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The Daily for Thursday 03/03/2022


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11 minutes ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning Everyone from a sunny and bright day at the beach

        A big salute to all caregivers, it is not an easy task. But the rewards are many.  My DD is physically and mentally disabled since birth, She is the light of our lifes, teaching us what is really important. I dont sweat the small stuff. It is difficult at times but between DH and myself we do just fine. 

       Have not been to todays port. Seems I have been saying that a lot lately.  We dont ave cruises planned until the fall. Have 3 family weddings this spring that require travel.

      My friend who broke her wrist is having surgery this AM. It was a really nasty break. She also broke her finger with the fall. I picked up all her lists for the tournament from her last nite. She was hoping that once she was casted, she could at least help a little. But she will be out for awhile.  

  @JAM37 A very Happy Birthday to your daughters.


Stay safe and enjoy today


Ouch!  Your poor friend breaking both her wrist and her finger.  Wishing her a speedy recovery!  I also want to say how nice you are to pick up the reins at the last minute to pull off this tournament.  


And a salute to you and your DH for the care you've given your DD over the years.  She's a lucky girl.

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Good morning everyone. Celebrating caregivers day even though I’ve had some really awful ones taking care of Sam. Everything in this house seems to be breaking and I’m spending hours on the phone getting them fixed. First our modem, then the phones, then my computer, then my QuickBooks program that serves as my checkbook,  and after that our Wi-Fi service. I spend more time getting these things fixed than anyone should have to.

Going to my book club in the clubhouse today and masks are no longer necessary. Trying to decide whether to wear one or not. Thankfully my dermatologist froze off the growth on my poor nose which has had about 4 surgeries for cancer. This one was pre cancer and I was grateful for that.

Stay safe everyone,


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26 minutes ago, marshhawk said:




Good Morning!  Cats with thumbs, well mine would open all the cat food cans, sniff and then go open another one.  I also imagine the two girls trying to hitchhike to the coast.  


Yesterday was so nice I opened the front windows, and two of the male cats each got in one, and the third stayed in his cat nest ,  over seeing the other two-so cute.  Today is supposed to be even warmer.

I know that we say that if March came in like a lion, it would leave as a lamb, but if March comes in as a lamb, will it leave as a lion?  In the south, I would rather have a day of snow than a week of tornados.

I really liked the quote.  It seems that i have been suffering from judging too much and not loving my fellow humans enough.  When we had to isolate  during the first year of covid, I found that I actually liked being at home.  I watched Springwatch on Britbox, and I started feeding the birds.  I now have 8 feeders.  My job each day was to put the food out, make sure that there was water in the bird bath, and watering plants.  And humans were the last thing I wanted to be around.    The more I isolated, the more I enjoyed it, and this really isn't the way that humans should be.  We need each other, we need to share our thoughts and feelings, even if its just to make ourselves feel better.


The phrase of Namaste means seeing the God in you.  I find that at the Daily, but was afraid that I didn't want to find it face to face with other people.  It would make me work on improving me.  Well, I think it's time that I started with some self searching, and am going to try being out in the world more, even if it's just once a week.


I've been sober for a little over 31 years, but stopped going to meetings about 20 years ago, and today I am going to go back.  I don't really have any secret on sobriety, I haven't done wonderful things, saved the world, furthered my education, I just need to try to be around people again.  In real time.  So wish me luck today. 





Namaste, Ann. Be proud of who you are. 

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Good morning  to all. Tana returned  home safely but has another case of pneumonia. Antibiotics were started yesterday and we will cross our fingers and toes that she improves. 

DD wanted to do something special for our wonderful  neighbor and gave the family a gift certificate  for one of our better Irish Pubs in the neighborhood. The family went last night for dinner and had a great  time.

My parents were older when I was born  and DH and I were their caretakers  at the end as my brothers left NY years before. Our children were teenagers and they often helped quite a bit. I learned then to give myself time to breathe  as it was very stressful.

@dfish,Debbie,I think we will try the third recipe tonight after I get the aborio

rice and mushrooms. Instant Pot  risotto  is very good.The vegetarians  will have quiche tonight.

