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Poor Service from Royal Caribbean

Jimmy Bear

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Hey everyone. I am a veteran cruiser and usually cruise with RCL (Royal Caribbean Cruise lines) and had a problem on board a few months ago. I have had a few minor problems with RCL in the past and they always worked it out to my satisfaction. I have been going back and forth with their customer service and all I get is the standard "so sorry" but no real answer or solution. I have asked that it be esculated to higher level and was assured that it would be but has not. I am a member of their Crown and anchor Society with many cruises with RCL. This does not seem to matter. My question is is there someone out there that is a current/former customer service rep that can point me in the right direction to get this sent to a higher level. Thanks everyone.

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When you call Customer Service, ask to speak to Resolutions.


Also do a search on the RCI boards. The CEO's email is floating around....although it's not actually read by him....people do seem to get some problems resolved that way.

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What level are you in C&A. It may matter, at least in terms of the timeliness of the response.


Also, you may want to post this on the RCL boards. I'm sure lots of folks there can help or offer other advice.

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Thanks for all theanswersI did not put the full story since I figured most would not want to read it but I guess everyone likes a juicy story so here goes. I purchased a beverage package (Coke) and was issued a insulated cup. You are also issued a sea pass card with a Coca-Cola logo on the card to show that you have paid for the package. I intended to catch a theater show and the closest place to fill the cup was at the casino bar. I

sat the cup on the bar and showed a bartender my sea pass card and asked for a regular Coke. He commenced telling me "I've never seen you" and "I've never met you". I told him I didn't know that we needed a formal introduction for me to get a Coke. Well the bartender exploded after this. He became so loud that the people in the casino could hear him above the casino noise. I asked him to get his supervisor which he refused. I left the casino, with an empty cup and headache directly to the customer service desk. There asked to speak to the beverage manager and was told he was unavailable. I was asked to tell my story there which I did. I never got to speak to anyone in management during the cruise. Once I returned home I filled out the post cruise survey and also contacted customer service. I received an e-mail back from customer service with a standard apology. I continued to pursue this because I was not happy with the standard answer I was told this would be sent to his supervisor. 3 weeks later I am still waiting. I offered a solution that would not cost them one cent and they refused. And yes I did have others in my party that witnessed this guy go ballistic for no real reason.

Royal Caribbean could have saved a loyal cruiser that cruises at least 2 times a year. I now have booked my next cruise on Norwegian, I will see how they treat customers. Thanks every one for listening, I feel a little better already.

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While I do sincerely sympathize with the treatment you received from this one bartender, I'm not sure what you are looking for other than a sincere apology which it seems you have already received. Just let it go already. They do read the comment cards and I'm sure this employee will be appropriately reprimanded. You are not going to receive a free cruise or his head on a platter.

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While I do sincerely sympathize with the treatment you received from this one bartender, I'm not sure what you are looking for other than a sincere apology which it seems you have already received. Just let it go already. They do read the comment cards and I'm sure this employee will be appropriately reprimanded. You are not going to receive a free cruise or his head on a platter.

I also agree with this comment and would have to ask what kind of resolution are you expecting from Royal Caribbean? You say you did receive an apology from a representative on the phone and an email with an apology. What more do you expect?

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Thanks for all theanswersI did not put the full story since I figured most would not want to read it but I guess everyone likes a juicy story so here goes. I purchased a beverage package (Coke) and was issued a insulated cup. You are also issued a sea pass card with a Coca-Cola logo on the card to show that you have paid for the package. I intended to catch a theater show and the closest place to fill the cup was at the casino bar. I

sat the cup on the bar and showed a bartender my sea pass card and asked for a regular Coke. He commenced telling me "I've never seen you" and "I've never met you". I told him I didn't know that we needed a formal introduction for me to get a Coke. Well the bartender exploded after this. He became so loud that the people in the casino could hear him above the casino noise. I asked him to get his supervisor which he refused. I left the casino, with an empty cup and headache directly to the customer service desk. There asked to speak to the beverage manager and was told he was unavailable. I was asked to tell my story there which I did. I never got to speak to anyone in management during the cruise. Once I returned home I filled out the post cruise survey and also contacted customer service. I received an e-mail back from customer service with a standard apology. I continued to pursue this because I was not happy with the standard answer I was told this would be sent to his supervisor. 3 weeks later I am still waiting. I offered a solution that would not cost them one cent and they refused. And yes I did have others in my party that witnessed this guy go ballistic for no real reason.

