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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday September 8th, 2024

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Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser thank you for conveying the messages from Roy.  I really hope the MRI shows no stroke, but whatever is wrong, that they are able to get him back on the road to a complete recovery.  Prayers continue for him.🙏


Joy, @Seasick Sailor oh no on Allen choking at dinner last night!!  I'm thankful he was able to get the food down and that you and others were there to help him instantly.  You cabin sounds perfect for Allen to be able to see the scenery without going out in the cold.  Funny about all the nosy passengers.  Your DS Bonnie is surely in my prayers for the best outcome possible. 


Annie @marshhawk I like your memories of your favorite hamburgers.  So sweet!  Yes, your neighbor should offer to help with the trash can both ways!  We don't want to think of you falling and laying on your driveway!  That brings to mind our former neighbor Damon across the street who had a very steep driveway.  He was injured falling down taking his can down the driveway one night.  Once his wife moved out, DH took care of the trash can (both ways) and his mail for two years.  If we were gone we got a replacement to do it.  We miss having Damon as a neighbor but he lives with a relative in his family's old homestead now so no worries about mail or trash.  He's well rid of the former wife! 

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Aloha. We are now settled in and enjoying our Villa and waterfront views. It was fun watching the surfers yesterday as there were some good size waves to ride. Some excellent surfers but quite a few spectacular wipeouts.

The gals went to Costco yesterday and stocked us up on food, wine and booze. The outdoor Honu bar has raised their prices to a ridiculous $19,00 per drink! So we will be making our own. Tonight treat is two large Tomahawk steaks. 
Was very sad to hear about @rafinmdRoy being hospitalized. Hang in their bud and I’ll be praying for you. Last night’s glorious sunset is dedicated to you.

It’s 5:50 AM and time for coffee. Mahalo for all your post. B.





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We quite enjoy ISP & Hoonah. We will be in ISP in a couple weeks by way of the Eurodam (Sept 28 - Oct 5); it's an evening stop after cruising GBNP during the day. We are waitlisted for the zipline.


No pictures from the 1st visit as they're on my computer. We did a bear watch excursion which was terrific; Hoonah is very pretty, the people are gracious & the bears cooperated by popping out when my camera was out 🐻


We were in ISP May 2 '23 during last year's b-day cruise for DH on the Eurodam. These are a few assorted pictures we took. We did not take the tram up top & go in to Hoonah; we stayed down below to walk around ISP. There was a small pod of whales hanging out nearish the beach - we were able to see a mama & her calf playing.


From our balcony, it looked just a bit cloudy as we came into Icy Strait Point.






I didn't crop this so you could see the rain we were getting. It wasn't bad & was not steady.










The packing company is now a museum and shops.




Bye bye ISP


The big news of the day - the Dallas Stars were tied w/Seattle in their quest for the Stanley Cup.



Prayers 🙏and positive thoughts for all.

Edited by Haljo1935
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3 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

The third time we were in Icy Strait Point in 2012, DH did the Zip Rider.  DH found the video he took with his GoPro when he did the ZIP Rider in ISP in 2012.  He deliberately slowed down so he could record more of the ride and the scenery.  The Amsterdam is also in the picture.  At that time, the Zip Rider was really fast, and even slowing down the ride as much as possible, it only took about 60-62 seconds.  A few years later, they had slowed the ride down.


I just checked this file out, and it still works.



ZIP Rider.wmv75.28 MB · 37 downloads




Thanks for posting the video. We're waitslisted for the zipline, which I'm sure we won't clear, so the timing of your post is perfect. Also gives us an opportunity to see nice weather there - looks like you had a beautiful day.

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Ugh, my post disappered.

Literacy is important; after my DM retired from teaching school, she taught adult illerates to read. I like the &, although I didn't realize it's been around that long. I guess iguanas deserve a day. I never knew any grandparents. Funny quote. Maybe for the meal, and yes to the drink and wine. I was not at Icy Strait Point on my one 7d cruise in Alaska in 2009. I'm not sure about my Alaska cruise in 2025. 2 good days and 1 sad day.


