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Everything posted by ontheweb

  1. The buses are very convenient. And at the bus stops, there is a board telling you how many minutes it will be until each of the next buses will arrive.
  2. I wonder if you can really go by past experience. Dry dock after covid now has to deal with labor shortages and parts stuck in the pipeline.
  3. I agree on the sculpture park. I would add the Munch Museum.
  4. My earlier prediction that this thread would outlast the show seems to have come true. 🤣
  5. I agree, and it does seem unfortunate. The general tone is "why would I ever want to eat with someone I don't know".
  6. But this thread will live forever, way longer than the show (which is already off of CBS.)
  7. Except this is Princess' IT department, so it is not so hard to imagine. 🤣
  8. And the captain ended up in jail where he rightfully belongs.
  9. The problem with that is your luggage gets to stay on the ship.
  10. I really cannot answer that question as I do not believe they had to take all the standardized tests that the students now have to take.
  11. Actually, their masterpiece ended up being fed to the deer population near her school. I don't think HAL or any other cruise line is into feeding animals. (Please no Carnival jokes here. 🤣) 🤣
  12. I am not surprised by this that many just skipped it. I guess that is a good follow up by NCL for those who think they can get away with skipping the muster drill.
  13. Hey, my DW retired after years and years of being an elementary art teacher. She used to laugh about how much they paid her to "teach fingerpainting". But of course she did more than that. Pre-Covid, she used to take the 6th graders to the Metropolitan Musuem of Art. One year she had a class of students who were not being pulled out for extra help. She had them enter a contest sponsored by the makers of salad dressing. They made Einstein out of vegetables, and won an honorable mention (+money that was supposed to go to the art program, but went instead to the general fund for the school.) (The winner that year made astronauts out of vegetables. The year before the winner made Rosie O'Donnell out of vegetables and were later on her show. And unfortunately, the next year there was no contest.)
  14. I don't really know if there is anyone you can appeal to. I have never heard of a successful appeal. You could just take the private tour for less than Carnival unless you are afraid of not getting back to the ship in time.
  15. Or maybe the opposite will occur. Does anyone remember the episode of the comedy WKRP in Cincinnati in which they tested Dr. Johnny Fever's reflexes as he drank more and more, and they improved the more he drank? 😊
  16. Those who want the new e-muster, want it for convenience, not efficiency in case of a real need to muster. They would just as soon not have one, even more convenient.
  17. If you do get permission from Carnival, make sure you have it in writing, and bring that with you onto the ship.
  18. Our TA tried to get the air deviation when we first booked, but was unable to. He e-mailed back to me that you usually have to wait until 270 days before. Our cruise is next August, and when I reminded him to try again, he did. We are now down for the deviation and a $25 credit each. I repeat, he said 270 days. We are more than 180 days out, but NCL now has us with a flight deviation. If it makes a difference, we are flying to Heathrow from Newark.
  19. OK, I get that. Some people want it, some wanted it gone. As is often said, you can't please everyone.
  20. Quickly tear the pages off your calendar. 🤣
  21. I saw it on the new invoice sent to me by my TA. Each of us had a new $25 credit for air deviation.
  22. If they maintain they were not aware of the policy of the child had to be at least 1 year old for their particular itinerary, I wonder if they might have learned that if they had used a cruise specialist TA. I know it can be found if they had carefully read the cruise contract, but really how many of us actually carefully read every detail of the contract?
  23. Speaking of things of the past and people holding lit cigarettes, sometime in I believe the mid 1980s we flew from NY to San Francisco to attend my youngest brother's wedding. We were in non-smoking but the smoking section was immediately behind us. A couple had lit cigarettes the entire time; they never smoked them, just had them lit and waved them. It was among the worst experiences I have ever had, I felt like I was ready to die. As you said, I am Glad that's a thing of the past. 😊
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