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The Daily for Monday 02/07/2022


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8 minutes ago, dfish said:


It was pretty easy and no pain at this time.  I think the Novocaine has worn off.  



They did not give me pain meds.  Said to just take ibuprofen.  I did take some when I got home.  Numbing is gone and I'm doing ok.



Thanks, Lenda.  



Well, said, Jacqui.  As is the case most of the time, it isn't what the person does that is the problem, it is how it is done.  



Thank you!   I'm so glad you were able to get a replacement for the mattress.  They are so important for how your back feels.  I'm wondering if I should be investing in a new one.  



I had a nice treat.  I fixed myself a bowl of Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie ice cream.  My instructions say I can eat normally as soon as it is comfortable to do so.  I'd say it is now, but I'll give it till tomorrow.


I agree on the amount of time for those oven parts.  I would have given up on that one.  I needed my oven for Thanksgiving big time!


Four teeth extracted at once?  Oh, my!   My instructions said no heavy exercise for 48 hours, but I do have a pool reservation for tomorrow.  I'm going to check with my hygienist sister on that one.  


Now for rest of the story on the extraction:   It can never end with all is well, can it?   The oral surgeon said the tooth next to it had a base line fracture and needed a filling or a crown and that he would recommend the crown.  Of course!!!   More $$$$$.  These people think I am an endless well of financial resources.  They seem to cavalier about spending my non existent money.  I told him it wasn't happening and I'd just pull that one as well.  Well, I probably won't, but when does it end?   


I wish you had my dentist.  He usually gives me a choice on something like the baseline fracture you mentioned.   A few years ago, I needed a filling and the dentist said a crown would make it last longer.  Just the filling would probably last about seven years.  He was willing to go with just the filling and we'll see what happens.  Another time, it was a root canal and a crown or just a crown since the broken tooth wasn't painful.  He said he'd go with just the crown and we could always do a root canal if necessary through the crown.  That was about three years ago, and so far so good.


2 minutes ago, dfish said:

I'm sorry  your remark was misinterpreted.  Far too often the written word is not taken in the light it was offered.  Without intonations and facial expressions, we can only interpret according to our own experiences.  


We do discuss cruising on this thread.  Our destinations of the day are often cruise destinations and we share our experiences in those destinations.  During the pause this did become a home for many of us who were isolated in our homes.  A lot of us are single and the touch of humanity here really helped get through that time.  


Do come back and let us get to know you better.   I'm betting you have a wonderful sense of humor that we could all enjoy.


Nicely said.  At first, I thought it might have been a joke, but the way it was worded seemed to criticize @richwmn Rich.


4 minutes ago, Oceansaway17 said:



oh so that is how it started during the pandemic.  got it. 

Also glad to hear from YOU as I like your recipes.

Like I told Graham, I might wander back in to lurk but I doubt I will post much.   Perhaps I did mis judge a bit.   toodles and I too am single.



As I said earlier, you are most welcome to lurk or post.  


I have met some of the posters on cruises, but have gotten to know most of them through the Daily.  Two years ago, there was not much cruising to discuss, but the Daily gave us a chance to connect with people with a similar interest while we were all staying home and trying to stay safe.


I hope you decide to give us another chance.



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I have been here since November when we booked our first Holland cruise. I was looking for some information about the line. I discovered it was a nice place where people could share whatever is going on in their lives. I haven’t cruised much so in the beginning I was shy about chiming in as I didn’t think I had much to contribute. I read daily but still only comment occasionally. I think many of us felt disconnected from our usual circles of friends and family during the past two years and this thread developed into a place where we share much more than our cruise experiences. @Oceansaway17 I hope you stay. I have found people here friendly and tolerant and I have learned so much here!  I learned how to put people in a blue bubble!

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22 minutes ago, Oceansaway17 said:



wonderful NICE (not ) comment.   but that is okay. i do not aim to be popular and I never will be on this thread esp someone like you.

I respect  your op you are  entitled to  that   my  only answer is you  know  nothing

about me but  I  do  hope  you will think  about staying with us.


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30 minutes ago, Oceansaway17 said:



wonderful NICE (not ) comment.   but that is okay. i do not aim to be popular and I never will be on this thread esp someone like you.

I respect  your op you are  entitled to  that   my  only answer is you  know  nothing

about me but  I  do  hope  you will think  about staying with us.


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30 minutes ago, Oceansaway17 said:



wonderful NICE (not ) comment.   but that is okay. i do not aim to be popular and I never will be on this thread esp someone like you.

