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Another Airline Outrage!


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Have to rant somewhere...so this thread is it! We are frequent travelers (out of the country about 7 months a year) and long time cruisers. So today we just happened to check on an American Airlines reservation (first class..and paid for about 6 months ago) only to find that they had changed our reservation from First Class to Coach, and had us arriving for a connecting flight about 1 hour after the flight left Chicago! A call to American got no sympathy...and when I asked why we were not even notified....they had no answer except "we will look for new options." I told the to "shove it" (words were not that nice), and give me a total refund. They said they would cancel the reservation (which does not even work) but that I would later have to go on AA.com to request a refund. My response cannot be printed, but the reservations clerk did finally take care of the refund process....and then told me it would be at least 2 weeks until we got a confirmation of the refund!


Is this anyway to run an airline?


But here is why I posted the rant! For First Time cruisers of anyone who is inexperienced in travel...once you have a "confirmed reservation" you need to realize that it is only "confirmed" at that time. It can be unconfirmed at any future time..and you have little recourse other then to cancel.



P.S. We quickly re-booked our trip with Delta...for less money and with a better schedule!

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AA is FAMOUS for changing/canceling flights! You canceled, and WILL get a refund...all is good. The airlines are as bad as the government!


No! All is not good. We went from Business on AA to Economy Plus on Delta! And what gets me very angry is that AA did not even bother to notify us of a schedule change that was impossible to fulfill. And furthermore, if we wanted to make a schedule change with AA it would have cost us at least $200 per person (to make a change). But AA can screw us over...and they do not have to compensate us for the inconvenience. It seems to me that AA should give us at least $200 per person (cash) for their mistreatment of customers.


The problem is that we consumers have been pushed around by the US airlines for many years...and we simply accept whatever they dish out. And they also use their political clout to ensure that we have no (or little ) recourse....while they nail us with more and more fees. Another fun airline scam is charging folks for luggage. And when the luggage is lost or delayed they do not feel compelled to reimburse the fee (you paid for them to lose your luggage) and they hide behind regulations to limit their liability. Go figure.


It is sad. Whenever we fly to Europe or Asia we make sure to book with foreign airlines who have better service, food, etc. It is sad that the USA has fallen so far behind in terms of air travel, airports, facilities, etc.


Edited by Hlitner
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AA is FAMOUS for changing/canceling flights! You canceled, and WILL get a refund...all is good. The airlines are as bad as the government!


In fact, the airlines will continue to gouge and abuse the consumer so long as the government allows the abusive cartel to continue. All of the mergers have only made things worse. Airlines have gone from years of loss to years of gushing profit, both founded on poor management.

Edited by jamessemaj
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In fact, the airlines will continue to gouge and abuse the consumer so long as the government allows the abusive cartel to continue. All of the mergers have only made things worse. Airlines have gone from years of loss to years of gushing profit, both founded on poor management.


I share everyone's dismay at the deterioration of service - but I have to ask how "gushing profit" is founded on "poor management". Bad service, add on fees, poor customer relations - yes - but since profitable operation is a primary benchmark of competent management, we need a different invective to express our dissatisfaction.

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It is sad. Whenever we fly to Europe or Asia we make sure to book with foreign airlines who have better service, food, etc. It is sad that the USA has fallen so far behind in terms of air travel, airports, facilities, etc.


I totally agree. USA airlines are a joke and good service is a thing of the past. When I fly aboard, I don't even consider USA airlines.


Sorry this happened to you. It's absolutely ridiculous what has become of our domestic airlines.

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the reservations clerk did finally take care of the refund process....and then told me it would be at least 2 weeks until we got a confirmation of the refund! ...!


I hope you got the name of the clerk who supposedly took care of the refund process. I have never heard of American giving a refund for downgrading seats or misassigning a flight. Usually they only give a voucher credit that is good for a year from purchase date.

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I totally agree. USA airlines are a joke and good service is a thing of the past. When I fly aboard, I don't even consider USA airlines.


Sorry this happened to you. It's absolutely ridiculous what has become of our domestic airlines.


We are very experienced travelers and have been dealing with the airlines for about fifty years. Our solution to these schedule games, played by the US major airlines, is quite simple. Airlines should be required, by federal law and regulations, to compensate customers for schedule changes. Such compensation should be for the same amount said airline charges customers who want to make flight changes. Seems to me that turn about is fair play, And once airlines must pay a financial penalty for schedule changes....they will be less inclined to change schedules and inconvenience customers.


The US major airlines have been perpetuating a fraud on the public for many years. While they willingly accept (and demand) full payment (often non-refundable) for up to 330 days in advance....their true schedules are made (and changed) at much shorter intervals. The odds of taking the actual flights, as scheduled, when you book has become very questionable. In our own experience, we probably have fewer then 25% of our flights keep to the same schedule as when booked.





