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Its not RCL that scares me, its the airlines...


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16 hours ago, 20165 said:

Since we weren't able to to take our RCL cruise this year for obvious reasons, we decided to try an all inclusive in Cancun earlier this month.  We flew direct from Charlotte to Cancun and stayed at a resort that was like a ghost town.  Maybe counted 15-20 other couples the whole time we we were there.  Got back last Tuesday, nov 10, and have since both tested positive for covid.  I am almost 100% certain we got it on the flight back given the airline, American, packed us in like cattle.  In fact, oversold the flight.  

So the reason for me posting this is im certain the cruise lines will do whatever is necessary to keep us safe, especially since they are under a microscope, but if you have to fly to get to a port, beware.  Airlines are not taking these seriously.  We will absolutely not fly again until this is over.


You have no proof it was from the airline. If you didn't want to have a higher risk of getting it you should have just stayed home. It's people like you that are continuing to make the numbers go up. 🙄

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27 minutes ago, ReneeFLL said:

You have no proof it was from the airline. If you didn't want to have a higher risk of getting it you should have just stayed home. It's people like you that are continuing to make the numbers go up. 🙄

Or maybe it's the senseless rules that allow you to fly to a resort in mexico, but you cant cruise to mexico. Idk if cpa's  can now work, but couldn't when I needed one, but gun sellers and liquor salesmen are essential here. And so on. Surely its safer going into a cpa office and sitting across the desk than going to a gun shop or gun range. 


Let's not play the blame game with those who got covid.

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So sorry you got sick, hope you're both better soon.
I could see how being in a crowded plane would make you feel at risk.
Maybe next time buy business class seats or use miles to upgrade like we did. 
t's not all that more expensive than a coach ticket if you do your research.

We've been on 8 airplanes since the virus.
Each time we've been pre-tested before leaving and stayed at 2 very safe resorts, one in Antigua and one in Turks and Caicos.
Never have we felt at risk, nor have we gotten sick. We take every precaution necessary including sanitizing our seating area and constant handwashing and had sanitizer. 
Both resorts had excellent cleaning regimens and social distancing was strictly enforced.
We only use disposable masks and change them often.
We're already planning our trip back to Antigua since they've almost eradicated the virus there last time we checked.

Hopefully  the vaccine will help with cruising in the future but the risk for catching something will always be there no matter how much hand washing you do, whether it be Covid, the flu, Legionaires or noro.
We love cruising even though I've caught at least 4 viruses while cruising and returned home quite sick.  
If the cruise lines upgrade their air filtration systems that should help I believe. 

Forbes -  "aggressive air filtration and circulation systems on planes lead to the near-immediate dispersal of particles carrying the infection"


We would never again go to Mexico during a pandemic or any other time for that matter. 
I always get a stomach bug there so why would I want to risk picking up the virus there too?
Besides, in general it's just not a safe place these days.
Of course I could be wrong but my guess is you got the virus while in Cancun, at the airport, in the taxi, at a restaurant or any number of places. 
You could have gotten it at home before you left, but the airplane is the least likely place to catch it if you're careful and American sanitizes each aircraft before departure.
I've watched what looks like an army going in with cleaning supplies when that plane lands.
Again, I hope you're feeling better soon.

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19 hours ago, 20165 said:

but if you have to fly to get to a port, beware.  Airlines are not taking these seriously.  We will absolutely not fly again until this is over.


And here lies the problem of bringing it on a cruise ship. The seven people on Sea Dream brought it on board from some place.

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Interesting responses, some nasty ones, but ive come to expect that from some people on this board...  Again my main reason for posting was to say that the only place we felt at risk was in the airports and the airplanes.  Everywhere else seemed to be taking extra precautions to make sure we were distanced,  taking out temp, wearing PPE, and hosing us down with hand sanitizer.  Could we have gotten it at one of the other places, absolutely, but i still point to the place that we felt were not taking the safety protocols as seriously as others.

Any why is this relevant to cruising?  Because a lot of us get to the ports via the airlines.