Brrr. It was 45F this AM and is only up to 63F, but at least it's sunny. It will warm up by week's end. BFF came over yesterday evening, but both of us had a headache, so we didn't go out to eat. Also, I couldn't get warm, although it was 78 in the room. I worried I might be getting sick, but I'm fine today. We watched a few episodes of the LOTR prequel. Today will be watching football. I slept in this morning, so I was a bit later posting the Cares List.


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for our start. I've thought about the Care List. If no one can pinch hit, I think since I'll be in the US and Canada, I could still do it; perhaps posting a little later some days. Nice photos from ISP. 

@ottahand7 Thanks.

@jodi58 Congrats to you and the parents of the new baby Thomas!

@cat shepard Thank you. I seem to be the queen of rare stuff. After my 2019 cruise I developed Mal de debarquement syndrome. It's a rare, poorly understood disorder of the vestibular system that results in a perception of body motion typically described as rocking, bobbing or swaying. I felt like I was still on a ship, months after sailing. I had an extensive workup with my ENT and got put on a med that dampens the vestibular system. After about a year I was able to stop that med. I did use it again for prevention on my TA last year and was fine (and will use it on my upcoming cruise). So I guess I have a history of vestibular issues.

@smitty34877 I'm glad you had some help yesterday. I'm sorry to hear that Tana is struggling more. I hope the MRI gives some answers; I know it's hard for you to not be able to do what you need to without pain. Prayers for you both.

@superoma You've done a great job in Debbie's absence and we appreciate you. 

@dfish Sorry your flight was delayed, but Welcome Home. 

@Cruzin Terri I hope you have a good day.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos from ISP and Hoonah. Thanks for the email from Roy.

@GTVCRUISER Nice picture.

@RMLincoln I'm glad you're doing well. Lovely flowers.

@rafinmd Roy, prayers that you can recover completely from this, if it is a stroke, or whatever the cause. Thanks for letting us know how you're doing.

@Seasick Sailor Many prayers for Bonnie tomorrow, and her medical team. Yikes, I'm glad Allen is ok after that incident at dinner! Beautiful sunset.

@aliaschief Gorgeous sunset!

@Haljo1935 Nice ISP photos.

@kazu Thinking of you.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

Edited by JazzyV
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Good still morning here for a few minutes.  It's been a busy morning, and I'm just now catching up on The Daily.  The grocery store was pretty empty when I arrived, so it was a quick trip.  I now have the pie and the salad made.  To go with them I'm making chicken and dumplings with collard greens.  I won't start the chicken and dumplings until later, but the greens are washed, torn and in the pot ready to cook.  I just have to remember to add water before I put them on the stove.  It's a pleasant 76F but there is a brisk wind from the east.


1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

A good set of days, I'll celebrate Grandparents Day.  I miss my grandparents and try to be a good grandparent to our two DGSs.  We had such a nice day with them yesterday!  We just stayed here all day and played games and watched movies on Netflix.  Oh and they ate ... and ate!  It's amazing how much growing boys can eat. 🙂  


I agree with the quote, will pass on the meal, red wine and drink (coconut).  Icy Strait Point must be on the 14-day Alaska cruises.  It wasn't on our 7-day, 12-day cruise/Denali, or on the itinerary for the 28-day.  Thank you Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser for your photos. 


Yesterday never got as warm as was predicted, and that was fine with me.  Today is starting out hazy -- the sun has "that" look of smoke in the sky but we don't smell any nor have we heard of any fires nearby.  Strange.  


On the agenda today is laundry and staining the parts of the deck that DH has finished sanding.  


@jodi58 How exciting, a new grandbaby!  Congratulations!

Thinking of Roy @rafinmd


Carolyn, when we first did the 14-day Alaska cruise in  2010, we went to Skagway instead of Icy Strait Point.  It was on the 14-day cruise in 2012, 2015 and 2018.


1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report & Daily!  I'm all for literacy, having taught our son to read before he got into Grade 1.  My nightmare would be to be walking under a tree in Florida after a cold night and having one of those (ugh) iguanas fall down on me.  My grandparents really didn't have an impact on my life - they lived quite far away, neither was literate, nor did they have a telephone.  My mom would send Christmas gifts (a pair of heavy socks for gramps, oven mitts for grandma), and a neighbour would send a card she'd written for them with $5 for us.  I love being a grandparent - whether they're here or at their home, I shower them with love and affection, sugar them up, and either send them home, or we leave.  It's called payback.  LOL  


A beautiful, sunny Sunday morning here with a starting temp of 14C(57) and an expected high of 32(89).  I have to make sure to water the plants around the yard before it gets too warm, and to refill the wasp traps.  I found a recipe online that works like a darn to take care of those miserable critters:  1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 cup water, a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and a few drops of dish detergent.  Mix up until the sugar dissolves, then pour it into a straight sided dish - a margarine tub works well.  Set it away from where you're planning on eating or enjoying the outdoors and they'll go there and take care of themselves.


