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Skincare regime


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Hi all

So due to some health issues the last 18 months I have really dropped the ball in regards to my skincare. To be honest I wasn’t doing a very good job of it before hand.  A bit of a tom boy I would only wear makeup sporadically until I started my new job in a office 5 years ago. Felt totally lost in the makeup and skincare world and tried so many different things.


Now I am starting to feel better I really need to get back into looking of my skin health and I am looking for ideas on products. After needing to use some of my stuff for an event last night and realising it was old and needs to be thrown out I've decided to treat myself to some new stuff.  But am so lost.


At a minimum I am looking for a foundation, facial moisturiser and something to clean my face even if I haven’t used makeup. I work in a call centre so the vibe is smart casual so it wouldn’t be heavy makeup id be wearing daily. I find alot of liquid foundations to be weighty and make me feel suffocated. I also have sensitive skin, however it’s not dry or oily and generally soft. I've been told if I don’t moisturize my skin now even if it doesn’t need it ill regret it when I'm older. Please help me still take gorgeous pictures of me on cruises in the future.


I live in Australia but I am happy to buy online. Medium ish price range which I guess is subjective. Any thoughts or just simply your favourite products will be a great help. I'm really at a loss here.



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52 minutes ago, Nelie said:

Hi all

So due to some health issues the last 18 months I have really dropped the ball in regards to my skincare. To be honest I wasn’t doing a very good job of it before hand.  A bit of a tom boy I would only wear makeup sporadically until I started my new job in a office 5 years ago. Felt totally lost in the makeup and skincare world and tried so many different things.


Now I am starting to feel better I really need to get back into looking of my skin health and I am looking for ideas on products. After needing to use some of my stuff for an event last night and realising it was old and needs to be thrown out I've decided to treat myself to some new stuff.  But am so lost.


At a minimum I am looking for a foundation, facial moisturiser and something to clean my face even if I haven’t used makeup. I work in a call centre so the vibe is smart casual so it wouldn’t be heavy makeup id be wearing daily. I find alot of liquid foundations to be weighty and make me feel suffocated. I also have sensitive skin, however it’s not dry or oily and generally soft. I've been told if I don’t moisturize my skin now even if it doesn’t need it ill regret it when I'm older. Please help me still take gorgeous pictures of me on cruises in the future.


I live in Australia but I am happy to buy online. Medium ish price range which I guess is subjective. Any thoughts or just simply your favourite products will be a great help. I'm really at a loss here.




I have gone the KIS route my whole life:  Keep It Simple.  I have started using Neutragena products and they are wonderful, in my opinion.  Inexpensive, great quality, and do the job.


I highly recommend their Hydro Boost line.  I use the Gel Moisturizer, the Exfoliating Cleanser, and the Gentle Cleanser.  They also have a night repair, and other daytime booster moisturizers, but that's based on need.  I use one to get a little extra moisture around wrinkle areas.  Wrinkles, by the way, are worse if you skin is dry.


The cleansers I alternate, and sometimes mix together.  I have found that exfoliation is the key to good skin. Gently removing the dead skin cells keeps the skin's surface soft and helps immensely with skin tone. Neutragena's exfoliation cleanser is their regular gentle cleanser mixed with an exfoliating agent.  I love it.


An absolute MUST is sunscreen.  It's never too late to start using it.  I have fair skin (you will see it in the thread link below), and use Neutragena's SPF 100+.  It's said that anything over SPF 35 is a waste, and I disagree.  The 100+ keeps the dark spots from forming.  I burn instantly, seriously.  With Neutragena's sunscreen I never get beyond a 24 hours redder skin at the worst in the Caribbean, and have never, ever peeled.  So, I know the sun damage is being minimized.


