings about the "Relief Band". This is not a simple wrist bracelet that is supposed to affect acupressure points, but a rather expensive gadget that looks like a watch. Does anyone have any experience with those? If so, does it matter which one? I'll probably get one just to find out, but thought that some of you might have had the experience of having used one.


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Posted (edited)

I'm back from my appointments, both in the same area. By the time I got back to my car, my leg was really paining me. I did go to the grocery store to pick up a prescription, but was nearly crying as I leaned on a shopping cart to get to the pharmacy area. I had no ability to actually pick up any groceries. Ugh.


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for the update on LInda. When I had my surgery, I had a pillow thing under my arm that had to stay on and couldn't even get clothes on. A friend took pity on me, and I stayed at their house for a couple of weeks, wearing 2 hospital gowns on top. 

@marshhawk Good news on getting some hours of work. And also that 2 of the kitties have homes to go to.

@Cruising-along Thanks for the update on Amber. It's surprising no one had checked her BP, like at the GYN office or some other medical setting. I had an older acquaintance that lost vision in one eye from untreated HTN - he disliked doctors.

@YourWorldWithBill I believe @aliaschief uses that more expensive band. I'll see if I can find his post about it. The name was EmeTerm. They have a website and are on Amazon.

Edited by JazzyV
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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Carolyn, thanks for the update on your BFF's daughter.  I hope Amber will make a full recovery, but what you found out does not sound good.  Sending positive thoughts their way.

Thank you Lenda.  No, it doesn't sound good. 😞  

21 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Thanks for the update on Amber. It's surprising no one had checked her BP, like at the GYN office or some other medical setting. I had an older acquaintance that lost vision in one eye from untreated HTN - he disliked doctors.

I agree, which makes me wonder if this came on more recently, or maybe is Encephalitis (?)  I'm pretty certain she saw her doctor regularly.  I'll learn more, but right now my BFF is so busy helping out with the Grandkids so their Dad and Amber's parents can be with her, that I'm learning piece-meal.  

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The menu would be OK, but I think that the drink is just lemonade with vodka in it. There is still (since yesterday) no Tempranillo in the Finger Lakes. I'll counter with the gold-winning Stoney Lonesome Estate Zweigelt from the Three Brothers Winery. I haven't been to Whitehorse or anywhere in the Yukon but I watch Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet.


Today was going to be the last sunny day this week, and I wanted to Experience the Beauty of Nature twice, at a forest preserve and a nature center that are very near each other, but there wasn't time. So here is what looks like a rail trail but was actually built to provide utility access for a Corning Inc. facility.



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1 hour ago, kochleffel said:

The menu would be OK, but I think that the drink is just lemonade with vodka in it. There is still (since yesterday) no Tempranillo in the Finger Lakes. I'll counter with the gold-winning Stoney Lonesome Estate Zweigelt from the Three Brothers Winery. I haven't been to Whitehorse or anywhere in the Yukon but I watch Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet.


Today was going to be the last sunny day this week, and I wanted to Experience the Beauty of Nature twice, at a forest preserve and a nature center that are very near each other, but there wasn't time. So here is what looks like a rail trail but was actually built to provide utility access for a Corning Inc. facility.



I think my first impression was  early Erie Canal towpath, but maybe I've been around Chesapeake and Ohio Canal remains for too long.



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10 hours ago, Mr. Boston said:

Thanks @RMLincoln for your kind words.  The movers are coming as part of phase 1, the decluttering process, and will store our belongings until our final move.  Next week a photographer will take pictures of our unit for the broker’s listing and I believe an open house will be next weekend.  We’ll be in Ogunquit then working with a broker there so no house yet.  So much going on!

Hope you got through today well enough to tackle tomorrow!  We tried moving “enough” stuff out of our condo for the realtor to show it but that didn’t pan out. We slipped showing it 2weeks until we were out. 

We have good memories of Ogunquit!  Stayed at the Cliff House in 1994. Had a fabulous lobster pizza from room service because they wouldn’t allow DH in the dining room in sneakers 😳.  Now that we’re “back east” we considered revisiting Cliff House but it is way too expensive now.  Hoping you can find what you’re looking for soon. Keep us posted!  m—


Thanks for the Whitehorse pictures and from the train. I was in Whitehorse in 1984 via road trip. I’ll bet it’s changed!🤣

Yukon is gorgeous!  I lost all the photos to ex… life hirs in and I’ve been fortunate to make more memories than I ever imagined. 

Thanks for your kind encouragement Vanessa, Debbie, Lenda. I may have put more effort into the lodging list than anticipated but it kept me busy. I added distances and drive times from each hotel to the funeral home to help them understand what they’re getting themselves into. Cousins all come from north, DB from NC. We’ll see who can make it. 
I talked to niece, she is exhausted and worried about her dad. We wait. 

Had call about eye surgery- drew first surgery slot, 7:30!  Arrival time 6:30!  We’ll take it!  

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