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The Daily for Friday 03/11/2022


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Good morning friends!  Stayed home to exercise today, and prayed for all on the Care list and especially Ukraine.  They need all the help they can get, and I admire their strength.  🙏  I notice on the Celebration list it's primarily cruise involved activities.  I wish I was out there cruising too but it has to wait for a bit.  Ours is over 3 months away.  Thanks for keeping the list Roy @rafinmd.  And thanks to Rich @richwmn for the Daily report.  The menu item is appropriate for a  Friday in lent.  No meat for us today but I let DH decide how to prepare the fish.  Johnny Appleseed Day is a good day to celebrate.  We try to eat an apple for "dessert" every lunch-at-home day.  Hope it keeps the doctor away!  Thanks Graham @grapau27for the info on Johnny Appleseed.🍎  He sounded like quite a remarkable individual.  Like others I don't worship tools but appreciate them when needed.  When DS was a young man beginning his life after university and buying his first house, we purchased a tool box and filled it with new tools for his future use.  He and his wife have needed them on occasion though neither is handy with DYI.  He did say he replaced his garbage disposal (garburator to the Canadians).  I was impressed by that since we've never done that ourselves. The final day to celebrate is Dream Day and I am one of those who can never seem to remember my dreams. 


I haven't been to Abidjan before but plan to on the Grand Africa cruise.  Fingers crossed!


@marshhawkAnn I will pray the dentist can help your DH with his pain.  I'm very sorry to hear about it.  I'm reminded of Buddy who is having his final radiation treatment today.  His doctor says he will feel worse next week, which I can't imagine.  Seems like a cruel thing to say to someone in so much pain.  I hope they can give both Buddy and your DH something for the pain they're suffering from.  Let us know.  Hugs back!🙏

@mamaofamiCarol, I'm also sorry to hear of all the bad things happening at your house.  The sore toe and the scratched roof of mouth, then the QuickBooks issue, not to mention the aides again.  It would  be wonderful if everything went well for say, a week or two?!  Hugs to you two as well.🤗

@aliaschiefit's nice to hear some pleasant news.  I'm happy you're enjoying Azamara. 😎 

@Seasick SailorJoy, just want to say hi and I miss you here.  We all do!  Drop in for a visit here and there.  More hugs to you and Allen.🥰

And to all my Daily friends, hope you have a great day!  Just think, tomorrow night we begin the joy of changing every clock in the house before we go to bed.  🤪

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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  Yay for Johnny Appleseed - apples are my favourite fruit.  Although I do appreciate some tools, I've never found one I wanted to worship.  Does the dishwasher count?  Dream day - I'm dreaming of the day when we set foot on another BHB.


Late to the party today - we slept in.  Woo hoo!  I'm usually up just before 6, but this morning when I first opened my eyes, it was 7:15.   And it's' getting lighter out in the mornings as well, yay!  Sleeping in might be the highlight of the day, because we certainly aren't going anywhere - overnight the icy blast came in and we've currently got a wind chill of -42C.   


@marshhawksending good vibes to your DH to get relief from his mouth pain.


Today we are remembering the events from 11 years ago that changed hundreds of thousands of lives, the 8.9 magnitude earthquake in Japan.   Our DS and DDIL were living in Tokyo, and DS was teaching in Chiba when it struck.  It was every parent's nightmare for us, not knowing if they were safe or not, and knowing there wasn't anything we could do to help.  Thankfully, with the kindness of strangers, DS made it back to their apartment (usually a 2 hr train ride) after 14 hours.  He walked most of the way and was offered food and water along the way, and even a place where he could recharge his phone to stay in touch with DDIL.  A candle will remain burning throughout the day as we remember those whose lives were impacted, and especially for those who didn't survive.


