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The Daily for Friday Feb 12, 2021


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Good morning Rich, Roy, precious sisters, and Daily-ites. 


Looking outside this morning,  there's ice as far as I can see. Our poor trees have snapped limbs and our beautiful magnolia tree is bent over and iced solid. I brought the bird feeders onto our covered porch and brought the birdbath too. I'm putting our hummingbird feeders on rotation. Sunday low of 8. Monday is zero.

We will be lower temps than Coeur d'Alene!


We didn't feel like having the chicken wild rice soup last night, so that will be dinner tonight, although ravioli lasagna sounds really good..


I'm missing our sweet friend Roy. He's been on my heart and thoughts. I wish there were someone that could let us know how he's doing. Let's all keep him in prayer today. Which reminds me, call and chat with a loved one today.


Prayers and cheers,


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Good morning everyone!  Thank you for the Daily Rich and thank you for keeping Roy’s lists. You can take my mother off the celebration list now. 

It was so disheartening to hear about @rafinmd being in the hospital. I didn’t find out until last night after reading the later posts from Wednesday and he has been on my mind ever since and in my prayers. 

Happy birthday to Abe and happy Chinese New Year 🧧 The meal suggestion sounds good but we are having the Tomato Feta Fish tonight. I ended up making Chicken Pot Pie Wednesday instead so tonight is the fish. 

@ger_77 so sorry to hear about your fall but thankful nothing is broken. Falls are scary, I’ve had my share. I think it was @Quartzsite Cruiser who was talking about rugs.......I broke my hand a few years ago while trying to straighten a rug and falling at the same time. Needless to say that I threw that rug away. 

Have a great day everyone!

Edited by Sharon in AZ
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Light snow here this morning, but this storm is supposed to be a really light one and it is warmer than the original forecast. That Arctic blast has not managed to push over the mountains to our east yet.... but it is coming. We expect much colder and more snow on Saturday afternoon.... we shall see. We are still not as cold as Texas!!! I feel for people there. I have friends in north Texas who have sheep lambing and cattle calving right now. Not the ideal thing. Mother nature seems a bit annoyed.


Meal sound good, but I will be having scallops and salad.  Have been feeling like light dinners the past few days.


Take care all. Masks up!!





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Good morning all!

Happy Birthday Mr. Lincoln!  I have several friends whose birthday is today also, plus it's the 11th anniversary of my sister's death.  So kind of a bittersweet day for me.  


Tonight our "big snow" is supposed to start, we'll see how many inches we get.  

The dinner looks really yummy and I have all the ingredients, but I'll file that away for later in the week.  We've had a lot of beef lately, so will wait.  Maybe take-out tonight before the snow hits. 🙂  


@mamaofamicongrats on getting an appointment for your DH!  I do know how hard it can be.

@ger_77I bruise so easily too, so I know what you mean.  After the fall you took, you're probably black and blue from head to toe.  😞  


I thought some photos of flowers might brighten the day, especially for those in the midst of frigid temps.  Going through my photos I found these, some Hellebore, Crocus, and the local daffodil and tulip fields with my grandsons a couple years ago.  Last year (because of Covid) the fields weren't open to walk through like they usually are, we'll see how they handle it this year but I won't be surprised if they do the same as last year.









tulip fields.jpg


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Good afternoon everyone from a damp Ireland.

I haven't posted much recently as we have been greatly taken up with DW's daily radiation sessions, which are now completed 👍  Her Radiology, Medical and Surgical Oncologists are happy that she is now cancer free and we are working on getting some weight back on her.  Thank you everyone for the support, prayers and thoughts you have sent our way over the past months.

@rafinmd @richwmn you may now remove her from the 'Care List'.


Having spent the last few hours reading the 'Daily' for the past few days, our thoughts are with those who are suffering and/or need care, to mention a few @rafinmd for a quick and complete recovery, @superoma following her lumpectomy (careful which arm you get your covid vax in!) and @ger_77 steady on girl!   Also anyone else who I have omitted.

Stay safe everyone. 


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Good morning.  Like the quote and meal suggestions.  However, it is time to work on the leftovers, so we'll either have chili or pizza with our wine today.  It really doesn't matter, since we'll have the other tomorrow.


@richwmn   Again thanks for doing double duty. 

@kazu Your cartoons and pictures always give me a laugh.  So glad the "sanders" are out.  @Mary229  Can't believe the weather in Texas, though it does happen every few years or so.  That's one of the reasons we come to Arizona in the winter (if we are not on a cruise). 

