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The Daily for Saturday 01/01/2022


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Today is National Hangover Day, New Year’s Day, and

May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.--Neil Gaiman

Meal Suggestion for today - Your lucky New Year Meal
Drink of the Day - Hornitos Ranch Water
Wine of the Day - Meiomi Pinot Noir, California
Destination of the Day - Greenock (Glasgow), Scotland, United Kingdom

Ships With Passengers

At Sea Caribbean

Nieuw Statendam

Destination Port Everglades, F eta 1/2

At Sea Pacific


Destination San Diego CA US eta 1/2


Destination San Diego CA US eta 1/2

Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos

Nieuw Amsterdam

Half Moon Cay, Bahamas


08:00 - 15:00

Oranjestad, Aruba Island, Dutch Antilles


11:00 - 23:00

Ships Without Passengers

At Sea Tyrrhenian Sea


Destination Augusta IT eta 1/3

Corfu GR



Great Stirrup Cay


Long Beach CA US










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Rabbit  Rabbit   Rabbit

Happy New Year!  Thanks for the Daily Report.


We had a quiet New Year's Eve, I was fast asleep by midnight.  I did hear some fireworks around 10, but if there was any at 12, I missed them.🙂 

I hope 2022 is a good year.

Prayers for everyone. 


Stay safe.


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While I rarely post, I read the Daily every day and thank you all for posting. This is a fascinating look into the lives of some very fine people.

You're the best.


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Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit.  Happy New Year Dailyites.  Thank you Rich!  We had those M80's type fireworks until after midnight.  Sigh....  So excited to be boarding a BHB tomorrow.  Usually we drive down the day before, but not this year.  Don't want the crowds in a hotel.

Major prayers for our care list and all of us.  May 2022 be a better year, health wise for humans and animals.

Toasts to our celebrations.

Please continue to stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask.

Hornitos Ranch Water:



1 1/2 oz. Hornitos Plata tequila
3/4 oz. fresh lime juice
4 oz. Polar raspberry lime seltzer water
1 lime, slice, for garnish

Pour tequila and fresh lime juice into an ice-filled 8-oz. glass; stir to combine. Top with seltzer water. If desired, cut a slit in a lime slice for garnish.


Screen Shot 2022-01-01 at 7.09.23 AM.png

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Good morning everyone and Happy Saturday from the Rotterdam.  Happy New Year!



We are approaching HMC and it looks to be a beautiful day. Last night was crazy at the New Year’s party at the Lido pool. Craig has pictures on his phone so I’ll post a few later.  But he texted me this one.  Someone needs to proofread better. 


Have a great day everyone!

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Good afternoon and Happy New Year everyone.

I hope everyone is well this morning and no hangovers.

It is 56°F and cloudy here.

Nice food and our meal is booked for 12.30pm which is in 10 minutes.

Prayers for everyone on the care list.

Take care.


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Thank you for the New Years Daily, Rich.  No hangover but I slept late this morning.  Love the quote and my meal will be ham steak.  I think I've been to Rosythe but not Greenock.


Today’s care list:

Strength for Jacqui, healing for Jose and wisdom for his doctors
Saint John Hospital Covid Situation
Colorado Wildfires
RIP Betty White

RIP Archbishop Tutu, John Madden, and Harry Reed
Welfare of furloughed crews
Mamaofami’s friend and Walker in hospice
1ANGELCAT with finger in splint
Tana’s continuing struggles with pneumonia added on
MissG’s dad with pneumonia
From the rotation:
HAL Sailor DH health issues
NextOne  DDIL with mystery illness
summer slope BCC surgery in February
positive biopsy for Mtn2Sea appointment early January


Celebrations and Shoutouts:


Welcome aboard GTVCRUISER
Happy New Year
Last day of Kwanza
6 BHB with passengers
Front Line Health Care Workers
1 day for summer slope (Rotterdam to 1/29)
Aliaschief on babysitting duty
Av8rix (1/9) Seasick Sailor (1/16), Lindaler, garlictown, Sharon, and Rich(Rotterdam to 2 Jan)  and  Copper10_8 (Koningscam to 2 Jan) and Ichiban Nekko (Nieuw Amsterdam to 1/8) at sea
Welcome home dfish
Ancient Wanderer feeling better
Graham’s stitches out
Koningsdan Staff Captain Sabine - officially onboard & introduced. - Our first female staff captain and HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)




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Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit

Thanks for our New Years’ Day Daily, Rich.  I hope 2022 brings you and all the Daily- ites nothing but the best.  Pretty sure 2021 was as glad to be over with as we were.




