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LIVE -To and From the Amazon - 11/17-12/12/2017


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TC-I think you know that my post was made in jest. Like to know the name of that German restaurant for our cruise in Dec..

Thanks. John

Being a 'map geek' I looked at Google Maps and I'm guessing Jackie was referring to Fritz & Franz Biergarten - it's right around the corner from the Hyatt Regency Coral Gables (although she said it was a Hyatt hotel, not a Hyatt Regency I couldn't find another Hyatt/German Restaurant combination anywhere around there).


Now if I could just find a decent German place in upstate South Carolina I'd be a happy man...

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...We had a pub crawl yesterday in Key West that was fun but not as good as the one in Malaga. The Boss broke her all time one day sleeping and napping record (16.5 hrs). She is going to kill me for posting it.

Hahahahahahahahaha!! That's hilarious! Sounds just like my wife and I on our cruises...between CC and FB, I've gotten in some trouble in the past, too. :')

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Greetings from the Hyatt Regency (yes - I was incorrect - there is a sign around the corner that just said Hyatt Hotel so I made a wrong assumption).


I'm enjoying reading everyone's posts...... so funny and upbeat - thank you! "Z", thanks for leaving the ship in good shape. We should be boarding in 2 hours and 16 minutes (but whose counting). Will tell Olga that you miss her already and won't mention a word to TB that you posted about her sleeping marathon:evilsmile:


John - yes - I did know that you were joking and Bill did post the correct name of the restaurant. The beer was amazing. We typically eat pork schnitzel but had the veal since it was on the menu. Definitely recommend it.


Need to break down the 180 pounds of luggage. We typically have 2 suitcases that weight 50 pounds each so that is 100 pounds. Our 2 suitcases this time weigh 60 pounds each. Our carry-on typically weigh 20 pounds each (2 of them) and this time they weigh 30 pounds. It doesn't sound like much until you add them all together. Also, for some reason, that extra 10 pounds per suitcase makes them difficult to lift (thankfully my DH goes to the gym)!


Last words about the hotel. I am going to give it a "4" rating on Trip Advisor. While an older hotel, it is well maintained and some areas (especially seating areas off of the lobby) are quite lovely. The rooms are large and well appointed (think that I said this last night). Love the location - near restaurants and my DH is going to take a 7 minute stroll to Walgreens to pick up something. We are 10 miles from the port where the Mariner is waiting for passengers in "J" (not sure if that is a terminal location or ???).


The hotel is going to take several people's luggage to the port that are not taking the bus to the ship (even though, according to them "we not suppose to do this"). We will take a taxi to the port as we don't want to be on a bus load of people and then stand in line. IMPORTANT NOTE (sorry for "yelling" but want this to be read). If you do not check in with the Regent representative at the hotel and let them know that you are doing your own transportation, they will not take your luggage to the ship --- even though they picked it from your room. They check off passengers getting onto the bus with their luggage. Can't say that this is a worldwide rule but many people depart from Miami and many use this hotel.


Ken, in terms of posting from the ship, since this is my hobby, I always find time for it. We have quite a few sea days (the first two days will be sea days). I am a bit slower when I post photos and if I get in too big of a mess trying to do that, I'll beg "Z" to post them for me (he is wonderful about that but I'll end up owing him some drinks when we see them again):D


Enough babbling. More later.


P.S. Most of my posts are from my iPad or MacBook. They have a mind of their own and change words that can't be caught with spell check (even if I used it) because they are real words. So, if some words make no sense, it doesn't mean that I've been drinking (on the other hand, it does not mean that I haven't been).

Edited by Travelcat2
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Thank you for the updates. As I am on the ship in Jan I will be reading from a hotel or another ship. I read mix reviews on this hotel .as an ex Fl person I picked a MB hotel. I used one ships hotel ever and a few transfers back to airport . Venice as it is easier.


I travel alone and can not lift heavy suitcases. So I am taking three . This way when I shop I have room.



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Hi Jackie, Looking forward to reading about your Amazon cruise. The best way to keep cool on the ship is to stay on the ship with the lounges, by the pool (Shade side), large sunhat on top of head,sunglasses over eyes, 60+ sunblock on nose, Tall cold drink (ex. Pina Collada) in an unbreakable glass with a flexible straw and STAY IN THE POOL on the shady side!

