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The Daily for Wednesday October 27, 2021


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19 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning. Thank you Rich for the Daily. Thinking of you Roy and prayers to all on our prayer list.


Ann the wine sounds good, but <gulp> on the cost. Thank you Jacqui for posting today's recipe. Hope Debbie has a good time.


Happy Birthday Graham!




My goodness did we have a whopper of a storm very early this morning. Hoping everyone going thru the east coast blast is ok.


Our cable is still out. Spent several hours on the phone yesterday. Another technician is due later. The work is supposed to continue in the bathroom today. My sweet husband has another MOHS surgery late morning. It's always something!


Black cats are special for sure. 




Wishing everyone a blessed day. Prayers and cheers!

Thank you for the lovely birthday message.


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2 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Sandi, when the approval first came out, Allen and my sister (both immunocompromised)  got full doses of the Moderna booster. When I got my Moderna booster last Friday I was given a half dose, no health issues. I asked why and the nurse said that's what was recommended. 


Well this is worrying to me.  I don't want a quarter dose if I could have the half dose.  I'd better make some calls.  Thank you!

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19 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  We've only ever had 1 black cat, but after a couple of years, she decided we weren't her people and moved in with a family about 3 doors down.  DH is a great storyteller, and let's all take a deep breath and celebrate our lungs!


A cool, dark morning here on the "frozen tundra" but that's to be expected at this time of year.  The other night when we were having dinner, I looked outside and it seemed like it could have been 10 o'clock, because it was do dark.  It was 6:15PM.  Yesterday I  took all our summer jackets/windbreakers out of the front closet and tucked them away for their long winter's nap.  They were replaced by puffy jackets, fluffy sweaters, and of course, our parkas.  I also located our winter boots because you just know they're going to be needed as well.  I also realized over the summer that 3 gloves seem to have been transported into another dimension, as there are 3 pair without mates . . . how does that even happen?


Happy Birthday @grapau27 with many more returns of the day for you!

@St. Louis Sal I salute you for taking part in the trials - let's hope you're a good candidate for the drug that can help so many people suffering from ALS.


I have heard from @SusieKIslandGirl; they're in Barcelona and have already had lunch in one of our favourite restaurants on Las Ramblas, the Cafe MOKA.  They have a couple of days of touring ahead of them, and although I'm jealous that they're there and I'm not, I'm excited for their time in and around Barcelona before boarding the Eurodam on the weekend.


I'm not a fan of today's menu suggestion, but that's okay because we each have 1/2 rack of ribs from last night's dinner.  Talk about a deal - a full rack of ribs and a side (either mashed or fries) for $9.99 (CAD).  Tuesday might just become "Rib Night" at our house if they continue with the special.  We'll be having ribs, garlic mashed potatoes and a vegetable of DH's choice for dinner tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for those in the path of the storms.  Clinking the glasses together to celebrate everyone on the happy list.  


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



Thank you Gerry.


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18 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Happy birthday, Graham!  Hope everyone else has a happy day, too!  

We are winding down our cruise, two more days, three sleeps and we will be heading home on Saturday.   Wish it weren’t so complicated , but I guess it’s better than the alternative.  

Then I will be back to my laptop, so much easier.  Then I will be in touch much more regularly.

Thank you Ann.

I hope you have had a wonderful cruise so far and you enjoy your last few days too.



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32 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning. Thank you Rich for the Daily. Thinking of you Roy and prayers to all on our prayer list.


Ann the wine sounds good, but <gulp> on the cost. Thank you Jacqui for posting today's recipe. Hope Debbie has a good time.


Happy Birthday Graham!




My goodness did we have a whopper of a storm very early this morning. Hoping everyone going thru the east coast blast is ok.


Our cable is still out. Spent several hours on the phone yesterday. Another technician is due later. The work is supposed to continue in the bathroom today. My sweet husband has another MOHS surgery late morning. It's always something!


Wishing everyone a blessed day. Prayers and cheers!

Joy prayers that all goes well for Allen this morning. 

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23 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  First happy birthday to our friend Graham on his 65th.  As expected, you two went out for a fabulous lunch with birthday cake.  What's the plan for dinner?  My contribution is a cake from a BHB.  Enjoy!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLnyMUsxszFgiAJMupdBqMF?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1635338178


Today was about 45F when we took our walk.  We stopped at the gym to see if it was busy since this is our day off normally, but it will be raining all day tomorrow and we won't be going then.  It worked out fine.  The only wildlife we saw was a few dogs being walked.  Today would have been the perfect day to see Midnight, the stray black cat who resides in the parking lot of our gym, but she wasn't around.  


Lung health day is important.  I wish my lungs were better today but I've been coughing.  Better try some of that nasal spray the doctor prescribed.  National Tell a Story Day sounds like fun.  Sweet potato lasagna is a new one for me.  It might be interesting to try.  The Care list looks shorter which is great and I will make it even shorter.  DH finally got his tooth looked at and it was still salvageable so he has a new filling and he's doing fine healing from last week's extraction.  It will be a few months before they do an implant there.  So please remove him from the Care list Roy.  Thank you for including him.  Prayers for those on the list still.  Congrats to those on the Celebration list. I'm going to congratulate the Atlanta Braves on their win last night.  Go Braves!


We were in St. Petersburg, Russia in 2011 and plan to go again if our Island Princess cruise there would stop being cancelled and pushed back.  It's on the schedule for next summer again.  Like others we took the two day tours but did the private company tours with friends.  It was wonderful!  I'll do that again if we are allowed to sail next year.