I respect  your op you are  entitled to  that   my  only answer is you  know  nothing

about me but  I  do  hope  you will think  about staying with us.


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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

All good days. Rose day is timely with Valentine's day coming up. I like some ballet (I used to see the Nutcracker regularly at Christmas) and I should send a card to a friend (it will probably be a text, lol).

Interesting quote.

I'll pass on the meal. Zombies were my drink of choice in college when my roommate and I would go to a nearby Polynesian restaurant on Sundays for the free appetizers (no evening meal in the dorms on Sundays, so we'd fill up on the apps after buying a drink). The wine sounds good. 

I have been to Denali National Park.


It's sunny and up to 43F now, although it was cold this morning. I saw the Rheumatologist today. Regarding my eyes, it's either leave things as they are, a last pill to try, or some awful infusion (Rituximab) that completely knocks out your B cells in the immune system.  I also have bursitis in both hips, which is why going up steps is hard. She gave me exercises and I can get a steroid injection if no improvement, plus PT if I want to go.


@kazu I'm glad you got to see Jose today. I know he will be glad and maybe it will help his orientation.

@JAM37 Wow, excellent work by DH! He should be proud. 

@dfish I'm glad it's done! I think I'd need sedation dentistry for an extraction, lol. Sorry to hear about the tooth next to it having a fracture.

@Cruzin Terri Prayers that the increased steroids help. Good that you at least got better rest last night. 

@durangoscots I hope the work proceeds smoothly at the shelter.

@Norseh2o Oh my, that's a long time to wait for your oven repair.

@Lady Hudson Have a great trip!


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.


A few pictures from Denali NP on a cloudy day







Ranger Station






Dall sheep in the lodge



Flightseeing around Denali 


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1 hour ago, MISTER 67 said:

I've been posting here about 2 weeks now but I have read many posts in the years since I joined CC 6 years ago. From the posts I've read I found The Daily to be very interesting, informative and very caring, I decided to start posting and surprised that so many of you take the time to read my posts and give a like, thanks or a ha ha. After 2 weeks I found The Daily and its posters to be very welcoming. A special thanks to Rich for taking the time to post things like the meal of the, drink of the day, wine of the day etc, etc

I am in exactly the same place.  I was very nervous about my first post but everyone has been very welcoming.  I usually read first thing in the morning and it gives me something positive to think about as I start my day.  I like to find a way to make the “day” tie into my life.  I love to cook; even though I don’t eat meat, I enjoy reading all the recipes.   

With regards to being cruise related, I love seeing the pictures and comments about the daily port.  This helps me plan future cruises.  Also,  when I had a question about packing for a longer cruise, several responded with useful suggestion.


I’m guilty of posting funny memes but I’m just trying to put a bit of laughter in everyone’s day.


I hope everyone has a wonderful night.  I’ll be back tomorrow morning.



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Good afternoon everyone and Happy Monday!  After I saw the Daily was on page 5 I decided to post first and read afterward. 

Today was an appointment for DM for a 3 month follow up CT prior to her Radiation Doctor appointment on Friday. The CT building is a bit further away but really close to Outback so we went to lunch afterward and our good friend Kim (Crawford) joined us. I just got home. It’s very very windy today and the wind gave me a headache so I’m just chilling out with Blue. Craig has an appointment about his ear, it’s been bothering him for a few days. 

Maxine @AncientWanderer — how is the puppy training going?  Our vet told me that small dogs are the hardest to potty train. It seemed to take forever to train Blue, probably because he was a bit older when we got him and he hadn’t had any training. We still leave a potty pad for him to use when we are gone.


 I hope everyone has a great day!


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1 hour ago, Oceansaway17 said:



My original comment BTW what meant to be a flippy jokey comment. 

I did not feel I was insulting the OP but apparently some folks are like guard dogs ready to pounce.


I have been told before that I have no sense of humor. I had no idea that you intended your comment to be a flippy jokey comment. I am sorry that my reply offended you.  I did not intend to come across as a guard dog ready to pounce.

Can't we all just be friends?


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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


I wish you had my dentist.  He usually gives me a choice on something like the baseline fracture you mentioned.   A few years ago, I needed a filling and the dentist said a crown would make it last longer.  Just the filling would probably last about seven years.  He was willing to go with just the filling and we'll see what happens.  Another time, it was a root canal and a crown or just a crown since the broken tooth wasn't painful.  He said he'd go with just the crown and we could always do a root canal if necessary through the crown.  That was about three years ago, and so far so good.