I've had today's menu suggestion, although have never made it at home.  We eat fish fairly often, but it's mostly salmon.  For tonight it's eating from the deep freeze, where there's some leftover stew that will be reheated.  Along with some fresh buns that I'll be making later this morning, that's what will be on our dinner table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for Ukraine and all those who are able to help them.  We'll clink our glasses together to celebrate all on the happy list.  Be safe, get your boosters, wash your hands, stay well, wear your masks when you need to, and keep warm!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


Edited by ger_77
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Good morning.  Thank you to Johnny Appleseed for gifting us all of the apple trees throughout the midwest.   Although the hybridizers have come up with so many new varieties I still like the old McIntosh and Jonathon apples.  Tools are great not to be worshiped though.  DF is working with tools on the island repairing the front door of our mailbox that they plow guy took off while we were gone.  Dreaming is something I do a lot of especially during the day.....   I guess there are more cat women than men, we understand each other.   


The sole dish looks wonderful.  It reminds me of the Dover Sole that HA serves in Rudy's.   I have had a few blue drinks in the last couple of weeks being there in February.    I have a lot of Venge wine in my cellar.  My late husband and I visited Kirk Venge's vineyard - Saddleback - in 1997 on our honeymoon.  We visited his son's winery which is called Venge in 2013 our last trip to CA.    The price seems high but there are good deals by buying in bulk and during sales.  I buy their cabernet every year because it is a cellar worthy wine and great discounts buying by the case.   I would love to try the Merlot.  Never have been to Africa, I guess I can dream about a Grand Africa HA cruise sometime in my life remaining. 


@marshhawkI am so sad to hear about your husband.    I hope things get better quickly for him.   Prayers for all on Roy's care list, the people of Ukraine and the blessed countries that are sheltering refugees.   


It only took us three overnights to get home from Fort Lauderdale,  Gainesville FL, Rome GA and Lexington KY.  We decided to deadhead it home from Lexington because it was cold and wet and to get into the Buffalo Trace distillery would entail waiting until 10 am to try to get into a tour.   It was nice to get home and see my song birds again.   Lots of Red-Winged Blackbirds males are back and the geese in the pond are all paired up.  


Have a great weekend! 

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Good morning everyone,

A nice sunny day so far in SoFlo, the wind has dropped a little and the lifeguard just raised the yellow flag, an improvement from the last 8 days when it was red every day. The beach is already getting busy, it's prime time for spring breakers.

DH is slowly improving but is still in pain, I tried to tell him that considering the amount of bruising and abrasions he had he is very fortunate that nothing was broken  or more serious damage was done. I don't think at the moment he found that very reassuring!!

Have to go the grocery store this morning and do some laundry later. I'm planning some balcony time this afternoon with my Kindle and maybe a glass of wine🍷


Thoughts to everyone on the Care List, and cheers to those  on the celebrations list, especially the cruisers 


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Today's sunrise is from my Crystal Symphony/Serenity MS Amsterdam sequence from Bali to Ft. Lauderdale.  On March 11 Crystal Symphony arrived in Singapore and I walked across the dock to my new ship:





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Love the collection of days! I love tools. Quite often my husband has to borrow my toolkits because he can’t find anything in his ginormous tool chest. I even had to lend a 10mm socket to the dude at AutoZone when he installed my last car battery - lol!


the meal doesn’t appeal to me - not a fish eater. The drink sounds great tho. We’re sitting in the Nashville airport waiting for our flight to FLL, and of course sitting in the bar drinking Bloody Marys 😁. There’s live country music and the guy was playing “It’s 5 o’clock Somewhere” 😂

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Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


A salute and big thank you to Johnny Appleseed. As most have already said I appreciate tools, but don't worship them. I am another who does not remember their dreams during sleep, but I often dream of the cruises I'd like to take during the day.


The meal sounds delicious. The quote is amusing.


@marshhawk Ann, I hope DH is getting some relief. Please do remember to take care of yourself.


@rafinmd Roy, thank you so much for including me on the prayer list. I feel a bit foolish for even mentioning the situation with so many of our friends here going through major illnesses and trials as well as what is happening to Ukraine.


