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The Daily for Friday 01/14/2022


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4 hours ago, richwmn said:

On January 14, 1784, the Confederation Congress—which was also still known as the Continental Congress—ratified the Treaty of Paris, the document that officially ended the American Revolutionary War and made the United States of America a sovereign nation.


A good piece of history!

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Good morning from cloudy Quartzsite.  I planned on hanging the laundry on the line today, but windspeeds this afternoon before the clothes would be dry is predicted to be 12-15 mph,.  I don't want to have to chase down anything that blew off the line.  We are supposed to be in the lower-mid 70sF today.


DH has quite a few kites, but we haven't gotten them out in several years.  The desert is a good place to fly kites.  I have been orgaizing both our houses the past two years, so that chore is pretty much done. 


Like @jimgev, we didn't believe in dressing up our pets.  They were too pretty to dress, plus they would not have liked it.  Our Nikki did not like her winter sweater.  Our DSIL did get reindeer antlers for Nikki and his dog Ginnie one Christmas.  Other years, Ginnie had a Santa hat she wore while "playing" Santa.


The first picture is a very unhappy Nikki in her reindeer antlers, and the second is Ginnie.  I doubt they are wearing anything on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.  I think Nikki was embarrassed to have her picture take with the antlers.



Ginnie tolerated the hat.



We'll pass up the meal.  Unlike @ottahand7, I think eels are up there with liver and brussel sprouts.  We'll also pass on the wine and the drink.


We have not been to Stornoway, but I think the Isle of Lewis is one of the islands on the west side of Scotland that in 2017 the captain "hid" the Prinsendam behind during a storm as we were heading toward Ireland.


The quote today is true.  However, I also agree with @grapau27 Graham, that a smile and hello can start a friendship.  We have made many lifelong friends on BHBs.


@Mr. Boston  Safe travels and have a great weekend in Maine while trying to stay warm.

@cat shepard  Ann, I loved the new memes, espcially the one with the map.  I think it was describing Quartzsite.

@JAM37  Julia, happy you are feeling much better.

@mamaofami  Carol, a few years ago when we were going through a very stressful time, I also forgot to send in one of two quarterly payments.  Even late, the IRS still cashed the check.

@grapau27  Graham, when I saw the dogs in snow meme, I instantly thought of our two dachshunds.  Brandy and Nikki did not like snow.

@ger_77  Gerry, thank you for checking in with @kazu Jacqui and then giving us an update.  I wish there was more we could do to help her.  Glad to know that she knows we are all concerned and hoping for the best for her, Jose, Marley and Miko.

@marshhawk  Your office meme reminded me of our office cat, Sandy.  She also liked to "type" on the keyboard.  I think some of our neighbors think we are also extremeists when it comes to keekping safe from Covid.  We did take a cruise pre-Omicron and felt safe on the ship.  We drove to San Diego, so did not have to worry about airports and planes.  Otherwise, we are pretty much stickinhg to home, and drives where we don't get out of the car.

@aliaschief  Add me to list that thinks you made the right decision.  You are honoring your sister and other siblings by living life to it's fullest.  And again our condolences to you and your family.

@nancynana9950  Another beautiful cat.  Enjoy your DD and her cat when they visit.

@Petunia1950  Another beautiful cat.  Welcome to the Daily.

@richwmn  Rich, thanks for the explanation about the anniversary of the ratification of the Treaty of Paris.




Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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3 hours ago, ger_77 said:

I know many of us are concerned about Jacqui and her family, well I spoke with @kazu last night and she has agreed to let me share this for her.  She is so appreciative of all the prayers and caring shown for her, Jose, Marley and now Miko; she reads your messages, but her free time is very limited right now as she navigates uncharted waters.  The health of Jose and the precious furbabies is front and centre in her life right now, but she will check in when she can.  Between the family's health and trying to maintain her home and property with several snowstorms thrown into the mix, she's a pretty busy girl.  I know you all join me in daily prayers for her, knowing she will be welcomed with open arms once she's able to return on a regular basis.

And don't forget she is faithfully maintaining the Future Cruise list and on time as always with Bon Voyages.  A very determined woman.



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Thank you for today's Daily, Rich! My two furry free-loaders would not appreciate an attempt to dress them up - I could end up in the ER that way! My DM always carried a kite in her car in case she saw a nice place to fly it -- even flew it on a freighter going across the Atlantic! My house sorely needs organizing but...

When I was young and we would go to visit my aunt on Long Island, she would get smoked eel from a local fisherman - it was delicious. I haven't had it since then.