Make-up.  I use Dermacol, since I am older and do have some dark spots.  I mix it with my sunscreen and use it on my face, neck, back of my hands, and arms.  There's a trick to using it properly, and if you just need to match and even out your skin tone, then match the color to your skin.  If, like me, you also want to cover darker spots, get one shade LIGHTER.  I have both skin color and one lighter.  It's a dabbing thing to apply.  Dab, dab, dab, all over the area, then smooth.  A VERY, VERY little goes a long way.  A tube lasts me 9 months.


It's also fabulous if you have any broken veins on your legs, ankles, or feet.  I had several infected mosquito bites a few years ago that caused broken veins around the bite, and Dermacol  covers them beautifully.  


Go to Youtube.com and watch the videos on color selection and application.  Then, put on about 1/3 of what they do.


Good luck!


If you go to this thread, I have written about a simple regime I use for puffy eyelids and under eye bags:





Edited by pcur
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2 hours ago, Nelie said:


I live in Australia but I am happy to buy online. Medium ish price range which I guess is subjective. Any thoughts or just simply your favourite products will be a great help. I'm really at a loss here.





I'm based in Brisbane so I'm hoping l might help.  I'm mid 40's, an asthmatic, lots of skincare etc can set my asthma off and itch my skin like crazy and I have seasonal eczema.  I've been using the hydroboost cleanser and moisturiser (day and night) and the under eye boost from Neutrogena for some time.  For me, it has quite a strong chemical smell that I can handle (with care), but it is really nice on the skin.  It doesn't leave my skin oily and sort of soaks in quickly and most importantly doesn't give my skin a reaction.  The current catalogue from Priceline has Neutrogena for 40% off.   For sunscreen, I use the Sun Sense Sensitive Invisible for sensitive skin (SPF50+).  It can leave a white cast but I'm fair so it's not noticeable on me (they do have tinted versions).  Sunscreen is your biggest friend against the aging process. 


I currently follow these dermatologists on Youtube.

Dr David Lim, a Brisbane based dermatologist, who is great given we don't get a lot of the products available in other countries.


Dr Dray, based in the USA, she has very thorough videos on ingredients and what to look for in skin care and sunscreen etc.



I don't really do make up (you know Queensland, it'll just slide off your face).  So I'm not as much help here but a bb cream  might work (less than a foundation more than just a moisturiser).  Concealer for the 'problem' areas, try Maybeline Age Rewind (Chemist Warehouse has 50% off most cosmetic ranges at the moment).  For a good Youtuber who's not 20 with 'lines', Hot and Flashy has a great site with tips for more mature skin.  https://www.youtube.com/user/HotandFlashy.


Hope I've helped a little bit.

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I'm also asthmatic with periodic eczema. Fragrance is a particular problem for my skin.


I use Cerave hydrating cleanser at night, followed by Cetaphil moisturizing cream. 

In the morning, I use Cetaphil moisturizing cream again, followed by Cerave mineral sunscreen.


Foundation -- Aveda tinted moisturizer. (Just enough to correct the white cast the sunscreen leaves.)

Concealer - Born this Way

Eyeliner- Kat vonD tattoo liner. I have both the black and the brown. The stuff stays on all day.

Eye shadow - Huda Beauty. I use a rosy brown palette.

Lipstick - Kat vonD liquid lipstick. The stuff stays on all day. It's fantastic.

Mascara - I still useMaybelline's Great Lash.

Blush - I actually use one of the eyeshadow colors from the Huda palette.


It all takes me about 5 minutes to apply, and fits in my toiletry kit with no problems.


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Wow thanks so much  for the Amazing respaonse.  I was worried it might have been to vague. I definitely want something quick and simple . I think it will be easier to stick to. 


I think I'll be better prepared now heading out.  Thanks for the info and I'll check out  the  videos once I get home 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On ‎9‎/‎15‎/‎2019 at 11:35 PM, Nelie said:

Wow thanks so much  for the Amazing respaonse.  I was worried it might have been to vague. I definitely want something quick and simple . I think it will be easier to stick to. 


I think I'll be better prepared now heading out.  Thanks for the info and I'll check out  the  videos once I get home 

Hope your health is better.:classic_smile:


I probably keep it simpler than most of the gals on here....I use Aveeno brand facial wash and I never wear foundation.