@jodi58congratulations on your new grandson; what a beautiful gift on Grandparents Day!

@smitty34877I'm so glad you have help this weekend.  I hope your hip pain is easily remedied.  

@kazu I know you're busy with packing, but know we're all here, cheering you on.

@rafinmdsending prayers that your vertigo is short lived and you'll be home from the hospital soon.


I'm going to pass on the drink, would like the wine, and although I'd like the menu suggestion, I know DH wouldn't appreciate them.  I don't have to cook dinner today because one of DH's bandmates has recently had a new deck installed and is having a deck party to which he's invited us and members of the 3 other bands that he's a part of.  Everyone is bringing their instruments, so there will be lots of food, music, conversation and laughter as we enjoy his new deck.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, the party to celebrate DH's bandmate's new deck with all the various band members sounds like a lot of fun.


1 hour ago, atexsix said:

Good Morning,


We loved ISP!  Our favorite port by far.  We didn't zip line, but we enjoyed the tram up/down the mountain.  It's always cold and foggy when I'm there making it even better, that is what Alaska looks like for most of the year.  I hope to return to this port many more times.


@rafinmd Lots of prayers

@dfish Glad you got home safely

@luvteaching Karen, I didn't get a chance to wish you a bon voyage yesterday, have lots of fun and I'll see you in the other roll calls.


I'll be leaving soon for a memorial for all those on Dear Dad's hospice program that died in the past year.  After that should be an uneventful day.




Bruno, we've enjoyed ISP on our various times there.  We've taken the shuttle into Hoonah often, and have done two amazing whale watching trips there.  We have not taken the tram up and down the mountain since it was not there when we stopped.  When DH rode the Zip Rider, they used an old school bus to get the people to the top.


1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites from the beautiful Westerdam. 


Yesterday we enjoyed Hubbard Glacier. Our Captain turned us round and round so everyone got a great view. Rich and I posted pictures on his Live From thread.


So, spilling the beans, we are in SY5001. There is a mini bow outside our front window, so people were allowed to view the glacier. Weird but kinda funny,  people were peering into our window to see what was behind it. I was out on the bow and asked a guy looking in the window what he saw. He said he thought it was someone's cabin. I said "Correct! That's my cabin, my husband is watching the glacier from there". Lol


Thank you Graham for Father David's message. Can't wait to hear of YOUR latest adventure...


Oh, I hope we hear from our Roy soon! God bless him.


Prayers for each of our Daily friends and their family members. Sandi and Vanessa have us covered completely and I appreciate the thoughtful work they put into our prayers. Bonnie's next surgery is tomorrow to remove more lymph nodes. Praying this last surgery works!


Last night at dinner, Allen got strangled on a piece of his pork belly. I was whacking him on the back and we had several people standing by when he finally caught his breath! Scared me to death!! Since his stroke he needs to swallow carefully and this reminds him..


Just cruising along for the next few days til we reach Dutch Harbor on the 10th.


We have reservations at Canaletto tonight. The layout is much different than Rotterdam or Koningsdam. The dining area is long and narrow and feeds into the Lido area. As long as the food is good, we are fine!


Wishing you each a Blessed Sunday.


From the jewelry store last night:




And our sunset last night:




Joy, I'm glad Allen did not have any ill effects over the incident in the dining room.  I loved your story about the man peeking in your window.  I learned early on that I did not want a cabin on the Lower Promenade deck.  We like to keep the curtains open when it is light out, and if there are lights on in the cabin, people can easily see inside.  The way I learned the lesson was when I was walking the Lower Promenade one night before dinner.  Each time I passed a certain cabin, I could see a man getting dressed for dinner.  Fortunately for me, I didn't make my first pass until he had his underwear on.  😁  Thanks for the beautiful sunset pictures.


