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Lost Luggage - What Happened? How To Avoid?


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On our first cruise we sailed out of Puerto Rico, due to being a "newbie" we opted to be safe and opted for cruise line transfers from the airport to the ship.


We landed in PR and were met by an NCL rep. that put us in a group and sent our luggage elsewhere on a cart, fortunately when we were walking to our bus I saw our flourescent ribbon luggage on a cart going onto a huge truck with a sign on the truck window that was NOT the Millenium that we were sailing on - a ton of luggage was about to go on the wrong ship.


Since then, at all ports, I follow my luggage onto the cart that I am sure is for my ship.


A few weeks ago we sailed out of Manhattan, our NY cab driver was actually unfamiliar with the port. Cruisers are dropped off on the street in front of the port, I followed our bags to the correct cart. Being on the front of the ship, I watched the arrivals and saw mass chaos and confusion with cruisers, joggers, and a lot of honking and brakes squealing.


Two days into the cruise, we received the famous "Have you seen this luggage" notice. SIX Suitcases and one garment bag were pictured! With the unfamiliar cruise lines in this port, I envisioned some luggage lost for months.


So now my curiosity is really peaked:


** Have you lost luggage?


** Where did your luggage go?


** How long did it take to get lost bags back?


** Did you ever see your lost bags again?


** What did the CL do for you?


** How did you cope without your luggage on the cruise?


** What else can I do to avoid this happening to me?

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We always fly in a day or more before the cruise. Ideally more.


Luggage can be lost by the airline so arriving early provides time for hopefully your luggage to be located before the start of the cruise.


We spread clothes into multiple bags so that if one bag is lost we still have other items.


I would avoid the transfers and take my own transportation.



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Many years ago we arrived at Paris Orly airport and retrieved all but 1 bag from the carousel. WE looked around for help - there was NO ONE there. After a bit my husband went into a back room and there was our lost bag - it apparently arrived on an earlier flight.


A year later in Scotland we were short 1 bag which fortunately was delivered to us the next day.


After that, I figured we had used up all of our grace and the next bag would be lost FOREVER.


Ever since then we do not check bags - carry-on only no matter how long or short the trip.

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I have not lost my luggage, knock on wood. most ports are not mass chaos, though I can imagine the scene if multiple ships were embarking from an urban port with passengers dropped off some distance from the specific ship.


To avoid problems, I double tag my bags. I try to include enough absolute necessities in my carry one so I could survive a day or two without my checked bag. If my bag still did not appear, I'd have to buy some things and do laundry. I try to make sure my carry one bag contains things that would be hardest to replace on the ship or in foreign ports (ladies undergarments and swimwear, select cosmetics, hemmed slacks for example). T shirts, shorts and flip-flops are easier to replace.

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Our first cruise we went out of New Orleans and we drove to the port from Alabama. No problems with luggage lost or mix up as only one ship in port to place luggage on. Second cruise we went out of Miami and several ships all docked at port ready for luggage and passengers-should have been warning to us of possible mix ups! We left our luggage at gate to port and boarded ship. That night everyones luggage(seven of us traveling) except for one of mine arrived at their stateroom. I was left without any dress clothes and most of my shorts, pants, and tops! We found out that my suitcase went on another cruise ship going in the opposite direction of ours. Carnival gave me a 250.00 cash to make up for this which helped a little, but who wanted to go shopping for clothes on the first stop in the Bahamas. My friend went into port and got me a couple of linen tops and pants and a few t shirts. I was not happy with having a make do, but I did!

Next cruise we went out of New York and I was very careful to pack everything that I could not do without in my carryon as my carryon never leaves my side! We had no luggage missing this trip! Our next trip was a 5 day landtour followed by 7 day cruise in Italy. I made sure that I packed everything that I considered absolutely a necessity in my carryon again-which is now my standard way to pack. No problems on this trip with luggage either! I really put a lot of thought in to packing now that I have had a luggage mishap-so maybe that is one good thing to come out of a lost luggage experience!

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I always worry about luggage on a change of plane journey and we have had the occasional bag go missing....some years ago now and they did turn up.