This is how to beat the heat on the Amazon..... Worked for me!

Say hi to Dennis from Ray and I.

Cheers, Pat

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Being a 'map geek' ).




Sorry to hijack this thread:



From one "map geek" to another, if you are also into globes, you might want to look up "Bellerby Globes". CBS Sunday Morning did a special feature about them and it is posted on their Facebook page. Even if you are not a map geek, it is fascinating to watch.


gnomie :)

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Firstly, I kindly ask that you keep this thread on topic (not always easy to do). I am taking my time to post and share information for CC members that are interested in doing an Amazon cruise. This is the thrust of this thread. Thanks so much:D


I was going to make four separate posts but, due to extremely slow internet connectivity, I will do all three issues on one post.


#1 - When you are retired, sometimes you miss doing things that make a difference in a persons life. However, when you are Regent and fill out the Final Questionnaire, I have learned that you can make a difference. On our September Mariner cruise, there were a couple of stand-out crew members. I mentioned both of them in my Final Questionnaire and also in my email to Jason Montague, President and CEO of Regent. Like most of you, I didn't think much about the impact that this could have on a crew member.


Today, Preston and Alex had amazing feedback for me. Preston is now a Butler. He received a promotion after our cruise. Alex also receive a promotion. I am not so conceited as to think that my questionnaire made the difference since they likely had wonderful comments prior to mine. However, I feel (maybe selfishly) that I had a tiny impact on their promotions. This gave me more pleasure than staying in any upper suite could have given me. So, bottom line...... fill in those Questionnaires!


#2 Food is amazing! This was one area that I complained about in my last cruise (September 2017 - Mariner). Everything has turned around so much that I can hardly believe that we are on the same ship! Once again, Questionnaires make a difference.


#3 - Met with a Corporate Vice President today and learned quite a bit about the future of Regent. I cannot imagine how incredible the Mariner will be after refurbishment (even better than the Voyager -- closer to what Explorer is). I also learned about some safety/health procedures that have been implemented. After 3-4 cruises that were "Code Red" we were concerned. However, we have now learned that Regent will put a ship into "Code Red" even if many passengers board the ship with colds. They simply do not want to spread illnesses on board. The most surprising thing that I learned is that they change the utensils used for the buffet (LV and the Pool Deck) every 15 minutes.


As an aside, the taxi from the Hyatt Coral Gables (the name outside of the hotel - even though it is a Hyatt Regency), cost $32.


#4 - A complaint!!!!!! When I saw a special line for embarking passengers in Seven Seas, Mariner, Grand and Master Suites, I was appalled. This is so Oceania and so not right!!!!!!! There are so few passengers in these suites and having to watch these few passengers embark before those that had waited at least an hour to embark was horrible. Regent - we are not Oceania (or NCL). We like all passengers to be treated the same. This "new" embarkation process is extremely upsetting to even those of us in the suites that can embark early!!!!!!!! Hopefully my point has been made.


Really sleepy from unpacking. More tomorrow.



P.S. Just noticed that HongKongAlan and Snobirdcruiser (sorry for misspellings) have posted. Special greetings to you both. Wish that you all were on our cruise:D

Edited by Travelcat2
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.#4 - A complaint!!!!!! When I saw a special line for embarking passengers in Seven Seas, Mariner, Grand and Master Suites, I was appalled. This is so Oceania and so not right!!!!!!! There are so few passengers in these suites and having to watch these few passengers embark before those that had waited at least an hour to embark was horrible. Regent - we are not Oceania (or NCL). We like all passengers to be treated the same. This "new" embarkation process is extremely upsetting to even those of us in the suites that can embark early!!!!!!!! Hopefully my point has been made.