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Good Sunday Morning Dailyites!  Its sunny, it is supposed to warm up to the mid 80's, so while cool now, I wish it was crisper.  


I think the burgers look delicious, but as far as taste?  I will do my jalapeno poppers on their own.  As I have gotten older, I have found that most burgers are happy memories of burgers, and in reality I dont care for them that much.  When I took care of my dad in  the last two years of his life, we would drive to the beach, and get cheeseburgers from a food truck on the causeway.  They were the best burgers in the world!  Because they were eaten on a beach, with the view of the water, with my father.  I can spend 20 bucks on a burger in a ritzy restaurant, but they will never be as good as those burgers. 


@smitty34877 I am glad you are getting that hip taken care of, I have been worried about you. And I am sorry that Tana is not being fiesty at this time.  She is probably worried about you.


My neighbor told me yesterday that I dont need to bring the trash cans up the drive ways anymore, that he will do that for me.  Gee I wish he had offered to take them down.  I full 65 gallon trash can weighs a lot, and I worry about falling down the driveway again. He said he knows we have a bad back.  Now whether he meant DH or me, I thanked him.  His English is not good, but he does try. I just asked that if he sees me lying in the drive, not to run over me.  Not sure he understood that.


I am worried about @rafinmd.  I dont know if anyone knows what fire station he was affiliated with, so that they could call and see how he is doing and let us know?  


I have been watching The Paradise  on Britbox.  I saw it years ago on Netflix, loved it and was glad to see it was on Britbox.  DH is not impressed with it, and when I have it on, he goes off and does things.  Hmmm, maybe I should just leave it on.  


Its grocery shopping day.  I have to figure out meals that I can prep between shifts, then throw in the oven while I am working, walk by and take it out, and then eat it while I am working.  My meals usually end up cold by the time I finish it, but its only going to be for 3 days this week, as I am off tomorrow and getting off early on Friday. Total work hours added up to 32 for this upcoming week.


I went through the free Emory concert list last night. S some of the freebies you have to register for, and print tickets, so I did that until 11, and went to bed.  BUT after drinking 2 Vietnamese iced coffees, while tired sleep eluded me until 2 and I woke up at 9.


I do like the quote, the longer I live the less I know.  The library revoked my card.  Something about not reading enough ( i like to buy and own my books)  And I have not been to that port in AK.  I have been here though.  And when it is hot here, I can look at these and feel cooler.












Annie, I'm glad your neighbor is going to help you with the trash can.  Hopefully, he will realize that taking it down would be a big help.  All I can say is there are people in the fire department who are getting the same information I'm getting from Roy.  I don't think they know much more at this time.  Your glacier pictures are wonderful.


1 hour ago, RedneckBob said:


Ms Crystal, we were on the Statendam in 2015 on one of its last cruises. Is that me wearing a red jacket in one of your pictures! Do you know the date of sailing?


RNB, we were on Statendam's last three Alaska cruises before she headed to Singapore where she was transferred to P&O Australia. We boarded her on August 10 and disembarked in Seattle on September 21.  We could have met on the cruise.  I checked all my ISP pictures, and there were two of men in red jackets, but I doubt either one was you.  One was taken in 2012 on Amsterdam and the other in 2018 on Zaandam.


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser thank you for conveying the messages from Roy.  I really hope the MRI shows no stroke, but whatever is wrong, that they are able to get him back on the road to a complete recovery.  Prayers continue for him.🙏


Joy, @Seasick Sailor oh no on Allen choking at dinner last night!!  I'm thankful he was able to get the food down and that you and others were there to help him instantly.  You cabin sounds perfect for Allen to be able to see the scenery without going out in the cold.  Funny about all the nosy passengers.  Your DS Bonnie is surely in my prayers for the best outcome possible. 


Annie @marshhawk I like your memories of your favorite hamburgers.  So sweet!  Yes, your neighbor should offer to help with the trash can both ways!  We don't want to think of you falling and laying on your driveway!  That brings to mind our former neighbor Damon across the street who had a very steep driveway.  He was injured falling down taking his can down the driveway one night.  Once his wife moved out, DH took care of the trash can (both ways) and his mail for two years.  If we were gone we got a replacement to do it.  We miss having Damon as a neighbor but he lives with a relative in his family's old homestead now so no worries about mail or trash.  He's well rid of the former wife! 


