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Has the new Omicron variant delay the restart of cruising?

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5 minutes ago, SinbadThePorter said:


I'll trade Qld "paranoia" against NSW 600+ dead any day of the week. ☹️


Do people never get sick of this kick a Queenslander meme?


Qld is doing just what the other states like SA, WA, Tas are doing, and we don't see anything near the same level of whinging about them.


Here we are opening up just as we said we would, at 80% vaxxed, and it's still not good enough. It has to be done just as NSW wants, when NSW wants. As if they know what they are doing in NSW.


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15 minutes ago, SinbadThePorter said:

Do people never get sick of this kick a Queenslander meme?

Sinbad - I AM a Queenslander and definitely not kicking fellow Qlders. 

I do question a mandate brought down last night without an end date that makes absolutely no sense - unless you agree with discriminating between vaccinated and unvaccinated fellow Queenslanders? 

So much was promised when we reached 80% - oops sorry - 90% vaccinated. Vaccinations just seem pointless right now - Australia wide. 

And that 600 figure you are quoting is since the start of the pandemic - not this week. 🙄 Please try and keep it real, even if just for our fellow NSW companions.



Edited by Porky55
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21 minutes ago, Porky55 said:

I do question a mandate brought down last night without an end date that makes absolutely no sense - unless you agree with discriminating between vaccinated and unvaccinated fellow Queenslanders? 


How do you put an end date on a pandemic? You play it by ear, until you have more facts and the trends become clear. That is not now.


Absolutely we should be discriminating between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. I have rights and I have responsibilities. One of those rights is not to be injured or infected by the fecklessness of others. One of responsibilities is to ensure I have I have done everything reasonably possible to ensure that I don't infect or injure those around me. Until the fecklessly unvaccinated wake up to themselves, they can sit in the corner until they decide to behave like adults.


21 minutes ago, Porky55 said:

So much was promised when we reached 80% - oops sorry - 90% vaccinated. Vaccinations just seem pointless right now - Australia wide. 


What was promised was to open up, and they did. Why in heaven's name would you believe that vaccinations are pointless? Look around, they've saved thousands of lives in Australia alone. They work. Not 100%, but no vaccine works 100%. The point is that they reduce the seriousness of infection such that the disease becomes manageable. Just imagine what the NSW breakout would have been without vaccines. If you aren't jabbed, get jabbed. If you have had two jabs get the third. After all this, anybody who refuses jabs is ignorant and/or delusional.

Edited by SinbadThePorter
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24 minutes ago, SinbadThePorter said:


How do you put an end date on a pandemic? You play it by ear, until you have more facts and the trends become clear. That is not now.


Absolutely we should be discriminating between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. I have rights and I have responsibilities. One of those rights is not to be injured or infected by the fecklessness of others. One of responsibilities is to ensure I have I have done everything reasonably possible to ensure that I don't infect or injure those around me. Until the fecklessly unvaccinated wake up to themselves, they can sit in the corner until they decide to behave like adults.



What was promised was to open up, and they did. Why in heaven's name would you believe that vaccinations are pointless? Look around, they've saved thousands of lives in Australia alone. They work. Not 100%, but no vaccine works 100%. The point is that they reduce the seriousness of infection such that the disease becomes manageable. Just imagine what the NSW breakout would have been without vaccines. If you aren't jabbed, get jabbed. If you have had two jabs get the third. After all this, anybody who refuses jabs is ignorant and/or delusional.


I'm not going to bother getting the booster shot. Waste of time.  Rports coming out that its ineffective. Got to start learning to learn with and not rushing to lock stuff up and every outbreak. Otherwise you can forget cruising for several years.


Also you have you  really experieinced what lockdowns and lockdowns and more lockdowns and very restrictive conditions are like for weeks on end. Come back when you have and we can discuss further about your experiences?


And we should not be discrimmating between unvaccinated and vaccinated people either. You don't know reasons behind why people aren't taking it. Do we discrimmated between drinkers and non drinkers, smokers and non smokers. Fatties and non fatties. Druggies and non drugies regarding access to healthcare. No. All those four are just as much drain on resources too.

Edited by icat2000
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13 minutes ago, SinbadThePorter said:

Why in heaven's name would you believe that vaccinations are pointless?


Pointless because though vaccination levels are reached, and passed, mandates continue because it is believed that we are unable to make decisions about our own health. When did we reach this level of dependence on our State?



