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The Daily for Monday August 30, 2021


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Thanks Rich and all contributors. Beautiful day in Michigan and currently 68 F. 

We have been going to local farms and getting freshly picked corn on the cob and other fresh vegetables. So good.


According to neighbors our Florida abode received a lot of rain but nothing like our neighbor states to the West! Over a million without power and so many with damaged homes. Our prayer continue for victims of Ida and for our troops!


Have a great week.

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Good morning.  I like the whole light-hearted mix today -- Frankenstein, beaches, toasted marshmallows, chicken tenders.  The Horace quote is a good one and the drink interesting.  We drove up north in New Zealand, but I don't recall that we made it as far north as Whangarei.


Take care, All, and be safe.  Many extra prayers.

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8 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone.

Sam left here by ambulance yesterday afternoon. He had chest pain and pain down his arm. The medics asked me to give him 4 baby aspirin to chew as they were on the way. The hospital did blood work, a CAT scan of his chest and an EKG. Everything was normal. They moved him to a room for observation and might do a stress test this AM. If everything is normal, he will come home. Once again, my kids stepped up. I don’t know what I would do without them.

Stay safe everyone,


Sending prayers 🙏 for Sam.

Hopefully everything is okay and he comes home soon.

Taking the aspirin quickly is great advice for symptoms like Sam had.

Take care.



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17 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone.

Sam left here by ambulance yesterday afternoon. He had chest pain and pain down his arm. The medics asked me to give him 4 baby aspirin to chew as they were on the way. The hospital did blood work, a CAT scan of his chest and an EKG. Everything was normal. They moved him to a room for observation and might do a stress test this AM. If everything is normal, he will come home. Once again, my kids stepped up. I don’t know what I would do without them.

Stay safe everyone,


I am sorry to hear this, Carol. I will be praying everything comes back normal, that he is feeling much better and able to go home today.

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Good morning from central Texas.  It's supposed to be sunny and in the mid 90sF today.


Like @puppycanducruise I like Young Frankenstein, but not the other one.  Also, I agree with @msmayor that toasted marshmallows are best in smores.  @rafinmd Roy. DH likes his marshmallows slightly burned.  While we are not really beach people, I miss walking on a beach with our two dachshunds and watching them run on the beach.  In the early 1970s when you could still drive on Padre Island, we drive down the beach to the Mansfield Cut.


Horace's quote is interesting.  We'll pass on the drink, wine and meal today.  I'm not sure what will be our dinner tonight.


We have not been to today's port and are looking forward to pictures.  We've only been to Auckland and the Bay of Islands, which we enjoyed.


@KirkNC  Good luck with your move.

@JAM37  An update with the doctor's office seems in order.  Hope your DH feels better and stronger soon.

@dish  What you experienced during Carla was good old Texas hospitality.  We've ridden out two Tropical storms, but would definitely evacuate for a hurricane if we still lived near the coast.


Everyone in Ida's path are in our thoughts as are the soldiers, other Americans and those trying to flee Afghanistan.




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22 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone.

Sam left here by ambulance yesterday afternoon. He had chest pain and pain down his arm. The medics asked me to give him 4 baby aspirin to chew as they were on the way. The hospital did blood work, a CAT scan of his chest and an EKG. Everything was normal. They moved him to a room for observation and might do a stress test this AM. If everything is normal, he will come home. Once again, my kids stepped up. I don’t know what I would do without them.

Stay safe everyone,



Carol, sorry about Sam's latest emergency, but glad his tests were normal.  Glad you had help from your kids.  Sending good thoughts that the stress test is normal.  Also, sending you a big virtual hug, and hope things go smoothly in the future.  



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Good Morning from a bright and sunny day at the beach

    Great day to celebrate our beaches. One of my favorite past times is walking on the beach which I do almost every day. It is peaceful and so relaxing. Love watching the waves come in.

     We are scheduled to go to New Zealand in the fall of 2022, hoping all will be well by then. So anxious to see the pictures.

    Hope everyone is doing OK. 


Stay safe and enjoy today


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18 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Is this for the fall or do you plan to live there permanently?



We have rented out our townhouse in Raleigh for a year so it will be that long or longer.  It’s a unique place to live , crowds in the summer, empty in the winter.  I think it will be permanent at least until we become decrepit. 😜

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Good morning Rich and Daily-ites. Thank you for the Daily. Prayers, prayers and fervent prayers to so many today struggling with heartache and pain.