Sandi, I also hope it wasn't a stroke.  From the tone of the emails, and from parts that were meant for others on the list, Roy sounds like Roy.  I take that as good news.


57 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Aloha. We are now settled in and enjoying our Villa and waterfront views. It was fun watching the surfers yesterday as there were some good size waves to ride. Some excellent surfers but quite a few spectacular wipeouts.

The gals went to Costco yesterday and stocked us up on food, wine and booze. The outdoor Honu bar has raised their prices to a ridiculous $19,00 per drink! So we will be making our own. Tonight treat is two large Tomahawk steaks. 
Was very sad to hear about @rafinmdRoy being hospitalized. Hang in their bud and I’ll be praying for you. Last night’s glorious sunset is dedicated to you.

It’s 5:50 AM and time for coffee. Mahalo for all your post. B.






Bruce, I'm glad you are all settled and the pantry and liquor cabinet are well stocked.  Thanks for the amazing sunset pictures.


23 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

Thanks for posting the video. We're waitslisted for the zipline, which I'm sure we won't clear, so the timing of your post is perfect. Also gives us an opportunity to see nice weather there - looks like you had a beautiful day.


Elizabeth, I'm glad the video gave you an idea of the Zip Rider.  As I said earlier, it was a lot faster in 2012 than it is now.  I found a picture of DH just have he finished the ride.  He had two GoPros for the videos.


1 minute ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Storming heaven that Roy recovers from this setback.  Lenda, is there any way for you to find out if he has contacted the Fire Station?   I am sure they would want to know.



Terri, as I mentioned to Annie @marshhawk part of Roy's email that I did not share was directed to two people at the fire station.  There are also others on the email list, and some are affiliated with the church.  Out of respect for Roy, I'll not elaborate.  I'll also continue to share only the part that is for everyone.



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2 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Terri, as I mentioned to Annie @marshhawk part of Roy's email that I did not share was directed to two people at the fire station.  There are also others on the email list, and some are affiliated with the church.  Out of respect for Roy, I'll not elaborate.  I'll also continue to share only the part that is for everyone.



Thank you Lenda

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Definitely in favor of literacy, and I like the ornate ampersands in some italic typefaces. As for iguanas: they were everywhere in Curacao, including in restaurant menus. Here we sometimes see a dead raccoon lying in the middle of the road; in Curacao it's a dead iguana.


Robert Benchley was an American humor columnist in the first half of the twentieth century, writing a lot for The New Yorker. He got his start at the Harvard Lampoon. I would say that most people succeed in knowing nothing about a great many things with no effort at all.


I agree that the burgers would be better without the peppers. The rum is the only part of the drink that I would like, so I'll take rum on the rocks instead. My first few experiences with Tempranillo involved South American versions and I didn't enjoy them, but I liked the grape, in Rioja wines, in Spain. I'll go in a different direction with Damiani's Sole e Terra blend, $24. "The nose is greeted with aromas of shaved cedar, tart cherry, and lush boysenberry. Following this delightful introduction, the tongue is drenched with rich plum skin, blackberry, black cherry kissed with graphite and snuggled up with shitake mushrooms. Pinot Noir brings silk, Lemberger a gorgeous hue and Saperavi muscle and grip."


Icy Strait Point was in the itinerary for a cruise I had booked that was cancelled because of something called a pandemic, and my 2021 Alaska trip didn't include it. I have a 2025 booking that does. I may rebook the tour that I had booked with Glacier Wind; it's very unlikely that I would go ziplining.


I slept until 9:00 a.m. today! It was 52° when I got up, having been down to 46° overnight.




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Good morning and thanks all!


@rafinmdprayers for strength and comfort that you will soon be feeling your self! 
@smitty34877 glad you have some help, but I’m sorry to hear Tana is not doing well.   Please take care of yourself, glad you are getting your other hip checked.  Gentle hugs! 
@Seasick Sailor yikes on the choking!  Glad all is well, but it must have been frightening. Prayers for Bonnie tomorrow and as she waits to hear the results.

Edited by bennybear
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This is the latest update from Roy.