Royal Caribbean could have saved a loyal cruiser that cruises at least 2 times a year. I now have booked my next cruise on Norwegian, I will see how they treat customers. Thanks every one for listening, I feel a little better already.


Oh, my! This is truly a horrible thing to have happen to you. I cannot imagine how a cruise line can allow themselves to employ one crew member who won't kiss the ground you walk on. I would immediately contact the James Walker of Walker and O'Neill - he's the lawyer that Faux News often interviews to sensationalize a cruise line story - and hire him to sue RCI for everything you can get out of them. No one should have to endure the torture and indignity you were subjected to. I cannot imagine how embarrassing it must have been to walk around with an empty cup with everyone staring at you as if you were some kind of troublemaker. I sincerely hope you make enough in settlement money to be able to purchase your own ship so you can staff it with people you can order around with complete satisfaction.

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Thanks for all theanswersI did not put the full story since I figured most would not want to read it but I guess everyone likes a juicy story so here goes. I purchased a beverage package (Coke) and was issued a insulated cup. You are also issued a sea pass card with a Coca-Cola logo on the card to show that you have paid for the package. I intended to catch a theater show and the closest place to fill the cup was at the casino bar. I

sat the cup on the bar and showed a bartender my sea pass card and asked for a regular Coke. He commenced telling me "I've never seen you" and "I've never met you". I told him I didn't know that we needed a formal introduction for me to get a Coke. Well the bartender exploded after this. He became so loud that the people in the casino could hear him above the casino noise. I asked him to get his supervisor which he refused. I left the casino, with an empty cup and headache directly to the customer service desk. There asked to speak to the beverage manager and was told he was unavailable. I was asked to tell my story there which I did. I never got to speak to anyone in management during the cruise. Once I returned home I filled out the post cruise survey and also contacted customer service. I received an e-mail back from customer service with a standard apology. I continued to pursue this because I was not happy with the standard answer I was told this would be sent to his supervisor. 3 weeks later I am still waiting. I offered a solution that would not cost them one cent and they refused. And yes I did have others in my party that witnessed this guy go ballistic for no real reason.

Royal Caribbean could have saved a loyal cruiser that cruises at least 2 times a year. I now have booked my next cruise on Norwegian, I will see how they treat customers. Thanks every one for listening, I feel a little better already.

A bartender yelled at you in the casino and no other casino employee came forward? People usually come out of the woodwork when there is a commotion anywhere.

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....I left the casino, with an empty cup and headache ....


As in most situations, there are two sides to every story. I sure would like to hear the other side, as the OP's side of the story seems a bit over the top. Speaking of headaches - I got one trying to believe this story.

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Too bad a bartender tried to start a conversation - possibly lacking full fluency in English language small talk (the odds are very strong that he was not from the US) - and very sophisticated of you to come down on him for daring to speak to you before serving you.


It is good that you have the time to pursue the matter long past the cruise ended, and we all hope that you receive the compensation you seek.


By the way, just what sort of compensation do you feel will make you whole?

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Tell me that your cabin A/C doesn't work and I will be sympathetic. Tell me that you got food poisoning and I will be sympathetic. Tell me that your cabin toilet did not work for several days and I will be sympathetic. But tell me that a bartender gave you a hard time and I will say, "get over it" and more on. Little things like this are not worth getting upset and having it ruin your day...and are certainly not worth all the trouble to write to the cruise line. You should have written this up on your cruise evaluation form (they take those very seriously) but that is the end of it.



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No offense, but you probably would have been better off not giving the details of your situation. The initial impression is that you had a legitimate problem.


I would not even bother the resolutions department with this - the most they can (or should) do is echo the apology you already received.


Enjoy NCL.

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If you are waiting for RCI to tell you that the bartender was fired, or that the bartender/beverage manager was disciplined, please don't. There is no business nowadays that will reveal any disciplinary action that they may or may not have taken.


