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Everything posted by phabric

  1. I have interested reading your other reviews. I will be following along on your Celebrity cruises.
  2. It is Premier Inn West Quay, most people stay. There is another Premier Inn City Center further away from the port. I have stayed at Premier Inn West Quay 5x and 1x at Holiday Inn Herbert Walker.
  3. I posted on #11 what was showed on the webinar. I found Carmen Roig on Facebook and follow her when she posts a new webinar
  4. Do you tip them? Would they give you a small tour around San Juan like the trolley did? Or, is it go from point A to point B and get out?
  5. You need to have their Captain Circle number for each person. The $100/pp goes on your credit card.
  6. I know I am booking through EzAir for WestJet. . I prefer to use WestJet instead of operated by Delta.
  7. Yesterday on Carmen Roig’s webinar, she announced effective April (I think April 5) that FCD will only be good for 1 year. If you have FCD before that date, your FCD will still be good for 2 years.
  8. That is what I thought better to book with WestJet
  9. I was on the same excursion, the small boat had a bathroom and we have lunch - Salad, pasta salad, chicken strips, cookie, apple, unlimited water, coke, beer $.
  10. EzAir has these options I am thinking about - Jan 31, 2024 Delta YYZ to FLL 11am to 2:18pm Delta 7188 operated by Westjet Westjet #1232 YYZ to FLL 11am to 2:18pm Delta is cheaper by $31, not a lot of money With Delta operated with Westjet, - Do we check in with Delta or Westjet? Is it better to go with Westjet the operator of the flight compared to Delta?
  11. The 2023 rates came out mid Dec 2022. Book a refundable hotel now for your date and when ValueTrips 2024 rates comes out and you receive your confirmation email from them then cancel your other booking. I had booked direct with Hyatt Place for Feb 2023. When 2023 prices came out mid Dec 2022 with ValueTrips, I booked for Feb 2023, it took about 10 days (over Holidays) for my email confirming my ValueTrip price. I cancelled my direct booking with Hyatt Place
  12. I stayed at Athens Gate, recommended on Cruise Cruise. The hotel has a restaurant and is close to the HOHO bus. I used www.welcomepickups.com from airport to hotel and hotel to port the next day.
  13. I think you are talking about www.internationalfriends.co.uk
  14. If you go in August, the ship will have a late departure in Glasgow, you are able to go to the Edinburgh Tattoo. Highly recommend
  15. I had booked EzAir on Air Canada, non stop the Friday after the end of our cruise. I received the itinerary change message, it turns our Air Canada had cancelled the non stop flight on the Friday. A few days later, EzAir had put me on the Saturday non stop flight with Air Canada.p with the same seats. My cousins were on the same flights. She kept checking their flights and it still showed “an itinerary change message”. About 2 weeks later, she called EzAir direct when they opened up and explained that their flights had not changed and my flights had changed. EzAir agent was able to change their flight with the same seats and booking number.
  16. Go for a mini suite, parents have the queen bed and the 4 yr on the sofa bed plus there is a bathtub in a mini suite.
  17. Just returned March 2 from 10 day Panama Canal on the Caribbean Princess - FLL-FLL. While in line outside Port Everglades port, a port agent, came along the line saying everyone had to a passport for this cruise, No birth certificate, driver’s license, would be accepted
  18. I have used them for a post cruise tour from Southampton to my London hotel and Dover to my London hotel. I highly recommend them. The guide would talk on the drive and once at one of the stops, we were on our own and he would tell us time to return to the bus.
  19. I can’t remember the actual time we arrived at LHR (2pm ?), I know we had plenty of time to go through security, sit, wait and walk to the gate before our boarding time for our 5:05pm flight. The guide on the Princess bus, said we had time and we stopped and got out of the bus and walked to the outside of the Salisbury church. We also drove near Windsor area. I was surprised we did Salisbury and it was not in the excursion details, maybe we were too early for Stonehenge? On the Princess post Stonehenge excursion, I bought a sausage roll and drink at Stonehenge cafe. On the International Friends tour, with stops at Salisbury, Stonehenge and Windsor, we were told there was no time for a stop for lunch. They said you can purchase food at the Salisbury stop which would take time away from the sights. We had taken baggies from home and took some sandwiches the day before and put in the refrigerator overnight from the ship. We ate the sandwiches while waiting for others at Stonehenge or could eat anytime on the bus. On the International Friends tour, at the Windsor stop, they moved the luggage of the people staying at London hotels to a small van instead of the big bus. We arrived at our London hotel around 5-6pm. The people going to LHR and LHR hotels, stayed on the big bus and probably would have arrived about the same time.
  20. Across from Club Fusion on deck 7, there are 3 large screen for the digital casino games and 3 stools, I believe that is Ocean Casino Cove. I never saw anybody there on my recent 10 days Caribbean Princess cruise.
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