Sunday has not been the easiest of days. There are a couple of good things to report.  From my reading of the MRI I don’t think it was a stroke.   I think the vertigo is much diminished and I seem more mobile.


I had hoped to attend online worship this morning but the physical therapist came in about 10 and I could not join the service until the middle of the Children’s message.  After that it took a while to get my bed set up again, and just to be on the safe side I ordered a cold lunch.  Good thing because as lunch arrived the guy from MRI also came to take me down there.


I have word that the plan now is to send me to an inpatient rehab place in either Baltimore or Rockville.  No idea on the timing or duration.


I am hopeful there will be a chance for me to visit home and quickly gather some things because I would like to pick up some things including communication stuff and medicine.


That’s all for now.



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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good still morning here for a few minutes.  It's been a busy morning, and I'm just now catching up on The Daily.  The grocery store was pretty empty when I arrived, so it was a quick trip.  I now have the pie and the salad made.  To go with them I'm making chicken and dumplings with collard greens.  I won't start the chicken and dumplings until later, but the greens are washed, torn and in the pot ready to cook.  I just have to remember to add water before I put them on the stove.  It's a pleasant 76F but there is a brisk wind from the east.



Carolyn, when we first did the 14-day Alaska cruise in  2010, we went to Skagway instead of Icy Strait Point.  It was on the 14-day cruise in 2012, 2015 and 2018.



Gerry, the party to celebrate DH's bandmate's new deck with all the various band members sounds like a lot of fun.



Bruno, we've enjoyed ISP on our various times there.  We've taken the shuttle into Hoonah often, and have done two amazing whale watching trips there.  We have not taken the tram up and down the mountain since it was not there when we stopped.  When DH rode the Zip Rider, they used an old school bus to get the people to the top.



Joy, I'm glad Allen did not have any ill effects over the incident in the dining room.  I loved your story about the man peeking in your window.  I learned early on that I did not want a cabin on the Lower Promenade deck.  We like to keep the curtains open when it is light out, and if there are lights on in the cabin, people can easily see inside.  The way I learned the lesson was when I was walking the Lower Promenade one night before dinner.  Each time I passed a certain cabin, I could see a man getting dressed for dinner.  Fortunately for me, I didn't make my first pass until he had his underwear on.  😁  Thanks for the beautiful sunset pictures.



Annie, I'm glad your neighbor is going to help you with the trash can.  Hopefully, he will realize that taking it down would be a big help.  All I can say is there are people in the fire department who are getting the same information I'm getting from Roy.  I don't think they know much more at this time.  Your glacier pictures are wonderful.



RNB, we were on Statendam's last three Alaska cruises before she headed to Singapore where she was transferred to P&O Australia. We boarded her on August 10 and disembarked in Seattle on September 21.  We could have met on the cruise.  I checked all my ISP pictures, and there were two of men in red jackets, but I doubt either one was you.  One was taken in 2012 on Amsterdam and the other in 2018 on Zaandam.



Sandi, I also hope it wasn't a stroke.  From the tone of the emails, and from parts that were meant for others on the list, Roy sounds like Roy.  I take that as good news.



Bruce, I'm glad you are all settled and the pantry and liquor cabinet are well stocked.  Thanks for the amazing sunset pictures.



Elizabeth, I'm glad the video gave you an idea of the Zip Rider.  As I said earlier, it was a lot faster in 2012 than it is now.  I found a picture of DH just have he finished the ride.  He had two GoPros for the videos.



Terri, as I mentioned to Annie @marshhawk part of Roy's email that I did not share was directed to two people at the fire station.  There are also others on the email list, and some are affiliated with the church.  Out of respect for Roy, I'll not elaborate.  I'll also continue to share only the part that is for everyone.



Darnit!  We just missed you. On the cruise before you. I know many of the crew were sad to see the Statendam sold. There were two staff members including an officer who we had sailed with a lot who wished to stay on smaller ship. Never sailed with them again.

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Good afternoon, the sun is shining and it's 71(21) now.  It was 40(4) when I got up this morning.  DH was sitting at the table with his winter jacket on...I had a bedroom window open and it was in the low 60's(15) in the house.  Supposed to be 80(26) tomorrow.  We had a groundbreaking service at church this morning.  We're adding on a new addition.  DGD had a good time cheering at the 3rd grade football game yesterday!  

