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The Daily for Wednesday 06/15/2022


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Good morning. A day of storms. First one kicked off at 6:30 am. Possibly another around 11 and a doozy of an evening storm. Plenty of sun right now.


@StLouisCruisers sorry to read about your COVID issues on your cruise.   


Prayers for all on Roy's care list. Prayers for the people of Ukraine.  🙏


Have a nice day everyone and thank you for the Daily Reports.  

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2 hours ago, JAM37 said:

Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


I do enjoy photos of nature. I've been reading about the benefits of prunes. Smiles are definitely powerful.


I like the quote. The meal sounds interesting, but carb heavy. Looking forward to Debbie's, @dfish, recipes. 


Sandi, @StLouisCruisers, I am so sorry you and DH have tested positive. I hope you get a nap and sleep much better tonight. Praying extra prayers for Buddy. 


Graham, @grapau27, how are you liking your new car?


It is 75 and sunny this morning.


Have a wonderful Wednesday! Remember to smile. 😃


🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

Love the new car thanks Julia.


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2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you for the Hump Day Daily, Rich,  Love all 3 of the days as well as the quote.  I have not been to Takamatsu.  The meal sounds interesting.  My alternative is Chilled Sour Cherry Soup, Prime Rib of Beef Au Jus, and Strawberry Sundae as served on MS Prinsendam June 15, 2015.


Today’s care list:

RIP Heartgrove older sister 6/12/22
Casey across rainbow bridge
StLouisCruisers and DH in Covid jail
Melinda with stage 4 cancesr
Heartgrove brother back in hospital
Buddy with continuing problems
Lady Hudson cruise friend with covid
Smitty34877 effects of gas leak
From the rotation:
1Angelcat’s Jaguar with untreatable cancer
Strength, peace, and healing for kazu
StLouisSal with weakening legs
Cruzin Terri with continuing hand problems



Celebrations and Shoutouts:

All BHB hosting guests
Hearing from kazu and seasick sailor
First angel wings for ger_77
jayhawk66 in NC Mountains beating the heat
 day for Lady Hudson (Enchantment OTS 6/16-6/24)
Heartgrive visiting brother
Sharon in AZ in Venice to 6/19
Mister67 (Equino x to 6/18) Oceansaway16 (Allure OTS to 6/18), travelingbums (Jewel OTS to 6/20), VMAX (Oosterdam to 6/25),  StLouisCruisers, Red Haired Lady and kb4683(Island Princess  to 6/29) and  Norseh2o  (Insignia to 7/4) at sea
Vacationing Staff Captain Sabine - Our first female Staff Captain and HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)



Thank you for today's lists Roy.


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Thanks for the daily! We arrived safely in NC, but apparently brought the heat with us from Florida. Forecast indicates a couple more days and we should have normal temperatures in the low 70’s.🤞

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Happy Wednesday everyone.  Thanks for the daily report, lists and recipes.  Great collection of days, I have a page a day calendar on my bureau of nature, wild animals and birds with some stunning photos that I look forward to each morning.  While many, DH included, don’t like prunes I do, and they are my secret weapon for breakfast while I’m traveling on a BHB.  Nothing can beat a smile to turn things around.  I love the quote; nerds win in the end so at the end of the day who’s really the nerd?  I’d give the meal suggestion a dry as well as the drink.  I haven’t been to today’s port and look forward to the photos.  Prayers for all on our prayer list with a special one to @StLouisCruisers  for a speedy recovery from her bout with Covid.  Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today!

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Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

I like photography and do some nature photography. I also like prunes in danish and use them in my German fruit bread. Smiles have power!

True quote. I like the meal but won't eat it due to the carbs. Pass on the drink and wine.

I haven't been to day's destination. Looking forward to any photos.


I was up and out early to go to the dentist, so the new bonding is on and I hope it stays put this time. I was going to stop at Aldi's, but it was too early. We are under a heat advisory, with a heat index of 101 later. Schools are letting out early, as some have no AC, and cooling centers have opened. I just took Benadryl, in preparation for my 2nd injection of Kevzara; I had a local reaction to the first one, with itching and a hive around the site. I'll take a non-sedating antihistamine the next few days. So, I'll see if I can stay awake today!


@StLouisCruisers Sorry you had a bad night's sleep. And oh no on DH being positive! Please take care. Fervent prayers for Buddy and Jen.

@Heartgrove I hope your brother's procedure went well. Prayer for your family.

@dfish Aldi has soybean pasta and edamame pasta which are supposedly keto friendly. I haven't tried them yet.

@aliaschief Have fun with the girls!

