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The Daily for Saturday 01/08/2022


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41 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

I Think THE NEW AIDE IS GOING TO BE GREAT. So far, so good. He is very take control and a doer. He was horrified to hear some of what Lasso did and didn’t do in taking care of Sam and not taking care of him. 
I’m keeping fingers and toes crossed because I didn’t sleep last not worrying about the change. My daughter is here helping to show him around and set things and a routine up. 
Thank you all for caring. This 7 month nightmare might be over.



That is such great news, Carol and ever so promising. 👍 Praying that your  never ending nightmare is over with this new aide 🙏🏻 

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@kazu, like so many here words fail me too.  Jose, the hospital, Marley, and now a pulled muscle.  Your snow angels are a well deserved blessing and I pray for that to be an omen of more miracles to come.  A test of a persons mettle is how they react when things go wrong and you are an exceptional woman.  May things start looking up quickly.



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5 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Saturday Daily, Rich.


I need a bubble bath after the bit of shovelling I did last night & a pulled muscle to try to stay on top of the storm.  It didn’t do me much good.  This is the back deck despite my efforts. I don’t know how much snow we got but it is deeper than my high boots.




I was in a very bad place last night already feeling overwhelmed when my stupid power shovel wouldn’t stay charged and I realized I was stuck with the mess shovelling.  A dear friend reached out and found me two people who celebrate National JoyGerm day and they came to my rescue ♥️  They even did a path for the dogs all the way out back ♥️ 




Life has not been good this week and seem to be going from bad to worse.  Speaking to Jose’s doctor yesterday - the neurologist is re-assessing him next week hopefully (I say hopefully as covid has really mucked things up at the hospital and care ) and they will be trying something new to try to get his “confusion” stabilized.  She has pretty much made it clear that unless there is a miracle, he will not be coming home.  He is going to need care 24/7 with his medical problems and his confusion and she used the N word (nursing home) 😢  Assessment hasn’t been done yet and probably won’t be for a couple of weeks or more with covid.

To add to my bad place, yesterday was the final covid test day for Jose’s unit so I called to see if they had the results and if I could go in today.  There has been an outbreak and I am not allowed in for another 14 - 28 days. 😢  They don’t know which it will be.  I am starting to think that no news is good news.


I do like the Dr. Seuss quote.  @mamaofamiI hope the new aide works out and glad you ridded yourself of the old one.  @marshhawkI agree on supplies.  Pet food can be hard to get your hands on.  I just sent 3 boxes of prescription cat food to a friend in Calgary as she couldn’t get it there 😱 




Sorry to be a gloomy Gus - not much good is happening here.  I’ll have to make sure I only have one glass of wine tonight.




Prayers for everyone on Roy’s Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a good Saturday everyone !!!!!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 


I'm sorry to hear Jose's hospital has another covid outbreak and it must be heartbreaking for you not knowing when you are allowed to go in and take care of José.

Lets hope and pray José starts to improve and doesn't need to go into nursing home care.

Pauline and I are sending you love and hugs and praying for good news for you both.

Stay strong and positive.

G&P x


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2 hours ago, sailingdutchy said:
Good morning all for keeping the Daily going especially Rich , Roy and the Food and Wine contributors , and all of the people trying to comfort others that need a warm embrace !
A few months back I believe I posted a number of pictures of Puerto Chacabuco that we visited while on our way to Antarctica on the Zaandam to keep up the Joy for the day while sitting here behind my computer staring at a very cold and snowy outdoors so today I will post a few more that do not need a lot of commentary , I will just transfer you to a beautiful area in Chile not that far South of Santiago 
Have a great day everybody , please Take Care and Stay Safe !
Tony 😘

Amazing photos Tony.

Thank you for sharing.


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1 hour ago, mamaofami said:

I Think THE NEW AIDE IS GOING TO BE GREAT. So far, so good. He is very take control and a doer. He was horrified to hear some of what Lasso did and didn’t do in taking care of Sam and not taking care of him. 
I’m keeping fingers and toes crossed because I didn’t sleep last not worrying about the change. My daughter is here helping to show him around and set things and a routine up. 
Thank you all for caring. This 7 month nightmare might be over.



Thank you for this very positive update.  We could all use some good news now.  Hoping he continues to do a great job for you and Sam, and thank goodness for your daughter who is helping to make this a smooth transition!

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

Interesting collection of days. No bubble baths here any more. Male watching, lol? I won't be seeing any today. JoyGerm day sounds so nice, thanks @richwmn for the explanation.

I like the quote.

