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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday September 21st, 2024


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Roy just sent another email, and I wish there was better news to share with everyone.  Wishing all the best for Roy.


A crazy day yesterday.  After arriving in the acute care unit and 3 tests, chest X-ray, leg ultrasound, and head CT, I was diagnosed with AFIB and spent most of the last 24 hours on 2 IV lines, making sleeping pretty much impossible.


Prognosis is not good, although today’s cardiologist indicated my heart rate is down and my heart rhythm is back to normal.


Just got flowers from VFD.


No idea what the future looks like.



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15 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Roy just sent another email, and I wish there was better news to share with everyone.  Wishing all the best for Roy.


A crazy day yesterday.  After arriving in the acute care unit and 3 tests, chest X-ray, leg ultrasound, and head CT, I was diagnosed with AFIB and spent most of the last 24 hours on 2 IV lines, making sleeping pretty much impossible.


Prognosis is not good, although today’s cardiologist indicated my heart rate is down and my heart rhythm is back to normal.


Just got flowers from VFD.


No idea what the future looks like.



Thank you for Roy's @rafinmd health update Lenda.

Hopefully all of our combined prayers 🙏 and Roy's faith will help him through his health setback.

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Good morning, 

Fall is definitely in the air here but no rain until mid-week so that's good. Tonight is the finale at the speedway so we'll get fireworks about 10 PM. Probably can't see them but will definitely hear them! 


@Denise T Have a great time at the wedding!

@Haljo1935 Happy Anniversary to you and DH

@kazu As alway you're in my thoughts and hoping that all smooths out for you. 

@rafinmd Sending good thoughts your way, 


Yesterday I came home to the contents of the master bath linen closet all piled in the living room and the linen closet has had the first coat of paint put on and the new shelves in. So, my job today is to go through all the "stuff" and sort into 3 piles - save, donate, and junk. It's an out of sight, out of mind situation and I had no idea how much was in that closet. I think I'll do the same for the guest bathroom but I know that there's not nearly as much in there! 


Yesterday was errands and the pool. I got the local plumbing and heating people set up to come do the yearly inspections on Wednesday afternoon so crossed that off the "to-do" list. This weekend is staying home and tackling lots of small jobs from laundry to sorting to the dreaded bathroom cleaning. I can reward myself with time to read a bit and some time enjoying the Daily. 

Have a good weekend!


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7 hours ago, Denise T said:

Happy Saturday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Today is the day! My nephew Josh and his fiancé Amanda are getting married today. My plan is to be enjoying the festivities. 

Happy anniversary to @Haljo1935.

75 Funny Anniversary Memes | Happy Anniversary Funny Images – FunZumo


Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 

90 Funny Saturday Memes, Images & Pics for a Happy Weekend | Funny ...

I hope you have a wonderful day at your nephew's wedding.

Best wishes for a wonderful marriage for Josh and Amanda.

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Good afternoon,

I have been busy and out of town but have been reading the daily when I can. I am so sad to read of everyone’s health challenges. I have sent prayers everyday. I am concerned about not hearing from 2 of the regular posters. Hopefully they are off on a great advent and will check in soon. 

Murphy is slowly adjusting to baby Rooney. She is surprised by the sounds that comes out of the baby. Murphy is just learning to vocalize as her vocal cords are coming back to life and has never really cried.  I think the baby will be good for Murphy. 

Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day. 

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Got back from thrift store and a quick grocery shopping as the black clouds rolled in. Raced from my car to the house, hooked up dogs and took them out for a quick potty break... thunder sounded - we raced back in and the sky opened up. Fortunately the dogs knew what was expected of them and obliged as soon as we got out. Going to be very rough afternoon but we are inside. So far the lightning strikes seem to be a distance away but I take no chances after the last storm.


@cruising sisterGlad to hear about Murphy.... she will learn much from having a younger sibling. I am sure the world seems very new to her since she was hospitalized for so long.





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Good afternoon!


@kazu I'm sorry to hear that you may have to cancel your cruise.  As awful as that is, it would be miserable to be gone from home while in such pain and not being able to see.  You'll do what is right and if you have to cancel, join us in January in Hawaii.  

@rafinmd While things seem gloomy right now, AFIB is treatable and it sounds like your doctors are on top of things.  Relax a bit and just get well.


@cruising sister Thank you for the update on Murphy and Rooney.  