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Well I read an article this morning written by one of the Doctor experts in Britain who claimed that many who thought they had Omni actually had a cold, and many who thought they had a cold actually had Omni. Apparently it is as originally claimed, very virulent but not very dangerous. If the media, for want of very little else to report, would stop beating up the current situation things would settle a lot quicker.

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1 minute ago, Russell21 said:

Well I read an article this morning written by one of the Doctor experts in Britain who claimed that many who thought they had Omni actually had a cold, and many who thought they had a cold actually had Omni. Apparently it is as originally claimed, very virulent but not very dangerous. If the media, for want of very little else to report, would stop beating up the current situation things would settle a lot quicker.

The media is a pain in the ass. Total Henny Pennies.

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4 minutes ago, Russell21 said:

Well I read an article this morning written by one of the Doctor experts in Britain who claimed that many who thought they had Omni actually had a cold, and many who thought they had a cold actually had Omni. Apparently it is as originally claimed, very virulent but not very dangerous. If the media, for want of very little else to report, would stop beating up the current situation things would settle a lot quicker.

Can you find it again and post the link please?


Very interested in the thought that Omicron spreads much easier yet has little to no effects and it could dominate Delta totally.

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1 hour ago, Porky55 said:

I love the fact that we now have to wear masks to places that the unvaccinated can go - shopping centres, share rides, public transport. Masks AREN'T mandated in pubs, restaurants, hotels, theatres, concerts etc because you must provide vaccination status to enter these places, since the 17th Dec. Now if this isn’t discrimination and just border line crazy, I don’t know what is 🤔 


That sounds pretty practical and reasonable to me. I would be OK if we did that in NSW. Asking for vaccination proof in shopping centres and public transport is problematic so far easier for everyone to wear a mask. Hotels, restaurants and theatres are more controllable environments so it is easier for them to keep the unvaccinated out. The reality is vaccines are not full proof, masks give an added later of protection so we can try to keep covid spreads to localised areas, especially good if we can keep the virus in the unvaccinated population. The less people the virus goes through the less chance for it to evolve, especially a vaccine resistant one which would be pretty disastrous. Unfortunately most of the world is unvaccinated so vaccination segregation maybe a necessary evil especially if we want to open up internationally. It will just all be part of living with COVID. 

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33 minutes ago, icat2000 said:

And we should not be discrimmating between unvaccinated and vaccinated people either. You don't know reasons behind why people aren't taking it. Do we discrimmated between drinkers and non drinkers, smokers and non smokers. Fatties and non fatties. Druggies and non drugies regarding access to healthcare. No. All those four are just as much drain on resources too.


Last I checked there are many restrictions on where smokers can and can't smoke. The same goes with drinking, there are many alcohol free zones where it is prohibited to drink in public. And you can be arrested for driving and drinking or under the influence of drugs. So yes we do discriminate against smokers, drinkers and drug users, by restricting where they can do their activities, prohibiting them from certain places and participating in certain activities. 

Edited by ilikeanswers
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8 minutes ago, Porky55 said:


Very interested in the thought that Omicron spreads much easier yet has little to no effects and it could dominate Delta totally.

A virus has one purpose - to replicate itself. A virus that kills off its hosts will not survive itself. A virus that spreads rapidly but does not make its hosts very sick will survive.


The original strain was too lethal and didn't spread fast enough.

Delta spread faster but, again, too many people died or were too sick to pass it on.

Omicron appears to spread even quicker and, in many cases, its hosts have little or no symptoms so it survives.

Such is evolution.

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Exactly Julie.


It always make me laugh to hear the media and various pollies &  'experts' etc giving the virus the ability for logical thought, like it has a brain or something. 

The virus no more thinks than perhaps some of them - I have a few names for the naming of the next variance 🙂


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1 hour ago, Russell21 said:

Well I read an article this morning written by one of the Doctor experts in Britain who claimed that many who thought they had Omni actually had a cold, and many who thought they had a cold actually had Omni


If it was Prof Tim Spector, that is not what he said.

"In London, where Covid is increasing rapidly, it’s far more likely to be Covid than it is to be a cold. We’re seeing doubling in the numbers equivalent to what’s being seen elsewhere, every two and a half days.”