I like the meal, although probably too carby for me. Also like the drink and wine.

I have been to Puerto Chacabuco on my SA/Antarctica cruise on the Zaandam (2118).


Yesterday turned out to not be a good day. Early afternoon, my right eye started getting red and I became light sensitive. I could barely look at my PC or outdoors due to the light from the snow. I had to put on sunglasses indoors. I started the stronger steroid drops and went to bed at 9:30. I slept about 9 hours. I'm ok today. It's really cold here, but the sun is shining, which always helps. It was 1F this AM.


@kazu Prayers for a miracle for Jose and you. Marley too. Sorry about the pulled muscle. I can understand your feeling overwhelmed. Oh no on the Covid outbreak on Jose's unit and not being able to visit soon. (((HUGS))) to you.

@smitty34877 Continued prayers for Tana.

@rafinmd I hope you're starting to feel that your strength and stamina is returning.

@mamaofami Sorry to hear about the issues with your aide; that's terrible. Great that you may have a good one this time.

@Cruzin Terri Prayers for improvement for you.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.


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A few pictures from Puerto Chacabuco






Monkey Puzzle Tree (Araucaria araucana) native to central and southern Chile



Waterfall of the Virgin Mary





Rio Simpson National Reserve



View at lunch stop, Cinco Rios Lodge, Coyhaique, Chile



Zaandam anchored in Chacabuco



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6 hours ago, Cruise Suzy said:


Maybe longer.  Another thread asked if the Feb. 5 cruise has been cancelled. If you apply the "Sold Out" filter when looking for a cruise, the 1/29-2/5, 1/29-2/12 and 2/5-12 NA cruises all show as "Unavailable". 

I'm not ready to give up yet.  The 2 January charters were "postponed" rather than cancelled so I'll hold out hope that they've been rescheduled for January 5 and 12.  It may be a long shot but we should know something next week as both are supposed to have new dates posted next week.



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36 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I'm not ready to give up yet.  The 2 January charters were "postponed" rather than cancelled so I'll hold out hope that they've been rescheduled for January 5 and 12.  It may be a long shot but we should know something next week as both are supposed to have new dates posted next week.




Hi Roy,

We are having a cocktail in the Dutch Cafe and see the line at the front desk quite long. I'll check after dinner to see if there is any information on those cruises. Maybe I can nab the future c.c. as he has a few sitting in the waiting room.


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10 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Hi Roy,

We are having a cocktail in the Dutch Cafe and see the line at the front desk quite long. I'll check after dinner to see if there is any information on those cruises. Maybe I can nab the future c.c. as he has a few sitting in the waiting room.


Did anybody ever get ashore today?



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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

Interesting collection of days. No bubble baths here any more. Male watching, lol? I won't be seeing any today. JoyGerm day sounds so nice, thanks @richwmn for the explanation.

I like the quote.

I like the meal, although probably too carby for me. Also like the drink and wine.

I have been to Puerto Chacabuco on my SA/Antarctica cruise on the Zaandam (2118).


Yesterday turned out to not be a good day. Early afternoon, my right eye started getting red and I became light sensitive. I could barely look at my PC or outdoors due to the light from the snow. I had to put on sunglasses indoors. I started the stronger steroid drops and went to bed at 9:30. I slept about 9 hours. I'm ok today. It's really cold here, but the sun is shining, which always helps. It was 1F this AM.


@kazu Prayers for a miracle for Jose and you. Marley too. Sorry about the pulled muscle. I can understand your feeling overwhelmed. Oh no on the Covid outbreak on Jose's unit and not being able to visit soon. (((HUGS))) to you.

@smitty34877 Continued prayers for Tana.

@rafinmd I hope you're starting to feel that your strength and stamina is returning.

@mamaofami Sorry to hear about the issues with your aide; that's terrible. Great that you may have a good one this time.

@Cruzin Terri Prayers for improvement for you.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.


Thank you Vanessa. We appreciate  your prayers. 

I am so sorry  about your eye flare up.I hope the medication  calms it down.

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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

Did anybody ever get ashore today?




Yes, we got ashore. The Captain said this afternoon it was due to some changes in Bahama requirements and paperwork needed to be sent, signed, and sent back. The excursions were moved as needed but one excursion was cancelled due to mechanical issues. It was a beautiful day..

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Thank you to those who posted photos of todays port and thank you Roy for continuing to post photos of the sunrises/sunsets.

@kazu   I so wish that I was able to like your posts, your memes are so funny, but I just can't. My heart bleeds for all that you are going through. I am praying for strength for you, good medication for Marley and a miracle for Jose if that is God's will.