Love the meal suggestion for the day 🙂  I’ll take all the luck I can get right now.  I was way too tired to stay up until midnight.  I have a feeling I was not alone 😉 




Well, well, well, Master Marley has already decided he’s had enough of the pill pockets 😡 I bought another taste so here’s hoping they work.  Otherwise it will be a repeat of this morning - shove down throat, stroke throat until swallowed - for too many days.


On the bright side, I have discovered I am not a meme stealer 😉 




Have a great New Year’s Day everyone.  May 2022 bring you all happiness, health and much joy.


Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 

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17 minutes ago, sassy~one said:

Rich will you be on the ship for the next sailing?  My Rotterdam is Jan 9 - Jan 29.

Sorry, I am disembarking tomorrow (Jan 2nd). I do wish I had booked the next cruise but I do need to get home at this point.


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Happy (Rabbit!) New (Rabbit!) Year (White Rabbit!!) 


Prayers and celebration to all our Daily-ites. Special prayers for Jose, Jacqui, and Roy.


 After our 6:30 Trivia and drinks with friends, Allen wanted a "10 minute nap" By 11:00, I knew I'd ring in the New Year with a kiss on his softly snoring mouth...


Sat on the balcony listening to the music above at Lido and finished one of the many new books the new Rotterdam library has to offer.


Enjoying my New Year bloody Mary and welcoming in 2022! 


Blessings and Cheers!

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Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily report.   Today’s meal will be the traditional pork and sauerkraut.  I didn’t watch the New Year come, I was asleep by 9:30.  I hope that everyone enjoys the holiday weekend.

I’m hoping that 2022 treats everyone better than 2021.



no New Years resolutions for me but this was amusing.



Edited by Crazy For Cats
Fixed date
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Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit!  Good morning friends and Happy New Year!  I went to bed before midnight but heard some fireworks and woke up at midnight.  The party next door was still going on, but there were only a couple cars and a golf cart or two there.  Many walked over I'm sure but it didn't look very active over there.  Perhaps fears of Covid?


Speaking of that I'm hearing of a couple people who have gotten it twice now.  My friend said her youngest daughter has it for the second time.  And my oldest grandson has it now, for the second time.  He went to the Bengals game last Sunday with a friend he hadn't seen in two years (away at school), and the friend found out he was positive Monday.  My grandson found out he was positive Thursday.  The clinic said since he'd had it before and was vaccinated the chances of being positive were about 1%.  Yeah, right.  Lucky for us we didn't see DGS after Saturday at Christmas dinner.😷


No hangover for me today - I only had one (large) glass of wine last night.😉  That was a beautiful quote today.  Thanks Rich!  Also thanks for continuing posting the Daily even on your cruise.  That's dedication!  Wonder what "Your Lucky New Year Meal" is?  Debbie?   Cheers to all on the Celebration List.  Prayers once again for the many on the Care list.  Thank you Roy for keeping it accurate for us.


I've been to Greenock about 4 times according to my records.  Since I've been posting photos quite a few days this week I will wait and see what others want to post.  Maybe later today I can fill in some pictures.  


Enjoy your first day of 2022 everyone!🥂  It's about 70F this morning and if it would quit raining I could remove the Ladder from my pin oak tree.  Uh, I mean the Christmas lights wrapped up the trunk.  Crazy squirrels!

Edited by StLouisCruisers
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Happy new year to all on the Daily Thread. 

It's a windy but mild 12°C/54°F and we have had a lot of rain during the past 48 hours.

Like so many others, DW was in bed before midnight, while I remained up watching American Football on the Recording Box.  I am halfway through week 15 games at this stage.  I prefer to do it this way as I can fast forward through the advertising breaks etc.

Omicron has really hit hard in this country and we are seeing record numbers of infections, but, although hospitalisations are increasing slightly, the numbers in ICU are falling.  

Thinking positive thoughts for all those who are on the care lists.

stay safe everyone and please wear a mask!

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Happy New Year everyone,

Sounds like most people had a quiet evening, maybe we are not sure about whether 2022 should be really be welcomed!!

There were lots of fireworks on the beach last night poor Chippie who I'm dog sitting, went under the bed at 12:15. he was fine this morning and we had a nice walk at sunrise.


Hoping 2022 will be better for everyone, and we can get back to cruising. 

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Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit.


Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  We didn't drink enough to have a hangover (those days are long gone), but want to wish everyone the very best for 2022!  I love today's quote, don't you?


