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State Department Advisory of 11/23/15


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The State Department just issued an advisory today for American citizens concerning worldwide travel, which will expire on February 24, 2016. Is anyone concerned about this with regard to an upcoming cruise? We're supposed to leave on a cruise Feb. 26, and I'm wondering how worried I should be. Any opinions?

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The State Department just issued an advisory today for American citizens concerning worldwide travel, which will expire on February 24, 2016. Is anyone concerned about this with regard to an upcoming cruise? We're supposed to leave on a cruise Feb. 26, and I'm wondering how worried I should be. Any opinions?



Not sure where you live, but the driving at that time of year can be very dangerous. Use caution getting to your airport and/or to the pier - that will be the riskiest part of your journey.

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Sure people will say that driving is more dangerous and so on. But then again there is probably nothing in this world that is going to keep some people from travelling. Fear is a sensible reaction when faced with Isis in my opinion and I would not travel if I really dont need to if a warning has been given. Risktaking and stupidity do go together. Fear is the reaction that protects us. I dont think that Isis wins if we feel fear. Isis certainly wins if we dont feel fear and so dont protect ourself. In my opinion they dont really care what we feel as long a lot of cristians are dead. They probably just like the rush they get from killing as they become martyrs. The money supply which is oil just has to be cut out whatever the costs. And that wont be pretty.


But then again I do live in Europe and I would assume that taking a caribbean cruise and many other cruises too would be very safe. It so much depends where you go. And didnt someone point out that blowing up a cruiseship is much harder than blowing up an aeroplane?

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It's a reminder to use good judgement and be conscious when traveling but it will not alter our travel plans.
Completely agree. Too many folks want black and white absolutes - you will be save, you will not be safe. Except there is a lot of gray and there's a need for.....drumroll......judgement.


Take the information presented by many sources. Evaluate the validity of the information, along with any biases of the presenter. Determine what YOUR risk tolerance is, add in your evaluation of the data and make an independent decision for what is right FOR YOU!!


If there is vague information given to you, regard that differently than specific information. Factor in your own personal knowledge. Then do what is the best for your life, your situation, your comfort level.

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Sure people will say that driving is more dangerous and so on. But then again there is probably nothing in this world that is going to keep some people from travelling. Fear is a sensible reaction when faced with Isis in my opinion and I would not travel if I really dont need to if a warning has been given. Risktaking and stupidity do go together. Fear is the reaction that protects us. I dont think that Isis wins if we feel fear. Isis certainly wins if we dont feel fear and so dont protect ourself. In my opinion they dont really care what we feel as long a lot of cristians are dead. They probably just like the rush they get from killing as they become martyrs. The money supply which is oil just has to be cut out whatever the costs. And that wont be pretty.


But then again I do live in Europe and I would assume that taking a caribbean cruise and many other cruises too would be very safe. It so much depends where you go. And didnt someone point out that blowing up a cruiseship is much harder than blowing up an aeroplane?


I really wonder how many North Americans have booked a spring or summer of 2016 cruise in Europe in the last month or so. I bet the numbers are down considerably because talk is cheap.

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The State Department just issued an advisory today for American citizens concerning worldwide travel, which will expire on February 24, 2016. Is anyone concerned about this with regard to an upcoming cruise? We're supposed to leave on a cruise Feb. 26, and I'm wondering how worried I should be. Any opinions?


http://travel.state.gov/content/pass...vel-alert.html. This is in addition to a Worldwide Caution that has been in effect since last July (replacing an earlier one dated last January).


In my opinion the most important advice - especially for anyone nervous about traveling - is



I really wonder how many North Americans have booked a spring or summer of 2016 cruise in Europe in the last month or so. I bet the numbers are down considerably because talk is cheap.


Life can be dangerous and unpredictable. Unfortunately terrorism looks like it isn't going away. But as many have said here and in the press, the terrorists win if people react by hiding in their homes trusting no one. It is also important to give both moral and financial support to the victimized areas. We are still going to France next May.

Edited by capriccio
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We are booked on Air France to spend a week in Paris and a week in Israel in March... at moment have not plans to change, unless Air France decides not to fly.


This latest round to events do give one pause but life must go on, we have been flying and staying in Israel for 30 years and Paris too.

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I don't subscribe so much to the "if I don't continue to travel, the terrorists win" approach. But what I do believe is that the odds of me being involved in some worldwide terrorist action remain extremely tiny. There are milllions upon millions of people every year that travel abroad from the US and the number of deaths due to terrorism events is miniscule (last year less than 30 worldwide, most in EXTREMELY risky areas like Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.)


As Keith and FT already posted, you have to use judgment and decide what works for you. Personally, I am not writing off the entire world as a "no go" zone just yet.... :rolleyes:


Besides, my own risk analysis is that I am much more at risk of dying from my lengthy daily commute to work than in any other way.....