@mamaofami  Congratulations on getting your DH an appointment.  Hope they have enough data soon and that it will be safe for you to get your shot. 

@Sharon in AZ  Glad you got rid of that slippery rug.  Wish we could toss ours, but the replacements are "in transit to the next destination" according to USPS.


Sending positive thoughts to Roy that he gets well soon.


Everyone stay safe and be careful when out and about, especially on icy roads.  We saw on the Weather Channel last night they'd closed I-35 in Waco down to one lane in each direction.  And finally, please wear your mask, social distance, etc.



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6 minutes ago, VMax1700 said:

Her Radiology, Medical and Surgical Oncologists are happy that she is now cancer free and we are working on getting some weight back on her. 


That is such wonderful news!!!  YAY 😄 So happy to hear a good ending 😄 

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5 minutes ago, VMax1700 said:

Good afternoon everyone from a damp Ireland.

I haven't posted much recently as we have been greatly taken up with DW's daily radiation sessions, which are now completed 👍  Her Radiology, Medical and Surgical Oncologists are happy that she is now cancer free and we are working on getting some weight back on her.  Thank you everyone for the support, prayers and thoughts you have sent our way over the past months.

@rafinmd @richwmn you may now remove her from the 'Care List'.


Having spent the last few hours reading the 'Daily' for the past few days, our thoughts are with those who are suffering and/or need care, to mention a few @rafinmd for a quick and complete recovery, @superoma following her lumpectomy (careful which arm you get your covid vax in!) and @ger_77 steady on girl!   Also anyone else who I have omitted.

Stay safe everyone. 


So glad Mrs.VMax has completed her radiation treatments and is now cancer free.  I can't imagine the relief you both must feel to know she is cancer free.  



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Good morning all!  And many thanks to Rich for doing double duty.  And of course to the drinks and recipe ladies...  @VMax1700, so happy to hear the radiation is completed.  I was about to email you to find out how you both were!  We missed you.


Freezing cold here, not quite on a par with eastern Canada, but pretty awful.  I won't be out hunting for lost pennies.  (Actually, my first name is Penelope, so I might count as the "lost penny" except I know where I am most of the time.)  The hummingbirds were waiting for Pat when he took the feeders out early.  I imagine they will be frozen soon, and we'll have to bring them back in to warm up.  I did bring in a potted fuchsia yesterday and a couple of geraniums, but they don't look happy, and I may have left it too late for them.  It's supposed to stay cold and snowy for a few more days, and then maybe warm up a bit next week.  February is the cruelest month....



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@VMax1700that is some wonderful news from your side of the pond.  Best wishes to your DW and I hope she enjoys gaining a little weight back.  (hint - ice cream always works for me!)🤭


@richwmnyou've done a great job filling in for @rafinmd.  We hope to hear some good news about him very soon.


My DIL posted a photo of her Chinese Lunar new year decoration hung on the balcony door in Florida.  She is of Chinese/Singaporean descent.  I know she wouldn't mind me sharing it with you.enhance


It's still below freezing in Waco but at least it's not precipitating right now.  DS told me he worked out in the gym at the hotel yesterday instead of heading to the local Gold's Gym, just to be safe.  I was relieved to hear it.  I passed on your warning @Quartzsite Cruiserabout the Waco drivers' lack of skill on slippery roads.  Seems he listened to us!

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53 minutes ago, VMax1700 said:

Good afternoon everyone from a damp Ireland.

I haven't posted much recently as we have been greatly taken up with DW's daily radiation sessions, which are now completed 👍  Her Radiology, Medical and Surgical Oncologists are happy that she is now cancer free and we are working on getting some weight back on her.  Thank you everyone for the support, prayers and thoughts you have sent our way over the past months.

@rafinmd @richwmn you may now remove her from the 'Care List'.


Having spent the last few hours reading the 'Daily' for the past few days, our thoughts are with those who are suffering and/or need care, to mention a few @rafinmd for a quick and complete recovery, @superoma following her lumpectomy (careful which arm you get your covid vax in!) and @ger_77 steady on girl!   Also anyone else who I have omitted.

Stay safe everyone. 


Thank you for the reminder about shots in arm. I had that info from someone else as well but am annoyed that the information has not been passed on by the doctors or nurses I have been in contact with. So happy that your wife is doing well. Best wishes for continuing better health.

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Good Morning All!