First I'd like to thank you for taking the time to post and say how much I enjoy reading your post and what is happening on the ship and your trip. Thanks! However regarding your complaint #4: I disagree with you has you knew I would, I think it's about time Regent looked at the higher Suite perks, after all that's what people want when paying higher prices-it's just not the space your buying, it's extra perks like boarding the ship. If your suite is ready at 12noon you should be able to get in the suite at 12:00 noon. I know some won't agree--but that's life. I welcome Regents new boarding program. Rick

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#3 - Met with a Corporate Vice President today and learned quite a bit about the future of Regent. :D


Thank you very much for posting this information. There certainly are corporate execs on many cruises and this is a really great customer relations idea. How do they schedule all of the appointments? It just never occurred to me that this was an option that I would have liked to make use of on our last Mariner cruise. Kudos for the mention..

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Thanks Travelcat! We very much enjoy reading when people post their “live” onboard experiences and look forward to hearing all about your experiences to, from and in the Amazon. I am thankful (from a heat and subsequent discomfort standpoint) that this destination is not on either my DH or my bucket list, but enjoy living vicariously through others, especially to places we will probably never visit. Certainly you will have a wonderful time and seem to have many options for keeping cool

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I have been really busy at work the last few days (November and December—the most surgical time of the year), so just now catching up.


I think your luggage is reasonable. I have been know to bring 15 pairs of shoes for a 14 day cruise.


I am anxiously looking forward to your reports. I love hot weather, so this a cruise I want to do, someday, as it is too many days for us currently. George—not so much. So I need details from a heat heating person.


As far as the food on United, well, Missy would not accept it either, but their lounges are pretty good. However, American has upgraded their lounges considerably in the past couple of years.


Have a great trip!

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Travelcat, at the risk of going OT, as a fellow heat intoleranr sweater, could you give me a link or clue as to where to get your frozen necklace option for heat control? I am tired of carrying around a mechanical fan.


I'm happy to share the information. It is a "Nano-Ice Cooling Necklace. I bought it at Amazon.com (here is a ink https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MTNJCAD/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 ). It works well but our suite doesn't have a freezer. I have it sitting on top of ice and suspect that they won't hold the cold as well. Will report on it when I wear it. It worked quite well during the summer but I kept it in the freezer at night.


On the subject of cooling, I also have a small thermos that will keep ice cold all day and a small ice pack that I'll use for my wrist. In addition to that is my "borrowed" Embr Wave bracelet. It kept me cooler last summer when I beta tested the product and kept me warm in Alaska. They are only available for pre-order. I'm getting a "real one" in February. Sales are back-logged until September of next year. Suspect that this will be a hot Christmas Gift for 2018!


Back to the Mariner. Had a bit of seasickness this morning (first time on Regent). I made it wore by taking 1/2 of a Sturgeron (likely misspelled) on an empty stomach. This kept me in bed for two hours but was feeling great by lunch time and was able to eat their Tex-Mex lunch (better than usual) and a couple of Mexican Butterfly's.


Tonight is one of the rare times when we dine with the Captain. We had dinner with Captain Serena about three years ago when she was a Staff Captain. She is a lovely and highly qualified woman ...... we look forward to dinner with her.


Not much to report - we have another sea day tomorrow and then will be in St. Barths/St. Barts (depending upon which spelling you prefer). We are happy to be able to visit a place that was heavily damaged by the hurricane and worked so hard to open this month to cruise ships.


Learned a little bit about Splendor. We already knew that the stairway leading down from Deck 5 to Compass Rose was going to be reversed and have just learned that the Coffee Connection (name is in the process of changing on Explorer from The Cafe back to the name everyone uses ..... Coffee Connection) will be in a different position on the same deck. Explorer is still being tweaked. The carpeting that looked faded (between Coffee Connection and the Spa - by the puzzle) is being replaced. It was made to fade from one color to another but passengers thought that it was worn out.


Everything I'm seeing and/or hearing is very positive. If/when there is something that needs to be fixed or made better on a ship, if possible, it is taken care of.


Regarding the question about the person I spoke with from Corporate.... he is a friend of one of our friends that work at Corporate. He happened to be on the ship and stopped by to chat for a few minutes. We have spent time with him on other Regent cruises.

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.If your suite is ready at 12noon you should be able to get in the suite at 12:00 noon. I know some won't agree--but that's life. I welcome Regents new boarding program. Rick


The majority of Oceania cruisers like yourself would disagree so I'm not surprised. There are so many cruise lines where upper suites get perks (outside of the suite) that others cannot have. Why take the beauty of people being treated the same away from luxury cruise passengers? This was so "in your face" that it was embarrassing. If Regent wants to continue with their reputation for treating guests in the lowest and highest suites the same once they walk out of the door, they need to fix this.


