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Everything posted by ontheweb

  1. And their Congressmen's offices will be flooded with complaints.
  2. LOL about getting lost because with my sense of direction it would have also happened to me. I'm sure your wife was worth more as collateral than a cup of coffee and a pastry, but how much do you think they could have got for her? 😊
  3. So the federal government mandated it, but I bet the states were supposed to fund it. OTOH, it serves the states right for what they do to schools with their unfunded mandates.
  4. Yes, they are. But everything else is 1.25 which for us becomes $1.35 if taxable. So the cards are actually 54 cents including tax. Still a bargain.
  5. A TA works for you; an employee of a cruise line works for that cruise line.
  6. I was asked the last time I was at the DMV to renew my license whether I wanted this new form. I asked if there was a charge and was told yes. I then said I had a passport that at the time still had 9 years before renewal, did I need this new license. I was told NO.
  7. We would have loved an overnight in Stockholm, so much to do there! OTOH, we had an overnight in St. Petersburg, and it is a shame that no one will be going there. And of course I agree on Tallinn.
  8. Yes, but they should really change their name to Dollar and a quarter Tree.
  9. You're welcome, and I am also glad it worked. 😊
  10. I think it was the OP who insinuated at happened on the ship, not those of us who have responded to this thread.
  11. Actually, she was prescribed Benadryl, and that somewhat cleared up the problem. Steroids were also prescribed, but she was leery of that and did not do them until we were home and her own physician also prescribed steroids.
  12. I once when the offer showed up and final payment had already been made, bought OBC on HAL and received the credit.
  13. My DW was in the same situation with having dental surgery before a cruise. But then on the cruise she unfortunately learned that she was allergic to the antibiotic that had been prescribed to her. (That's why I always reply not that I am aware of when asked if I have any allergies.)
  14. Quite possibly both. We're sailing on the Prima this summer in Europe. Looking forward to your review.
  15. None in the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, or Iceland. The ad campaign does not say free on selected cruises.
  16. Well, there are none on our upcoming cruise that are anywhere near $50 in price!
  17. Or maybe he met a woman who told him to get naked except leave his socks on! And what transpired after that I will leave to everyone's imagination! Lyrics from the Marshall Tucker Band Oh can't you see Oh can't you see What that WO-MAN did to me
  18. Speaking of "free". NCL advertises "free" excursions as part of their package. Somehow "free" means $50 off for passenger #1. I looked yesterday at the excursions for our Prima cruise next summer London (Southampton) to Reykjavik. And none are close to $50 where they would be free. Almost all are at least triple that amount.
  19. Is blaming the steward and/or the plumber necessary for the police report? The cabin steward is specifically named by the OP in the thread title. I'll bet if you did a poll, you would find near unanimous responses that each and every cabin steward cruisers have encountered have been wonderful.
  20. He had no clothing except his socks which he saved to wave in case he saw the light from a possibe rescuer?????? Does that sound plausible to anyone?
  21. They were not valuable enough to put in the safe, but now that they disappeared, they are valuable. I agree that there is no justification for robbery, but comparing this to sexual assault because another person decides a woman is in their opinion dressed provocatively is an overreach.
  22. I saw a HAL offer added yesterday, but nothing for NCL.
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