I watched Frankenstein as a child and the movie scared me terribly. I would run from my bus stop home, worried Frankie was behind every tree.


I called our doctor today and Allen gets his booster at 12:30. We need to drive about 20 minutes to the pharmacy but that's fine by us. Per current protocol, I need to wait til October for mine.


I think we will stop after Allen's poke and celebrate at the Fish City Grill.


Thank you to Roy and the Food and beverage ladies for your loyal contributions. 

Prayers, Cheers and Blessings 

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16 minutes ago, KirkNC said:

We have rented out our townhouse in Raleigh for a year so it will be that long or longer.  It’s a unique place to live , crowds in the summer, empty in the winter.  I think it will be permanent at least until we become decrepit. 😜


Congratulations on your move. Enjoy!

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@mamaofami  I am so sorry to hear of Sam's trip to the hospital.  You are blessed that your children step up so quickly.   They are blessed that they can and do step up.   When I was taking care of Mom and Dad I think I got more from it than they did.  Bless them and prayers that all is well and Sam is home this afternoon.

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I love the days today.  Young Frankenstein is my favorite, I can eat marshmallow's by themselves toasted over an open fire.  It's not a beach, but we spent time this morning in the pool.  It was delightful.

I like the quote and meal suggestion.  We are actually having Chicken Tenders tonight, minus the peas.

We've not been to New Zealand, looking forward to the photos.

Prayers and hugs to our lists.  I hope Sam is doing better today.  Good luck with the move Kirk.  I was invited out to lunch tomorrow, but several of the ladies have not been vaccinated.  I declined and they thought I was stupid.  Their loss.

Stay safe, social distance, and please wear your mask.

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1 hour ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone.

Sam left here by ambulance yesterday afternoon. He had chest pain and pain down his arm. The medics asked me to give him 4 baby aspirin to chew as they were on the way. The hospital did blood work, a CAT scan of his chest and an EKG. Everything was normal. They moved him to a room for observation and might do a stress test this AM. If everything is normal, he will come home. Once again, my kids stepped up. I don’t know what I would do without them.

Stay safe everyone,



Carol, I'm sorry to hear about Sam's episode of chest pain yesterday, but glad to hear the tests came back normal.  Having your kids near you to help out is a real blessing at these times.  Mine live too far away which is worrisome as we age.  Your mention of the baby aspirin prompts me to plan to purchase some "just in case" we ever need some in an emergency.  I don't even have adult dosage aspirin in our house!   Hoping Sam comes home today.

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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  I love watching Young Frankenstein - have seen it several times, and laugh heartily at each showing.  Haven't had a toasted marshmallow in a couple of years; I think it's time to find a firepit and enjoy them again.  Who wouldn't love to sink their toes into the powder like sand on Half Moon Cay today?  Sigh.


A bright sunny day here on the "frozen tundra", but when driving around the city yesterday, we noticed something - the leaves are turning colours.  I'm sure some of it has to do with the drought we've had, but there are definitely golden yellows beginning to show on many of the trees in all areas of the city.  That, along with the fact that the neighbourhood squirrel has been pinching off pine cones from all the spruce trees in the area makes me think we're in for an early - and likely long - winter.  


Yesterday we did take a drive across town to a new market that highlights locally produced items and produce, and while we were there, saw that in addition to  barbecue style rotisserie chicken, they had the salt & pepper variety, so we bought one.  Oh yum, it was like having salt & pepper wings, but on the whole chicken.  I'm pretty sure by now you can guess what's going to be on our dinner table again tonight - salt & pepper chicken with a side salad.  And wine.


@KirkNCgood luck with the rest of your move - hopefully your stay in the new place will be for a long, long time.

@JAM37I'm happy to read that your DH is feeling a little better, but agree with the idea to check in with the doctor.

@dfishI'd forgotten about using corn flakes to coat chicken; I haven't done it in ages, but will certainly do so when we have chicken breasts again.  It would be great done in the air fryer.

