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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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22 minutes ago, Ocean Boy said:

You are going to have a perfectly healthy tooth that you have lived with all these years extracted?


Sorry, I know I should not have posted this but I couldn't help myself.


Thanks, I am not happy about it either.  But have had multiple infections near where the wisdom tooth and the two new crowns are.  Had infections before the crowns went in to replace those two badly cracked molars that were obviously causing the infection and pain. 


Did not expect to get the infections again AFTER she replaced the crowns, and don't have one now, but seems to come back every couple of weeks.  Both my dentist and I are stumped, but that is now her suggestion.  


As far as she knows the tooth is not decayed and does not show as such in the Xray...but I keep getting the infections.  I work hard at keeping the area clean, brush and floss after every meal.. but wonder what will happen as I age and am not so adept.  


Emailed my sister for her opinion.  She had no problem with my having it pulled...just hope it is the right decision.  But I am still worried about it. 

Edited by island lady
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4 minutes ago, island lady said:


Thanks, I am not happy about it either.  But have had multiple infections near where the wisdom tooth and the two new crowns are.  Had infections before the crowns went in to replace those two badly cracked molars that were obviously causing the infection and pain. 


Did not expect to get the infections again AFTER she replaced the crowns, and don't have one now, but seems to come back every couple of weeks.  Both my dentist and I are stumped, but that is now her suggestion.  


As far as she knows the tooth is not decayed and does not show as such in the Xray...but I keep getting the infections.  I work hard at keeping the area clean, brush and floss after every meal.. but wonder what will happen as I age and am not so adept.  


Emailed my sister for her opinion.  She had no problem with my having it pulled...just hope it is the right decision.  But I am still worried about it. 

As I said, wasn't my place to comment. Sorry.

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16 hours ago, voyager70 said:

Anyone ever had a "tiff" with a friend regarding Covid, specifically the vaccine?  Just got into it big time with former college roommate.  They're dead set against vaccine while I'm totally for it.  Not sure if we're speaking at this point.

Nope. I now have four subjects I don't talk about with others. Always was Politics and religion but now I've included anything Covid related and BLM. 

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1 minute ago, Ocean Boy said:

As I said, wasn't my place to comment. Sorry.


Gosh no...don't feel that way please.  I value your opinion...and agree with you.  I am committed to having it done now, since it is on Monday.....but I am still worried about it.  I don't want anymore of those infections either...but sure not looking forward to any complications once she extracts it.  🥺

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32 minutes ago, island lady said:


I have appointment on Monday to have one of my three wisdom teeth pulled.  It's not infected or decayed, she just doesn't like how close it is for difficult cleaning next to the two new crowns she put in 6 months ago (yes crowns due to two cracked molars and pain, two next to each other). 


I am nervous about having it pulled...being so far back into my jaw...and being over 65.  😮 


Your just a tad older than me.


When I was growing up my parents did not have dental insurance and we could not afford to go to the dentist.

The first time I went to see a dentist I was 16 and it  was because it was  a requirement to get into nursing school.


The second time I went was after I graduated and had insurance and I was 20.

I was a pretty good patient for  many years.


Oh, Where was I going with this.


I remember.


I still have all my wisdom teeth.  Yup all 5 of them😲

Guess I was given one to spare, yup, only me.


And every year for 35+ years the dentist has offered to remove them.

And every year for 35+ years the patient has refused to remove them.


Besides, they have not yet caused me grief, and I am knocking on wood, that they don't.


Good luck with your dental appointment, and it actually was not bad.


Be safe

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13 hours ago, A&L_Ont said:

Today was a bit of a special day for our house.  Sad, but important. Some of you will know the story of our daughter Allie, and today we helped to pay tribute to her short time with us. 

Our local Children’s Hospital, here in London, held their annual Radiothon fundraiser.  It is partnered with four local radio stations and runs all day. We have been a “silent” partner since it’s inception.  We share our story of our daughter Allison, that passed away two days after her second birthday. We share our first names, not our last, and little more.