@JAM37,Happy Birthday  to your daughters

@StLouisCruisers,Sandi, thanks for the update on Jen.There us often pain that is not fully explained  after head injuries  and strokes.I hope things improve.

@kazu, Jacqui , I am so glad you will still be able to get in to see Jose.

and thanks for the memes and laughs every day!


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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  I salute all caregivers out there; it's a tough job and one that is often overlooked because the person getting the care is the focus of all well wishers.  Don't we all just want people to be happy?  And healthy, too.  Oh dear, I fear if Sochi had thumbs, she'd be going through the pantry, trying to pick out what she wants and tossing out the rest.  On the other hand, she could also turn on the water to get a drink by herself, so there's that.


I'm late to to the party this morning; DH didn't have a good night, so I didn't have a good night.  I think he finally settled around 5, so I'm figuring there's a nap for each of us at some point in the daylight hours.  We've dipped into the -20's again today, and as I look out the window I can see exhaust coming from all the neighbours chimneys.   We won't be putting away our snuggly sweaters any time soon.  I checked the weather app and it says we're under a snowfall warning as well - at least if it's a "significant" snowfall, the shovel crew will come and take care of it for us.


@msmayor my parents did the same as you're doing, they came the week I was expected to deliver.  That didn't happen.  LOL  Of course, after a week, they had to return home to get some things done, so I bid them a fond farewell and later that afternoon went into labor.  Maybe you should tell your daughter you're going home and to call you when she starts having contractions.  That might speed things up.  


@kazu I hope you'll be extended the same privileges no matter where Jose is at the hospital.  I'm sure word will spread that you're a great help and you'll be able to come in as often as you want/need.


@JAM37 Happy Birthday to your twin daughters!


@marshhawk good luck with your meeting today; it's nice to be in your own company, but sometimes we just need the strength of others to help keep our equilibrium. 


@StLouisCruisers thanks for letting us know about Jen; hopefully they'll find the source of her fever and be able to treat it.


Well I didn't make DH creamed salmon on toast last night, instead I took out some salmon fillets and baked them with dijon mustard and panko crumbs, and served it with oven fried asparagus and rice.  Tonight however, we'll be having something my mom used to make that was a favourite of mine - breaded pork chops, garlic mashed potatoes and green beans.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.   Extra prayers for the country of Ukraine, and all those who are able to help.   We'll clink our glasses together to celebrate those on the happy list.   Stay safe, wear your masks when you need to, wash your hands, get your boosters, be well, and keep warm!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Good morning from sunny Quartzsite.  This will be quick since I need to get the house cleaned before we leave Sunday.  I'll come back and read the Daily a little later.


We have been to Walvis Bay twice, and I shared some of my pictures when they were posted on May 11, 2021.  I'll repost them for those who have not seen them.


We have been to Walvis Bay twice, but not on a BHB.  In 2002, it was the next to last stop on the P&O world cruise.  IN 2009, it was the next to last stop on the Tahitian Princes cruise from NYC to Cape Town by way of Greenland, Iceland, Dover, etc.  Walvis Bay is a small town, and Swakopmund is the bigger town several miles away.  My pictures will be a collection from both cruises.


In 2000, we took a airplane fight over the dunes and along the coast.  This first picture is of the tallest dune as we flew very close to it.



Salt from salt ponds near Walvis Bay is a big industry there.  These are the salt ponds, and the salt from the ponds that is read to ship.




In 2000, we found a taxi to take us around Walvis Bay and to Swakopmund, while we rented a car in 2009.


These are pictures from Walvis Bay.




The Hotel Swakopmund




The name of this restaurant caught my attention.



A couple more pictures of Swakopmund.  There is a definite German influence here and in Luderitz further south.  The Germans settled this area and mined diamonds at least 100 years ago.




Another tourist area near Walvis Bay is Dune #7.  We did not attempt to climb the dune, just watched the others.  The big ball is driven to the top of the dune, and once the people get in it through the hole in the end, it rolls down to the bottom.  The brave people in the picture are the singers and dancers/cruise staff from the Tahitian Princess.




Finally, from the stern of the Oriana, is Walvis Bay looking toward the dunes as the sun was setting.