5 hours ago, tupper10 said:


@dfish So sorry to hear about your back.  I know when I couldn't sleep due to back pain it was recommended to me to get a Tempur -pedic mattress. I was very skeptical that it would do anything at all but it helped immensely.  When I sleep at my various children's homes I bought the toppers for the beds and on cruises I get the egg crate. I realize that I can't sleep on a regular mattress anymore.  I don't know if it was recommended for you but my doctors also say to try acupuncture as it helps many people with the pain.  It is so horrible to live in constant pain.  I do hope something can be found that addresses this for you.    


No one has suggested a mattress to me, but I'll look at it.  I was doing acupuncture for my back down in Ohio as it was a service offered through the Spine and Pain Clinic.  I don't think it is offered here, but I will ask.  My insurance will cover it and it was helping the last time but had to be cut short due to the pandemic.


My pain is not constant and getting up and moving helps it, unlike what @kazu Jacqui and @JazzyV Vanessa had.  


River did well in her game today.  Afterwards we went out to lunch with her great grandma and Aunt Janet.  



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Good afternoon from a hot, 94F central Texas with mostly sunny skies and a slight breeze.  The yard work, along with spraying Round Up and bug killer, was completed in a little more than two hours.  There was still a good breeze blowing through the port, that I sat outside reading to cool off a bit.  It's been a while since I could enjoy sitting outside.


It looks like we won't be able to watch the UT Longhorns play the University of Louisiana at Monroe Warhawks tonight.  The game is on ESPN+, but we will be able to listen to the game.   🤘 HOOKEM HORNS!  🤘


45 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

Good afternoon,

I have been busy and out of town but have been reading the daily when I can. I am so sad to read of everyone’s health challenges. I have sent prayers everyday. I am concerned about not hearing from 2 of the regular posters. Hopefully they are off on a great advent and will check in soon. 

Murphy is slowly adjusting to baby Rooney. She is surprised by the sounds that comes out of the baby. Murphy is just learning to vocalize as her vocal cords are coming back to life and has never really cried.  I think the baby will be good for Murphy. 

Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day. 


Lorraine, thank you for the update on Murphy and Rooney.  Murphy will learn a lot from Rooney, and in return she can teach Rooney.


5 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I'm all for peace internationally, like chai once in a while, and had no idea what surgical technologists do.  Good quote today.


Well the sun tried coming up and maybe it is somewhere, but now we've got clouds again.  Not sure if they're expected to hang around all day or just part of it, but I guess there's nothing I can do about it, so I won't worry.  Not sure how much I'll get done today anyway as yesterday I realized I was coming down with a head cold.  Ugh.  Not sure where the heck I picked it up, likely at a grocery store, but my head is all stuffy and my throat is scratchy.  I'm dosing myself with vitamin C and either lemon or peach tea, so that should help.


@Haljo1935wishing you and your DH a very Happy Anniversary and many more to come!

@kazuI'm so sorry to hear you've got a big black cloud hanging over you - it's time you had some good things happening for you!!!  I do wish you'd be able to get the cataract surgery soon, as that would help you so much.


My son sent me this . . . 



I'd like to try the drink of the day as I love grapefruit, would give the rose a try, and have had a smashburger - they're good!  I'm not cooking tonight as we've been invited over to our friend Fran's (from Wayne & Fran) for dinner.  We haven't been there before, but Wayne tells us she's a great cook, so whatever she's prepared will be appreciated along with the conversation and laughter.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, I hope your cold is already better.  I loved the wine meme.


5 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. Cool and cloudy here. Rain in the lower elevations, snow for the High Country. A possible freeze in the next few evenings. Sounds like a good time to stay in except for dog walks.


@kazuI am so sorry to hear that things are not going smoothly (to say the least). Hopefully the lost items will be found and you can get the cataract surgery scheduled soon.... it will make such a difference. And of course that they can get the pain resolved. All too much at one time.


Roy (for some reason the blue bubble has stopped working).... hope you are feeling better and that you can continue on with your recovery.


Best wishes to all others today.


The man who was stuck by lightning here during our last thunder storms has been transferred to Denver and is slowly recovering but it is a wonder he survived. When he was found his clothes were shredded and his hat blown apart. Evidently the lightning stuck the ground near him, went through his feet and out through the skull. He has numerous burns over the body, broken bones and 2 skull fracture. His dog was near him and reported to be stiff and sore but ok. It was fortunate he was found as quickly as he was. It has given me a new respect for thunder storms.