Good to hear from Roy, praying all goes well and he gets home safe and sound.

@jodi58Congrats on the new grand baby! 

@smitty34877Sorry to hear Tana is not feeling well.

@aliaschiefThanks for the beautiful sunset pictures

Happy Grandparents day, here is DGD and us at the Football game yesterday! 



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18 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

Darnit!  We just missed you. On the cruise before you. I know many of the crew were sad to see the Statendam sold. There were two staff members including an officer who we had sailed with a lot who wished to stay on smaller ship. Never sailed with them again.


So close, but so far.  We tried to add the final cruise, but the FCC dropped the ball, and would not really look to see if there was space.  Just before our last turnaround day in Seattle, we got an email about adding the cruise from an outside agent.  When we were able to call two days later, it was too late.  As soon as we got the mail, I went to talk to the FCC, but she said there were not spaces.  She was just not interested in trying to help us.  I think many of the crew and officers stayed with the ship and transferred to P&O.


13 minutes ago, quilty964 said:

Good afternoon, the sun is shining and it's 71(21) now.  It was 40(4) when I got up this morning.  DH was sitting at the table with his winter jacket on...I had a bedroom window open and it was in the low 60's(15) in the house.  Supposed to be 80(26) tomorrow.  We had a groundbreaking service at church this morning.  We're adding on a new addition.  DGD had a good time cheering at the 3rd grade football game yesterday!  

Good to hear from Roy, praying all goes well and he gets home safe and sound.

@jodi58Congrats on the new grand baby! 

@smitty34877Sorry to hear Tana is not feeling well.

@aliaschiefThanks for the beautiful sunset pictures

Happy Grandparents day, here is DGD and us at the Football game yesterday! 




Great picture of you and your DGD.



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4 hours ago, marshhawk said:

My neighbor told me yesterday that I dont need to bring the trash cans up the drive ways anymore, that he will do that for me.  Gee I wish he had offered to take them down.  I full 65 gallon trash can weighs a lot, and I worry about falling down the driveway again. He said he knows we have a bad back.  Now whether he meant DH or me, I thanked him.  His English is not good, but he does try. I just asked that if he sees me lying in the drive, not to run over me.  Not sure he understood that.

Hi, sorry for butting in but where we live the sanitation department has a program that allows people who are physically unable to bring their carts out to the curb, to leave the carts in place and the people on the trucks manually gather those carts. We were able to sign my mother up for this service in another city also. It might be worth a try.

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4 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

This will be a quick note.  I just got two emails from Roy @rafinmd.  He can read the Daily, but still cannot log in.  


This is the other email he sent about his condition.


The theory so far is that this is the result of a stroke, although we are still waiting on an MRI.  I slept reasonably well last night.  


Saturday morning it started about 2AM when I went to the bathroom but was ok with a cane.


At 4:30 it was so severe there was no hope of getting up and was barely to get dressed a bit sitting on the bed before calling 911. 


Since then I. Have been in bed almost all the time except for a few awkward transfers 


I did just move to a bedside commode with much less stress but still far from normal.


Wishing Roy all the best, and a speedy recovery.




Thanks, Lenda, for keeping us informed of Roy's condition and progress.  The second email sounds so much more hopeful.  Inpatient rehab is where my dad went and he progressed very quickly there.  I'm hoping for the same for Roy.  


@Seasick Sailor Thank goodness that Allen caught his breath!   How scary that must have been.  

@JazzyV I hope nothing stands in the way of you enjoying your cruise.  


One of load of laundry done and grocery shopping completed.  We did it all today - went out to the big box store and loaded up on meat and fish as well as frozen veggies and paper products.  Then we stopped at the grocery for smaller incidentals.  All of the groceries are packaged in individual servings now and safely stored.  

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1 hour ago, Sea42 said:

Hi, sorry for butting in but where we live the sanitation department has a program that allows people who are physically unable to bring their carts out to the curb, to leave the carts in place and the people on the trucks manually gather those carts. We were able to sign my mother up for this service in another city also. It might be worth a try.


Welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily, and you're not butting in.  Everyone is welcome here and to join in the discussions.  The  service you mentioned sounds great for those who want to stay in their residence, but who need extra help.