@smitty34877 Good to hear the gas lines are fixed. Nice that helped you transfer Tana back to your side.

@mamaofami Beautiful picture.

@ger_77 Happy Birthday to you DS! 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

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Thanks for our Hump Day Daily, Rich.


I’ll celebrate nature photography with a photo my BIL sent me.  it’s special and thoughtful of him as he took the pic with one of Jose’s lenses that he was gifted.  Very sweet of him to show me he was using it ♥️ 




Smiles are needed every day - as many as we can get.  LOL on today’s quote 😆 😂 


Very grateful to my neighbours who are going to save me a trip to the West Side (about a 35 minute drive) to deliver some shoes and clothes to the Hospice store.  (Just the beginning - we’ll see which gets cleaned up first - clothes or books - there’s a gazillion of both).




 I am doing my best to stay focused driving - but I wasn’t prepared for that long a drive - especially on the highway, yet.


Seems I am out every day as it is with appointments or errands that have to be attended to.  At long last, the lupins are in bloom - they make a nice contrast with the Irises.




and up close:




Very glad to see the lilac in bloom.  If the rain didn’t wreck the flowers I think I will pick a few for me today 😉 




@erewhonthank you for your kind comment on the hostas.  They always seem to be healthy and happy in their locations even though some need splitting.  That will have wait until the Fall.


2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning! It’s going to be another heat warning day. Hey, we live in Florida that’s the way it is. After my walk we are going into full prep for our daughter and two granddaughter’s who are arriving today. Little one is still a kleptomaniac so we are trying to child proof the house as much as possible. Mother and youngest will be here til this weekend but Miss Lana Jayne (6yo) going on sixteen will be with us for a week. Next Wednesday she and Nana will head for Jacksonville to pick up daughter and there off to the annual sisters, daughters reunion. By then I will be savoring a break!


You are going to be some busy the guests and visits and especially Miss Lana Jayne.  Hope you are not too worn out when it is all over with!


2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

They knock and walk away. 🏃🏽‍♂️


Do they knock or run?  😂. Seriously, so sorry you are both stuck in covid prison but happy to hear you are getting some things ironed out.  Your suggestion was a good one and would make sense to do so the same questions aren’t asked over and over.


2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning  to all.The utility workers and the contractors  replacing our gas lines finished around  seven last night.They even put paving material  over the hole made in the walkway that goes around the house. And swept the street and sidewalk.

They helped yesterday  in  transferring  Tana and her equipment  back to our side of the house.


That is such good news!  Hurray!  Very impressed that they not only cleaned up but also helped transfer Tana and her equipment.  What gems they were ♥️ 


1 hour ago, mamaofami said:



Lovely, Carol!  👍 


1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Well I don't know how this happened, but our DS turns 40 today.  I'm pretty sure I'm not old enough to have a child that old, but according to the calendar, it's true.


LOL Gerry - sorry, but birthdays don’t lie.  A very happy birthday to your DS.




17 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

I was up and out early to go to the dentist, so the new bonding is on and I hope it stays put this time.


Hopefully it does stay this time 🤞 


17 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

I just took Benadryl, in preparation for my 2nd injection of Kevzara; I had a local reaction to the first one, with itching and a hive around the site. I'll take a non-sedating antihistamine the next few days. So, I'll see if I can stay awake today


i sure hope it works for you 🤞 


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and a 🥂 to those on the Celebratory Shout Out list.


Have a great Wednesday, everyone.




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 when / where needed.

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Good morning everyone! Ready to leave to visit my brother in the hospital after I finish this post. The PEG procedure seems to have gone well. It took approximately 2-1/2 hours. The plan is to move him this afternoon to yet another rehab facility. Not sure if it is the worker shortage but the lack of care after the leaking nasal tube is difficult to watch. This may be one of the last times I see him as Sue and I will start our drive back tomorrow after the funeral. Hopefully when we return in July for my niece's wedding he is still with us.


My sister's funeral will be tomorrow. There has been a large amount of people sending their condolences online and I expect the church to be rather full tomorrow for the funeral mass. Our family have always been active in the parish starting with our parents. My sister and her family continued the tradition living 1/2 block from the parish and Grade, Middle, and High Schools. She was known as "Mrs. Helper" which was a children's variation of their last name.


Stay safe!


- Jack

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25 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:

Good morning everyone! Ready to leave to visit my brother in the hospital after I finish this post. The PEG procedure seems to have gone well. It took approximately 2-1/2 hours. The plan is to move him this afternoon to yet another rehab facility. Not sure if it is the worker shortage but the lack of care after the leaking nasal tube is difficult to watch. This may be one of the last times I see him as Sue and I will start our drive back tomorrow after the funeral. Hopefully when we return in July for my niece's wedding he is still with us.