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Sadly, while people may or may not get what they pay for, they will certainly not get more than what they pay for. The airlines, like the cruise lines, have been responding to the demands for low cost more than for improved service.


When you compare the prices of most goods and services in effect a few decades ago with what they are today, flying and cruising stand out as having shown close to the least increases, while growing tremendously in capacity. Degradation of quality has been the cost the customers have paid.


The suggestion that airlines be required to offer passengers compensation for changes they cause equal to what they charge customers is valid. There are other considerations which could be imposed - but it has to be kept in mind that government controls rarely comes without some negative effects -- and that whatever costs are added to airline operations will most likely somehow find their way back to the passenger.


More seat room is available for those willing to pay for it, and Jet Blue, for one, will allow a free checked bag for passengers willing to pay a slightly higher fare. To the extent people have cramped seats and have to pay for checking bags - they are really getting what they have signaled to the airlines that they want.

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I really sympathize, it's a mess.


However, here's the good news. You live in a country where the airlines still compete, somewhat. Just come on up here, where we are at the mercy of Air Canada, which continually jacks the government up for subsidies (to preserve the industry in Canada...Canadian culture...jobs...blah blah). And at the same time, jacks its customers with outrageous fares, crappy service, and...how shall I say it, a thumb to the nose.


They just opened an expanded airport in Ogdensburg, NY, a little over an hour away from where I live. Next trip I'm waving bye-bye to Air Canada. And they deserve it well.

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I really sympathize, it's a mess.


However, here's the good news. You live in a country where the airlines still compete, somewhat. Just come on up here, where we are at the mercy of Air Canada, which continually jacks the government up for subsidies (to preserve the industry in Canada...Canadian culture...jobs...blah blah). And at the same time, jacks its customers with outrageous fares, crappy service, and...how shall I say it, a thumb to the nose.


They just opened an expanded airport in Ogdensburg, NY, a little over an hour away from where I live. Next trip I'm waving bye-bye to Air Canada. And they deserve it well.




Well, actually, Air Canada doesn't receive any government subsidies and hasn't for quite some time. West Jet offers good competition to AC on many routes.


As for Ogdensburg, I just priced a flight to FLL for next February. For just a few dollars less I can spend anywhere from 14 to 42(!) hours making a 3 1/2 hour flight.


I'm not a cheerleader for Canadian Airlines but feel if they are to be criticized that it be done factually.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Have to rant somewhere...so this thread is it! We are frequent travelers (out of the country about 7 months a year) and long time cruisers. So today we just happened to check on an American Airlines reservation (first class..and paid for about 6 months ago) only to find that they had changed our reservation from First Class to Coach, and had us arriving for a connecting flight about 1 hour after the flight left Chicago! A call to American got no sympathy...and when I asked why we were not even notified....they had no answer except "we will look for new options." I told the to "shove it" (words were not that nice), and give me a total refund. They said they would cancel the reservation (which does not even work) but that I would later have to go on AA.com to request a refund. My response cannot be printed, but the reservations clerk did finally take care of the refund process....and then told me it would be at least 2 weeks until we got a confirmation of the refund!


Is this anyway to run an airline?


But here is why I posted the rant! For First Time cruisers of anyone who is inexperienced in travel...once you have a "confirmed reservation" you need to realize that it is only "confirmed" at that time. It can be unconfirmed at any future time..and you have little recourse other then to cancel.



P.S. We quickly re-booked our trip with Delta...for less money and with a better schedule!


It is crazy.


A month or so ago our reservation for an international flight was changed from First to Business Class because the equipment changed. AA did not notify us. I happened to check. I had to call them to request the difference between first and business class pricing. If I didn't notice this I would have showed up for the flight to learn no first class. Logic says when a change like this is made they should contact you and give you options.





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We did rounds with AA last spring when they changed our return flights from San Diego to Pittsburgh -- while we were on a cruise.

I don't buy Internet on a ship unless there is a problem at home that I need to keep track of.

I discovered the change when we were at the hotel and I was getting ready to run off our boarding passes for the next morning. Spent the better part of a morning getting flights straightened out. And I checked my e-mails and nothing came in from them while we were cruising.

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Hi everyone, its not just USA and Canada that this happens. Our direct flight from Alicante to Milan was changed from being a direct flight to changing at Barcelona waiting for 4 hours before the connecting flight to Milan. They didn't have the decency to inform us,it was just b chance that we went into the flight personalizer that we saw the changes. When we called to find out why they just said it was for operational reasons. no apology at all. Unfortunately this company is the only one that flies this route so we have no other option. So i can sympathise with the OP.

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We have oft advised friends (with little travel experience) that if you book a flight more then 2 months in advance (especially on a major US Airline)...one should consider the schedule as "advisory" rather then real. And it now appears that folks need to check (on a routine basis) their airline reservations since we have suffered several cases (including our most recent experience mentioned in the OP) of "changes without notification" from both AA and Delta. When it comes to US Airlines, only Southwest, JetBlue and Virgin tend to keep to their schedules (note that Southwest does not allow long range booking)...which is partially why these airlines keep coming in at the top of passenger consumer surveys. Personally, we will drive 3 hours to distant airports to fly on Southwest or Jetblue....and only use Delta/American/United when it is absolutely necessary.



