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Everything posted by reallyitsmema

  1. Since you didn't receive the information while on the ship, you will have to call the after cruise number at Royal Caribbean for someone to contact the ship and get the information. I am not sure of the UK number though. I would check you paperwork for a UK number. I have been to medical multiple times in the past on Anthem and have been able to get my paperwork from the medical facility.
  2. She didn't get charged for her xray and visit because it would have been on her account whether she had insurance through Royal Caribbean or another travel insurance provider. It is typical for them not to charge for medical if you are injured on the ship. If you did have to pay, it would be on her account and would have to be paid before she left the ship. You would then have to file with your medical insurance company and if they didn't pay it, you then would file with your travel insurance company. No insurance is accepted in the medical facility whether it is your primary insurance at home, Royal's travel insurance or any other insurance provider.
  3. We were on deck 8 and they weren't closing the firedoors at that time, so the noise was loud until around midnight. Not a big deal unless you have an early port day the next day. The person who did the video of 7594 didn't complain about noise.
  4. The issue with 7594 is the noise from the entertainment in the Centrum. The video that is available for this cabin has a decent balcony, about half as deep as this one.
  5. We had JS 1100, a corner aft, on one of our Alaska cruises and we saw dahl's porpoises very, very close to the ship, jumping in the water. We would not have been able to see the ones alongside the ship if we couldn't look straight down. We did see others playing in the wake behind the ship too.
  6. That has not been our experience at all when we sail from Cape Liberty. Lots of kids from Canada, New England and Pennsylvania, as well as the New York/New Jersey area. Our recent roll call had more kids not from the New York/New Jersey area than from that area. I would also expect the week in question to have a lot of kids as the kids sail free constant sale have really increased the numbers.
  7. I wouldn't take 7594 because of the noise from the entertainment in the Centrum. We have sailed in a center hump cabin and it was noisy. 7670 is obstructed by the window washing apparatus.
  8. It doesn't look like this cabin even has a sofa based on the video, just the vanity chair and a stuff chair in the corner. Not sure where you are all seeing a sofa.
  9. They will make you empty the wagon out and put all the carryons through the scanner, so just make sure you don't have a lot of loose stuff in the wagon. Whether they will let you leave the 12 packs in the wagon will depend on the port and the mood of the person you encounter at security.
  10. There are pictures of Symphony 12675 which will be like Harmony. There are some of Oasis too but those will not be the same furnishings as Harmony. I did find a video of 12271 on Harmony which will be the same category as your cabin. It has a chair, no sofa and lots of floor space for the packnplay. https://www.cruisedeckplans.com/DP/deckplans/category-detail.php?c=2328 Edit: just scroll down and you will see the video for 12271.
  11. Do you have a cabin number or did you book a guarantee? We will likely be able to find the layout if you have a cabin number or category. Harmony will have a nightlight in the bathroom. Edit: Here is a video of two different types of interiors and two completely different configurations, so cabin number will help recommendations as you can see there is no way a packnplay fits between the split beds.
  12. If you are planning on two bottles of wine and 12 cans of soda, just put it in a rollaboard so you don't have to carry it. Much easier to roll it instead of having it in a duffle or a backpack.
  13. I bake them too, like they say on the Food Network, there is flavor in the brown! I also think it makes the sauce less greasy baking the meatballs first, rendering some of that fat out.
  14. Yes, you get points for the land tour. If you are sailing in a suite, you get two points per night for the land portion too!
  15. They need a foreign port, they can't go from Seattle to Hawaii directly because of the PVSA.
  16. Natalia and Claudine were on Oasis May 7th. Not sure if they are still on the ship now,
  17. The zipline on the Oasis class ships is less than a ten second ride. While people are in the harness longer than that, especially if they do multiple rides, there isn't much time to chafe.
  18. We enjoyed CK all week long too. It was great running into your family and seeing what a good time your girls were having. Hope to run into you again on a future cruise. 🙂
  19. We ran into you guys almost everyday! It was just my DH and I, he has a beard and mustache. If you are who I think you are, we spoke to you the first day in CK after a woman sitting in the corner was going on and on about loud kids. We all laughed because she was the loud one! Your Mom had glasses and was in the cabin beside us. Small world. 🙂
  20. Was it just the four of you traveling or did you also have one set of grandparents with you? We met a few families in CK with kids around the ages you have said yours are including one group that was also on deck 8. I am wondering if that was you guys.
  21. Anthem out of Cape Liberty is very casual. Lots of shorts once the ship gets farther south. Interesting they enforce the recommendations on your side of the pond. 🙂
  22. It is a gorgeous day out, why don't you go take a walk around the pond or go to the zoo? It is a good way to open the mind.....
  23. 2,000 kids on an Oasis class ship is not unusual at all. With the kids sail free promotion happening almost continually, large numbers of kids is now the norm.
  24. Sail the larger ships and you will see that your information is way off.
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