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The Daily for Friday October 08, 2021


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Good day!  Haven't posted in several days although I read every day.  Prayers for all on the Care List and a Happy Dance for those celebrating.


This has been a crazy week.  I was completely "thrown off" by having to go to Court to get the final Restraining order against my grandson.  He is now out of the VA Psych Ward and the report is that he is not taking his meds.  I am so sorry for him to be going through such an awful period, but by the same token I still have to protect myself!  Our mental health system in this country is badly broken and so many need serious long term help.


We have had a little rain overnight several nights, and every drop helps our drought situation.  Glad to see when @durangoscotsreported that there is some snow showing on the higher peaks.  In my part of the state, snow (if it comes) will be very much later in the year!  


This afternoon is the time when I volunteer with my stepdaughter at her church.  We get the food ready for distribution at the monthly food bank event.  It is lots of work, but so many are helped.  I only go on Friday--Saturday is just too back-breaking for this 79+ year old!


My Red Cross volunteer stuff keeps me busy at least 1-2 days per week.  I sometimes think that is the only thing that keeps me going and relatively sane.   (If that is possible.)


I am enjoying reading the various threads on the current BHB sailings.  Sounds like a good time is being had by all.  In this last week I am leaning more toward doing my Hawaiian land trip in January, followed by a return to San Diego for the Zuiderdam Panama Canal cruise.  I have just about decided that 30+ days out of Colorado in mid-January to mid-February is the way to go!!!


Have a great rest of the day, everyone.  The weekend is almost here!

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3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


My goodness!  I had no idea my small talk about getting back to the gym would influence anyone else.  So glad you are back on the bike and working on your health again.😀


Perhaps my inspiration was @cat shepardwith all her work to regain her range of motion with her physical therapy, and getting herself back on her fitness regime.  Not only that but @dfishand her pool workouts.  Staying in shape as we age certainly can't hurt!  I'll be happy when my arms look like this again 💪


You never know what can be an inspiration.  I have a good friend who swims every single day and has been encouraging me to do the same.  She does laps.  Debbie, I believe, does water aerobics.  Both are great exercise, but for me that could never become a regular routine.  

Anyhow, whatever works, right?  We do need to maintain strength as we get older -- for all kinds of reasons.

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34 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:


You never know what can be an inspiration.  I have a good friend who swims every single day and has been encouraging me to do the same.  She does laps.  Debbie, I believe, does water aerobics.  Both are great exercise, but for me that could never become a regular routine.  

Anyhow, whatever works, right?  We do need to maintain strength as we get older -- for all kinds of reasons.


I'm going to work in some walking and weight machines as well as the water aerobics.   It is a good idea to mix things up and do a variety of types of exercise.  Weight bearing exercise is important for us as it can affect bone density. Aerobic exercise helps burn fat and calories.  The weight machines help build muscle.  

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32 minutes ago, cruzn single said:

Good day!  Haven't posted in several days although I read every day.  Prayers for all on the Care List and a Happy Dance for those celebrating.


This has been a crazy week.  I was completely "thrown off" by having to go to Court to get the final Restraining order against my grandson.  He is now out of the VA Psych Ward and the report is that he is not taking his meds.  I am so sorry for him to be going through such an awful period, but by the same token I still have to protect myself!  Our mental health system in this country is badly broken and so many need serious long term help.


We have had a little rain overnight several nights, and every drop helps our drought situation.  Glad to see when @durangoscotsreported that there is some snow showing on the higher peaks.  In my part of the state, snow (if it comes) will be very much later in the year!  


This afternoon is the time when I volunteer with my stepdaughter at her church.  We get the food ready for distribution at the monthly food bank event.  It is lots of work, but so many are helped.  I only go on Friday--Saturday is just too back-breaking for this 79+ year old!


My Red Cross volunteer stuff keeps me busy at least 1-2 days per week.  I sometimes think that is the only thing that keeps me going and relatively sane.   (If that is possible.)


I am enjoying reading the various threads on the current BHB sailings.  Sounds like a good time is being had by all.  In this last week I am leaning more toward doing my Hawaiian land trip in January, followed by a return to San Diego for the Zuiderdam Panama Canal cruise.  I have just about decided that 30+ days out of Colorado in mid-January to mid-February is the way to go!!!


Have a great rest of the day, everyone.  The weekend is almost here!


How awful for you to be forced to take the action you did to protect yourself.  I hope your grandson gets the help he needs.  You are correct about our mental health system being broken.


I like your idea of being out of winter weather in January and part of February.  A suggestion to miss more of winter weather, you could always take the ship back to San Diego.  Two pluses -- more time on a BHB and a shorter flight home.