We have not lost a bag from pier to ship or ship to pier....however we did see 3 bags go in the water last Christmas Eve in San Diego...my guess is they didn't tip the porters.;)

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We always cross-pack....something for me and something for hubby in EACH suitcase! Of course, anything you CANNOT do without should be carried on...medications, jewelry, expensive electronics should never be in a "checked" bag...ever.


ONLY the airline's tags should be on the bag, and you should put your name and cell phone # (and itinerary) into an unlocked, outside pocket of each suitcase. That way, they can contact you should your bags get lost....they'll know your cell #!


On our last cruise, everything except 1 of our bags made it to the cabin prior to dinner. The last bag didn't arrive until almost bedtime....I'd given it up for missing! Had it not arrived, it wouldn't have been the end of the world, due to the cross-packing....we each had enough clothes to "make it thru" without the other bag.

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We a;lways cross pack and never have a his and a hers suitcase. Some of my things are in his bag and vice versa. I put duplicate cruise line tags on every bag. If one falls off, there is a back up.

I put a copy of our full itinerary in front pocket of every bag as well as lay one flat on top of each inside when I finish packing.

I enter my cell number on it. No sense giving a home or business phone number if you aren't going to be there.

Most of all...... at the port, I am super courteous to the stevedore, smile and nicely request (s)he take really good care of our bags. I always tip at least $20 bill. (We always have at least 3 bags.) I think of that tip as well spent when the bags always arrive.


In over 80+ cruises, SO FAR, we have always gotten our luggage promptly. I hope that continuers.

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I've told this story here before, but yes, I've gotten on a ship with no luggage (flying in day before, but flight was canceled, we got on another flight as stand-bys and luggage was on original plane.) Here's what to do:


- Put your cruise luggage tags on your bags before you check them. Do not worry about damaging or losing the tags, the cruise line has more if you need them when you get to the port. It's important that your luggage be easily identifiable by other people as stuff that should be on your ship.


- File the lost luggage paperwork with the airline before leaving the airport.


- Have all the paperwork in your hand when you are checking in and boarding the ship. Tell the staff who check you in and give you a room key what's happened. If you think your luggage might get to the airport before the ship sails, ask if there's anyone handling transfers at the airport who could look for it.


- If you have time before heading to the ship, you can taxi to Walmart or Target or some other large store and buy what you need to get you to the first port. The cruise line will probably offer you a little clothing and some sundries, but selection is going to be limited and it's nice to have the brand of toothpaste and hair spray that you're used to.

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We also cross pack over 4 suitcases. I always make certain that we are at the right gate -- all suitcases have luggage tags on them -- both cruise lines and our own.

So far we have never had a piece of luggage lost -- not even by the airlines.

But one time a few years ago several passengers on our cruise were without luggage for most of the cruise -- 22 days. We sailed out of San Diego. There was another HAL ship and people didn't pay attention as to whom to give their luggage to. We knew that we had to go to "tent" pier. To make a long story short -- some peoples luggage got on the ship that sailed to Hawaii. So that luggage was on that ship until 5 days later when they got to Hawaii. Some of the luggage made it to our ship by day 7. But not all luggage was put onto the same plane and some kept arriving after we had been to a port -- that was why some people never got their luggage until the cruise was nearly over. HAL gave each person $100 shipboard credit to spend on getting a few pieces of clothing. HAL shops do not have a lot sizes or items to choose from.

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We just spent three weeks in Europe with no luggage. We flew the day of Lufthansa's strike. Frankfurt luggage was a disaster. It didn't make the connecting flight. Two days later they still didn't know where it was and we had to board the ship. They finally delivered it to the hotel we stayed at our first night in Europe. We were reunited with it our last night of vacation before flying home

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As others have posted we cross pack and make sure that we carry all necessary items in our carry-ons just in case the luggage is lost. We'll pack in the carry-on clothes to fit all occasions and can do laundry on board if we have to. BTW Hi neighbor, I'm from Tracy too. :)

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A long time ago, we once flew to Hawaii and our luggage went to Australia. It was a land vacation and we got it back in two days, so it wasn't too bad. We made do with just a few small purchases. Luckily, we've never lost luggage on a cruise.