Because you did not get a response does not mean that they did not do anything to stop the issue from happening again.

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No offense, but you probably would have been better off not giving the details of your situation.


I was thinking that before he even wrote it. ;)


I have to admit though, I also found the complaint a little anticlimactic.

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While I do sincerely sympathize with the treatment you received from this one bartender, I'm not sure what you are looking for other than a sincere apology which it seems you have already received. Just let it go already. They do read the comment cards and I'm sure this employee will be appropriately reprimanded. You are not going to receive a free cruise or his head on a platter.


Exactly! :D

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No offense, but you probably would have been better off not giving the details of your situation. The initial impression is that you had a legitimate problem.


LOL! But agreed.


OP, forgive me, but I do not believe a bartended yelled at you in anger. I just don't. And you have been advised on how to handle this by several veteran members here. I suggest you do it, and do not post about it anymore - no offense intended... it's just that sometimes when we elaborate, we lose some credibility. *shrug*



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I'm a retired law enforcement officer. A few months ago I applied for a part time retail job to keep me occupied. One day while walking down an aisle in the store a customer was in the same aisle walking with his cart towards me. He told me to move out of his way. I told him,did he ever hear of the saying move to the right of the way. He told me he was the customer and he was going to have me fired. I told him lets find a supervisor and see where this goes. The old bag got upset and walked away. He's lucky I wasn't still in law enforcement. In reference to the incident with the bar waiter I wouldn't sweat it. Everyone is entitled to have a bad day. Some people complain about everything! It's in their genes.

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I was thinking that before he even wrote it. ;)


I have to admit though, I also found the complaint a little anticlimactic.


Umm, do you notice anything "weird" about this story? Or the OP for that matter....

I'm telling you, this is the same poster that posted the "unbelievable cruiser" post! Look at the names..

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Umm, do you notice anything "weird" about this story? Or the OP for that matter....

I'm telling you, this is the same poster that posted the "unbelievable cruiser" post! Look at the names..


I think you are right - sure has the same "literary style" and B.S. scent as tommyj4.


How did you make the connection?

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It seems mighty strange that most of you that post seem to know the situation as you were there which you probably were not. I appriciate that you all assume to know me so well that you write things that are untrue or unjust. I can bet that if some one at your hometown theater or grocery treated you as I was treated you would not just walk away with a smile on your face. If the rolls were reversed and I had been the person yelling like an idiot I would be in the lock up until the next port at which time I would either be put ashore or turned over to the locals. Most of you assume that I was seeking compensation, well I was not, and would not accept it if offered. The person posted I did not give the barkeep a chance to speak before comming down on him, all I asked for was a Coke, but thanks to all for assuming anything. I worked my way up from cleaning toilets so dont think I dont know about bad days. I greeted him with respect and expected the same from him, just as I did from every one on this board. I did not seek any other advise than what I got from my initial post, for that Thanks. For the rest of you that gave smart aleck answers, opinions are like ass holes every one has one, but sometimes it is best not to disply it.

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It seems mighty strange that most of you that post seem to know the situation as you were there which you probably were not. I appriciate that you all assume to know me so well that you write things that are untrue or unjust. I can bet that if some one at your hometown theater or grocery treated you as I was treated you would not just walk away with a smile on your face. If the rolls were reversed and I had been the person yelling like an idiot I would be in the lock up until the next port at which time I would either be put ashore or turned over to the locals. Most of you assume that I was seeking compensation, well I was not, and would not accept it if offered. The person posted I did not give the barkeep a chance to speak before comming down on him, all I asked for was a Coke, but thanks to all for assuming anything. I worked my way up from cleaning toilets so dont think I dont know about bad days. I greeted him with respect and expected the same from him, just as I did from every one on this board. I did not seek any other advise than what I got from my initial post, for that Thanks. For the rest of you that gave smart aleck answers, opinions are like ass holes every one has one, but sometimes it is best not to disply it.



It seems mighty strange that you would take such offense as we were just giving our opinion, as you've just given yours.

Sorry, I find your story very hard to believe. Again, that's just my view. You have every right to have yours. :rolleyes:

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