I'm going to run this one past my sister and see what she thinks.  After 40 years in the business she's seen a lot.  But, as I pointed out to the guy today, if I had the money for crowns I wouldn't have had him pull the tooth he did.  


50 minutes ago, JazzyV said:


@dfish I'm glad it's done! I think I'd need sedation dentistry for an extraction, lol. Sorry to hear about the tooth next to it having a fracture.

To be honest, I felt a little tugging, but I did not even know he had the tooth out until he was stitching up my gum.  What are you going to do about your eyes?   That is a more serious condition.  I can always puree my food.  


@Cruzin Terri I know you wanted off the steroids, but if they allow you to sleep and function with decreased pain, then they are a necessary evil.  I hope this situation resolves quickly.



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21 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:


Maxine @AncientWanderer — how is the puppy training going?  Our vet told me that small dogs are the hardest to potty train. It seemed to take forever to train Blue, probably because he was a bit older when we got him and he hadn’t had any training. We still leave a potty pad for him to use when we are gone.


I’ve also been told that small dogs are more challenging, Sharon.  He does seem to be catching on though. I’m seriously devoting all my day to it, which wouldn’t be practical for many people.  He’s getting lots of reward treats.  I’ve had a clean floor for two days.  🎊👏🎉

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9 hours ago, JAM37 said:

Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


Roses are beautiful. I have not been to the ballet, but one my DDs took ballet and scored high with the annual Royal Academy exams for several years.


The meal sounds good. Interesting quote.


I read yesterday, but missed posting. So first I want to add my congratulations to Her Majesty the Queen.


@grapau27 Graham, you and Pauline looked absolutely stunning at the garden party.


@dobiemom have a great time with your family in Florida.


@kazu Jacqui, praying Jose is more himself today and that you have a wonderful visit. I'm very glad you were able to get him to take his medication yesterday.


@dfish Debbie, thinking of you and hoping the tooth extraction goes smoothly.


Yesterday was spent starting to getting the house ready for us to be gone, pack and cleaning the shower. Yes, the shower is finished! It took a lot longer and was a much bigger job than DH ever imagined but he did it. He said he accomplished building what he's wanted for many years but he wouldn't do it again. So, here it is...






🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

Wow!  What a beautiful shower!  I love it and please tell your DH that he did a fantastic job. 



8 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Yes, I started about two weeks in and went back to fill in.  I find it a good tool to choose future itineraries.  Takes seconds to search and find all the times a port was previously listed.  I just looked and the past 11 days have been repeats.  Some I've been to before and lots I have not.  Plenty of time on my hands the past 2 years!😥

I had a feeling you were keeping track and think it’s a great idea. Would you mind checking for me when Kotor, Montenegro was the port?  It’s on the Med cruise we are considering. I’m thinking it must be similar to Dubrovnik, Croatia since they are so close. 


7 hours ago, Overhead Fred said:

Yesterday's meatloaf dinner was quite good!




Looks wonderful!  I love meatloaf but hate to make it. How do you get your mushroom gravy so dark?


5 hours ago, Norseh2o said:

Roses are a favorite, love ballet! Not to bring up the “appliance repair” topic but am happy to say that our downdraft (expensive, and practically new!) gas range is scheduled for repair today! On or about January 29, 2020 our oven stopped working. Thankfully, warranty was in effect, and now two years and 10 days later, the parts are scheduled to be replaced this morning. 


Goodness, that’s a long time without an oven — as long as the pandemic. What did you use in the meantime?




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@0106 —. You got great advice about how to do the @ with the blue bubble but I have a tip. I find that if I misspell a name and backspace erase that the blue bubble option often goes away and if that happens just start all over again, starting with the @ sign.  That’s one reason why I find aviatars/profile pictures helpful. 

You are going to love your Panama Canal cruise!  What ship are you going on?


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1 hour ago, Oceansaway17 said:



oh so that is how it started during the pandemic.  got it. 




I bet lots of people wander into this thread and think "What the heck is that all about?"   To repeat what others have already said, and to maybe catch the eye of other newbies to the thread...it used to be the Fleet Report.  Not sure, but I don't think any other cruise line forums have a place to see daily where the ships are.  Before pandemic, it was so nice to look and see all the far-flung places where the ships were traveling -- and dream about being onboard.  Such a kind thing for Rich to voluntarily do this every day.  When pandemic started...well, not much ship activity, so it morphed into a kind of  quarantine coffee klatsch for positive energy in a trying time.  Just people keeping company.  Seems like a lot of effort has gone into making new voices feel welcome.


