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Everything posted by reallyitsmema

  1. If you just booked, it can take a few hours to appear in the app, so just give it time. My app was also showing the incorrect cabin number even though the website showed the correct cabin number. I signed out of the app and then signed back in and the cabin number corrected itself.
  2. That big boy might live on the pool island by the swim up bar because we saw him out there in May. I would say he is an iguana too. There were little lizards out there too.
  3. We don't tend to take the trams as we like to get our steps in. I did use the tram with my Mom though when she sailed with me in 2020. At 83, she did well walking to Chill Beach and the Snack Shack for lunch but we took the tram back as she wanted to see more of the island. We also were able to get her on a shuttle back to the ship as one had just pulled up. Lots for all to do no matter the age. With the zero entry pool, it is easy to walk in or roll in if needed. There are bench seats in the pool around the islands that offer great shade. We like to walk to the pool, cool off for a bit and then move on to South Beach. At the end of the day, we walk from the beach to the pool, cool off again and then continue on to the ship.
  4. Funnel Cake and chicken sandwiches are available at the snack shacks that are clearly marked on the maps that are located all over the island and usually with the staff wearing the ask me shirts. They likely didn't know where a specific food item was sold. You can print a map before you go or get one on ship or on island. The tram routes are also shown on the map. There are also smaller shuttles that operate from the ship to the tram station if walking the pier is too much. Some of those accommodate wheelchairs and scooters. https://www.royalcaribbean.com/content/dam/royal/resources/pdf/perfect-day-at-cococay-wayfinding-map.pdf https://www.royalcaribbean.com/cococay-cruises
  5. It is out on the outside deck on deck 5 and is a glass box with chairs and ashtrays that people think looks like a bus stop. It is just a designated covered smoking area, not really a venue you would visit unless you smoke.
  6. If they are available, they will be under gifts and gear. The ones that they sold last year were really nice and I regret not ordering one. There are other blankets for sale on the ship, but they were of much poorer quality.
  7. Another shocking concept is that it is just not that important to some of us. If I can get clean towels everyday and replenishment of anything else we need (tp, tissues, etc), we are fine. We go on vacation to relax and I am not going to get all worked up about this new policy. If we have issues, we will talk to our cabin steward, if that doesn't work, we will talk to the housekeeping supervisor and/or guest services.
  8. No pricing glitch for me but I am having a cabin issue. Just looked at our upcoming cruise on the app and it is showing the wrong cabin number. Checked the website and it is still showing the correct cabin. I thought I had lost my aft facing balcony! The number the app is showing looked familiar, it is the number for the cabin we had in May on a different ship.
  9. Their date of birth should be entered when you book the cruise, so their age on the ship is 21. You should be able to buy the drink package prior to sailing.
  10. We have not experienced all the excess junk mail since the restart. They aren't even leaving cruise compasses in cabins unless specifically requested. They also do not change sheets everyday, we have only had them changed once in a 7 day cruise.
  11. Well, we will see what they say when we talk to them when they introduce themselves. We are low maintenance, our room is never a mess like some that you see when you walk by them. We don't leave stuff lying around everywhere because I don't like people touching my stuff!
  12. We have only sailed in suites since the change to once a day service, so our upcoming cruise in a balcony will be interesting. We plan to ask the steward to leave us two sets of towels each when they do their daily cleaning. If we need anything, we plan to ask them when we see them in the cabin corridor, just like we always have. I will also bring my barrel to them to empty if it is overflowing. Once a day service is not an issue for us at all and don't expect it to be a problem.
  13. I realize you are trying not to cause a problem, I was just answering the question asked. πŸ™‚ As far as how it impacts the other passengers, shops and casino can not open while in port. The cruise line has not allowed passengers to join down line since the restart. It doesn’t hurt to ask but expect them to say no.
  14. If they don’t tell them, they will hold the ship there for a time, inconveniencing thousands of other passengers.
  15. I wouldn't try but that is me. Are you sure the cabin between yours has the same occupancy? I would expect the one between you to only sleep two. Check the deck plans before you try to make this move.
  16. We have never had issues finding shade, even with two ships there. We usually head to either Chill Beach or South Beach and always find two loungers with an umbrella. We try to get them beside a palm tree for even more shade.
  17. It was great to see her have such a good time! After the rehearsal dinner, she was sitting at a bar, buying drinks for everyone, she was so funny! We had driven to the venues instead of using the shuttles that they had rented, so that I could leave early with her, but she didn't want to leave early lol We brought her home last Sunday, got her settled and she took a 4 hour nap! πŸ˜„ It was great for all the grandkids that don't live near her to see her and all my siblings made sure to see her this week before they left town. Great memories and pictures for all.
  18. My Mom is doing really well, thanks for asking. πŸ™‚ We had a big family wedding last weekend and all my siblings were here. First time we have all been together since 2018. 8 of her 10 grandchildren were also in town. Last one of my siblings is flying out of the country tonight, so she has been busy since last Thursday. We were all amazed at how well she did at the rehearsal dinner and wedding. She was out until after 11pm two nights in a row and was actually dragged up to dance by the bride at the wedding! She was exhausted by the time we brought her home last Sunday after staying at a hotel for two nights. She told me she was surprised at how much fun she had, so that was awesome!
  19. We hadn't been watching the game as we were doing something else but my Mom called, so I sat down to talk to her and then just caught a glimpse of Andrew. We have a DVR so I just rewound it and saw it was Owen too. We kept an eye out after that and saw them a couple of times. I had a similar thing happen this winter with a Bruins game in Florida. A whole gang of my family were there and had sent us selfies. At the end of the game, we saw a guy high fiving everyone that was leaving the game. Turned out it was my brother. NESN had the camera on them because Bruins had won and it was a whole row of Bruins fans, all my relatives, in the Lightnings rink. At least I could send them pictures!
  20. Expect decent air temperatures, could be in the 80's if you are lucky. Water temperatures were too cold for the southerners but not too bad for us. The temperature in the pool was cold though, so we usually just take a quick lap around the pool and go back to the ocean to warm up.
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