The Children’s Hospital has many positive results but sadly not all stories end that way. It is a good thing to share with others our story, so they know they are not alone. We also share to make people realize that they too might walk through those doors with their own child one day. 

I have known the morning hosts for many years becoming friends with them along the way, as we have quietly helped with other causes within the community.  As you can tell from the recording it hits hard with the father of two young children and it will one day with the other who has yet to be married.

The first year of the Radiothon was the same year Allie passed away. As you could guess, it hits hard for us.  I thought it would be worth the share with you all, to see some positive news today in a world that seems so upside down. 

Here is a audio video from the morning show. Every year they have raised more money than the year before, which is great because kids come here from across the province. In fact the radio host, that speaks in the first video, was taken here while suffering from anaphylactic shock 30 plus years ago as a preteen.  He is lucky to be alive today.

What seems to be a simple building, in the community is so much more.  

Thanks for reading and watching the two videos below. 




This is the song that was played at the end of the radio segment in memory of Allie. 





Thanks for sharing this with us Andrew and thank you for helping those who would have to go through the same.  

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6 minutes ago, Lionesss said:


Your just a tad older than me.


When I was growing up my parents did not have dental insurance and we could not afford to go to the dentist.

The first time I went to see a dentist I was 16 and it  was because it was  a requirement to get into nursing school.


The second time I went was after I graduated and had insurance and I was 20.

I was a pretty good patient for  many years.


Oh, Where was I going with this.


I remember.


I still have all my wisdom teeth.  Yup all 5 of them😲

Guess I was given one to spare, yup, only me.


And every year for 35+ years the dentist has offered to remove them.

And every year for 35+ years the patient has refused to remove them.


Besides, they have not yet caused me grief, and I am knocking on wood, that they don't.


Good luck with your dental appointment, and it actually was not bad.


Be safe

My youngest daughter, unfortunately, inherited my husband’s family teeth problems.  They have missing adult teeth, spaces etc.  Only good thing, no wisdom teeth!

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12 hours ago, A&L_Ont said:

She taught us a lot, even though she couldn’t say or express anything; look within, help others, treat those how you would wish to be treated, find joy in the little things and look for the positives.

What great lessons and so very true.

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21 minutes ago, davekathy said:

Nope. I now have four subjects I don't talk about with others. Always was Politics and religion but now I've included anything Covid related and BLM. 

I'm the same.  Every once in a while I lose my self restraint and comment but then my good judgement returns and extract myself from the conversation or thread.  There is no value in it.

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46 minutes ago, Ocean Boy said:

You are going to have a perfectly healthy tooth that you have lived with all these years extracted?


Sorry, I know I should not have posted this but I couldn't help myself.


40 minutes ago, Ocean Boy said:

Do you know how many hours it has been since he got the antibody infusion?


Hmmm, twice in about 5 minutes that I'm sticking my nose into what is none if my business.


22 minutes ago, Ocean Boy said:

As I said, wasn't my place to comment. Sorry.


I'm all for sharing, it helps hearing different opinions and experiences, and you could always decide not to accept any advice offered.


But, personally, when looking at "the bottom line", I've always gained from sharing "my concerns" aloud.


My dentist suggested some 10 years ago to extract one of my "rear" tooth (My teeth were never in a good condition, since childhood I'm visiting dentists).


I went with my gut feeling, and as of today, the tooth is still there.... and the dentist is no longer my dentist 😁


P.S. Last week, 2 of my DH 3 years old implants separated from their screws. Luckily, he didn't swallow them. The dentist who made the implants charged him 70$ to glue them in place again, saying it happens every once in a while....😢

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Good morning, well kinda sorta.


Had to take a pain pill in the middle of the night, damn they work.

Slept in to, well slept in.


Thanks to all for the well wishes and support.

Today I am black and blue, swollen.

And I am a church reader at 4:30 mass.