Thanks to all of you for your support.


@StLouisCruisers Sandi, any weather updates for the weekend? I'm trying to follow on my weather app as much as possible. From what you have said and from what I can see this is not the weekend to travel home to NW Georgia.


I will check back later. I need to move laundry along.


Wishing you all a wonderful day.


🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

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Tomorrow is Mitzi's birthday - I dasn't say which one! 


Niall and Emilee will come over to celebrate. Since she is a vegetarian and we are about to leave on a 21 day unlimited food-fest, we decided on a meatless meal. Eggplant Parmesan over Spaghetti  Squash "noodles", salad, and garlic bread is the plan. And Birthday Cake. And Wine....


I'll try to post some pictures tomorrow or Sunday.

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Good morning all!

Interesting collection of days.  Johnny Appleseed made me think about the apple trees DS and DDIL plan to plant on their land.  That may not happen until next year though because of the delays in moving in.  DS wants to plant Gravenstein apple trees because that's the kind I use for pies and sauce and is his favorite.  The plan is they will supply the trees, the Grandsons will pick the apples, and I will can the applesauce.  😉  


I love the quote, and the meal sounds wonderful.  Have never been to the port, I look forward to any photos..


Today will be cloudy but no rain with a high of 50 F, so I hope to finish up what I started in the backyard.  


@marshhawkPrayers that the dentist can help with your DH's mouth pain.

@Overhead FredHappy Birthday to Mitzi!



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Here’s something we are not used to. Yesterday our Captain stopped and talked to us three times.


USA downloaded headline paper delivered every day, daily crossword in library every day. Plastic water bottles handed out for free when disembarking. My ankle was a little swollen so I request bottled water instead of ship water. 

Small ship but with around seven bars to choose from. House band with even a trumpeter and saxophonist and they have done individual performances. Excellent pianist with great voice, Filipino Band with female vocalist plus our super talented CD and Asst CD and crew singers and dancers!


Always some activity going on throughout the day. There is no casino as they removed them as they have many overnight and late sailings.


Tonight is Azamara Destination night and they have a singing group coming aboard and entertainment will be poolside.

Just looking down at on ramp. CD, Hotel Director and a slew of crew handing out the usual ice wash cloths and some drink in champagne flutes for all returning guest!


Just a few observations as some of you have asked.


Back to enjoying ship life.

Edited by aliaschief
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8 minutes ago, JAM37 said:

Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


A salute and big thank you to Johnny Appleseed. As most have already said I appreciate tools, but don't worship them. I am another who does not remember their dreams during sleep, but I often dream of the cruises I'd like to take during the day.


The meal sounds delicious. The quote is amusing.


@marshhawk Ann, I hope DH is getting some relief. Please do remember to take care of yourself.


@rafinmd Roy, thank you so much for including me on the prayer list. I feel a bit foolish for even mentioning the situation with so many of our friends here going through major illnesses and trials as well as what is happening to Ukraine.


Thanks to all of you for your support.


@StLouisCruisers Sandi, any weather updates for the weekend? I'm trying to follow on my weather app as much as possible. From what you have said and from what I can see this is not the weekend to travel home to NW Georgia.


I will check back later. I need to move laundry along.


Wishing you all a wonderful day.


🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.


Julia, if you plan to drive home in one day I'd wait until Sunday.  Your area has some rain mixed with snow forecast for tonight and about 29F.  Tomorrow is forecast to be windy, snow in the morning and 32F for a high.  Sunday will be sunny and a high of 49F at your place. So if you can leave Sunday morning and make it back home by evening you should be good.  And it will be lighter outside later starting Sunday night so that helps.  We always check the weather forecast along the route when we're planning a long drive.  You don't want to set out during a storm or anything.  


Where I live we have severe thunderstorms overnight tonight, high winds tomorrow and a hard freeze Sat. night.  We should be good on Sunday though.  