The wie sounds lovely - my late DH used to tease me about being a "Willamette" snob, because any wine from the WV is bound to be good!

Have a good day - prayers for everyone, especially @kazu Jacqui with all her challenges.


Edited by NextOne
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3 hours ago, dfish said:





Here are the directions for smoking your eel:  https://www.thedutchtable.com/2012/04/gerookte-paling.html




And how to serve it.  http://deniseswonderland.blogspot.com/2013/12/gerookte-paling-dutch-smoked-eel.html



Fresh eels ready for smoking.






  Enjoy your smoked eel!


Thank you very much for these pictures today @dfish like you said we love smoked eel , if they come out of the fridge or cooler just warm them up a little bit so the eel fat melts a little ................mmmmmm delicious . Hard to get here but if you are near a "Dutch store " in North America they most likely have them , but be prepared to pay big $$$ 's


I can taste them already in my mind .............


Tony 😍


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Good morning all. I have been busy the past 3 days helping Kakalena get ready to move from Az. to La. to be near her son. Actually more giving her some companionship and morale support than actually working with the exception of yesterday. Her home here is closing today at 11AM, she will stay 2 nights in a hotel then fly to La. on Sunday.  She is heartbroken to be leaving the home that has been in her family for 3 generations. She hopefully will cheer up as soon as she gets settled near her son and grandchildren. 

Now I need to go back and read the posts for the pasts couple of days to catch up, but before I do that I thank everyone who posted the photos of their beautiful pets.


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I have been to Stornaway .... but no pictures, sadly. And I need desperately to organize my house.... when I get really going on project something always interrupts the process. Got to get more focused.


I don't dress up the dogs unless it is really wet out... and all of them have accepted their rain/snowcoats. Never tried it with a cat.... I do not think I would have been able to manage.


Today is a "get caught up" sort of day. I have been able to get some of the work at the shelter sorted out but we are still over crowded and finding fosters for some of the dogs and kitties has been a challenge. We are still waiting on roofing materials and we need to get the new kennels on order. Another busy week.


Sending most positive thoughts and prayers to all who need them. I am sure it is hard for Kakalena to make that move..... I hope she will be comfortably settled.



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1 hour ago, HAL4NOW said:

I didn't see a sunrise from @rafinmdyet, so here is one from this morning in Skykomish:


Yes, very late today.  Those rapid covid tests I was given yesterday turned out to be very frustrating and a big waste of time.  They require an app that was virtually impossible to complete on my phone (I had to scroll month by month for well over 700 months to get to my date of birth).  I never did get it installed there.  IPAD was FINALLY successful but very little feedback on what I was entering and the slightest mistake took me back to square one.  I probably wasted about 4 hours on the app from hell.



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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Not really! It’s the circle of life. After so many brushes with death I’m just grateful and blessed to still be here. I plan on living the rest of my life here on earth to the fullest. That’s what my family would have wanted and how they lived their life’s.

Sending our condolences to you on your sister's memory day.

Without taking unnecessary risks good luck in doing everything you want to do and don't have any regrets for not doing something you wished you had done.


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Good morning all!

When I was a child sometimes I dressed our cats in my doll clothes, but now as an adult I agree with @jimgevthat it isn't a good thing to do (other than a winter coat for dogs when they are out in the cold).  I know our son's dog loves his coat after moving here from warm Southern California! She saw snow for the first time after they moved here.


The grandsons have several large kites they love taking to the park and beach.  I guess we were a day early with organizing our home day.  Yesterday we took a trunk full of clothes, dishes, and children's toys to Goodwill.  During Covid it has been hard to find places that take donations.  Pre-Covid a truck would come by, and/or lots of drop-off locations.  I would organize my kitchen pantry, but it never seems to stay organized!  😂


Will pass on the drink and meal (eww) but the wine sounds good.  Have been to Scotland a few times but never Stornoway.


My routine blood work yesterday all was within the normal range, no big changes so that was good.  I do love our "My Chart" so I can see results within minutes.


@dobiemomI'm so sorry your cruise was canceled on such short notice.  Good that you have other plans in the works!

@cat shepardI did sing the first meme, LOL!

@JAM37so glad you're feeling better today.

@ger_77Sochi is such a gorgeous cat, I love when you post photos of her.  When I was a child we had a book about a cat that looked just like her, and one day her tail accidentally dipped into a big can of blue paint....I remember thinking some day I'd have a cat that looked just like that (never have, but have had many cats over the years).

@StLouisCruisers I hope you hear good news soon from your DD and her pain will be gone soon.