So thankful I will be wearing my mask and medicated.

Should be a good reading.


As i was slowly drinking my morning coffee I was listening to the morning news and they had an interesting weather alert for our area in O-H-I-O.

Telling us to bring all (pop) sodas in from your garage or they will go "POP".

We are going to go under Arctic temperatures over the next week zero to sub zero and many people in our area are known for storing supplies in their unheated house garages.  Namely us.

So the DH is putting it in one of our coolers on wheels and we will put in washer room till the freeze resolves.

Oh, the cooler has wheels because the dryer broke and the repairman is coming Monday and this way we will have a traveling cooler to move out of his way.


Yup I should play the lottery.




Since I sent the DH to go shopping for me as I rest on the couch (snicker snicker) I  thought I would come on CC to sea what is going on, and catch up.



thank you for your well wishes and glad you are doing better after your eye surgery.



Hope your MRI went well and praying your headaches resolve.



Debbie hope Eric does better once home and you feel better.



Well having followed your cruise threads over the years I must say I do remember your daughter and the rainbow and all the care and love you shared with her through your post.

The song played by 'THIEF' I never heard and it was beautiful.  Thanks for sharing.

On one of your threads you posted a song that when it played you knew it was from Allie and also I believe when you found your "dimes" sent from her.  I cannot remember the song at that time.



Glad to see your post and always loved the pictures you share.  You have a great perspective on your picture taking talent.  Love the cat picture.



Thanks for the well wishes and sorry to hear about what your fiance went through.

Should be a warning for all of us to seek help when things go not the way they are supposed to.



Thanks for the well wishes, and one day I will get your name right 🙄


Island Lady

Good luck at Dentist, and rest up afterwards, not that any of us are out and about much with the pandemic.


Ocean Boy

Comfortably numb, yup one of my DH's favorite songs.

My husband grew up buying albums, cassettes  then CD's of every group and playing every song known to man.  He can win any music name that tune contest without any hesitation.

Me I am music illiterate (comfortably numb)




Time to get back on the couch, DH could be home soon.


Take care


Stay healthy.





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30 minutes ago, Lionesss said:


Your just a tad older than me.


When I was growing up my parents did not have dental insurance and we could not afford to go to the dentist.

The first time I went to see a dentist I was 16 and it  was because it was  a requirement to get into nursing school.


The second time I went was after I graduated and had insurance and I was 20.

I was a pretty good patient for  many years.


Oh, Where was I going with this.


I remember.


I still have all my wisdom teeth.  Yup all 5 of them😲

Guess I was given one to spare, yup, only me.


And every year for 35+ years the dentist has offered to remove them.

And every year for 35+ years the patient has refused to remove them.


Besides, they have not yet caused me grief, and I am knocking on wood, that they don't.


Good luck with your dental appointment, and it actually was not bad.


Be safe


Thanks!  Me too, parents did not have dental insurance...and made worse... Mom never told me about flossing, and I did so love those chewy caramels. 😮  Yup, several cavities which caused several old fillings to reside in my mouth. 


Then in my 20s, I really started taking care of my teeth...no cavities at all after that.  Had one impacted wisdom tooth...had to go to specialist and be put under for procedure.  Otherwise, yes...still have the other 3 wisdom teeth. 


Big problem now is cracked teeth.  Have had several now...welcome to old age.  😖 

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1 hour ago, Ocean Boy said:

Do you know how many hours it has been since he got the antibody infusion?


Hmmm, twice in about 5 minutes that I'm sticking my nose into what is none if my business.

Not at all.  I am glad to have your input.  Is the treatment more than one infusion?    

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I'm happy to say, maybe I shouldn't say as it will break the streak. At age 51 never had a cavity.  My brother is 55 yrs old and he has never had one either.  Guess we are very fortunate to have good teeth.  I had braces preteens and had a prescription fluoride rinse that both my brother and I used for years.  The local pharmacist used to whip up grape flavor for me.

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