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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday August 9th, 2024


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Here are our pics from our HIA shore excursion this January when we were on the Eurodam.  We did the monkey and chocolate experience.  We finally got to see some of the DR countryside.  The monkeys were a hoot but they did mess up our hair.  










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4 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

Here are our pics from our HIA shore excursion this January when we were on the Eurodam.  We did the monkey and chocolate experience.  We finally got to see some of the DR countryside.  The monkeys were a hoot but they did mess up our hair.  










Lovely photos.

Pauline loves Monkey's.



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Good Friday Morning Dailyites!  I guess that DH thought he should wake up early to get to a 10 am vet visit, turned his alarm on on his phone and went to bed, and left the phone near the sofa in the den, where I sleep.  I learned how to hit snooze, and eventually I turned it off, don't know how, but it did not involve throwing the phone outside.  And this was the only morning, I could have slept a bit later than normal.  I sometimes think that the worrying about the lack of sleep keeps me from sleeping. 


There is a line from a Dan Fogelberg song that has been running through my brain  the past week, I think it brings to mind, that DH is getting older, and has health problems that cannot be solved or cured, that @kazu is having hesitation about her upcoming life and living change, that @Heartgroveis having to say goodbye to Sam, that @smitty34877has been a caregiver, and will continue to be,  and @Cruzin Terri has joined the team of caregivers for her husband,  the line is-"There is really no way to say no to the Morning".

Mornings just keep on coming, and we keep on getting up and facing the day, when sleep seems to be a wonderful escape, we dont have the option to sleep.


We have been to Amber Cove twice.  The first time we did an educational excursion, visiting the town, the church, a girls orphanage (they were not up for adoption, it is a safe place for them when their parents are serving jail time for drugs) watching someone make I think, katava bread, I could be wrong, cassava?  She was baking on a stone, and working high up in the mountains. The coast line is beautiful.  Everyone rides motorcycles, we saw whole families on one bike, two guys carrying a washing machine on a motor cycle.  Glad I was not driving there.  The second time we stayed in port, because our educational excursion to visit a women's run chocolate company was cancelled.  Too much education for that group might have been too much.























You could rent a private cabana on the water-


Leaving port


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Good morning everyone.  Thanks for all of the daily updates.  Looks like a nice day for flying from Traverse City to Minneapolis for another family wedding on the 17th.  So much traveling lately, it will be nice to eventually be back to our new home.


I’ll let others celebrate coworkers day as I’m retired.  I will celebrate world’s indigenous peoples though they possess so much ancient knowledge.  

Not sure that I agree with today’s quote, personally I think it’s love.


I would try the meal suggestion but I’m not a big black bean fan.  I am a huge sangria fan though.


We’ve been to today’s port twice, the first time in 2008.  Such a beautiful place!


Prayers for those on our list today.  Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events!

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Thank you Rich, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work.  And thank you everyone for being here!
Got up this morning and fed Sam for the last time. I feel comfortable, but still sad, in letting him go. I has been a slow fading when I think about it. About two years ago slowly he cutback on the length of his walks to now where it is past our neighbor to the corner and back, pausing a few times to catch his breath. He has stopped being anxious to eat in the morning. Up to a little less than two months he would come in all happy and get us up to feed him. This morning after we fed him we took him on his walk. He actually went further and onto the path by our house which we haven't walked for a few weeks. Paused to look over the empty fields and turned around to come back. He loves to have his flanks rubbed. Gave him treats on the return and actually gave him another dose of Tramadol and Gabapentin. Now it is just waiting for the vet at 11:30.
Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need.


- Jack

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It’s gonna rain buckets today but then sunny tomorrow for our drive to near Boston. We’ll stay west of Boston near where DH had his early childhood till he was 8. He wants to see it. We went in 94 for a combined heritage tour of where we each grew up. 30 years ago!  

I did my first and only zipline at Amber Cove!  Wheeeeee

Loved my 1998 F250 diesel pickup!  The old Ford 8 cylinder diesel!  What a great truck. It was in high demand when we sold it in 2020. We were looking to replace our 2004 Subaru and when we pulled into Toyota dealers in the truck they were making us offers!  We sold it to a young man in our fire department (and his dad!), they’re still glad to have it. 

Yesterday everything went pretty well except dealing with the cell phone provider. Trying to get Canada travel plan on our phone plan. We’ll go this morning face to face. This afternoon that area may get flooded!  🤞


Jack, thinking of you!  😢
Terry, thanks, I hope we don’t get caught in the Cape traffic, appreciate the tip. NJ is known for beach traffic too. ugh. 
Elizabeth, you may have torn a muscle or connecting tissue. You must breathe into it to avoid pneumonia. Do whatever helps support it: self splinting by holding a pillow over the painful area might help. They used to tape ribs but that can be dicey. I don’t know what to suggest but an urgent care might have some advice. And Tylenol. 
Debbie, I do have to remember to breathe sometimes, thank you. Sometimes I find myself overwhelmed, have to just take a minute to get re-focused. Nothing’s as easy as it used to be… is it age, is it new environment ?  I dunno but it is real. 