50 minutes ago, dfish said:


Thanks, Lenda, for keeping us informed of Roy's condition and progress.  The second email sounds so much more hopeful.  Inpatient rehab is where my dad went and he progressed very quickly there.  I'm hoping for the same for Roy.  


@Seasick Sailor Thank goodness that Allen caught his breath!   How scary that must have been.  

@JazzyV I hope nothing stands in the way of you enjoying your cruise.  


One of load of laundry done and grocery shopping completed.  We did it all today - went out to the big box store and loaded up on meat and fish as well as frozen veggies and paper products.  Then we stopped at the grocery for smaller incidentals.  All of the groceries are packaged in individual servings now and safely stored.  


Debbie, you two have gotten a lot done today.  Repackaging the groceries is a big job just by itself.  I agree that Roy's last email was encouraging.



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Good Afternoon Everyone!

     I will celebrate Grandparents Day.  I was fortunate to know all four of my Grandparents.  My paternal Grandparents lived just down the road from us.  I actually live in the old farmhouse they had until they built the "new house" in 1969.  My last grandparent passed when I was 50, I still miss Grandma she was the one that told me I was the only one of this "younger" generation that could cook for a "farm crew"  I still have her "Ball" canning book even though it is outdated I keep it for the memories!  I like being Grandma to my nine Grands!  They keep me on my toes!

      Icy Strait Point is one of my favorite ports!  We have been on the zipline twice, it was when you still had to take the old bus up the mountain.  I enjoyed that bus ride just to see more things.  If I get back up to Icy Strait Point I will be back on the Zipline!

       I laugh at it being Iguana day, I remember walking in Mexico and right in front of me was this huge iguana sunning on a cement wall, I jumped and it just looked at me, I had forgotten that they live in the wild" not just zoos!

      Healing thoughts and prayers to all who need them.  Wish you all a wonderful week.


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So sorry to hear about Roy. I hope the doctors can figure out what is causing his awful vertigo.  I hope it will be resolved soon.


Sorry to hear that Tana is not doing well. I am glad that Terry has help this weekend.  


It looks like many people are enjoying cruises again this week.  I am glad that Debbie is home safely. I hope we hear from Sharon soon as well.


Terri - I am glad that you are getting out and about and are feeling better. I hope the PT is helping your shoulder.


I hope that Jacqui is okay and just busy with packing and moving. I hope it all goes well for her.


I do wonder why Penney has not posted in awhile. I hope everything is okay with her.  


All is well here.  We are enjoying being home though it is still horribly hot in South Florida.  We have company coming and then some short cruises planned as well as a trip to St. Petersburg, Fl to see the Dali museum and some other sites.  


I love being a grandparent to our 4 grandkids and miss my grandparents. I knew 3 of them. Two of my grandparents lived to ripe old ages and so my kids remember them as well.   My mother is 95 and a great grandparent to 6.  


I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.  

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Good afternoon.  Lenda thank you for the update on Roy.  Much better news than a stroke.  @rafinmd prayers that you get home soon. 


@marshhawkAnnie, great news on the uphill assistance with your trash. Glad you have a lot of concerts on your calendar.  


@jodi58 congratulations on the new grandbaby.  


I spoke with my DB this morning and it was brief as he had company.  Another complication, an UTI, so he is back on antibiotics and remaining on heparin. I am happy we will be home in a week. 


@smitty34877 I am sorry your hip is bothering you, happy you had support this weekend but sad that Tana is not feisty.  Prayers for you and your family.  


We had a nuisance rain early so all of my cut back work is delayed.  We were able to stream the Vikings game and John was thrilled they won. Their backup QB looked really good.  


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Good evening everyone. Thank-you for the daily updates.  I’m late, the day just got away from me.  We’ve been very productive today, church, out to breakfast, tomato soup from scratch and canned four pints of tomato jam.  There’s a tomato theme going on.


I would celebrate all of the days today especially literacy day.  The quote is humorous.


The meal and drink suggestions sound very nice.  I’ll have to shelve the meal as we’re about to have lobster.  It’s cheaper than chicken breast here.

I have not been to today’s port.


Prayers for everyone on our prayer list, I hope you have a peaceful night’s sleep.  Cheers to those of you who celebrated happy events today!


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