@aliaschiefcondolences on the loss of your sister.

@lazey1thank you for the updates on Kakalena.  

@ger_77I agree about homes with pets not always being stinky.  Of all the people I've known with pets, I can think of only one in all those years whose home didn't smell pristine -- and I'm pretty sure that was due to poor housekeeping, more than just the litter boxes etc.

@nancynana9950, @Petunia1950, @ottahand7 and @NextOnethank you for posting photos of your cats, they are all beautiful and look so content. 😉  



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Here are some of the treats we had on our foodie walking tour in San Juan recently -


Croquettes and an Orange Daiquiri -



A touch of Michigan in Puerto Rico -



Blood orange beer based cocktails and fantastic Cuban Sandwiches -



Carnitas with rice and beans -



After careful instructions, we got to create our own Mojitos -


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Good morning and thanks all!  No to the eel, but DH would love it!   The wine sounds great!  Prayers for all, especially dear Jacqui and Jose.  

@aliaschief my condolences, but better to stay safe!  
@ger_77 thanks for the update on Jacqui!  I agree not all pet homes smell!  

another endangered short eared owl, we watched catching and eating dinner, I had vegetarian for dinner myself afterwards! 



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19 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

I have been to Stornaway .... but no pictures, sadly. And I need desperately to organize my house.... when I get really going on project something always interrupts the process. Got to get more focused.



So hoping to see photos of Stornaway as we are booked on a cruise that calls there this August. Images I see doing a browser search look wonderful! 

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15 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Sending our condolences to you on your sister's memory day.

Without taking unnecessary risks good luck in doing everything you want to do and don't have any regrets for not doing something you wished you had done.


Now that my military career is over risk taking is no longer In my vocabulary! Just grateful; as many of my comrades gave all.

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily @richwmn and to all contributors.

No pets here to dress up. I've never flown a kite. My ongoing goal for years has been to organize my home and declutter; slowly but surely.

Great quote.

I had to google the meal - no, no, no from me. Pass on the drink and maybe yes to the wine.

I haven't been to today's destination.


The calm before the storm. Temps dropping tomorrow. Some are predicting 6"-9" of snow from Sunday evening to Monday midday. Possible ice too. I'll have to check out the snowblower; I have special fuel in it, as it often sits a long time and that clogs the carburetor. I have an electric one as backup. Problem is my garage is detached and I have to shovel my way to it; my house was built before cars were available to the masses in the US.


@kazu Continued prayers for Jose, his medical team, you, and the dogs. Stay safe in this weather.

@smitty34877 I hope Tana continues to progress.

@grapau27 Lovely stuffed toy as a remembrance of Pauline's Dad. Thanks for the pictures of Stornoway.

@ger_77 Thanks for passing the message from Jacqui.

@aliaschief Thinking of you today as you remember your sister.

@StLouisCruisers I'm glad to hear that DD sounded better.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

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5 hours ago, cat shepard said:

@jimgev, my Bindi agrees with you - though she does get very excited when I change her collar at different times throughout the year.🤔

5 hours ago, jimgev said:

I guess I am a contrarian today regarding dressing up pets. It is something I really disagree with. I prefer to see the natural beauty in an animal and see"dressing them up" as disrespectful. Just my weird way of looking at the world.

Good morning, all! I can’t seem to write above the top quote, so there we are. I agree with the above with dressing up pets. They never seem happy about it, either.

Although, when the DD’s were young, we had a Springer Spaniel who viewed her collar as a fashion accessory and was quite vain about it. We had a selection of them for her, plus collars for our German Shepherd and from past pets. We had also trained Lucy to bow if she wanted something. One of the girls would hold out a selection of collars, and ask Lucy if she wanted a ‘pretty’. She would bow frantically until one by one she had all the collars hanging around her neck. Eventually she would be decked out like Mr. T. Then she would strut around the house in her finery as proud as punch. Later when I  took everything but her own collar off, she would be quite distressed.


4 hours ago, ger_77 said:


I know many of us are concerned about Jacqui and her family, well I spoke with @kazu last night and she has agreed to let me share this for her. 


Thank you for sharing word from Jacqui. We are all very concerned about her, Jose, and the fur babies. @kazu prayers for strength and healing to you all.


4 hours ago, ger_77 said:


I had to look up today's menu suggestion, and no, nope, nyet, unh unh, not going to happen.  I abhor snakes and eels are just snakes that swim better.  *shudder* 

I’m with you on that! Add to that being raised on English novels where Uncles or Grandfathers were mentioned as having passed after eating ‘a surfeit of eels’ and I stay well clear of them.