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57 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  It was 45F this morning so we trekked over to the gym, did our weights and walked back.   Exercise DONE!  Today will be sunny and about 78F which is excellent news.  No doubt we'll be freezing again within days.


Thanks for pointing out the location of our ships Rich @richwmn.  Much appreciation to Roy @rafinmdfor the newly updated Care and Celebration lists.  I made sure to say my prayers this morning.  We are all so worried about Ukraine and hope things go their way very soon.  God bless them and those who are helping them.  Prayers also said for our Daily friends and family.  I got a lot of news on Jen last night.  The ENT doc says her eardrums are both healed so he isn't sure why she still can't hear on the left side.  No signs of infection there.  He will do hearing tests when she is discharged.  They can't figure out why she still has a low grade fever.  The hospital physician says they will do a CT scan of her back and hips to search for a source for her pain, but they are backed up in that area so not sure exactly when that will happen.  And the speech language pathologist was in because communication has gotten worse.  Jen is having difficulty processing other's speech as well as speaking.  I hope for better news each day.  Thanks for your prayers everyone.


What a great group to appreciate - caregivers!  Where would this world be without you?  I can't imagine what would go on if pets had thumbs.  I want you to be happy day is such a nice thought.  The Mother Teresa quote is very true.  I think I'll pass on the risotto.  The wine sounds good.  The port of Walvis Bay, Namibia was first posted on May 11.  We have not been there.  Looking forward to any pictures posted today.  


@JAM37Julia, happy birthday to your twinsies!  When they were growing up did everyone call them "the twins"?  That's all we heard when my twin and I were growing up, especially from cousins and aunts and uncles which we had a lot of.


@msmayorConnie fingers crossed the baby decides it wants to come into the world soon.  It could happen momentarily you know.  I went to the doctor one Monday morning before my son was born.  Doctor said "I will be out of town until Thursday but I don't believe you're ready yet so no problem.  My partner will be here at any rate".  The next morning I was in the hospital delivering my baby boy.  And I found out I adored the partner OB-GYN so continued to see him for visits afterwards.  So see?  What do doctors know?😄


@kazuJacqui thanks for the memes today.  I might have to share one or two of them.  Good luck with your visit to Jose in the new unit.  And I'm sure he would want to thank you for being such a great caregiver to him. ❤️

Thank you. Yes, some still refer to them as the twins. My Mom referred to them as "the Babies" to the day she passed away and they were almost 15 years old at that time. We all laugh about that at times, but it is a very fond memory for my daughters and me.


(Sorry, I left the entire post, but it wouldn't allow me to delete any of it.)

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Good morning! Running a little late this morning but just finished reading the Daily. Another beautiful day is in store. Cool in the morning but 70’s in the afternoon. Our 52 azalea bushes are starting to bloom and our amaryllis are in full bloom. Spring is in the air.


Even though Azamara test for Covid at port we are getting a rapid test tomorrow. Reason is with Azamara if you have proof that you were negative prior to travel then test positive on embarkation Azamara will cover you and refund. Looking forward to the day pre testing will not be required but at the moment it does give one some assurance.

Heading to the bank to get tip money for trip. Getting close and we are as excited as kids in a candy store!


Thanks Rich, prayers for all and special prayers for the brave people of Ukraine.



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30 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning  to all. Tana returned  home safely but has another case of pneumonia. Antibiotics were started yesterday and we will cross our fingers and toes that she improves. 

DD wanted to do something special for our wonderful  neighbor and gave the family a gift certificate  for one of our better Irish Pubs in the neighborhood. The family went last night for dinner and had a great  time.

My parents were older when I was born  and DH and I were their caretakers  at the end as my brothers left NY years before. Our children were teenagers and they often helped quite a bit. I learned then to give myself time to breathe  as it was very stressful.

@dfish,Debbie,I think we will try the third recipe tonight after I get the aborio

rice and mushrooms. Instant Pot  risotto  is very good.The vegetarians  will have quiche tonight.

@JAM37,Happy Birthday  to your daughters

@StLouisCruisers,Sandi, thanks for the update on Jen.There us often pain that is not fully explained  after head injuries  and strokes.I hope things improve.