Annie, love picturing cute little Jersey!  

We did book VoV 2026. It wasn’t easy. Room we picked turned out not to have a couch? PCC said she checked with HAL on their detailed layout. I googled up a review that talked about an unusual boxy wall making the space not as useable. No pix on HALfacts. I decided not to bet on it for the high price and length of cruise even though I have trouble believing they have an OV without a couch. So we picked another, not as good location but good enough. A lot will happen before final payment. Deposit was a big chunk!  With the last minute cruise this week and the deposit the credit card will be huge next month!  

Blessings to all here, you and yours, all in need listed or not, our country, your country and the world. All the too many war zones and natural disaster zones. Cheers for all the celebrations🎉 And smooth travels to all away!

Thanks for being here! I’m feeling your support! Onward! 

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Good morning. An emergency struck a few days ago and my youngest had to leave for the west coast. I now have responsibilities for a dog and four houses and so many other things. Hopefully he will be able to return soon, otherwise I will have to decide whether to go on the cruise and find people to cover responsibilities.  Please keep us in your prayers. My son made me promise to go on this trip no matter what but can’t a mother break a promise if motherhood over rides that promise? 

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I was fortunate to have some wonderful co-workers for most of my working life, give a big thumbs up to all Indigenous peoples and had no idea what Veep day was.  I like happy surprises.


Our skies are clear and there's barely a breeze outside, but through the open window I can smell smoke again.  Yesterday morning it was pretty thick, but we had late afternoon breezes which took most of it away.  I'm not sure if the same thing will happen today, but it smells like sitting in front of a campfire - not healthy, I'm sure.


Yesterday's internment of our friend's ashes went well; there were only about a dozen of us there, and I gave everyone the opportunity to say something if they wished.  That brought some laughter, some tears, but it was good to hear their thoughts about Gord and his life at home and work as a police officer.  Today we have to go over to the home repair store and talk with a manager about replacing the garage door opener; we were supposed to have had a call from a supervisor about it yesterday, but none came.


@HeartgroveYou're such special people to take in older dogs, knowing you won't have too many years to spend together, but creating for them the kind, loving home that they deserve.  I know I'd have been bawling like a baby while taking him on his last walk - my heart goes out to you and your wife as you say goodbye to Sam this morning.

@marshhawkcongrats on your sale yesterday!

@kazuas usual, your flowers are beautiful; is that a dipladenia I see?  The one we over-wintered failed to flower this year, so I'm thinking it won't see the inside of the house again.

@Mr. Bostonsafe travels as you venture off to another wedding.


I love sangria, red and white, so will gladly accept the drink of the day.  The wine sounds good, too!  I've made pasta salads, but never with beans, so I'd like to try it if someone else made it for me.  It's Friday night, pizza night, so later this afternoon we'll browse the online menus to see what ooey gooey cheesy thing appeals to us that we can enjoy on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, in turmoil, in the paths of destructive storms and fires, and in the midst of wars.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Thanks for the daily and fleet report.  Three interesting days to recognize, I am not totally sure of the quote.  I like the meal, drink and wine and I went to Amber Cove on my very first cruise in Jan 2022.  Two good days in history and one very somber one.




We are expecting temps to rise and monsoon action increasing heading into the weekend.  Presently it is 78F with 64% humidity under partly cloudy skies.  My focaccia didn't turn out so I will try again some other time.  Off today to sub for the music teacher at the HS.  




@Heartgrove Thoughts for you today.  


Thoughts for all on the care list and for those needing extra support.  Cheers for those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone!

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1 hour ago, Heartgrove said:
Thank you Rich, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work.  And thank you everyone for being here!
Got up this morning and fed Sam for the last time. I feel comfortable, but still sad, in letting him go. I has been a slow fading when I think about it. About two years ago slowly he cutback on the length of his walks to now where it is past our neighbor to the corner and back, pausing a few times to catch his breath. He has stopped being anxious to eat in the morning. Up to a little less than two months he would come in all happy and get us up to feed him. This morning after we fed him we took him on his walk. He actually went further and onto the path by our house which we haven't walked for a few weeks. Paused to look over the empty fields and turned around to come back. He loves to have his flanks rubbed. Gave him treats on the return and actually gave him another dose of Tramadol and Gabapentin. Now it is just waiting for the vet at 11:30.
Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need.