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I am sorry to learn of your problem. Your experience is just one more reason why I am very reluctant to book on American Airlines. I just don't think they have their act together yet!


Why are we air passengers suffering as we do? In my opinion, it is because of airline deregulation. In many aspects that are important to the flying public, service has suffered. Deregulation did breed competition and fares did drop (for many routes). But, now, we have 3 airlines that basically have a monopoly for the services that they provide. Why are surprised at what has taken place?

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I am sorry to learn of your problem. Your experience is just one more reason why I am very reluctant to book on American Airlines. I just don't think they have their act together yet!


Why are we air passengers suffering as we do? In my opinion, it is because of airline deregulation. In many aspects that are important to the flying public, service has suffered. Deregulation did breed competition and fares did drop (for many routes). But, now, we have 3 airlines that basically have a monopoly for the services that they provide. Why are surprised at what has taken place?


What three airlines are you referring to which hold that monopoly? To my experience, there are generally three (or more) airlines (not always the same three) flying pretty much every route I've been interested in flying.


As long as there are two on any given route, the term "monopoly" is misused.

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What three airlines are you referring to which hold that monopoly? To my experience, there are generally three (or more) airlines (not always the same three) flying pretty much every route I've been interested in flying.


As long as there are two on any given route, the term "monopoly" is misused.


The 3 had me wondering as well. American, Delta, United, Southwest, JetBlue, Alaska, Hawaiian, Virgin (limited route network I concede), plus all the spirits and frontier's of the world. Plus all the foreign carriers if you are going overseas. All add up to more than only 3. :rolleyes:

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Not mentioned in this thread is an insidious practice that started several years ago with single flight numbers assigned to connecting flights.


Example. If you want to book a flight from, say, Los Angeles to Pittsburgh on, say, United. You find a flight on the web, say, United flight 123, that shows it's a direct flight with one stop.


It turns out that the one stop is Chicago and flight 123 is a 757 from LA to Chicago and a 737 from Chicago to Pittsburgh. The problem is if the LA to Chi leg is late, it's likely you'll miss the connection and you will be forced to work out an alternative with a very busy gate agent in Pittsburgh. Once upon a time in a better era, United would hold the connection for the arrival of the first leg. Not now.


And the final insult is that the folks booked on the later Chi to Pitts leg get first dibs on the seats so you risk being bumped for lack of seats.


That's why I always talk through the itinerary with an agent at their 800 number to be sure I know all the possible issues. I still buy the trip online to avoid the $25 fee that would be charged if you give the booking to the telephone agent.


I hate air travel. Period.

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The few experiences I've had with American Airlines in recent years have not been anything that would invite my loyalty.

On a flight back from Papeete earlier this year (AA code share on Air Tahiti Nui) landing at LAX, it became apparent on arrival that AA's own arranged connecting flight to SFO, with a 90 minute layover, didn't really allow enough time to clear customs and make the next flight. Once we saw the lines, I called AA and asked to be moved to a later flight (we would have our checked bags since we were clearing customs). The phone rep said I needed to pay a change fee plus the difference in fare!!! Wait for a phone supervisor, would eat up valuable time. So, we headed to the AA ticket counter where the agent repeated the bad news (despite being reminded that AA assigned our flights with only a 90 minutes layover). I then asked for a supervisor who informed the ticketing agent that this was AA's problem and there would be no charge.

Despite the acceptable conclusion to this snafu, it only strengthened my resolve to always try to book my SFO related flights with United and it's Star Alliance partners.


When we book United (and partner) flights, we first identify desirable international connections using ITA Matrix (preferably with 3 hr layovers at airports with multiple options for alternative bookings on the same day). Often, these best connection scenarios do not appear online. So I book using the United website customer service, which has never refused waiving the phone booking fee.

Always making sure that I've signed up for e-mail updates, I have never not received a schedule change notification and, most importantly, United's notices ask you to "approve the change" or call customer service.

Just recently, we got notice of a schedule change SFO to MIA via Denver where our layover dropped from 90 minutes to 35 minutes. "No way!" I called United and worked with the agent to get an alternate routing via Houston with 2 hr layover, no change fees and great seats.

Now retired (and no longer a 1K FF on United), United no longer bends over backwards to accommodate me. But, they also don't abandon me when problems arise.

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I fly JAL, ANA, Asiana, Cathay Pacific, and Singapore Air every month.

Never have I experienced any problems like this.


LOL, and you have made my case why we never (unless absolutely necessary) fly international on a US airline. And as many of us know, that list you posted are all among the best airlines in the world.



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