Off to get ready to haul some stuff out to the Thrift Store (if they are taking donations) and make a quick stop to pick up some salad makings. I think this afternoon I will just settle in with a book and maybe put together some books to be donated to the library. I want to get rid of some bookcases.






Susan, that is good news the man who was struck by lightning is improving, and his dog is doing all right too.  


2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

International Peace is an elusive goal, but hoped for. I like chai tea and chai latte. Surgical techs are an important part of the surgical team. Great quote. Yes to the meal, maybe for the drink and pass on the wine. I haven't been to Riga. 2 interesting days in history. Good deal on Stonehenge.


It's partly sunny and 80F. We're still hoping for rain, but it looks like Mon-Wed. I spent most of yesterday in the recliner, then about 9 hours in bed. My leg looked smaller this morning, but just standing in the shower I could see it get larger and it was painful. I've tried to squeeze it into my compression stocking, but if it slides down there's no getting it back up. BFF plans to come over later to watch another 2 episodes of the LOTR prequel.


@Haljo1935 Happy Anniversary Elizabeth and DH!

@Tbay Welcome Home!

@rafinmd I hope you are doing better and will be back to rehab soon.

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for our start. I've been meaning to ask how your twin is coming along? Good job on the stocking, and I'm sure it will be perfect.

@Denise T Enjoy your nephew Josh and Amanda's wedding and spending time with family.

@Seasick Sailor I like your enthusiasm. Nice photos of you and Allen.

@smitty34877 DSIL sounds like a nice person and I'm glad he's there to help. Good luck to the teenager at his game and I'm sure the support is important to him.

@kazu Thanks for checking in. Oh no on the missing items from the move! That is so frustrating and I hope you get your things. I'm sorry about your eyes and hope you can get cataract surgery soon. Your pain sounds like mine was, neuropathic due to nerve compression (in my case by a spinal cyst), found on the MRI. That is wonderful of the foot nurse to offer help out. Sorry about the inconsistent dog walkers and the probability of having to cancel your cruise. Hugs and prayers for you. You can come here and vent any time; we're not only about good news and want to support you if we can.

@ger_77 I hope your head cold passes quickly. 

@durangoscots Yikes on that man struck by lightning. The weather people here are always saying, "when thunder roars, go indoors".

@quilty964 Enjoy the Wine and Harvest festival.

@mamaofami I hope Sam is more comfortable now.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.



Vanessa, I'm sorry your legs are still swelling so much once you get up in the morning.


1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Good day. Just getting up over here. We just had a lite shower pass through but I’m seeing blue skies. @Haljo1935 HAPPY. ANNIVERSARY!🍾 

@kazu Jacqui oh my! You can’t seem to catch a break. Praying that all will get better,

Here it will be more of the same which is basically doing nothing but enjoying our surroundings.

@rafinmd Roy as I said yesterday don’t get discouraged and let your faith strengthen you.

Sunset last night was a little less spectacular but no complaints here. Our alfresco dinner with good wine was wonderful.

I guess we can watch college football and have breakfast at the same time. Night race from Bristol will be an early afternoon happening.

Hope all of you have a great weekend and those of you in pain, worries and illnesses find some relief. Aloha! and Mahalo. Bruce




Bruce, even with the clouds the sunset is still pretty.


27 minutes ago, dfish said:

Good afternoon!


@kazu I'm sorry to hear that you may have to cancel your cruise.  As awful as that is, it would be miserable to be gone from home while in such pain and not being able to see.  You'll do what is right and if you have to cancel, join us in January in Hawaii.  

@rafinmd While things seem gloomy right now, AFIB is treatable and it sounds like your doctors are on top of things.  Relax a bit and just get well.


@cruising sister Thank you for the update on Murphy and Rooney.  


No one has suggested a mattress to me, but I'll look at it.  I was doing acupuncture for my back down in Ohio as it was a service offered through the Spine and Pain Clinic.  I don't think it is offered here, but I will ask.  My insurance will cover it and it was helping the last time but had to be cut short due to the pandemic.


My pain is not constant and getting up and moving helps it, unlike what @kazu Jacqui and @JazzyV Vanessa had.  


River did well in her game today.  Afterwards we went out to lunch with her great grandma and Aunt Janet.  




Debbie, I agree with you about AFIB being treatable.  We had a neighbor who lived a normal life with just an occasional AFIB episode.  Great picture of River, and she has really grown since the first time you shared a picture of her.  I also agree, it would be nice if Jacqui @kazu could join us in January on the Hawaii cruise, even if she can do her fall cruise.