- Jack


Jack, you and your family are in my thoughts as you say goodbye to Sam.  While you will be hurting, Sam, having gotten the greatest gift of love, will be pain free going over the Rainbow Bridge.  Thank you for sharing a last picture of such a wonderful, handsome dog.








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Cloudy and cool today and last night we finally had a good rain. Hope for more today. High today is forecast at 72. Quite a change from the last few weeks. If it rains more today I can shut off the sprinklers for awhile.


Will gladly accept the Sangria.


Feel so badly about Sam. I know all too well how hard it is to make that decision and to say that last goodbye. He has had a good life with you.


Off to start laundry and maybe give the dogs another quick "out" as the skies are getting darker.



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A late good morning from a slightly overcast central Texas.  It is already 86F at 9:30 am and feels like 95F, which is predicted to be our high this afternoon.  The humidity is 67% with a dew point of 74F and a 6mph wind from the ENE.  There is also a prediction of scattered thunderstorms late afternoon into early evening.  I hope we get some of the rain.  Not much on the agenda except staying cool, which is the main activity in Texas in the summer.


When I worked, I had some great coworkers and some that were so-so, and I'll celebrate the great ones.  We could learn a lot from the indigenous people of the world.  Veep Day is an interesting day to celebrate.


Surprise is not always a great gift, and I disagree with the quote.


The salad sounds good, especially the last two recipes, but I won't be making it since DH is not a pasta salad fan.  The sangria and the red wine would be nice to try.


We have not been to Amber Cove.


The diesel engine is a good design even today.  I'm not a Betty Boop fan.  The second atomic bomb being dropped on Nagasaki was probably necessary to end WWII, but still a sad day.


@grapau27  Graham, thanks for the explanation of Veep Day.

@LambKnuckles  Lambie, thanks for the pictures of Amber Cove.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I'm glad you heard something about your plane fare refund.  It's interesting that when we charge something, they get the money right away, but refunds take a long time.

@kazu  Jacqui, you're making good progress and I'm glad you are having some help.  Your flower pictures have brightened my day.

@aliaschief  Bruce, I'm sorry the biopsies showed carcinomas, but glad they are not melanomas.

@1ANGELCAT  I hope you stay safe and tornado free while Debby is around.

@ottahand7  Nancy, thanks for the great pictures.

@marshhawk  Annie, congratulations on the sale.  Enjoyed the Amber Cove pictures.

@Mr. Boston  Have a safe flight today.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, I hope you get the phone plan arranged.  Safe travels to the Boston area tomorrow.

@lindaler  Linda, I'm sorry there was an emergency which may impact your cruise.  I hope your DS can return in time, or that you can get someone to take over for you.

@ger_77  Gerry, I'm glad everything went well at Gord's internment.  I hope the smoke clears again today.

@durangoscots  Susan, great news about the rain yesterday.  Hope you get more today.













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Good morning, 


We're on the second day of a "heat alert" but it really didn't get above 85F yesterday and today is supposed to be a bit cooler. 

@grapau27 Thanks for the Bon Voyage wishes! Yesterday was packing day and the larger suitcase is all done except for shoes. The carry-on will finish up today as it's my jewelry, meds, laptop, etc. My friend Karen, who is going with me, is very excited. It's her first cruise and first time to Alaska. So far Juneau and Skagway are forecasting some rain but Ketchikan is showing 72F and sun - wow! 

Today is the Widow's Support group potluck (I'm taking brownies I froze a few days ago) and a quick grocery store stop. I am debating going in to the pool and doing my own workout beforehand. 


Yesterday I ended up at another friend's office as she and her husband are going with me on the Eurodam next month. She needed help booking excursions, Pinnacle Grill, etc. so got her all checked in and everything done. 

Have a lovely Friday! 


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Good morning and Happy Friday. Wow we had a huge storm yesterday about 4:00 and it woke me up from my nap. I thought about going back to sleep but the rumbling thunder put a stop to that thought. The rumbling and rain kept coming, it was as if the ground was shaking. And it really cooled off, not that it got that hot yesterday, but it was nice. 

I have made a version of today’s meal. It doesn’t have the avocado dressing but you could add avocado to the dressing or just cut up avocado. 


I think coworking is job sharing and I did work one job part time which I shared responsibilities with another employee. But they weren’t as meticulous as I was and I felt like I was doing extra work. So I finally asked if I could work full time and it was so much better and I got benefits too. 

Pass on the sangria and wine. I’ve been to the Dominican Republic but not this port. I’ll celebrate Indigenous peoples day. 

Jack @Heartgrove, my thoughts are with you and your DW as you say goodbye to Sam. Thank you for the pictures. 

Have a great day today!