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1 hour ago, icat2000 said:




I'm not going to bother getting the booster shot. Waste of time.  Rports coming out that its ineffective. Got to start learning to learn with and not rushing to lock stuff up and every outbreak. Otherwise you can forget cruising for several years.


I don't think it's ineffective. What immunity level you got from your first two vaccinations deteriorates over the next few months since you had your second shot. The booster boosts that immunity level so is worth having IMHO. Remember booster shots were recommended before Omicron came on the scene. I expected we will need another booster shot, perhaps more targeted to Omicron in another few months, and probably again, and again every six months or year. I figure it's free so why not take advantage of it? Every little bit helps, especially as you get older.

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3 hours ago, Porky55 said:

Sinbad - I AM a Queenslander and definitely not kicking fellow Qlders. 

I do question a mandate brought down last night without an end date that makes absolutely no sense - unless you agree with discriminating between vaccinated and unvaccinated fellow Queenslanders? 

So much was promised when we reached 80% - oops sorry - 90% vaccinated. Vaccinations just seem pointless right now - Australia wide. 

And that 600 figure you are quoting is since the start of the pandemic - not this week. 🙄 Please try and keep it real, even if just for our fellow NSW companions.



I am also a Queenslander - born and bred - but I lack that "parochial attitude" of many older Queenslanders. I also lack that certain sense of inferiority/superiority displayed by many Queenslanders. Criticism of Queensland is fair game to me 🙂

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2 hours ago, icat2000 said:

Yes there are some restrictions but they can still access the service. The way some are talking including some old Pollie Bob Carr who wants to deny them medicare. Well maybe we can deny him his pension. I'm sure the unvaccinated would love not to pay tax for a service they potentially cannot access.


QLDs restrictions are on food and entertainment venues not healthcare😳. It sounds like you may have fallen down a paranoia rabbit hole😂

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1 hour ago, bazzaw said:

Criticism of Queensland is fair game to me


Fair enough, but when does it shade into niggling? Why always single out Qld over WA, SA or Tas? It's NSW and Vic who were the failures and had to inflict draconian measures on their people, not Qld or the other states.


Under any reasonable examination, Qld has done a good job so far with covid. So why the carping?

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2 hours ago, OzKiwiJJ said:

I don't think it's ineffective. What immunity level you got from your first two vaccinations deteriorates over the next few months since you had your second shot. The booster boosts that immunity level so is worth having IMHO. Remember booster shots were recommended before Omicron came on the scene. I expected we will need another booster shot, perhaps more targeted to Omicron in another few months, and probably again, and again every six months or year. I figure it's free so why not take advantage of it? Every little bit helps, especially as you get older.

I agree totally. 🙂

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2 hours ago, SinbadThePorter said:


Fair enough, but when does it shade into niggling? Why always single out Qld over WA, SA or Tas? It's NSW and Vic who were the failures and had to inflict draconian measures on their people, not Qld or the other states.


Under any reasonable examination, Qld has done a good job so far with covid. So why the carping?

Because people are unhappy and want to carp.


Even within states there is carping. Regional NSW blames Sydney. Sydney blames certain LGAs.


Sydney and Melbourne are the biggest cities in Australia, roughly double the size of any others. Also they probably have more apartment dwelling, and more cultural groups who tend to congregate in big family groups. So both these cities are taylor-made for Covid.


I think Queenland has done very well at keeping Covid out but this means they are slower at reaching vaccination milestones and possibly vulnerable if they do get an outbreak. WA is even worse off in that respect.


Personally I'm not very happy at having to live with Covid. Both of us have risk factors healthwise but we're sensible and hopefully will get through this new outbreak OK. 


As I've said before, I'd feel safer on a cruise ship at the moment than in my local community. 

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5 hours ago, mr walker said:

Exactly Julie.


It always make me laugh to hear the media and various pollies &  'experts' etc giving the virus the ability for logical thought, like it has a brain or something. 

The virus no more thinks than perhaps some of them - I have a few names for the naming of the next variance 🙂


Yes, it is funny. The very nature of a virus, with it's uncanny knack of evolving to give it the best possible conditions to survive, does make one think: Is it in some way sentient? Mmmmm, no. Does it have a hive mind? Mmmmm, no. Then what drives it to replicate in any way possible? Is Mother Earth demanding payback for the pollution and other atrocities we subject her to? Who knows!

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