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Fear is a sensible reaction when faced with Isis in my opinion and I would not travel if I really dont need to if a warning has been given.


I totally disagree with you. Fear is neither sensible nor helpful regarding ISIS, and I do think they win if they instill fear......that's the definition of terrorism - to spread terror.


Of all the things I'm afraid of in life, ISIS and being caught in a terrorist act are way, way, way down the list.

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I really wonder how many North Americans have booked a spring or summer of 2016 cruise in Europe in the last month or so. I bet the numbers are down considerably because talk is cheap.


I'm hoping this will lead to some really great cruise fares and cheaper airfare if people really do follow through and cancel (or decide not to book) European travel/cruises.


I plan to take full advantage.

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I'm hoping this will lead to some really great cruise fares and cheaper airfare if people really do follow through and cancel (or decide not to book) European travel/cruises.


I plan to take full advantage.


We have a Rome-to-FLL TA booked for next November. I am going to be on the lookout for price drops for that trip. We already booked for roughly a month in Alaska in late summer; between those two trips and commitments at home we won't be able to take advantage of good deals in the spring and summer. I'll be watching and wishing but unable to do anything about them...

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Not sure where you live, but the driving at that time of year can be very dangerous. Use caution getting to your airport and/or to the pier - that will be the riskiest part of your journey.


Gotta watch out for those Arizona winters ;)

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The State Department just issued an advisory today for American citizens concerning worldwide travel, which will expire on February 24, 2016. Is anyone concerned about this with regard to an upcoming cruise? We're supposed to leave on a cruise Feb. 26, and I'm wondering how worried I should be. Any opinions?


I find it interesting that anybody would worry about "something" that may or may not happen somewhere in the world on Feb 26, 2016. Bad things can happen to good people at any time, anywhere in the world and you shouldn't need the Government to tell you that.


The overly broad statement issued by the State Dept is no more accurate today for Feb '16 than a weather forecast issued today by NOAA for next February. I can tell you that it will be cold in northern states but I can't tell you is there will be a snow storm that will cause your flight to be delayed.


So, what is the point of your questoon?

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The State Department just issued an advisory today for American citizens concerning worldwide travel, which will expire on February 24, 2016. Is anyone concerned about this with regard to an upcoming cruise? We're supposed to leave on a cruise Feb. 26, and I'm wondering how worried I should be. Any opinions?


Don't waste your timing worrying. It means nothing, especially if you are on a closed loop cruise out of the US, but don't be surprised if it is extended for months or years.

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I'm hoping this will lead to some really great cruise fares and cheaper airfare if people really do follow through and cancel (or decide not to book) European travel/cruises.


I plan to take full advantage.


Me too! I'll be keeping an eye out for bargains.

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I'm hoping this will lead to some really great cruise fares and cheaper airfare if people really do follow through and cancel (or decide not to book) European travel/cruises.


I plan to take full advantage.


Many cc'ers say May is a fantastic time for a European cruise. That's 6 mths away. My feeling is especially if their flight is not booked many North Americans and others will for go Europe this year. Please come back and share if you get great deals. Good savings may be just what people need to fill those planes and ships. :)

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I'm hoping this will lead to some really great cruise fares and cheaper airfare if people really do follow through and cancel (or decide not to book) European travel/cruises.


I plan to take full advantage.


With vacations in places like Egypt off the agenda, I had wondered whether that would jack up the demand & therefore the prices for other destinations.


Then along comes the woolly world-wide US State Dept advisory, which a lot of folk seem to think is advice not to go anywhere :rolleyes:.

Even within the US. :rolleyes:


Reminds me of the time of the Iraq / Kuwait war, travel bargains everywhere.


JB :)

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I find it interesting that anybody would worry about "something" that may or may not happen somewhere in the world on Feb 26, 2016. Bad things can happen to good people at any time, anywhere in the world and you shouldn't need the Government to tell you that.


The overly broad statement issued by the State Dept is no more accurate today for Feb '16 than a weather forecast issued today by NOAA for next February. I can tell you that it will be cold in northern states but I can't tell you is there will be a snow storm that will cause your flight to be delayed.


So, what is the point of your questoon?


I respectfully disagree. This State Dept has had problems identifying answering & responding to terrorism. For this State Dept to send out a tavel notice over the Thanksgiving holiday is telling. It's something that I believe one should take serious and not sneeze at.


There is not a doubt that terrorism is on the increase, not decrease. Therefore, as terrorism grows, changing one's list is the smart thing to do. BTW, it's my opinion that they're (ISIS & all terrorists) not into winning your 'fear'. They are into changing the world to abolish Chrisitanity. Fear is a a natural reaction & by product from their actions. Being fearful and scared is nothing to be ashamed of. It's how one handles themselves when subjected to the emotion. Being fearful and vigilant is the smart thing to do.