@mamaofamithe excitement never stops in your house, does it?  I'm happy to hear Sam didn't have a heart attack, but hope they'll find the cause of his pain.  Bless your kids for stepping up again to help.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers going out to all who have been affected from Hurricane Ida, to the people in Afghanistan still waiting to be evacuated, and to those who are helping them.  Raising the glasses together tonight to celebrate all on the happy list.  Stay well, be safe, wash your hands, wear your masks, and hydrate!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



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Good Monday morning, everyone!  @mamaofami, what a relief that Sam's tests were normal, but a scary episode, anyway.  Pat has been having pain in his right arm, so I haven't really worried about him, I think it must be a pulled muscle, but it's getting worse, so a call to the doctor is in order.  This morning I go for my Prolia shot, so I may mention it to him.  We have to discuss my having another bone density study, too.  With all that's going on in the world, there's lots to think about...


We have been watching" Coast - New Zealand";  I think one episode was on the area around Whangarei, and I don't think we've been there, but I will have to check.We've been to New Zealand on a cruise from Vancouver, and also a driving trip.  My aunt was funny about it, she never wanted us to visit NZ, she was scared we might want to move there!

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Good morning to all!  I'm so late today!  This morning we decided to walk outdoors instead of our usual treadmill routine.  We ended up going a lot further than we thought we had - nearly 3.75 miles!  It was of course quite warm, humid, and with no breeze at all.  I'm looking forward to crisp fall days.


Interesting set of days to celebrate.  I do remember watching Frankenstein movies as a kid as well as Dracula and all those other scary movies.  They seemed to be popular in the late '50s.  As an adult I don't watch scary movies at all!  Beach days sound fun, though I try to stay out of the hot sun if I can after my brush with melanoma skin cancer.  I love toasted marshmallows in my S'mores too!  The chicken tenders dinner sounds good but the potatoes and peas looked a little odd together.  I'd probably substitute another veggie.  And the rose wine sounds wonderful!


Whangarei, New Zealand is one port I haven't been to.  I've enjoyed all the New Zealand ports I've been to though so I'm sure I would enjoy Whangarei, too.  I hope we'll see some good photos today.


@JAM37I hope the doctor has some advice for your DH regarding his shortness of breath and weakness.  It seems like all the Covid patients nowadays have a real battle to regain their health afterwards.  It's good you're taking such great care of him.


Thanks go today to Rich and Roy, as well as our food and beverage helpers for keeping us all enlightened.  Congratulations to all celebrants, and prayers for all who need them.  Especially those who died in Afghanistan, are serving there now, or are trying to flee to safety.  And to those in the path of Ida.  I've heard all of New Orleans is without power and this could go on for weeks.  It must be quite a scary hurricane/tropical storm!  I know I wouldn't want to be there.  We're expecting some rain tomorrow but hopefully not more than 2 inches.  We're going to be dealing with Ida through the week as she makes her way to the northeast and back out to sea.


Have a safe, happy day all!


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Good morning all!

Like many others, I like "Young Frankenstein" Gene Wilder was a hoot!  Not a fan of marshmallows unless they're being used to hold my graham cracker and chocolate together in a smore 😉  Love taking long walks along the beach, in all kinds of weather.  


Yesterday was busy, I picked up my new pair of glasses and ordered a second pair of contacts at Costco.  Also I was able to get my 3rd jab yesterday, very thankful about that but now worried that the possible news from the EU this week will put a stop to our cruise later this month!  Never a dull moment!


@mamaofamiprayers for your DH, and very glad his tests have been ok.

@KirkNCgood luck with the move!

@Norseh2oso exciting, congratulations on your new grandbaby!  Swedish is a great hospital -- both of my grandsons were born there 🙂  







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17 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!


Yesterday was busy, I picked up my new pair of glasses and ordered a second pair of contacts at Costco.  Also I was able to get my 3rd jab yesterday, very thankful about that but now worried that the possible news from the EU this week will put a stop to our cruise later this month!  Never a dull moment.


Happy for you!  Where did you get your booster - Costco?  

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2 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Sam left here by ambulance yesterday afternoon. He had chest pain and pain down his arm. The medics asked me to give him 4 baby aspirin to chew as they were on the way. The hospital did blood work, a CAT scan of his chest and an EKG. Everything was normal. They moved him to a room for observation and might do a stress test this AM. If everything is normal, he will come home. Once again, my kids stepped up. I don’t know what I would do without them.


Oh my heavens Carol 😱. Prayers for Sam that all is well 🙏🏻 And God bless your children ♥️ 

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4 hours ago, richwmn said:

Today is Frankenstein Day, Toasted Marshmallow Day, and National Beach Day


Happy Frankenstein Marshmallow Day! I couldn't show them on the beach because the peanut butter cup ears tend to melt off.




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