I can’t believe I woke up after 7:30! That’s the first time in years.😳


Actually woke up before that  and it was raining. So turned over to listen to the rare adagio of raindrops and fell asleep. Dreamed I was on Veendam and was searching for her promenade deck. Never found it, but being on her again and waking up a second time to a downpour was good for the soul. So I guess it was time well invested. Now if one of you FIND her promenade deck, please return it. (Or send it to me.)🤫


And @durangoscots, if this storm is headed to you, we may have stolen your rain. Or snow.


Talking about lost pennies- I found them. Lots of them while cleaning the garage. DH had a stash, I had a stash and the washer had a stash. All totaled, >$650 in coins. So they’re sorted, rolled and waiting to go to the bank next week. I will use a small hand truck.  And I found lots of Canadian change too, (enough to send a few of you to Starbucks), which strikes me as funny, being we’re so far from any border.

So cleaning up and organizing the garage continues. It’s maps today and the remainder of the filing cabinet.

Yesterday went to getting the new refrigerator installed, cleaned and organized. That leaves a new hood as the final appliance. It really sticks out like a sore thumb (cream in a now SS kitchen.) Each of the new appliances is so quiet and much more efficient with useful features, so it was worth it.🤑


Praying for those on the care list, especially @rafinmd for a speedy and complete recovery. 

@kazu That fungus looks delicious. Tomorrow’s dinner is planned.😉


Edited by TiogaCruiser
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@VMax1700 - Great news about Ellen! Maybe I'll open my bottle of "The Pouges" Irish whiskey and toast you both tonight!


I have a sack (or two) of Canadian pennies. Does anyone need paperweights? Or maybe a boat anchor? 


Costco has a ravioli lasagna that we think is pretty good. At least good enough that I would think twice before making my own from scratch.


Final London pictures (I think); Globe Theater, Big Ben, and Parliament (no George Clinton)




And St. George's Tavern which was a couple of blocks from my hotel near Victoria Station. I had some wonderful fish & chips there one Saturday evening (and a couple pints of cask ale!). The mushy peas looked a bit terrifying but they were actually quite tasty!


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Good morning, all! And Happy Chinese New Year, or Lunar New Year, whichever you prefer.

I’ll open with the finished pics of the gingerbread pagoda.




I’m pleased with the final product, although there’s a page full of notes on tweaks and corrections for next time. It’s my own design based on a couple of pictures of pagodas, and first time assembling that roof style.There were a couple of construction site accidents along the way, but with a little improvised scaffolding fixed all. I was able to show my DD in Taipei on Skype last night. @DeeniEncinitasthank you for your kind compliments. That is high praise from someone with your amazing artistic skills! @VMax1700welcome back and that is wonderful news about Mrs. VMax! @ger_77the fall aftermath sounds painful! Plenty more rest and wine is called for. (Warning - too much wine leads to more falls. Measure carefully!) The meal, cocktail, and wine all sound like winners. We will be having Char Sui and homemade chow fun noodles tonight.


And finally, Happy Friday! May we see these mats again soon!



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28 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

@VMax1700that is some wonderful news from your side of the pond.  Best wishes to your DW and I hope she enjoys gaining a little weight back.  (hint - ice cream always works for me!)🤭


@richwmnyou've done a great job filling in for @rafinmd.  We hope to hear some good news about him very soon.


My DIL posted a photo of her Chinese Lunar new year decoration hung on the balcony door in Florida.  She is of Chinese/Singaporean descent.  I know she wouldn't mind me sharing it with you.enhance


It's still below freezing in Waco but at least it's not precipitating right now.  DS told me he worked out in the gym at the hotel yesterday instead of heading to the local Gold's Gym, just to be safe.  I was relieved to hear it.  I passed on your warning @Quartzsite Cruiserabout the Waco drivers' lack of skill on slippery roads.  Seems he listened to us!

It always makes a mom feel good when their child listens to and heeds their advice and warnings.  So glad he paid attention to your warning.  You deserve all the credit since I just passed along information that really applies to most southern born drivers. As I mentioned earlier, Waco made the news on the Weather Channel last night.

Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good afternoon. Thanks Rich.

Again cold here, but only snow flurries so far today. More forecast for the weekend.

Happy Year of the Ox. The original Abraham Lincoln birthday!

Thinking of Roy.


@mamaofami Congrats on getting DH an appointment.

@VMax1700 Great news to hear DW has finished her radiation and that she is cancer free! 

@Horizon chaser 1957 Wow, great job! I've never made a gingerbread anything.


Prayers for the Care list and Cheers to the celebration list.

Be safe, social distance, wash your hands and wear your masks.







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