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DW works for a NYC Hospital. They started giving free covid tests in the lobby that she has to pass through at least twice a day. Yesterday the line for testing was through the building and down several blocks. DW is exposed everyday as is my son who works in a midtown bank and myself who works for a Drug Store and my DIL who is an NYC school teacher lives with us. We expose ourselves because it is economically essential. Would we go on a plane or vacation at a resort? Absolutely not. It amazes me that people are willing to jump on a plane to go on vacation and when they get sick they blame the resort or airlines. How about supporting your local economy by vacationing in your own state or neighboring states.  We are so lucky. Had we been around during the Spanish Flu I don't know what some of you would have done to occupy your time. Living conditions were bad enough for most on a good day back then. Some didn't even have indoor plumbing or hot water. I suppose the Vanderbilts, Morgans , Rockefellers and the Carnegies had it better as they had vacation homes but even they didn't have Netflix.

Edited by Iamcruzin
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17 hours ago, Ashland said:

Not at my local Walmart and other stores in my hometown...everyone is masked and taking it seriously :classic_ninja:


Finding that same thing in our state as well.  Most in our area are wearing masks, and almost everyone down in the Florida Keys (they are one of the more strict counties), but for some reason in the Panhandle of Florida, they were not wearing them as much.  I was quite shocked actually.  😷

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14 hours ago, ChC said:

If it is me, I would ask myself following questions:

1, Did I wear a face mask all the time and not take it off?

2, Did I use 75% alcohol wipes or liquid to wash hands every time I touched a foreign object?

3, Did I come into contact with anyone that was not wearing face mask correctly?

4, Did I wear the face mask all the time in the resort and did all staff war their face mask all the time and wear it correctly.

5,  Did the taxi driver wear face mask and correctly? Did I open the window while in the taxi instead of the air conditioning?

6, Did the resort have central air condition or individual wall unit? Did the hotel change filters as required?

7, Did the house keeping clean the room under regulation required that including but not limited to spray every corner of the room, wipe every surface and remove all service items by replace with single use items only? How long did the room left empty before it was let to me? 48 hours are desirable.

8, Did I use resort pools and did I wash my hand in wanted water and soup every time I touched anything.

9, did I go to any bars drinking ?

10, Did I sit too close to anyone while eating in the resort?

11, how many people I have came to contact in Cancun and could anyone had the virus.

12, when was the symptoms firstly occur and look back 21 days where I have been and who I had met?


Often you pick up the Virus not only you were in close contact with people, but also objects can pass the virus like hand rails or unclean surfaces that had been exposed to carrier. For all we know you could have pick it up while eating good prepared by a chef that was asymptomatic, or the room was occupied by someone had virus before you and the housekeeping did not do the job, or even the people staying next door to you in the hotel.


Fun fact from Thailand, majority of recent positive cases came from passengers that have stayed in a state quarantine hotel and they only got tested positive after 10 days staying in the hotel, while they were all clear before their arriving. (Basically the suspected infection happens in the quarantine hotels).

Thanks, maybe you opened his eyes some so he doesn't immediately blame the airlines.


11 hours ago, Covepointcruiser said:

I hope the OP notified the resort and airline.    Did they have the contact tracing on their phone so at least the folks around them will be notified that the virus was near.    I hope their trip was “essential” as they have exposed many to the virus.

No it wasn't essential when they decide to go to an all inclusive since their cruise was cancelled. I highly doubt he contacted the resort or airlines. He just came on here to complain about the airlines and not take responsibility for his actions. Sure he could have gotten covid just staying home, but when they decide to take a non-essential vacation they just spread it more once they catch it.


2 hours ago, firefly333 said:

Let's not play the blame game with those who got covid.

I know people get covid from not traveling, but when someone goes out for their pleasure and only thinks about themselves then I will play the blame game. It's always about me, me, me. Ugh! 😡 If people would do what the CDC recommends there would be a lot fewer cases and a lot less deaths. It will never go away when such people act like this and cruising will still stay a distant memory.

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12 hours ago, jean87510 said:

Dont forget bathroom and pit stops where people may not have on their masks...

I hate those places even when there isn't a pandemic. I reluctantly had to use the restroom in Penn Station the other day. It was a bathhouse for the homeless. I wanted to jump into a pool of hand sanitizer when I got out of there. I think I'll wear Depends to my next Dr appointment.