25 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

Checking in late after a busy day.  Special prayers for Jacqui and Roy.   My brother is doing his PT.  I will visit him tomorrow.  


Nancy, I'm glad your DB is doing his PT.


52 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 

Fall is definitely in the air here but no rain until mid-week so that's good. Tonight is the finale at the speedway so we'll get fireworks about 10 PM. Probably can't see them but will definitely hear them! 


@Denise T Have a great time at the wedding!

@Haljo1935 Happy Anniversary to you and DH

@kazu As alway you're in my thoughts and hoping that all smooths out for you. 

@rafinmd Sending good thoughts your way, 


Yesterday I came home to the contents of the master bath linen closet all piled in the living room and the linen closet has had the first coat of paint put on and the new shelves in. So, my job today is to go through all the "stuff" and sort into 3 piles - save, donate, and junk. It's an out of sight, out of mind situation and I had no idea how much was in that closet. I think I'll do the same for the guest bathroom but I know that there's not nearly as much in there! 


Yesterday was errands and the pool. I got the local plumbing and heating people set up to come do the yearly inspections on Wednesday afternoon so crossed that off the "to-do" list. This weekend is staying home and tackling lots of small jobs from laundry to sorting to the dreaded bathroom cleaning. I can reward myself with time to read a bit and some time enjoying the Daily. 

Have a good weekend!



Karen, a couple of years ago when we replaced our bathroom towels, I went through all our old towels, and donated the ones I didn't need or want to the animal rescue in our county seat.  They can use them for the dogs in their care.



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Darn, I just wrote 3 paragraphs and the whole thing disappeared.


so my boss didnt move the call backs for me, had to get my "owner" to do so

Quiffy's stitches have disappeared, or the area has swollen and swallowed them up.

I will have Saturdays off for a month, two days in a row

i over slept this morning almost missed F1 qualifying

i think that is all, i am so tired all the time, staying up too late, and getting up before my head wants to, still ignoring most of what i should be doing.

Britbox-currently watching What Remains (good and creepy)



@kazuGet that vision business taken care of SOON!  

@rafinmdPlease start feeling better soon!  I hope the flowers from the VFD cheered you up.

@ger_77I hope your cold clears up, maybe you picked it up at the neighborhood thing.


I've been thinking about our missing @Nickelpenny  maybe if we share our email address with someone who is closest to us, personally or physically, when something goes wonky we can reach out and let someone know. I bet she doesn't realize how much she is missed here.  I hope that she is OK.



it is 91 degrees outside, feels hotter in here, but DH decided it was cold, and turned of the air.  I am not a happy camper! Slept on the sofa last night with one oscillating fan blowing on me, the screen door closed on the porch, with the Collard out there in the dark meowing because he was on the porch and the rest of us were not.  Tonight I will have two fans on, and maybe set my alarm clock to wake up in time to watch the pre race show


other news

we are in drought

people have been stealing things out of mailboxes on our street only


last day of summer-dinner tonight is steak, and two microwavable sides.  Spinach souffle, and potato au gratin.  I love stouffers. we were supposed to eat this earlier this week, but we had ice cream for an afternoon snack, and never got hungry again.



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6 hours ago, kazu said:

thanks for our Daily, Sandi and thanks to Vanessa and our F & B team.


I am afraid that autumn is coming on the last day of summer here..


Things have been in a bit of a turmoil here. I’ve been busy fighting with Bella and Rogers and the movers. I missing boxes from the move with some key things as well as a treasured lampshade that Jose had before we were married and it was one of the ones I chose to bring.  Not getting anywhere with the moving company.  my AirTags are missing so I hoped they would tell me where the items are but it looks like nobody is going around them with an Apple product – at least not yet.


Still waiting for cataract surgery and my eyesight is getting worse and worse. The pain in my foot and legs is not letting me sleep well so, as a result, I end up sleeping in and getting little done most mornings.  Waiting an MRI for my back as it’s now determined it’s definitely neuropathic pain and the vascular surgery was  a success.  my foot nurse is trying to get it expedited and if that can’t happen, then she will drive me to Monkton and I will pay for a private clinic to do it.

Ivan’s walks have been a challenge with inconsistent dog walkers. Trying to do it myself is beyond painful. It’s hard enough just to do the little bit The other times for his business.