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Posted (edited)

Good morning and thanks all! 
@Heartgrove I have tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat as you say goodbye to dear Sam!  Sending gentle hugs! 
@aliaschief please don’t wait too long on your skin cancers.  DH had a squamous cell that required a six inch incision whereas mine was tiny, less than half an inch.  I know you love to travel, but maybe they can squeeze you in sooner.  Sorry if I’ve overstepped, but I honestly had no idea that a squamous could be so invasive.  
@StLouisCruisers glad there is some progress on your flight refund.  I can’t remember if it was due to weather,  in which case travel or credit card insurance may cover your extra expenses.  Something to check into in case it is time sensitive. 

We had a lovely evening walk the other night,  saw the Great Horned owlets who have grown. So much fun enjoying watching them scamper around.   The feather markings are incredible.  Highlighted by finding a bunch of wild Saskatoons!   Both things eased the news that we will be back to the highest level of water restrictions in two weeks.  Sigh,  more pipes to repair prior to winter.  And the smoke is back. 








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I don't think I know anyone who has ever orked a cow.


I don't really dislike pasta salad, but I developed an aversion in the years when I was organizing potluck dinners. Too often, the people who whose assignment was to bring a salad or vegetable dish brought pasta salad. When the main course was lasagna....


I would just eat the fruit and drink the wine if it were up to me. For a Cabernet Sauvignon, Fulkerson's 2017, $18. "This rich dark red color Cabernet has full robust flavors of spice, jammy fruit and tobacco leaf on the nose. A genuinely palate pleasing wine with notes of spicy white pepper, mild oak and sweet Bing cherry round out the finish." I've been at Puerto Plata twice, but ashore only once. Will be there again in December. I have pictures from the time I did go ashore, but instead, here's one taken three years ago today on the AMHS.




I'm feeling better after sleeping late today, but I want to go back to bed.



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Posted (edited)

Good morning all!

Today and tomorrow will be our last "warmer" days in the 80's, then down to the 70's and even high 60's.  Fine with me!


Interesting collection of days, I'll pass on the meal, drink, wine, and don't agree with the quote!  We have, however, been to this port.  We were there in November of '22 on the Nieuw Statendam.  I think it was a once and done for me.


Rich, @richwmn We're looking forward to seeing you in Seattle the end of this month. Still need to get dinner reservations, we realized that's Labor Day weekend and could be even busier in the city than usual...it will be good to see you.


Jack @Heartgrove My heart breaks for you today as you say goodbye to your sweet Sam.  Sending hugs across the country.


Elizabeth @Haljo1935 Oh no on the painful rib!  I hope it gets better soon -- or you can have someone take a look.  Sorry too about the no-sleep nights. 😞  


Sandi @StLouisCruisers Good for you on getting the stocking nearly finished -- we'll want photos!  I rarely do any of my counted cross stitch in the summer, I'd rather ben gardening then. 😂 I'll pick it up again this fall, or at least that's the plan!


Rich @richwmn Our family doesn't have any special holiday meals, we pretty much mix it up and have different meals each time.  Good idea though!



We took a tour when we were at Amber Cove.  It was an "interesting" day.  
It included a flat tire on our tour bus and being led into a persistent hoard of hawkers. 
I booked the tour because it said we would go up into the mountains and see beautiful foliage and flowers (we did). But first we had to spend way too much time with the hawkers who insisted on taking our photos, “escorting” us through the gift shops (said NO to all, but it was annoying anyway), especially to someone like me who avoids things like that like the plague. 
The beauty up there was amazing, I just wish we could have had more time looking at it. But instead we were rushed through the best part of the tour.
Flat tire on the way back to the ship, but thankfully it happened where we had a lovely breeze and views of the beach.
At the duty free shop at the pier we got some more 18-year-old rum to bring home. That and the flowers were the best part of the day. 😉  Here are some of my photos:
The dock at Amber Cove
First we went to see the Statue of Christ in the national park.
Gorgeous views from the top of the mountain.
Views.jpg.37f9471374df09b2699cffeb4ac3ec1c.jpgLush vegetation
After dealing with the hawkers at the site, we finally got into the gardens.  I felt like we were rushed through, so it put a damper on the day.  It was beautiful, I'd have rather had more time there..
To top off the day, we had a flat tire on the way back to town!  Thankfully we were able to park in the shade by this beautiful beach while they got the tire changed.
Lo and behold, we still had time to go into town and spend tourist $$ 😉  
This was the most interesting thing I saw...
But there were more pretty flowers!
And this


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It's over. Sam went very peacefully. He was treated with dignity. 


I'm sure that my previous Mals, Juno, Oke', Sascha along with my other dogs, Kelsey, Squicky, Bonnie, and Tippy plus my cats Winnie and Tigger have met him at the Rainbow Bridge.


- Jack



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