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Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

Interesting Days. A salute to Johnny Appleseed. I don't worship tools, but I like them; I have a full woodworking setup in my basement (I don't do much any more). My biggest project was building a grandfather clock (shaker style, so not ornate). Dream big!

Funny quote.

I'll pass on the meal (fish). I like the drink and wine.

I've never been to today's destination.


It's warm and partly sunny here. We'll get a bit of rain tonight that will change to snow. Probably 3-5". I'm all settled in and will make chili tomorrow I think.


@kazu Thinking of Jose and you. I hope you get your Social Service interview soon, if you haven't had it already.

@marshhawk Prayers for DH that he gets relief from his pain.

@grapau27 Thanks for the Johnny Appleseed info.

@mamaofami I hope all the small medical issues resolve soon. And prayers for getting a good aide.

@smitty34877 Continued prayers for Tana.

@Cruzin Terri It's great to hear that DH is doing better. 

@StLouisCruisers Prayers for Jen and Buddy continue. 

@ger_77 Thank you for the reminder about the earthquake in Japan and those lost.

@ottahand7 Good to hear you made it home safely.

@Sea Viewer I hope DH feels a bit better every day.

@Overhead Fred Early Happy Birthday to Mitzi!

@aliaschief Thanks for the info on Azamara.


Prayers for the Care List, Ukraine and it's people and helpers. A toast to the Celebration List.

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👍Thank you for The Daily, Rich @richwmnand to Roy @rafinmdfor the Care and Celebration Lists.

🙏Continued prayers for Ukraine, the brave people defending their country and to the countries welcoming the refugees. Remember who the Villian is!

Prayers to all in need for our friends on The Daily.🙏


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Good morning, all! A big salute to Johnny Appleseed! I have never worshipped a tool, but have occasionally cursed one after being bitten or pinched. Dream Day is appropriate today. I’ve been doing a lot of flight/ hotel/excursion booking for our upcoming Grand Africa, Grand World, and connecting voyages. Plus it is cold and wet here. The precipitation is squabbling over who dominates, rain or snow. Both are winning at the moment.😔

Since DD, like Gerry @ger_77, is suffering through appalling temperatures in the -40 range, I don’t expect much sympathy. (Fun fact: at -40 you don’t need to ask if it’s Fahrenheit or Celsius. That’s the point where the two scales meet and are one and the same temperature.)

Looking forward to pictures of Abidjan, which we visit twice in our 7 1/2 month adventure.

Hugs to all on the care lists, either short term or adapting to major permanent changes in life.

Happy Friday, everyone. Especially those who can TGIF aboard a BHB in warmer waters!




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Good afternoon.  Love Johnny Appleseed day.  When I was teaching we would go to the farm next to the school and plant an apple tree on that day.  Love some of my tools, but don't worship them.  Do day dream a lot, keeps me happy.  Love the quote!  Do not care for fish, so will skip the meal.  Interesting destination today.

@marshhawksorry for DH's mouth problems.

We met people on the Rotterdam in January who were going to stay on her until April.  They had to get off for a week for a charter, and then this one.  I would not be a happy cruiser.

Expensive wine today.

@mamaofamisorry about your toe problem.  Hope the meds help.

@0106wonderful your DH is cancer free.

@Seasick SailorHello to you and Allen.

Prayers and toasts to our lists.  Safe travels to our cruises.

Please continue to stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask.

Blue Margarita:

2 parts Sauza® Silver Tequila
1 part DeKuyper® Triple Sec Liqueur
½ part DeKuyper® Blue Curacao Liqueur
2 parts Lime Juice
Garnish: Lime, Blueberries,

Combine all ingredients into an ice-filled shaker and shake until well chilled. Strain into a margarita glass over ice. Garnish with a lime and/or blueberries, and finish with salt on the rim.


Screen Shot 2022-03-11 at 12.06.33 PM.png

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5 hours ago, marshhawk said:

A quick note, I am taking DH to an emergency dental appointment.  He is having problems from the cancer and the chemo destruction in his mouth, and is in a lot of pain.  I will check in later today, hugs to all. 