All absolute essentials are in our carry-ons. I know we should cross-pack, but we don't. I might be a little bit crazy, but I think it might be kind of fun to do a speed shopping trip with any money they gave us, but only if we had a day before the cruise or stopped at a port the first day. It would not be fun on a Transatlantic!


I wish we'd gone to Australia with the bags!

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We use to tip the porter on the dock to take our luggage directly to the cabin, now days that is not possible. We still tip the porter and stick around to make sure luggage goes in the right bin for our ship.


We handle our own air and ground transportation directly. We try to book direct flights as much as possible. We would rather keep our luggage with us in a taxi vs use a ship transfer.


We have had luggage delayed twice, since we go a couple of days in advance we had time to get it before we boarded.


So we have been lucky. We generally pack two carryon so that we have something to wear if luggage goes astry.

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Couple years ago, used the luggage express at the Grand Floridian in Disney.

Straight non-stop flight MCO to Cleveland.

All but one piece of luggage arrived.

Two weeks later it appeared, On our doorstep at home with many bumps and bruises.

Apparently the airlines said, it fell off the belt at MCO and was hidden on the underground railway. (whatever)

Could you imagine if it was on our way to vacation:eek:

Yeah it was a land vacation and you can replace clothes but, finding reasonably price comfy clothes would be a challenge.

Thank God it did not happen when we were cruising.

Safe travels.

Sue and crew

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I have never lost luggage on any travels, but twice I have had bags delayed by 12-24 hours....Both those instances were land travels and the airline delivered my bag to me the next day. I haven't had my bag lost or delayed on any trip that included a cruise, though. It's not the end of the world to have to buy a toothbrush and a clean t-shirt because of a bag delay, and it really didn't bother my vacation at all. It would have been a much costlier experience if my bag actually got lost, or was delayed for several days.

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Yep!! It happened to us, but on the back end. There we were waiting in the lounge until the last minute before leaving the ship. We did not wish to be in the "mass exodus". All bags except the one with ALL of DH's clothes was MIA. We walked that entire 3/4 empty terminal at least a dozen times with and without cruiseline and terminal reps. Finally, we filled out a "lost form" in a terminal office. Unwillingly, we got into the vehicle (car service) and took the long 2 1/2 hour ride back to the shores of South Jersey.

After fretting for about 2 hours, a cruise line rep phoned us to say that our bag (his ) had been located. The bag was in the company of a nice family in north Jersey and would be returned the next day via private car service. True to word it was returned with the lock still intact and the fancy bandana proudly flapping in the breeze.

No matter how outrageous you outfit a bag, it can still be taken by mistaken.

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We haven't lost any luggage while going on a cruise, but when we sailed from Citivecchia the airline managed to leave a whole luggage cart behind on the runway when we came home.

Fifty-odd people at Gatwick lining up at the lost-luggage desk!

Having said that, they did deliver our luggage by private transport to our home the next day.

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SIX Suitcases and one garment bag


Thinking about this today, I realized that 7 bags it's a relatively small number, given the number of passengers and bags that they handle. Well, at least compared to the airlines........In the US, airlines lose about 4 bags per 1000 passengers (significantly lower than in past years), and we know not all of those passengers will have checked bags. But on a large cruise ship there will likely be close to twice that many passengers, and virtually all of them will have at least one, possibly 2 checked bags. So 7/5000 (or so) on your cruise is far better than the airline average of 4/1000.


The big difference is that many of those airline passengers are going to locations where buying replacements for the lost or delayed items is a lot easier than it is for cruise ship passengers.

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I prepare two sets of tags. Run a strip of clear box tape down the middle, fold, punch a hole in the end and attach them with nylon zip ties. (don't use cheap plastic ties).


I do put cruise tags on before leaving home. Airlines tag the handles. My tags go on the rings that attach the handle to the bag. (there are times where the airline tag comes off while going thru the equipment).


I place the extra tags and ties into my carry on bag. I also place a page with our trip info and my cell number in the bag. Both outside pocket and on top of everything inside the bag.


Might be a bit of overkill and it is more work and ink, however, have never had anything lost. What ever happens, the bag knows where it is going. :cool:

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