I am 61 and a couple of gals in various walks of life I know say my skin looks closer to 40. Now, I don't really know if it is because of the lack of make up or not. But my routine is very short.

I wash my face every morning in the shower and then when I get home from work I use the Aveeno

and it takes off my eye make up.  Oh, for work all I wear is some eye shadow and some mascara.


Anyway, hope you find whatever you need!:classic_smile:

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I'm kind of Lois.  I'm 65, but everyone at work thinks I'm maybe 50.  My "routine" is about all of 5 minutes, start to finish.  Wash my face (I like Philosophy's Purity wash - at Sephora and my local shop).  Depending on what I'm doing determines what moisturizer I wear: to work, it's currently Origins VitaZing.  It gives a little "glow" and hides minor flaws.  If I'm not going to work, I currently use Neutrogena Healthy Defense Moisturizer with SPF 50.   I'm I'm going to work, I'll brush on a little Too Faced Chocolate Gold bronzer just to add a little color since I never get outside much.  I use Urban Decay 24/7 waterproof eyeliner in Whiskey - a good, solid brown.  I started losing my eye brows last year when I was sick, so I'll fill in with the IT Micro Brow pencil.  That's it.  No foundation, ever.  Never have, never will.  As you get older, foundation is actually bad for you - it highlights instead of hides your flaws.  Best to let Mother Nature come through!!   You're on vacation - let your skin have a vacation, too!!! (I'm the same with my hair).


As my grandma told me when I was allowed to start wearing makeup, "be modest, no need to tart youself like a <vulgar term for a prostitute from Shanghai in the 40s and50s)> ."

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I don’t wear makeup except for mascara but I take my skin routine seriously. I use Glossier products for cleansing and moisturizer. I do a clay mask once a week and use a serum every night. For sunscreen I use Blue Lizard as it’s a mineral sunscreen. My skin glows!! People always ask what my makeup is but it’s just healthy skin. I think it doesn’t matter so much what you use but how consistently you use it. 

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46 minutes ago, DeeDee Groff said:

A bit off topic, and I do understand clo's point of view, but I believe the OP trusts us, so I'd like to add that a European deep cleansing facial with extraction every six to eight weeks may do wonders.....

But why would anyone do anything different on a cruise than at home?  And I go to skin care experts not consumers for this kind of advice.

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15 hours ago, clo said:

Sorry if this sounds unkind but why is this on CC?  There must be a gazillion other sites, even FB, where OP would get more info.


I agree with DeeDee that the OP likely trusts the advice she gets here, while she may not trust the advice on a gazillion other sites (selling product she may not need) or even FB (where she may want anonymity).


Often people who converse in forums are introverts in nature.  They may not have "real world" counterparts they feel asking for advice.  I appreciate the shared wisdom on this fashion and beauty forum and that  it generally feels nonjudgemental.  I hope that it isn't your intention, but your posts do often have a "better than thou" read to them.


I'm sure I have been guilty of questionable posts too, but I try to limit my posting to questions I have or answering others questions if I can.  Since you asked questions I am answering your posts, unfortunately I don't have much advice for the OP 😞 

There are often posts I don't understand or agree with, but if I can't contribute in a helpful way then I try to read and move on rather than questioning everything.


13 hours ago, clo said:

But why would anyone do anything different on a cruise than at home?  And I go to skin care experts not consumers for this kind of advice.

What I read was that the OP was looking for what others do at home, and this wasn't cruise specific.  I personally do different on a cruise than at home because the climate is different and I might use more moisturizer or sunscreen on a cruise.  