@kazu, Jacqui , I am so glad you will still be able to get in to see Jose.

and thanks for the memes and laughs every day!


Poor Tana just can't catch a break!  I hope the antibiotics work quickly!  And it was so nice of your DD to give the neighbors the gift card.  A nice reward for their kindness.  Thanks for your concern for Jen too.



24 minutes ago, ger_77 said:


@StLouisCruisers thanks for letting us know about Jen; hopefully they'll find the source of her fever and be able to treat it.

Thanks Gerry.  Sorry to hear your DH had a bad night, therefore so did you.  Enjoy your naps!



14 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Another tourist area near Walvis Bay is Dune #7.  We did not attempt to climb the dune, just watched the others.  The big ball is driven to the top of the dune, and once the people get in it through the hole in the end, it rolls down to the bottom.  The brave people in the picture are the singers and dancers/cruise staff from the Tahitian Princess.





Doesn't this look like something they'd make them do on Amazing Race?   Speaking of that, last night was a good finale of AR.  I love that show!  Anyway, thanks for reposting your photos for us.




3 minutes ago, JAM37 said:

Thank you. Yes, some still refer to them as the twins. My Mom referred to them as "the Babies" to the day she passed away and they were almost 15 years old at that time. We all laugh about that at times, but it is a very fond memory for my daughters and me.


(Sorry, I left the entire post, but it wouldn't allow me to delete any of it.)

I love that your Mom referred to the girls as the Babies!  So sweet!




I forgot to update about DH's doctor visit yesterday.  They flushed both his ears out, one had a completely blocked eardrum and the other was half blocked.  He can hear better now, though I still think he needs a hearing aid!  Funny how I always have to repeat everything I say, and he claims I mumble.  Classic signs of needing a hearing aid.😄

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1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

 Tonight however, we'll be having something my mom used to make that was a favourite of mine - breaded pork chops, garlic mashed potatoes and green beans.  And wine.



This sounds pretty good to me.  What time is dinner served?  

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Good morning Everyone.

Gosh, @smitty34877…I’m so sorry to hear that Tana has pneumonia again.  I can’t even imagine the struggle she is going through.

We have many caregivers here on the Daily and they are all heroes.  
@JAM37, I didn’t realize you have twin daughters.  What fun!  Enjoy their special day. 😊

We have had a wild weather ride here in Southern California— very hot to freezing to hot to cold — all in one month.  Our gardens don’t know what to do with it.

Wishing everyone a lovely day today.  Prayers for our world.


And for my western friends….




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Good morning all!

I think we're going to have a dry day, so I hope to get in the garden.  I have some plants to transplant.  Also need to get my hair cut, that should take up the day.


I salute all caregivers, and especially the caregivers on this thread.  We all deserve to be happy, and @ger_77Gerry but if Sochi had thumbs, would she turn the water off again after turning it on??  😄


Will pass on the meal, I've had the wine on BHBs, would like the drink.  Never been to the port. 


@msmayorConnie hopefully things happen soon!  I may have missed it, but when is/was your DD's due date?  Our family has always run 2-4 weeks late with every baby....when I was due with our daughter, our 4-year-old son went to stay with my parents until she was born.  That turned out to be a longer visit than we expected 😂  But it gave me more rest, and he loved being with his grandparents.


@JAM37Julia happy birthday to your twin daughters today!


@StLouisCruisersSandi thank you for the update on Jen.  Prayers that she sees improvement soon.


@smitty34877Terry I'm sorry Tana has pneumonia 😞  


@kazuJacqui so glad you're still able to see and help José after his move.


Prayers for Ukraine and everyone on the care list.

I've noticed that the Ukrainian family on our street have been pretty quiet, and the Grandma hasn't been coming daily as she always has.  I hope they're ok, and that her son still in Ukraine has been able to get out of there.  I feel like I want to do something, maybe leave flowers on their doorstep or something.  They don't speak much English at all, and the Grandma is the only one who really knows me and she hasn't been there.  Maybe she's trying to help her son....So sad for them.






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3 hours ago, JAM37 said:

Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


Caregivers are so important and I wish they all received the support they deserve daily. I wish everyone happiness. If pets had thumbs, especially dogs, I can only imagine how much more mischief they would get into. 😁


Between a busy day yesterday and CC not being nice to me I was unable to post or like.