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I respectfully disagree. This State Dept has had problems identifying answering & responding to terrorism. For this State Dept to send out a tavel notice over the Thanksgiving holiday is telling. It's something that I believe one should take serious and not sneeze at.


The State Department, like all good government agencies (remember post 9/11 and the different threat level colors coming out of DHS?), has a hierarchy of travel notices: cautions, alerts and warnings.


The State Department has had a Worldwide Caution issued since last January 2015 (and possibly earlier): http://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en/alertswarnings/worldwide-caution.html.


I think the timing of the new alert is due totally to recent events and don't see as how sending it out over the Thanksgiving holiday is telling. If they didn't make the announcement that "The State Department alerts U.S. citizens to possible risks of travel due to increased terrorist threats" they would be accused of minimizing or ignoring the issue. As their own website states (http://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en/alertswarnings.html):


We issue a Travel Alert for short-term events we think you should know about when planning travel to a country. Examples of reasons for issuing a Travel Alert might include an election season that is bound to have many strikes, demonstrations, or disturbances; a health alert like an outbreak of H1N1; or evidence of an elevated risk of terrorist attacks. When these short-term events are over, we cancel the Travel Alert.

While lots of folks on cruise critic (myself included) have no intentions of changing our upcoming travel plans that is not to say we aren't taking it seriously. No where in the Travel Alert does it tell you to avoid travel to Europe (which is the main discussion on these boards). The Alert does call on each traveler to be alert and vigilant but for many of us that is our normal behavior.


The State Department will issue a Travel Warning for individual countries if the situation calls for it that begins "The Department of State warns U.S. citizens against travel to (fill in name of country)." The Warning is a higher threat level:

We issue a Travel Warning when we want you to consider very carefully whether you should go to a country at all. Examples of reasons for issuing a Travel Warning might include unstable government, civil war, ongoing intense crime or violence, or frequent terrorist attacks. We want you to know the risks of traveling to these places and to strongly consider not going to them at all. Travel Warnings remain in place until the situation changes; some have been in effect for years.

That would give me pause especially since I can't remember a European country having a Travel Warning in years.

Edited by capriccio
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If you trust the State Department's judgement to take their warning sufficiently seriously to consider changing/canceling your travel plans, why not trust them sufficiently to pay attention to the magic February 24 date - when, apparently, they think the cause for concern will evaporate? I do not know what they think will happen by close of business February 23, but apparently someone in the know seems to think the danger will pass by then.


There were grounds for concern before Paris - but no one in government took them seriously enough to issue warnings - now it seems that someone wants to cover his tail by being able to say "I told you so".


Be careful - but live your life.

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If you trust the State Department's judgement to take their warning sufficiently seriously to consider changing/canceling your travel plans, why not trust them sufficiently to pay attention to the magic February 24 date - when, apparently, they think the cause for concern will evaporate? I do not know what they think will happen by close of business February 23, but apparently someone in the know seems to think the danger will pass by then.


There were grounds for concern before Paris - but no one in government took them seriously enough to issue warnings - now it seems that someone wants to cover his tail by being able to say "I told you so".


Be careful - but live your life.


I don't think February 23rd was picked for any other reason other than being 3 mths from November 23rd the day that this was initiated. I think this date is not an indication that the government is convinced that the threat will be over on that date.:)

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Everyone has to weigh up for themselves their own comfort level but I am curious.


I have travel booked to visit Los Angeles prior to a cruise this January. So with the World Wide travel ban in place those who are saying they are staying home and not travelling would you recommend I don't travel to the States as well?


This is just a rhetorical question though, as I will travel but I will just be careful.


Two days ago I had a good example of anything can happen anywhere. I was walking on the footpath at my local shops when a car coming into a parking spot a few feet in front of me mounted the footpath and smashed through a shop's large plate glass window. Luckily no one was hurt.......apart from the totally wrecked shop front. But I must admit to feeling a shaky after as realised that if I had walked that little bit faster I could have been in front of the shop window when the driver accidentally hit the accelerator.


So I am hoping whoever was watching out for me that day stays around.:)

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If you trust the State Department's judgement to take their warning sufficiently seriously to consider changing/canceling your travel plans, why not trust them sufficiently to pay attention to the magic February 24 date - when, apparently, they think the cause for concern will evaporate? I do not know what they think will happen by close of business February 23, but apparently someone in the know seems to think the danger will pass by then.


There were grounds for concern before Paris - but no one in government took them seriously enough to issue warnings - now it seems that someone wants to cover his tail by being able to say "I told you so".


Be careful - but live your life.


90 days. Then a re-examination during this period is what is likely to occur.

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