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50 minutes ago, cruzn single said:

I was completely "thrown off" by having to go to Court to get the final Restraining order against my grandson.  He is now out of the VA Psych Ward and the report is that he is not taking his meds.  I am so sorry for him to be going through such an awful period, but by the same token I still have to protect myself!  Our mental health system in this country is badly broken and so many need serious long term help.


How painful for you to do 😔. So sad and scary 😔 


You are absolutely right you have to protect yourself but it’s sad when it’s protection from a loved family member.  Please take care and stay safe.

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Health Questionairre done, Covid Test done but still waiting for results as CVS computer was down. Clothing packed. Now just freaking about about meds, cosmetics, books, etc. and so on and so forth. I will be so glad when I am on a plane and ever more glad when I get on the ship.

@smitty34877So scary when a fracture is right at a growth-plate. It took my son who was 9 when he broke his arm almost a year to get a thumbs up from the Orthopedist that his arm was growing properly. I will pray that the result is good for you GD and that it doesn't take that long to heal completely.

@bdrcoleI love those scrub tops; I would be wearing them for pajama tops.



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We learned some distrubing news about the new neighbors who we wave to, but have not met.  They are both teachers who both had Covid, are unvacinnated, and will not be vaccinated.  According to our source, they told him it was a matter of personal choice.  They are not setting a good example as role models.😱  It looks like we won't be introducing ourselves to them before we leave for Quartzsite.



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8 hours ago, dfish said:

Thanks to all who have voiced concern and have offered prayers for my nephew's kids.  They are all quite young so they can't get vaccinated.  As adults, it is our job to protect them and that wasn't done well.  As for now, the kids are doing well.  Fortunately, they have mild cases

Prayers for your nephew's family. Hopefully they are mid cases.

5 little people who can't be vaccinated are the reason DH and I are staying close to home.  We want to be able to see them.

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We learned some distrubing news about the new neighbors who we wave to, but have not met.  They are both teachers who both had Covid, are unvacinnated, and will not be vaccinated.  According to our source, they told him it was a matter of personal choice.  They are not setting a good example as role models.😱  It looks like we won't be introducing ourselves to them before we leave for Quartzsite.



So sad. Not only are they risking their own health, as teachers they are potentially exposing  large numbers of children and school staff. 

Edited by jimgev
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@lazey1,I was very aware of the potential growth plate issues from the start but did not want to say anything to alarm my DGD.Her mom,as an MD, was also worried.I was sorry she had to undergo surgery but hopefully both wrists will be able to heal properly now.I am sorry you had a year of worry with your son.

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1 hour ago, lazey1 said:

Health Questionairre done, Covid Test done but still waiting for results as CVS computer was down. Clothing packed. Now just freaking about about meds, cosmetics, books, etc. and so on and so forth. I will be so glad when I am on a plane and ever more glad when I get on the ship.

@smitty34877So scary when a fracture is right at a growth-plate. It took my son who was 9 when he broke his arm almost a year to get a thumbs up from the Orthopedist that his arm was growing properly. I will pray that the result is good for you GD and that it doesn't take that long to heal completely.

@bdrcoleI love those scrub tops; I would be wearing them for pajama tops.



Jane enjoy your cruise!

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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We learned some distrubing news about the new neighbors who we wave to, but have not met.  They are both teachers who both had Covid, are unvacinnated, and will not be vaccinated.  According to our source, they told him it was a matter of personal choice.  They are not setting a good example as role models.😱  It looks like we won't be introducing ourselves to them before we leave for Quartzsite.




Oh that is scary.  We need to protect our children.  So disappointing.  All my neighours are vaccinated, thankfully.  I have one “acquaintance” who isn’t and they are not welcome at my home.

We need to set parameters and take care of each other.  Vaccination is not just about protecting yourself but protecting others as well.

It’s time we put personal choice behind “for the better good” and protected our vulnerable.  That’s a teacher’s job.  JMO.

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5 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


@Heartgrove  Your DW's work is very interesting.  The first picture reminded me of a building at Knossos on Crete.




Thank you, Lenda. You are correct on the first picture being Crete. The second picture is Pompeii.

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2 hours ago, jimgev said:

So sad. Not only are they risking their own health, as teachers they are potentially exposing  large numbers of children and school staff. 


1 hour ago, kazu said:


Oh that is scary.  We need to protect our children.  So disappointing.  All my neighours are vaccinated, thankfully.  I have one “acquaintance” who isn’t and they are not welcome at my home.

We need to set parameters and take care of each other.  Vaccination is not just about protecting yourself but protecting others as well.

It’s time we put personal choice behind “for the better good” and protected our vulnerable.  That’s a teacher’s job.  JMO.