Well, the gingerbread mansion is finished! The front is traditionally done gingerbread style, the back and sides are Tudor style. It has six bedrooms upstairs, plus a maids apartment in the attic.











And of course, Happy Friday, with thoughts of our beloved BHB’s!



Edited by Horizon chaser 1957
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I'm going to be lazy and just re-post my July 22/21 posting.😉



We visited Stornoway in May 2019 while on a Highlands cruise on the Zuiderdam. Apparently, it is not a port HAL visits all that often. We were told that the Zuiderdam was the largest cruise ship to have been there and with no suitable dock - meant it was a tender port. 


Zuiderdam at anchor.




The tenders docked at the Ferry Terminal.


The Ferry Terminal is behind the statue




There were limited shore excursions available, so we did a brief walk about the town.


We first visited the Lews Castle which is a modest walk up the hill from the downtown area. It dates from the mid-1800’s and was the country home for Sir James Matheson who had bought the island with the fortune he made from the Chinese Opium trade. In 1918 it was bought by a Lord Leverhulme from the Matheson family and in 1923 he gave the castle to the people of Stornoway parish. 




It is now owned by the local council and is in the process of being converted into a museum/cultural centre. The ground floor of the building is open to the public, including a restored ballroom and a café.




Entry door.



Entryway/hall Ceiling.




Natural Retreats, a luxury holiday property company has apartments for rent on the upper floors.



Stairway to upper floors. Access was restricted to renters and staff.



The castle is work in progress so there’s not all that much to see as far as furnishing, or artifacts. The café is fairly large and had a good selection for food. Plus, it had free Wi-Fi - so it was a popular spot.


On the way back to the dock we did a loop through part of the town, including passing by the local golf course.



Apparently it has been around since 1890. 






Past several wooden statues.










The Town Hall.



It was midweek when we were there so most businesses were open, but on the whole, we found the local people seemed unfriendly when we approached them to talk about their town. At the local culture/art/info centre when I asked one of the staff about information/souvenirs, all I got was a stiff nose-in-the-air remark “You’re from the cruise ship” as she walked away to talk to some of the other staff. 


The lack of local interest in cruise ship business was also evident at the pier. Usually there are a number of people promoting tours and local goods/souvenirs. All we saw was a young guy playing a bagpipe.


Although, I must say the staff we talked to at Lews Castle were very informative and a pleasure to deal with.

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@Horizon chaser 1957 love the gingerbread house! Lots of work there. 
@grapau27 thanks for posting the pictures of Stornoway. I wish I could go there. I really enjoyed watching Shetland and hopefully there is another season. Sometimes I had trouble understanding the people with heavy Scottish accents!

@bennybear I have noticed that certain breeds of dog have allergies that cause skin problems with itching and dander and those dogs can have stinky houses. 

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Lewis (port of Stornoway) has number of incredible archaeological sites if you are able to rent a car. I have not been there for quite awhile so I don't know about availability. When I was on Lewis, there were very few tourist facilities. I rented a cottage out of town.  Most tourists then came by ferry and drove their own cars. By the way.... that ferry crossing was rough!!!!



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40 minutes ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

Good morning, all! I can’t seem to write above the top quote, so there we are. I agree with the above with dressing up pets. They never seem happy about it, either.

Although, when the DD’s were young, we had a Springer Spaniel who viewed her collar as a fashion accessory and was quite vain about it. We had a selection of them for her, plus collars for our German Shepherd and from past pets. We had also trained Lucy to bow if she wanted something. One of the girls would hold out a selection of collars, and ask Lucy if she wanted a ‘pretty’. She would bow frantically until one by one she had all the collars hanging around her neck. Eventually she would be decked out like Mr. T. Then she would strut around the house in her finery as proud as punch. Later when I  took everything but her own collar off, she would be quite distressed.



Thank you for sharing word from Jacqui. We are all very concerned about her, Jose, and the fur babies. @kazu prayers for strength and healing to you all.


I’m with you on that! Add to that being raised on English novels where Uncles or Grandfathers were mentioned as having passed after eating ‘a surfeit of eels’ and I stay well clear of them.

Well, the gingerbread mansion is finished! The front is traditionally done gingerbread style, the back and sides are Tudor style. It has six bedrooms upstairs, plus a maids apartment in the attic.











And of course, Happy Friday, with thoughts of our beloved BHB’s!



Thanks for showing us your beautiful  gingerbread home.Wow!!It is really lovely. 

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