My sister's funeral will be tomorrow. There has been a large amount of people sending their condolences online and I expect the church to be rather full tomorrow for the funeral mass. Our family have always been active in the parish starting with our parents. My sister and her family continued the tradition living 1/2 block from the parish and Grade, Middle, and High Schools. She was known as "Mrs. Helper" which was a children's variation of their last name.


Stay safe!


- Jack

So very sorry about your sister. I hope you have wonderful memories.

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Good morning all!

A good collection of days today.  I'll pass on the meal (I love pumpkin pie but no pumpkin in anything else please).  And will pass on the drink.  I've had this wine before and it's very good. 


Sandi @StLouisCruisersI'm so sorry that Craig has tested positive too.  And no symptoms!  Like others have said, I've had a scratchy/sore throat for a week now but have tested negative on 2 home tests and a PCR test.  Strange!  At least you can be together now, but I'm sorry Princess doesn't put you in balcony cabins.  Continued prayers for Buddy.


Gerry @ger_77Happy 40th birthday to your son!


Carol @mamaofamiwhat a gorgeous photo -- I'm not surprised it was award-winning!


Jacqui @kazuI love Lupines, and yours are beautiful.  Every time I try to grow them here the slugs get them 😞  which is SO disappointing.  Also love the fox photo -- right now our youngest grandson is obsessed with foxes.  I think he has 5 stuffed foxes (he acquired 2 more in Yellowstone).  I have my Grandmother's fox stole (with head etc.) and he can't wait to see it.  I had to remind him it isn't a toy, but it's his when he gets older "if" he still loves foxes. 😉  Of course he assured me he'll always love them. 🙂 


Jack @Heartgrovecontinued prayers for your brother and that you can see him again in July.  





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@ger_77, Gerry, a very Happy Birthday to your son

@mamaofami,Carol, The picture is beautiful  thanks for showing us.It looks like one of our parks around here.I would need you to come take a picture  though,LOL

@JazzyV,Vanessa, I had a similar reaction to a lot of the RA drugs over the years but it usually stopped after the 3rd or 4th dose.I hope it is ok for you today.

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Good morning and thanks for the Daily!  DH always wants a person in each photo, so only rarely do we take "Nature Photographs."  They can be very beautiful, though!


My college roommate, who is Iranian, taught me to enjoy chopped prunes in plain yoghurt.  Since then, it's my favorite kind of yoghurt and the only way I eat prunes.  Somehow those two flavors go really well together.  

Smiles are indeed very powerful.


The pasta, food and drink sound good.  I'm cooking gluten-free for son and DDIL with their new baby, and running out of ideas.  Maybe will look for some of the new gluten-free pastas that Vanessa mentioned.  


Today will be a gardening day.  It's been very hot here in San Diego,  but somewhat cooler today, so gotta get out there while I can -- been procrastinating on some re-potting.


Wishing everyone a joyful day.  🌻   🌸   🌹


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@AncientWandererThanks for the tip of prunes with yogurt.  That sounds wonderfully yummy actually.


@ger_77 yup, im coming for dinner!  I love corn on the cob, and when i lived alone that often would be a dinner for me.  When DH started the chemo and radiation, he lost a lot of teeth, and corn on the cob is not his favorite food.  The damage is too bad in his mouth for dentures or implants.  I cook corn, and then give him a sharp knife to take it off the cob.  To me it's a conduit for BUTTER!


@kazu, I love your pictures, especially the fox, and the lilacs.  That is one plant that loves colder weather, and I really miss the smell.  We don't have lilacs in the south.  We have, Magnolias, that when it's hot, send their scent out into the air on evening breezes..

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2 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Good morning everyone! Ready to leave to visit my brother in the hospital after I finish this post. The PEG procedure seems to have gone well. It took approximately 2-1/2 hours. The plan is to move him this afternoon to yet another rehab facility. Not sure if it is the worker shortage but the lack of care after the leaking nasal tube is difficult to watch. This may be one of the last times I see him as Sue and I will start our drive back tomorrow after the funeral. Hopefully when we return in July for my niece's wedding he is still with us.


I am glad to hear that the PEG procedure went well.  I pray it helps him and pray he is still with you when you return 🙏🏻 


6 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

We don't have lilacs in the south.  We have, Magnolias, that when it's hot, send their scent out into the air on evening breezes..


I love magnolias and their scent.  Sadly our climate with the bitter cold does not allow them to survive 😔.   I guess we each have to settle for what our climate allows for 😉 

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