While the person who told me about our new unvacinnated neighbors, referred to the as teachers, I can't say for sure if they're teaching or retired.  However, either way, the information makes me question their judgment in other areas that could influence their students.  Whether they like it or not, teachers are role models.



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6 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

 However, either way, the information makes me question their judgment in other areas that could influence their students.  Whether they like it or not, teachers are role models.




I so agree with you. 👍 My mother was a teacher and ended her career teaching those that needed special help.  When she retired, because the program was retired (don’t you just love cutbacks), she tutored for a few years (free of charge of course - she cared about the children).

She took me for a polio vaccine when I was very young and I know if she could speak from the grave that she would agree with you 200%,

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Thanks for all the Daily news. Have not been to today's port.

The morning rain is clearing, a short time ago we saw sun, but alas it did not stay.

@smitty34877good that your DGD is at home after the surgery, hope that she heals well. 

@Overhead Fredgood luck with your planned renovations.

@Lazy1 Bon Voyage.

@cruzn singlesorry that you had to go to court, hope that the restraining order will be effective 

@lindalersafe travelling, have a great cruise.

@Quartzsite Cruiserwhat a worry to have these irresponsible people as neighbours.  Sad to have such folk as neighbours.  


Stay safe, take care everyone.



Edited by erewhon
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9 hours ago, Overhead Fred said:

We just got a notification from HAL that the stop in Grand Turk has been cancelled for our Thanksgiving cruise due to "port closure". We will have an overnight in San Juan instead. Not a problem for Mitzi and me - we were just going to hang out at the beach by the pier. Niall and Emilee will be disappointed since they wanted to experience Margaritaville for the irony of it!


I moved 4 clumps of Trilliums and a bunch of Ponies yesterday. We plan on building a new detached 2-car garage in the back which requires some tree removal and garden rearrangement. We will then turn the existing 1-car attached garage into living space (mudroom, pantry, & laundry) followed by a kitchen remodel. We hope to do the garage in the Spring, but we are still in the quote gathering stage. But we can get the site ready this Fall...


Current -



Final -


The new floorplan looks really streamlined and comfortable for getting into the house from the new garage.

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6 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


How awful for you to be forced to take the action you did to protect yourself.  I hope your grandson gets the help he needs.  You are correct about our mental health system being broken.


I like your idea of being out of winter weather in January and part of February.  A suggestion to miss more of winter weather, you could always take the ship back to San Diego.  Two pluses -- more time on a BHB and a shorter flight home.



Would love to be gone longer, but I think I need to get back home.  I have 3 more cruises planned  in 2022.  Only one of those cruises is paid for at this time!

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1 hour ago, erewhon said:

Thanks for all the Daily news. Have not been to today's port.

The morning rain is clearing, a short time ago we saw sun, but alas it did not stay.

@smitty34877good that your DGD is at home after the surgery, hope that she heals well. 

@Overhead Fredgood luck with your planned renovations.

@Lazy1 Bon Voyage.

@cruzn singlesorry that you had to go to court, hope that the restraining order will be effective 

@lindalersafe travelling, have a great cruise.

@Quartzsite Cruiserwhat a worry to have these irresponsible people as neighbours.  Sad to have such folk as neighbours.  


Stay safe, take care everyone.




Fortunately, they live on another street, but this is a small community.  We keep pretty much to ourselves and visit with neighbors who we know take Covid and the protocols seriously.



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Yesterday I mentioned that while the booster for the Moderna covid vaccine was not yet approved for general use, the third dose for immunocompromised persons was.  I had read that the third dose was a smaller (half) dose of the regular moderna vaccine.  Looks like that was incorrect; the third dose is the same as the first and second dose.  And when the booster is approved, it will also be the same dosage.

So the difference between the third dose of the Moderna shot and a Moderna booster shot is just a matter of semantics.

I don't like to judge peoples decisions, but if the new neighbors of Quartzite Cruisers have already had covid, their systems will now have some natural immunity to the disease.  So it may not be so important for them to be vaccinated as it would be for one who has never had covid.

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Just got a message from Sharon in AZ.  She’s in CC jail (no she’s not in trouble - she can’t get CC to work and post 😉)


Her report - their covid test was a breeze (YAY 🙂 ) and negative.  She asked me to say hi to everyone and as soon as she can post and post pics she will.  


I say have a good cruise 🙂 



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42 minutes ago, USN59-79 said:

I don't like to judge peoples decisions, but if the new neighbors of Quartzite Cruisers have already had covid, their systems will now have some natural immunity to the disease.  So it may not be so important for them to be vaccinated as it would be for one who has never had covid.


What you say may be true, but no one knows how much or long immunity after having Covid lasts, which is why it is recommended to get the vaccine even if you've had Covid.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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