Now that DH is finished with his dental emergency we are going to get our Moderna booster shots today.  I called Publix pharmacy yesterday and she told me the booster for 65+ with no health issues is a .25 dosage, while those who are immunocompromised get a .50 dosage.  I didn't know that!  Have any of you who got the Moderna booster heard that before?  I plan to do my best to keep my arm moving too so I'm not too sore.  Wish us all luck!

Thank you for your birthday wishes Sandi.

I'm pleased your DH finally got his tooth sorted.

Good luck with the Moderna booster jabs today.

It is raining heavily here but Lake Windermere still looks wonderful.



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36 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning. Thank you Rich for the Daily. Thinking of you Roy and prayers to all on our prayer list.


Ann the wine sounds good, but <gulp> on the cost. Thank you Jacqui for posting today's recipe. Hope Debbie has a good time.


Happy Birthday Graham!




My goodness did we have a whopper of a storm very early this morning. Hoping everyone going thru the east coast blast is ok.


Our cable is still out. Spent several hours on the phone yesterday. Another technician is due later. The work is supposed to continue in the bathroom today. My sweet husband has another MOHS surgery late morning. It's always something!


Black cats are special for sure. 




Wishing everyone a blessed day. Prayers and cheers!

Prayers 🙏 for your DH    MOHS surgery today.

This was our Persian cat Monty.

My older brother was holding Monty.

I was 17 so 48 years ago.



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15 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:

Popping in quickly here to say  🎈  HAPPY BIRTHDAY  🎈, @grapau27Graham.  The day is getting on there in UK, still early here in California.

I'll check back in later.  Have a great rest of your day, Graham.  😊


Thank you Maxine for popping in specially to wish me happy birthday.

Graham x.



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Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily report.  I think DH might like today's meal suggestion more than me but I'd be willing to give it a try.  We celebrate black cat day every day.  Mona is the most recent addition and just purrs up a storm when she sees me.  She runs when DH approaches 🤣 



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11 minutes ago, cat shepard said:

I get mine this morning. I will ask what the dosage is. 


Thank you!  When I call the pharmacy and ask they give me a jumble of "it's a half dose but it's 0.25".  What is she saying?  The full doses were 100 micrograms so a half dose should be 50 micrograms.  When I asked specifically if it was 50 micrograms she tries to evade giving me a straight answer.  I'm going to get to the bottom of this.  Any help from your experience is appreciated.

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Okay, DH just brought me a chart from Moderna he printed off that shows the vaccinations schedule.  It shows a third dose for immunocompromised is 100 micrograms or 0.5 milliliters (ml).  A booster of 50 micrograms is 0.25 milliliters (ml).  Why couldn't she say that in plain English?  So I guess we will go to Publix pharmacy to get the shots and ask point blank if that is what they are trying to say.  We can't be too careful!

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47 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Well this is worrying to me.  I don't want a quarter dose if I could have the half dose.  I'd better make some calls.  Thank you!

The primary series is .5 ml and the booster is half of that (.25ml).



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Good Morning All,

Happy Birthday Graham. 
@Seasick Sailor Hoping your DH’s MOHS goes well and they get margins on the first pass.

@St. Louis Sal Congratulations on your last LP. Hopefully the drug will be helpful. 

His Nibs is calling (actually yodeling like only a geared up Golden can) so we have to go for our walk.


Have a great day everyone!

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I told our black cat to enjoy her day.  Currently she is hiding under the sofa away from the newly adopted very orange male (neutered) kitten.  We have a house full of fur babies.  I love the daily, so thank you for posting this.


My DH (carmando) is having surgery today on  a clogged artery in his right leg,  four years after the heart attack, so if you can, please add him to your prayer list.


I am new to Holland, and it is so nice to find a thread that is uplifting and joyful.

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Good morning, all! I once had a black cat. When we moved to a farm he became an outdoor cat (his choice). One day he brought home a new friend to meet his Mom. His new friend was a skunk. We greeted each other from a polite distance, and I backed away to the house. They were inseparable for the entire summer. It was cute, but it stayed ‘at a distance’ cute. 
The storm spared us, or at least the hill sheltered us. The ferry’s stayed in the docks most of the day. Thousands of homes were left without power, and a lot of trees were down. We just had a few flickers, and the autumn leaves are stripped from the trees. 
We had friends over for dinner and a movie last night. I made a pina colada Bundt cake for dessert that was a huge hit. It’s been requested I make it again next time they’re here. Now I have to remember how I made it.🤔

@grapau27 Happy 65th Birthday, Graham!

One week today we leave for Mexico! It’s the first time we’ve left the country in over a year and a half, and I’m very excited! It’s not a cruise, but it’s a beginning!

Happy Wednesday to everyone, in memory of our beloved BHBs and their elevators!



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7 minutes ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

Good morning, all! I once had a black cat. When we moved to a farm he became an outdoor cat (his choice). One day he brought home a new friend to meet his Mom. His new friend was a skunk. We greeted each other from a polite distance, and I backed away to the house. They were inseparable for the entire summer. It was cute, but it stayed ‘at a distance’ cute. 
The storm spared us, or at least the hill sheltered us. The ferry’s stayed in the docks most of the day. Thousands of homes were left without power, and a lot of trees were down. We just had a few flickers, and the autumn leaves are stripped from the trees. 
We had friends over for dinner and a movie last night. I made a pina colada Bundt cake for dessert that was a huge hit. It’s been requested I make it again next time they’re here. Now I have to remember how I made it.🤔

@grapau27 Happy 65th Birthday, Graham!

One week today we leave for Mexico! It’s the first time we’ve left the country in over a year and a half, and I’m very excited! It’s not a cruise, but it’s a beginning!

Happy Wednesday to everyone, in memory of our beloved BHBs and their elevators!



Thank you.

I hope you have a lovely time in Mexico.


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