Your dh is  in  my  prayers and  hope the  Drs can  sort out  his  pain  soon.


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2 hours ago, Overhead Fred said:

Tomorrow is Mitzi's birthday - I dasn't say which one! 


Niall and Emilee will come over to celebrate. Since she is a vegetarian and we are about to leave on a 21 day unlimited food-fest, we decided on a meatless meal. Eggplant Parmesan over Spaghetti  Squash "noodles", salad, and garlic bread is the plan. And Birthday Cake. And Wine....


I'll try to post some pictures tomorrow or Sunday.

Happy Birthday to  Mitzi!The meal sounds great,enjoy.

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2 hours ago, Overhead Fred said:

Tomorrow is Mitzi's birthday - I dasn't say which one! 


Niall and Emilee will come over to celebrate. Since she is a vegetarian and we are about to leave on a 21 day unlimited food-fest, we decided on a meatless meal. Eggplant Parmesan over Spaghetti  Squash "noodles", salad, and garlic bread is the plan. And Birthday Cake. And Wine....


I'll try to post some pictures tomorrow or Sunday.

Wishing a very  happy  birthday and  enjoy  the  Wine.


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Good morning and thanks all!  Love the quote!  We’ve had a lot of fish this week sea bream and a lovely cod au gratin.  Thank you Costco!

Happy Birthday Mitzi! 

@ger_77 thanks for the reminder about Japan, I remember looking on in horror.   This world seems to have enough to deal with just natural disasters, sigh! 
I too love Macintosh apples, why are they so hard to find.  There’s a plethora of new varieties but sometimes the oldies are the best!  
@marshhawk hope the dentist is able to help! 
@aliaschiefthanks for sharing  so I can live vicariously 😀

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Greetings everyone.  The story of Johnny Appleseed really grabbed my imagination as a child.  Nice to see him still honored.  🍎   I try my best with tools -- that's all the respect they'll get from this quarter. 🛠️    

I'm dreaming of cruises.  They opened up February 2024 Hawaii, Tahiti and Marquesas round-trip San Diego, so getting that on the books was this morning's project.  We have too many things booked.  Some prioritizing has to happen.  For now...dream.


The sole meunière looks wonderful @dfishDebbie.  Like you, a good fish dish will always be my menu selection.  This one sounds sooooo good.


@kazuJacqui, I've been thinking about you a lot -- and hoping that Jose is settled in somewhere that makes you both comfortable.  I imagine having to make these arrangements for my own Chris and it brings tears.  Hopefully when things settle into a routine, you'll get some relief -- body and soul.


@rafinmdRoy, you can take DD and DGD off the care list.  Thanks for having put them there.  Neither had fevers last night, and that's what we've been looking for.  DD's never went above 102, which isn't too scary for being pregnant.  Thank God for the vaccine that kept things in check.  Could have been so much worse.


To each and every one, enjoy your Friday!  Thanks to all who contribute here.  😊





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I think John Chapman (Johnny Appleseed) was more of an orchardist and real estate magnate than just the dreamy wanderer he is portrayed to be in much of American Folklore. He planted acres and acres of orchards because one way to prove that a homestead was permanent was to plant a certain number of fruit trees. Frontiersmen that followed would benefit from his work, and he would profit from transferring the land to them. 

His apples were not what we would consider a good eating apple, or even a good pie apple.


Here is an excerpt from a Smithsonian Magazine article about Johnny Appleseed:


"Up until Prohibition, an apple grown in America was far less likely to be eaten than to wind up in a barrel of cider," writes Michael Pollan in The Botany of Desire. "In rural areas cider took the place of not only wine and beer but of coffee and tea, juice, and even water."


This is the link to the article: The Real Johnny Appleseed Brought Apples—and Booze—to the American Frontier | Arts & Culture| Smithsonian Magazine

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