It'll be interesting to see how the Daily progresses as we get back into cruising again, with many ships and people on the move.  I'm sure with folks out and about, it'll be less active, but hopefully still a kind place with an active Fleet report.


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7 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Looks wonderful!  I love meatloaf but hate to make it. How do you get your mushroom gravy so dark?


By cheating?


But seriously, I used a brown gravy mix we got in the Costco in Peterborough, Ontario. I needed something for a big batch of stroganoff that I was making for a get-together with several of our co-cottagers on Deer Bay Lake (AKA Lower Buckhorn). It was actually really good so we decided to bring the big bag of it back to Saint Paul. 


I just sautéed mushrooms and onions in olive oil and added them to gravy. For the gravy, you add 1/2 cup mix to about 2 cups of cold water, stir to dissolve, and then simmer gently until it thickens up. I'm sure one can find similar gravy mixes here in the states...

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9 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Would you mind checking for me when Kotor, Montenegro was the port?  It’s on the Med cruise we are considering. I’m thinking it must be similar to Dubrovnik, Croatia since they are so close. 

Good evening everyone and as always thanks for the Daily! I am an "occasional poster" though I try to check in each day.

Montenegro....oh how I wish I was going back! I have been there twice but both times just did a walking tour, once of Kotor, Montenegro itself and the other was a tour of Budva but the scenery is to die for and I would love to do a scenic tour! I don't think it is anything like Dubrovnik. It is probably # 1 on my list of beautiful places. The sail-in and sail out will take your breath away!  Hope you get to go there and hope I get to go back!

Prayers for those in need and congrats to all celebrating!


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Just now, Love the beach said:

Good evening everyone and as always thanks for the Daily! I am an "occasional poster" though I try to check in each day.

Montenegro....oh how I wish I was going back! I have been there twice but both times just did a walking tour, once of Kotor, Montenegro itself and the other was a tour of Budva but the scenery is to die for and I would love to do a scenic tour! I don't think it is anything like Dubrovnik. It is probably # 1 on my list of beautiful places. The sail-in and sail out will take your breath away!  Hope you get to go there and hope I get to go back!

Prayers for those in need and congrats to all celebrating!


I feel the same way about Kotor, I LOVE that port. Also don't think it's anything like Dubrovnik, it's much better!

Also if you like cats, it's a cat-lover's heaven.  

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Just now, Love the beach said:

Good evening everyone and as always thanks for the Daily! I am an "occasional poster" though I try to check in each day.

Montenegro....oh how I wish I was going back! I have been there twice but both times just did a walking tour, once of Kotor, Montenegro itself and the other was a tour of Budva but the scenery is to die for and I would love to do a scenic tour! I don't think it is anything like Dubrovnik. It is probably # 1 on my list of beautiful places. The sail-in and sail out will take your breath away!  Hope you get to go there and hope I get to go back!

Prayers for those in need and congrats to all celebrating!



Agree, Marge.  It's a really unique place.  I hadn't known that it had such a history of being a holiday spot for the rich and famous.  It's gorgeous.  I'd love to go back.

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42 minutes ago, dfish said:


To be honest, I felt a little tugging, but I did not even know he had the tooth out until he was stitching up my gum.  What are you going to do about your eyes?   That is a more serious condition.  I can always puree my food.  



I will see the Ophthalmologist next month. I can live with flare-ups about once a month, which I treat with stronger steroid drops, but the question is whether it's doing some long term damage. I need to discuss that with her. If not, I'd stay on oral steroids and multiple drops. If so, then we need to decide on a treatment regimen to try.

Edited by JazzyV
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@Sharon in AZI just did a check and couldn't believe my eyes when it said it wasn't able to locate that port.  Meaning we haven't had that port as our destination of the day!!  We have had Dubrovnik, however.  I wouldn't mind posting some photos from there but it's almost dinner time here.  Perhaps I could do it tomorrow.  From the sound of the responses so far, you may get a lot of people offering up photos and discussion.  I also love the journey in and out of that port.  And it's great for just wandering through the old city.  Sorry I couldn't point you to the date we had it so you could look right now, but don't worry, we will be happy to oblige!

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