My question to Regent would be why they want to single out 40 upper category passengers for early/priority boarding while making 648 passengers (that is approximately how many are onboard now according to the assistant C.D.) wait? IMO, this is a bad move on Regent's part. Please do away with this new and very disturbing new policy. Allowing upper suites to go to their suite at 1:00 p.m. instead of 2:30 p.m. is a great perk and one that is not visible to other guests. All of our in suite amenities are wonderful.


It is surprising how many people book Regent (and other luxury cruise lines) simply because everyone is treated the same.

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You may/may not mean it that way, but your "IMO's" seem to sound more like your decisions rather than your opinions.


Sorry - have no idea what you mean. The only ones that can make "decisions" is Regent. The rest of us give our opinions and make suggestions.


Jean - the fact that this does not bother you is your opinion which you are definitely entitled to. The other comment just seems a bit snarky. I didn't suggest that anyone boycott the policy - just stating my opinion in case Regent is reading this blog.


Anyway guys, I said upfront that I would be honest with my thoughts and opinions. In order to do this I really can't defend every comment that I make. Trying to do the best that I can sharing information and providing any new information and experiences that we have. So, going forward I will be happy to answer questions but will not be defending my opinions. This is going to be a long cruise and I'm hoping that we can keep it as on point and interesting as possible.


Tonight I nag mudhen to post. They attended a great Meet and Mingle yesterday and hopefully will share her positive experience with y'all.

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TC2 my post was not in anyway meant to be snarky as you call it. I just asked a question as to whether you boycotted the suite line in order to make your feelings known?



I would never do that as I feel that it would be extremely rude/impolite. I will voice my opinion quietly via the questionnaire. BTW, there were no other open lines - so if you want to board the ship and you are in an upper suite, it behooves you to get on the ship. IMO, boarding should be first come - first served as it has been since we began sailing on Regent in 2004.


In keeping with 100% honesty, my London born DH was raised with a "class" system and appreciates getting this type of special treatment. He and I disagree and it has never been a problem.


These type of policies have been discussed in the past and some posters see it as being like airplanes ....... First Class, Business Class and Coach. I see it as being an all First Class ship (which it is touted to be). Even on airplanes, they do not differentiate between First Class passengers. In other words, row 1 doesn't board before row 6. Whomever is first in the First Class line boards first.


I don't want to belabor the issue - simply bringing up something that I have not seen before (not even on our Mariner cruise in September) and has not been discussed on CC. Perhaps someone wants to start a thread to discuss the new policy. I've pretty much said what I wanted to on this subject.


Sorry if I misinterpreted your comment.

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We were with you on the Explorer crossing this spring. Wish we could cruise as often as you do. We did the Amazon on the Navigator a couple of years ago. Got the yellow fever shot and never saw a mosquito. Enjoying your posts.

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My impression is that Regent, or any cruise line for that matter, thinks very carefully about what perks to offer upper suite passengers and what that market is looking for. I imagine that a great deal of research went into deciphering what these passengers felt would add value to their experience. As someone who has paid for an upper suite, I gladly take advantage of certain perks that are offered - we pay a high price for them. We don't partake in every perk, only the ones that are important to us. If someone else in an upper suite doesn't want to take advantage of those perks, that is their prerogative....but they should not make a moral judgement about those who do, or continue to voice personal outrage that those perks exist. They exist because clearly there is a market for them.

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I would assume that most of us here subscribed to this thread in order to follow Travelcat2 exciting Amazon adventure. Please do not use her thread as a means to push your personal agendas. Many people are following to learn about the Regent Amazon cruise in case we would want to go someday.


I for one look forward to her postings from this cruise. Please don't allow the thread to get off topic which could take away from the excellent record she is posting from before trip preparation and packing to what I am hoping will be a cruise report that will help folks make a decision on if they will make a similar journey some day.


Thank you Travelcat2 and please don't allow distracters to affect your efforts to share your and Dennis' Amazon adventure with the rest of us.

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