The cruise is looking more and more out of the question, and I’ve already posted on the roll call to start making arrangements for sending off the name, tags and invites and rearranging my tours.


all in all, a bit depressing.  Now you know why I haven’t posted much.  I really don’t have anything good to say.  Prayers for all those who need them and cheers to those celebrating and cruising..



It is sad to hear all the health issues you are enduring  and items going missing during your move which must be distressing.

I sincerely hope all of your issues will be resolved and you can enjoy your life pain free and participate in all of the cruise activities you arrange for yourself and other HAL cruiser's.

Sending you our Best wishes and prayers 🙏.

G&P xx

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1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good (late) morning all!

Not a good night for sleeping last night so I'm very late this morning.  I think it was after 5 before I got to sleep.


Vanessa @JazzyV How puzzling about the swelling in your leg.  The fact that it looked smaller this morning but then the swelling started up again in the shower makes me think that the heat has something to do with it.  Could you put ice packs on it?  (not medical advice, of course, just trying to think of something to give you some relief).  



Thanks for the suggestion. It's actually the standing that makes the leg swell, so that's why I've been spending a lot of time reclining. Even when the swelling is down, it's still painful. 


11 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

Vanessa, I purchased some compression hose for my friend after her knee surgery. She had horrible swelling and the socks from the hospital kept rolling down. She loves them and they stay up. It has helped her pain and swelling too. One of the pictures is a bit risque.


I have custom made compression stockings. They do only last about 6 months, as they become stretched out. They were horribly expensive, about $400 a pair, as Medicare didn't cover them until this past January. Because they wouldn't stay up, I used a recommended body glue. But it pulls the skin, and I think that led to the infection. I had just changed to a different type of wrap that uses Velcro and is adjustable. I got them in the mail and was to be shown how to put them on the day that they sent me to the ER. I go to the clinic on Wednesday, so I hope to be able to use the new ones at least on the better leg, and see what they say about this swollen leg.

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@dfish Debbie, sorry to hear about your pain.  I hope the MRI can lead to the solution.  Thanks on the offer of the Hawaii cruise.  I suppose it sails out of San Diego. (ugh).  snow is an issue and storms but I’ll ponder.


@Haljo1935 a very happy anniversary to you.


@marshhawk Annie, if I could get the surgery now, I would.  I am at the beck and call of the surgeon, the wait list and the avalability of the O.R.  there’s not enough cataract surgeons nor time in the O.R. For our aging population.  


@ger_77 I hope your cold improves quickly and disappears.



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Three good days, although I've never tried chai. I agree with the quote, but have not tried the meal, drink, wine or visited the port. The drink sounds possible, but most likely only if I happen to see it on a menu somewhere and recall back to this daily 😉


Sending positive thoughts to @kazu and @rafinmd - sorry you're struggling with these health problems and possibly disrupting future plans.


Hope @Denise T is having a great time at the wedding, and @Haljo1935 & DH do something fun to celebrate their anniversary. 


It's been fairly quiet here. This morning I finished Christmas shopping for the 2 grandkids in Maryland. DH is talking about possibly going up for some games if the Orioles make it to the playoffs, and if that happens I'll take advantage of sending all the gifts with him instead of paying to have them shipped. We'll probably walk tomorrow morning, and DH will watch football and baseball while I watch some HGTV and work on a jigsaw puzzle - and continue counting down to Zuiderdam in 62 days.



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22 minutes ago, JazzyV said:


Thanks for the suggestion. It's actually the standing that makes the leg swell, so that's why I've been spending a lot of time reclining. Even when the swelling is down, it's still painful. 



I have custom made compression stockings. They do only last about 6 months, as they become stretched out. They were horribly expensive, about $400 a pair, as Medicare didn't cover them until this past January. Because they wouldn't stay up, I used a recommended body glue. But it pulls the skin, and I think that led to the infection. I had just changed to a different type of wrap that uses Velcro and is adjustable. I got them in the mail and was to be shown how to put them on the day that they sent me to the ER. I go to the clinic on Wednesday, so I hope to be able to use the new ones at least on the better leg, and see what they say about this swollen leg.

Wishing you good news at your clinic appointment on Wednesday Vanessa.

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22 minutes ago, kazu said:

@dfish Debbie, sorry to hear about your pain.  I hope the MRI can lead to the solution.  Thanks on the offer of the Hawaii cruise.  I suppose it sails out of San Diego. (ugh).  snow is an issue and storms but I’ll ponder.


@Haljo1935 a very happy anniversary to you.