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3 hours ago, firefly333 said:

Or maybe it's the senseless rules that allow you to fly to a resort in mexico, but you cant cruise to mexico. Idk if cpa's  can now work, but couldn't when I needed one, but gun sellers and liquor salesmen are essential here. And so on. Surely its safer going into a cpa office and sitting across the desk than going to a gun shop or gun range. 


Let's not play the blame game with those who got covid.

Don't tell me to not play the blame game when I have nothing to do with who the government thinks is essential. I know you're upset because who can and can't do things and I agree with you at times, but I not the one making the rules.


48 minutes ago, 20165 said:

Interesting responses, some nasty ones, but ive come to expect that from some people on this board...  Again my main reason for posting was to say that the only place we felt at risk was in the airports and the airplanes.

Just because you felt uncomfortable doesn't mean you got it at the airport or on the plane. Ugh! As for the nasty responses what did you expect when you took a non-essential vacation, got sick and possibly spread it to others? You need to look at the bigger picture and not the one just for you.


47 minutes ago, Iamcruzin said:

......Would we go on a plane or vacation at a resort? Absolutely not. It amazes me that people are willing to jump on a plane to go on vacation and when they get sick they blame the resort or airlines.......

You and your family are being responsible 👍 while others aren't and are only thinking of themselves.

Edited by ReneeFLL
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9 hours ago, yogimax said:

Here's the problem...


You get off an airplane and three days later test positive for COVID.  That will not be traced back to the flight.  We simply don't know the true statistics of COVID caught on an  airplane or in an airport.

We have flown many times and have never tested positive for Covid.  I  also have many friends and work colleagues who have traveled extensively without any problems.  I am not saying that it couldn't be a problem, but that the risk appears to be low with the protocols that they have in place.

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1 hour ago, Iamcruzin said:

And here lies the problem of bringing it on a cruise ship. The seven people on Sea Dream brought it on board from some place.

The initial group of 6 that traveled from CA to Miami posted on Facebook's pictures of them partying at a club in Miami with noone wearing masks or social distancing.  One of the 6 had recently had covid.  

Then they flew to Barbados and boarded Sea Dream where no masks were required once on the ship.  

That group of 5 all tested positive and infected another couple who days later had to go to hospital in barbados.  Then 2 crew tested positive so the irresponsible behavior of that group led to 4 others being infected.

I just hope the older couple that went to hospital is ok.

Meanwhile that group of 6 refused to go to quarantine facility in barbados and chartered a private jet.

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16 hours ago, ONECRUISER said:

Reminds me of the 2011 Movie "Contagion" where really peaked after Thanksgiving. Hopefully most will be safe over the Holiday. With many in person Colleges/schooling now closing more worried they'll bring CV home with them to Grandma...

NYC schools are closed starting next week. MY DIL will be teaching class remotely in my basement. My son has been working from home since the beginning and DW who just went back to the office at the end of Sept will probably be working from home again. Last week I dropped off a  frozen turkey breast and the trimmings for my elderly parents so Grandma and Grandpa will be alone but safe from the rest of us on Thanksgiving.

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I continue to hear a lot of people say they are hosting several family members from other households for Thanksgiving.   Just stupid!!   

Then there are college kids flying home for holidays.  

It is going to get alot worse in December.

It's just going to be 2 of us for Turkey day, sure I miss everyone but I think I am going to enjoy the day off without having to rush around clean house and have a schedule to stick to with meal time then clean up after everyone leaves.

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5 minutes ago, Sunshine3601 said:

The initial group of 6 that traveled from CA to Miami posted on Facebook's pictures of them partying at a club in Miami with noone wearing masks or social distancing.  One of the 6 had recently had covid.  

Then they flew to Barbados and boarded Sea Dream where no masks were required once on the ship.  

That group of 5 all tested positive and infected another couple who days later had to go to hospital in barbados.  Then 2 crew tested positive so the irresponsible behavior of that group led to 4 others being infected.

I just hope the older couple that went to hospital is ok.

Meanwhile that group of 6 refused to go to quarantine facility in barbados and chartered a private jet.

