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Everything posted by d9704011

  1. Yes, and here is a statement from Turkey Government website... https://www.evisa.gov.tr/en/info/do-i-need-an-e-visa-if-i-am-on-a-cruise-ship/
  2. I don't believe there will ever be a nuclear powered cruise ship but the discussion is interesting. In addition to steam turbo-electric power generation, the use of fuel cells (batteries) to store energy for other on-demand purposes other than main propulsion would likely be a feature.
  3. Nuclear powered ships would likely be unwelcome guests in many cruise ship destinations; either formally (as in not permitted to enter the port) or socially (a target of anti-nuclear activism). Not an especially good way to run a cruise/travel industry.
  4. The cabins are often constructed and fitted in pairs. They are not rectangular but have bump-outs to shape them for desks, chairs/sofas and beds. To make it all work for the two cabin pair to be rectangular they need this alternating shape arrangement.
  5. I get your point but the comparison between the escalation of the cost of filet mignon and the overall cost of a cruise doesn't hold much water. After all, food is only one part of the cruise line's cost and they purchase it a lot differently than a passenger does at the grocery store.
  6. If you're flying in on or after October 1, the ArriveCAN app is optional. The 'time savings' referred to is related to pre-filing your customs declaration. It's estimated this may save you all of about 40 seconds unless you're planning on bringing large amounts of currency, fruits and vegetables or stolen art!
  7. Probably why the CBSA officer didn't want to see your ArriveCAN submission... already had everything linked to your passport. If you hadn't done it, you very likely would have had a much different border-crossing experience.
  8. Lots, but I guess you're not considering COVID....
  9. We have been on both ships more than once. Celebrty Edge is a beautiful ship but my preference is Celebrity Equinox. I like veradah cabins and being to sit outdoors; those are in short supply on Edge and with window controls being remote, it's possible that the 'open air' experience won't be readily available.
  10. I don't know about the cost of the food but we got off the Celebrity Reflection this morning after a 10 day cruise and thought the quality of the food and meal preparation in MDR and buffet to be top-notch. We did not go to any specialty restaurants.
  11. Princess isn't alone. Celebrity and NCL have similar requirement... probably others, I didn't check
  12. There are all kinds of CDC websites that address this 'kind' of thing but much of it boils down to SHOULD do this, that or the other thing related to isolation and travel. If you test positive prior to arrival in Bermuda (let's not debate whether this is strictly required by Bermuda... that's a different topic), you'll likely be put in isolation immediately and will probably spend enough time there that the ship's medical team can give you, hopefully, a clean bill of health prior to disembarking in the US. If you're not cleared (and don't need additional medical assistance) by the time you get to the US, the guidance is for you to isolate further. Now, this is where it comes down to your own personal convictions on travel... you can isolate for a few more days or you can spin a little story to get on the airplane without knowing your exact status. Whether your passport is flagged by US CBP upon arrival in the US, I don't know.... that would be a complicated administrative matter. Have a look at this and keep clicking on links until you get an answer you like, then stop looking. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/index.html#can-i-travel
  13. The RCMP and CBSA will hound you mercilessly. Probably, next time you try to cross the Canadian border, there will be untold questions to answer and forms to be filled out.... in triplicate!!
  14. I doubt there will be any particular penalties but the whole clearance inwards could get confused and held up as the immigration officers work through things. I very obviously don't know but you have to believe that having a number of incorrect sunmissions won't speed things up. Hopefully, people will at least choose a port in British Columbia.
  15. Of course it matters. Your first call in Canada is Prince Rupert... so enter Prince Rupert.
  16. The testing window is pre-embarkation, not the date you arrive in Canada.
  17. You are more likely to get the sun on the port side for this crossing. I don't like aft cabins due to vibration (fussy). Also, being amidships will be a little better if you run i to bad weather... won't pitch and heave as much.
  18. We are boarding Celebrity Reflection at noon on 16 September. The Celebrity rules are pretty clear for cruises visiting Greece... a RAT done within 48 hours of boarding (different for PCR). So, we will do those at FCO upon arrival on 15 Sept or at our hotel in Civi later in the afternoon. Previously, the rule was two days and I had an appointment to get these done in Ottawa before leaving... I could have kept the appointment and technically complied with the 48 hour business but that may have involved a lengthy and, perhaps fruitless, discussion involving time zones. With Princess, it is still two days for fully vaccinated. So, if your cruise leaves on a Saturday you can test anytime beginning Thursday.
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