A quiet night for us last night - we had planned on getting take-out from our favourite Italian restaurant, only to find it was closed due to the passing of one of their long time employees.  Off to the grocery store we went to select what would be our New Year's Dinner - an eclectic mix of favourites for both of us - lemon chicken, teriyaki chicken, cheeses, 7 layer dip, Caesar salad and salted caramel brownies for dessert.  


After dinner we settled down in front of the television to watch a movie to take us through to midnight - a light one, or so we thought.  On the recommendation of DH's daughter, we watched "Don't Look Up" with Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence and Meryl Streep.  Well it certainly wasn't a light movie, in fact I'd place it in the "dark" category.  We finished the movie,  opened the champagne, watched a re-run of the dropping of the ball in Times Square, shared a New Year's kiss and turned out the lights.   There were fireworks in the neighbourhood going off at all hours - but of course, I didn't hear a thing.  DH said the latest ones were popping at around 5:15 this morning.  


Today will be a quiet day - I traditionally stay in my jammies watching the Tournament of Roses Parade from Pasadena, while DH makes me breakfast in bed.  After that, there are no plans for anything except relaxation and wondering what the new year will bring.  We don't have a lucky new year meal, it's whatever we think we want that day.  I have a small ham that will go into the oven and for dinner tonight it will be served with garlic mashed potatoes, grilled asparagus and leftover Caesar salad.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for Jacqui, Jose, Marley, and Jose's medical team.  Also extra prayers for those who have suffered loss over this holiday season.  We'll raise the glasses high to celebrate all on the happy list.  Stay safe, wash your hands, wear your masks, get your boosters, be well and keep warm!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Rabbit rabbit rabbit and Happy New Year to all of our Dailyite family.  That’s one good thing for me that came out of 2021.  This has become such a positive touchstone for many of us during this dark era.  No hangover here but I did read that drinking Sprite can help get rid of one quicker.  Very nice quote today, I hope it holds true for all of us.  Our lucky New Year’s meal is our annual trek out to The Golden Temple in Brookline for Chinese.  We may walk there to try and shed some of the extra pounds that Santa brought!  Have not been to today’s port and can’t wait to see the photos.  Prayers for everyone on our list and cheers to all of us celebrating the start of a new year! 🥳 

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21 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Wonder what "Your Lucky New Year Meal" is?

Many groups / cultures have a traditional meal to eat on New Years Day to bring luck for the coming year. In the South (where we both live) it is Black Eyed Peas, in Pennsylvania Dutch Country it is Sauerkraut. I have seen references to many others. What is yours?

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Happy New Year. I am very disappointed that 2022 has me on my phone again. 

I just love the quote, Rich!  Enjoy your last cruise day!  Thank you so much for keeping up with the Daily while on the BHB!


@summer slope I hope you have a fabulous cruise. Glad you didn’t get fired. I figured I was next, if you had been. 🙃 Today’s drink sounds refreshing. 

@Sharon in AZ Sharon love the proofreading pic. Along the same theme…



Well I am exhausted correcting the typos caused by my fat fingers on my phone keyboard, so I will now just read until the CC gremlins attack someone else. 

Prayers for all who need our support. Cheers to all who are celebrating! Stay well everyone! Happy 2022!



Meomi is my go to Pinot Noir. Great by itself or with food. Consumers (lots of us) give it a 4.8 out of 5! Easy to find at a reasonable price. I usually wait until it is on sale for less than $17 to purchase. And on the RARE occasion when it is a BOGO - I stock up. 😎

Winemaker Notes 

Meiomi Pinot Noir Red Wine offers unique structure and depth seldom seen in a pinot noir wine. This California wine is carefully crafted with premium grapes from the coastal state's most notable winegrowing regions and aged in French oak barrels, culminating in a beautifully integrated blend that allows the characteristics to enhance and build on each other. With a rich garnet color and a ruby edge, this dark red wine opens with aromas of jammy fruit and toasty oak. Each sip of this Meiomi wine offers expressive dark berry and juicy strawberry flavors accompanied by toasty mocha and vanilla flavors. The silky texture and balanced acidity of this California red wine make it a perfect tabletop companion to thin crust pizza, so enjoy a glass of wine with your favorite slice. This award-winning Meiomi Pinot Noir offers an unrivaled, full-bodied taste with a lengthy finish, no matter the meal. Serve this bottle of wine at your next get-together for an evocative and memorable impression. For optimal enjoyment of this delicious red wine, store this 750 mL wine bottle at room temperature, but chill it for approximately 60 minutes before serving at 55 to 58 degrees. Meiomi Pinot Noir distinguishes itself as an elegant, balanced, and flavor-forward wine unlike any other.

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