@marshhawk Annie, if I could get the surgery now, I would.  I am at the beck and call of the surgeon, the wait list and the avalability of the O.R.  there’s not enough cataract surgeons nor time in the O.R. For our aging population.  


@ger_77 I hope your cold improves quickly and disappears.




Jacqui, it would be nice if you could join us on the Hawaii cruise.  There are several Dailyites going.  I realize San Diego is a difficult city to fly into, and we're lucky we can drive in from Quartzsite.  I know you do not want to do an Alaskan cruise, but the 28 day summer solstice cruise is different, and there are several of us going.   That time of year, Alaska is not too cold, and this is from a thin blooded Texan. I hope you can get the cataract surgery soon.  Hopefully, you are at the top of the list since the cataracts are growing so quickly.



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@kazu, Jacqui Our TV station has a reporter whose job is to help people when they’re having problems with businesses. Maybe you can find one up where you are who will look into the moving company and help track down your missing items. Just a thought. Praying Our TV station has a reporter who’s job is to help people when they’re having problems with businesses. Maybe you can find one up where you are who will look into the moving company and help track down your missing items. Just a thought. Praying you can get the cataract surgery early as it really is a snap and you could leave shortly after on your cruise.

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@Haljo1935 Happy Anniversary!


Whoops, lost the blue bubbles!


Jacqui, darn it with your pain, eyes, losing some moving items, feeling down in the dumps. I hope you can resolve the worst of it and are able to get on a BHB as planned.


@rafinmd the bubble came back.. Roy I'm sorry to see you going through these medical issues. Please get well soon!


@JazzyV Leg pain can be so debilitating and I'm sorry you are going through so much pain!




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4 hours ago, kazu said:

@dfish Debbie, sorry to hear about your pain.  I hope the MRI can lead to the solution.  Thanks on the offer of the Hawaii cruise.  I suppose it sails out of San Diego. (ugh).  snow is an issue and storms but I’ll ponder.



Please do ponder.  Yes, it is out of San Diego.  As for San Diego, last  year the embarkation was a breeze.  I was expecting long lines that lasted forever.  The biggest problem would be snow and ice.  That is why we are scheduled to fly in two days ahead of time.


4 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Debbie, I agree with you about AFIB being treatable.  We had a neighbor who lived a normal life with just an occasional AFIB episode.  Great picture of River, and she has really grown since the first time you shared a picture of her.  I also agree, it would be nice if Jacqui @kazu could join us in January on the Hawaii cruise, even if she can do her fall cruise.



I have a friend who was diagnosed with AFIB over 10 years ago.  He's going strong.  A lot would depend on what other conditions accompany the AFIB.  Hopefully things will look up for Roy tomorrow.


River is growing like a weed.  I'm amazed at how much she has grown.  And, it would be great if Jacqui joined us for Hawaii.


4 hours ago, marshhawk said:


I've been thinking about our missing @Nickelpenny  maybe if we share our email address with someone who is closest to us, personally or physically, when something goes wonky we can reach out and let someone know. I bet she doesn't realize how much she is missed here.  I hope that she is OK.



Good idea, Annie.  I have your email and if you go missing you can expect to hear from me.  


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THANK YOU for the anniversary ❤️ congratulations and well wishes. 35 years seems like both a long time and just yesterday; how is that possible? 🤷‍♀️

Apologies if I miss anyone.

@StLouisCruisers @JazzyV @smitty34877 @cunnorl @RMLincoln @puppycanducruise @Denise T @cat shepard @Mr. Boston @dfish @Quartzsite Cruiser @Overhead Fred@tupper10 @kazu @Cruising-along @aliaschief @bennybear @grapau27 @Sharon in AZ @quilty964 @ger_77 @luvteaching @ottahand7 @Seasick Sailor @wdw1972 @marshhawk 


DH is trying to fend off a cold before it gets worse, so he's doubling down on Emergen-C and Dayquil. We spent the evening (after he got home from work)  watching Mizzou beat Vanderbilt in OT 🏈 and snuggling w/fur babies. Exciting anniversary celebration, right? 🥴

We would have boarded the Eurodam today, but that cruise became a charter, so we leave next Sat. Now that DH feels puny, it's probably better as it gives him time to get better.

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2 hours ago, dfish said:

Good idea, Annie.  I have your email and if you go missing you can expect to hear from me.

I fully support us checking in on each other, just as we should our physical neighbors. 

And I give approval for those in this group that have my email to reach out to me and share any updates with the rest of the group ❤️

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