Today is my twin daughters' 25th birthday. We will be celebrating at a local Japanese restaurant.


Off to pick up our car from getting new tires so I will check back later.


Wishing everyone a happy day. 😃


🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

Wishing  them  both very  happy  birthdays.


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Good morning, all! A huge salute to caregivers. Some choose it as a career, others are chosen by circumstance. We have many caregivers here, @kazu, @smitty34877, and @mamaofami come to mind among others. If pets had opposable thumbs, would life be easier or harder? It would certainly make life different! The meal sounds good.I don’t know what I’d do without my pressure cooker. The electronic ones are very safe and easy, not like the old stove top time bombs. My DF answered a lot of emergency calls due to those, and wouldn’t allow one in the house! Walvis Bay is one of the ports on our upcoming Grand Africa, so all pictures eagerly appreciated.

@marshhawk, good for you to be heading back to meetings. It must be hard to break the urge to just stay home instead, and it takes a lot of courage and wisdom to realize and act on what you need to do to be a caregiver to yourself!

The rain has stopped briefly, and DH wants to head out on our walk now. 
Happy Thursday, for those aboard a BHB or just dreaming of one!



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Good morning everyone and Happy Thursday!  I wish everyone to be happy today. I sometimes think Blue has thumbs because of the things he does, like putting his ball under his blanket and playing with it through the blanket. It cracks me up!


Our DD is a caregiver as her career. She has had various patients but right now only one and works M-F. I texted her this:



She was surprised, she didn’t know there was a special day. 

Mother Teresa was very wise. 

I like the menu suggestion but not today.  Mushrooms in risotto are a favorite. However, I dug out some things from the freezer so need to use those up first. 

Julia @JAM37 — Happy Birthday to your daughters!!


Have a great day everyone!

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5 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you for the Thursday Daily, Rich.  A salute to all caregivers, especially @smitty34877 and @kazu.   Lets all pray for everyone's happiness.  Not sure about pets having thumbs.  I love Mother Theresa's quote.  Been to Walvis Bay just once on MS Amsterdam in 2014.  Without a pressure cooker I'll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Citrus Delight with Amaretto, Apple Cider Brined Pork Chop with Cherry-Raisin Chutney and Berries Financier as served on MS Prinsendam March 3, 2019.




The care rotation is down to 5 so until it grows I'll post the entire list daily

Today’s care list:

Kakalina with esophageal blockage and numbered days

StLouisCruiser’s niece Jen with post fall complications
Sea Viewer DH bruised from fall
Strength for Jacqui Jose, the doctors and a happy remaining life for Marley
Welfare of furloughed crews
ger_77 DH Cardiac issues and procedure March 7
Cruzn single with post-covid fatigue
From the rotation:
MissG’s father hanging in for one more cruise
StLouisCruisers Niece DH undergoing throat cancer chemo
Marshhawk awaiting surgery
Cruising along niece awaiting a kidney
HAL Sailor DH health issues



Celebrations and Shoutouts:

Noordam in Everglades
6 BHB with passengers
Special status for Kazu
3 days for Aliaschief and dwaliaschief (Azamara quest to 3/17)
3 days for kb4683 (Nieuw Statendam to 3/16)
3 days for Quartzite Cruiser (Koningsdam to 4/3)
Recovery for the Queen
smitty34877's neighbor
cruising-along and Jazzyv character map tips
ottahand7 (Nieuw Statendam to 3/6),  DeeniEncinitas (Riviera to  3/8)  Mr. Boston (Nieuw Amsterdam to 3/5) and NorseH20 and dchip (Zuiderdam to 4/3) at sea
Koningsdan Staff Captain Sabine - officially onboard & introduced. - Our first female Staff Captain and HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)



Thank you for updating your lists Roy.


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@Cruising-along, I expect your Ukrainian neighbors would be touched by any supporting gesture.

I've been wearing blue and yellow this week, but unlikely anyone around here notices.

I agree with everyone who has said - Glad my pets DON'T have thumbs!  They're clever enough without them!

Thank you to everyone in this wonderful group!  ❤️

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