@Nelie I'm glad you are feeling better and ready to splurge on yourself some 🙂 I don't wear a lot of make up (or wear it very often) but am trying to do a little more now.  I use Norwex body cloths for face cleansing.  They are a multi-level marketing group that sells (among other things) cloths with silver woven in them which don't require any soap yet gently remove make-up.  I moisturize with Oil of Olay sensitive skin and will sometimes dust with Mary Kay mineral powder to remove any shine (any quality powder foundation should work similarly).  I find mascara to be one of the biggest impacts in making me look more put together with minimum effort.  A light lip gloss can help too.  Staying hydrated on the inside by drinking plenty of water and maintaining a healthy diet can help a lot too.


Hope that helps some 🙂 


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Hi guys.

Sorry at the time I didn't really think if this as being off topic as hey it's a fashion and beauty forum. But yes it's part if a cruise forum sooo... 


Thanks to those who commented about why I posted it here.


I have had great advice on here for a range of topics. So I love chatting to you all..And yes not as judgy as some forums.


It's good to get a variety of opinion and options .


I've tried googling, soooo much information out there.


So many beauty forums and I felt so lost.


And yeah I don't have alot of friends to ask for help from. The one I did got annoyed when I didn't go buy the products she used. Bit out of my price range and didn't last long.


But I'll be more mindful of my posts in the future  


However I did go and purchase some products.

Neutrogena Hydro boost range


Water  gel cleanser

Scrub cleanser

Gel cream

Cleanser wipes 



I used the cleansers and gel cream for a few days before I added the sunscreen and also a new powder foundation. Can't remember the name but t wasn't one that was recommended.


After a few days I started to feel bumps under my skin along my jawline. So I stopped the sunscreen and foundation. My skin has now  cleared up again so I'll try the sunscreen again . If that gives me no problems I'll look for a new foundation 


Thanks for all the lovely advice 





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Nelie, no need to apologize.....we have had make-up/health/clothes, etc...…..on this forum for many, many years.

Glad you found some of the responses helpful.


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On 10/8/2019 at 12:33 AM, clo said:

But why would anyone do anything different on a cruise than at home?  And I go to skin care experts not consumers for this kind of advice.


Any number of reasons someone could do differently on a cruise than at home:

-maybe they have a complicated routine at home and they don't want to bother with that on vacation and want advice on basic products to simplify

-maybe they want to downsize to a carry on and can't take everything they use at home

-maybe they do a simple routine at home but want to pamper themselves by adding some extra steps on vacation when they aren't rushing to get to work

-maybe their cruise is taking them to a different climate and they need to adjust their beauty routine to account for the drier air, the more humid air, the increased sun exposure etc.


And maybe they have found that the experts they've gone to in the past have been either very costly to go to and/or have largely wanted to suggest a single line of products because they sell or promote that line.  So instead they come to a forum of people who they have come to trust to give them different suggestions.

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Nelie - don't worry.  There are plenty of us "natural women" here and we understand.  


I had been recommended Dr. Perricone products 2 years ago by a "professional" - I broke out in bumps like no one's business.  Threw that stuff away!!!  I went back to my simple regimen and got back to normal.  


I will almost bet the farm that the foundation was the problem.  Neutrogena is usually pretty reliable for sensitive skin.  Did you get the Healthy Defense moisturizer with SPF 50 sunscreen or just a straight sunscreen?  If you got the Healthy Defense, you don't need to double-up with the Hydro Boost gel cream.  Both are moisturizers.  That's why I  use the Healthy Defense if I'm going to be outside (not sun bathing, but out and about and such) and my Origins Vitazing if I'm going to be going to work.  

I bought a little jar of that Hydro Boost on my May vacation - I had grabbed one of my sample tubes of moisturizer in the middle of the night and put it in my bag, not realizing it only had a 1-day squeeze left in it.  I did like the gel cream.  I might buy a bigger one when my Vitazing runs out.   


I keep it as plain and easy as possible.  If I'm going somewhere special, I can just add what I want (eye shadow, mascara) and be out the door.  

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The HydroBoost also really helps if you get a bit much sun while on a cruise. My DH missed a spot on his neck & got a bit fried. The HydroBoost really helped. He now uses it as an after shave treatment...I made him get his own!

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