@mamaofamiSo good that you are able to have confidence in the new aide that Sam will be taken care of properly. Hopefully now you can get the rest you need and have good sleep.



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Good evening!  Late today for me.  I can like, then can't.  I am signed in, and then not!  My troubles are few compared to others.  The day started with rain (which helped in some snow removal) and then turned sunny.  I just want the weather to stay decent till I can get out of here for a month!


@kazuyou have been on my mind all day.  Wish I could add something wise and helpful to what others have said.  Just know my prayers continue!  When I was starting on the 4 year final journey with my DH, I drew strength from what my Irish Grandmother used to say, "God never gives you more than you can handle."  Hope that you aren't offended by my quoting her.  


@smitty34877I keep forgetting to ask you how Tana's son has reacted in the days since he saw his Mother in ICU?  Seeing high flow O2 alone is a shocker, and then add all other hospital "gadgets".  I know your family is so concerned and know that my prayers also continue in your direction!  Just he wasn't traumatized with what he saw.


@mamaofamiyour news about a new aide is wonderful!  Hope that he works out and you have peace return to your lives.


@aliaschief, it seems that my invite for your beautiful spaghetti sauce must have gotten lost in the mail!  How lucky your guests are to be dining on such a beautiful dish!


Have  a good everyone, and may the new week bring some bright moments for all.

Mary Kay



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10 hours ago, kazu said:

Life has not been good this week and seem to be going from bad to worse.  Speaking to Jose’s doctor yesterday - the neurologist is re-assessing him next week hopefully (I say hopefully as covid has really mucked things up at the hospital and care ) and they will be trying something new to try to get his “confusion” stabilized.  She has pretty much made it clear that unless there is a miracle, he will not be coming home.  He is going to need care 24/7 with his medical problems and his confusion and she used the N word (nursing home) 😢  Assessment hasn’t been done yet and probably won’t be for a couple of weeks or more with covid.

To add to my bad place, yesterday was the final covid test day for Jose’s unit so I called to see if they had the results and if I could go in today.  There has been an outbreak and I am not allowed in for another 14 - 28 days. 😢  They don’t know which it will be.  I am starting to think that no news is good news.

{{{HUGS}}} ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏

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13 minutes ago, cruzn single said:

Good evening!  Late today for me.  I can like, then can't.  I am signed in, and then not!  My troubles are few compared to others.  The day started with rain (which helped in some snow removal) and then turned sunny.  I just want the weather to stay decent till I can get out of here for a month!


@kazuyou have been on my mind all day.  Wish I could add something wise and helpful to what others have said.  Just know my prayers continue!  When I was starting on the 4 year final journey with my DH, I drew strength from what my Irish Grandmother used to say, "God never gives you more than you can handle."  Hope that you aren't offended by my quoting her.  


@smitty34877I keep forgetting to ask you how Tana's son has reacted in the days since he saw his Mother in ICU?  Seeing high flow O2 alone is a shocker, and then add all other hospital "gadgets".  I know your family is so concerned and know that my prayers also continue in your direction!  Just he wasn't traumatized with what he saw.


@mamaofamiyour news about a new aide is wonderful!  Hope that he works out and you have peace return to your lives.


@aliaschief, it seems that my invite for your beautiful spaghetti sauce must have gotten lost in the mail!  How lucky your guests are to be dining on such a beautiful dish!


Have  a good everyone, and may the new week bring some bright moments for all.

Mary Kay



Mary Kay,thanks for asking. Tana's son  was so concerned  about  the respiratory  distress she was in when  the ambulance  took her that he said he was relieved to see her breathing a little  better.He has many questions  that I can usually answer but he was concerned  about the ventilators.We pray that that step is not necessary. 

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28 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Mary Kay,thanks for asking. Tana's son  was so concerned  about  the respiratory  distress she was in when  the ambulance  took her that he said he was relieved to see her breathing a little  better.He has many questions  that I can usually answer but he was concerned  about the ventilators.We pray that that step is not necessary. 

Yes, I agree about ventilators!  Scariest sight I ever saw was my BIL on a vent.  Hope that he never has to see that sight

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Thanks for all the daily reports, recipes, humour and photos.

@kazu so very sorry that you have not had better news of Jose, sending hugs and positive thoughts to you. Wish that you could get to spend time with him.

@mamaofami good news about the new aide.


It's a pleasantly warm sunny Sunday.

Stay safe, take care everyone. 

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