Everyone wants their "Freedom" but they don't want to live responsibly. These establishments that don't require masks or social distancing should be fined by the state. We have been to several restaurants over the summer and chose indoor seating. There was plexiglass between every two bar stools and the tables were spread out. They are all using paper menus and paper table coverings. The one place we go to often uses thick butcher paper to cover the tables and it's disposed of after each customer. We feel the safest there. In general people haven't been eating in restaurants. It's the crowded clubs that have been fined or shut down here. 

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1 hour ago, Iamcruzin said:

But you would jump on a cruise ship tomorrow. I don't get it.

Maybe not me, I would like to see more signs rcl is coming back.


I own quit a bit of cruise line stock, so I am worried but not for me.


Actually I lifted and shifted my feb cruise many months ago. I'm booked april 25th now. I'd like to see it go but am thinking what to do., only one other dec 12 2021 on rcl.


It's my stock I'm worried about, not my own cruise.,.. not that it matters.


I'd like to jump on a cruise now, but personally I wouldnt. I hope to be vaccinated first. 


Please dont put words in my mouth unless you know what I'm actually thinking. Yes I'd like more communication from the cruiselines.... because I have too large of a chunk of stock. I want them to survive. One cruise, yes I would like it to go. But i realized long ago feb too early to get vaccinated and moved it. April iffy in my mind.

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2 minutes ago, firefly333 said:

Maybe not me, I would like to see more signs rcl is coming back.


I own quit a bit of cruise line stock, so I am worried but not for me.


Actually I lifted and shifted my feb cruise many months ago. I'm booked april 25th now. I'd like to see it go but am thinking what to do., only one other dec 12 2021 on rcl.


It's my stock I'm worried about, not my own cruise.,.. not that it matters.


I'd like to jump on a cruise now, but personally I wouldnt. I hope to be vaccinated first. 


Please dont put words in my mouth unless you know what I'm actually thinking. Yes I'd like more communication from the cruiselines.... because I have too large of a chunk of stock. I want them to survive. One cruise, yes I would like it to go. But i realized long ago feb too early to get vaccinated and moved it. April iffy in my mind.

RCL does appear to be making significant progress.  They are recruiting test volunteers right now and should begin test sailings soon.  Although, I don't think they will be able to meet all the CDC requirements until February.  There are still many things that they can't control, but I am hopeful that I will be drinking a Corona on my RCL cruise at the end of March 😎 

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2 hours ago, island lady said:


Finding that same thing in our state as well.  Most in our area are wearing masks, and almost everyone down in the Florida Keys (they are one of the more strict counties), but for some reason in the Panhandle of Florida, they were not wearing them as much.  I was quite shocked actually.  😷


In many states cases are spiking more in rural counties than urban ones.  I live in a major metro area and I have to say mask compliance is close to 100%.  But from what I've been told compliance in some rural areas is considerably lower.  Some people, sadly, still seem to think this is more of a city issue and because they live in the country they are not at risk.


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21 hours ago, island lady said:

I don't know...the "Walmartians" at Walmart are pretty scary too.  


Walk in with mask (if at all) but take it off in the store.  Some coughing and sneezing at the same time...yikes.  Noticed it more in the Panhandle of Florida than central or south part.  Not sure why.  


I frequently refer to "the wilds of Costco", and now "Costconians".  Crazy people there:  oblivious to social distancing.  I walk directly behind my husband as he maneuvers through the "wilds".  I will now only go there when they first open at 8:30am for seniors.  Me and about 20 other people in the warehouse.

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12 minutes ago, voyager70 said:


In many states cases are spiking more in rural counties than urban ones.  I live in a major metro area and I have to say mask compliance is close to 100%.  But from what I've been told compliance in some rural areas is considerably lower.  Some people, sadly, still seem to think this is more of a city issue and because they live in the country they are not at risk.



And then they come and fill up our urban hospitals. Absolutely infuriating. My wife is pregnant and I can't even go to the appointments because of these fools. 

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3 minutes ago, Zach1213 said:


And then they come and fill up our urban hospitals. Absolutely infuriating. My wife is pregnant and I can't even go to the appointments because of these fools. 


So sorry this has happened.  Best of luck to you and your wife.


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