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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday July 5th, 2022


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Good morning all!

I love apple turnovers or any kind, haven't worn a bikini since my teens, and never was a complete work-a-holic.  Will pass on the Mexican Wedding Cookies, but both the drink and wine sound good.  We were in Stockholm on a Baltics cruise in 2014.  Strangely I can only find one photo, of DH and me at the Ice Bar.  That was a hoot.


Rushing a bit this morning, we will be spending the day with the DGSs -- going to the Seattle Aquarium today.  


I tried lightening the photo, but a bit hard to see we're holding drinks in glasses made of ice.



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Good morning to all.

Thank you to Rich and Roy for the lists.

i love Apple Turnovers, i don’t think i should wear a bikini, and in my working days, I guess I was known to be a work-a-holic.  Those days are over, thank God.

I will skip the cookies, but may try the drink and the wine.

The quote?  Not sure about that.


Count me in as one of the ones who feels that we need to do something about gun possession and the ensuing violence in these United States.   It is getting so that you don’t know where it is going to happen next.  First Covid kept us in our homes, now the fear of getting shot will do the same.  

Welcome to Hermitville!


Prayers for all on Roy’s Care list and Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.  

Roy, I am enjoying your blog.  Thank you for taking us along.


Prayers for those in Highland Park, and everywhere else in the US where gun violence occurred yesterday.

Stay safe everyone,

God Bless,


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Thank you for the Tuesday report Rich.  Not a work-a-holic, not suited to a Bikini, but I love apple turnovers.  I'm not quite sure what to make of the Rowling quote.  I've been to Stockholm on the Prinsendam. The meal sounds nice.  My alternative is Rack of Lamb and Key Lime Tart as served on Queen Mary 2 July 4, 2022.


Today’s care list:

Highland Park, Kenosha, and Sacramento (All with deadly mass shootings July 4)
Melinda with stage 4 cancer
StPeteCruiser recovering from Appendicitis
Covid in Durango shelter staff
Heartgrove brother about to be discharged with extremely poor prognosis
From the rotation:
Bennybear DH with melanoma
Strength and healing for Kazu
StLouisSal with weakening legs and covid
Cruzin Terri with continuing health problems


Celebrations and Shoutouts:

aliaschief in Oregon
Seasick Sailer in Hawaii
Volendam caring for refugees
4 days for Cat in My Lap  (Zaandam 7/9 to 8/13)
5 days for dobiemom (Rotterdam 7/10 to 7/17)
jimgev in Alaska
Welcome home Norseh2o
rafinmd  (QM2 to July  8), Mister Boston (Celebrity Summit to July  10), Crazy for Cats (Zaandam to 7/9), GTVCRUISER (Carnival Panorama to July 9) and ski ww (Oosterdam to July 16)  at sea
Vacationing Staff Captain Sabine - Our first female Staff Captain and HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)




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Good morning from sunny, breezy central Texas.


It's been a while since we had an apple turnover.  I never wore a bikini, but did have a two piece for several years.  Now, I wouldn't even think about wearing either.  I was never a work-a-holic, but some might have said that about DH when he started his company and was updating the software program.  Since he enjoyed what he was doing, he never considered it work.


The quote is true of some people, but I don't think it applies to the vast majority.


The cookies sound good, but then I do have a sweet tooth.   We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


Last night, the only fireworks we saw or heard were on TV from Washington, DC, NYX, and Boston.


Our gas prices dropped again the other day.  The lower prices range from $4.23 to $4.28 a gallon.  Since we are on a lake, the prices are slightly higher than in other areas.  Last week, I paid $4.15 in Waco.


The shooting in Highland Park yesterday and the other shootings are very upsetting.  I saw a headline yesterday, that there had been 308 mass shootings this year.  That's almost two a day.  😒  I wish we could civilly come to an agreement about assault weapons.  Sadly, a social issue has become highly politized.


@Heartgrove  Congratulations on the second booster.  My second one threw me for a loop for about 12 hours, but I consider that a small price to pay for protection.

@Overhead Fred  Your deck and view are lovely.  Safe travels and enjoy your visit with SIL.

@TiogaCruiser  Just WOW on the sunflower plant.  It's stunning.


We have been to Stockholm twice on BHBs.  I'll put my pictures in another post.





Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good morning, Everyone.  I'm pooped out today, after having the 4th of July BBQ here at our house.  It's hard work, but we're finding that it's just best to bring our "kids" and their families together at a place they both call home.  It was fun and worth the effort.


Looking ahead, super excited to see Debbie's recipe for Mole Mexican Wedding Cookies.  We always have regular ones (aka Russian Tea Cakes) at Christmas, and this variation will be super darling for our Christmas in July BBQ.


Like all of us, we're heartbroken about what took place yesterday in Highland Park.  Hard to wrap one's head around it.  Something has to change.


God bless all our Dailyites and all those who just stop by to read this thread.  Many thanks to Rich and all for keeping things going here.

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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

Today's sunrise is from the forward deck of QM2 on her way to Halifax





Stunning sunrise Roy! I was sorry to read that Durgin Park is no longer around.Enjoy the rest of your trip and thanks as always for taking us with you.

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We have been to Stockholm twice on BHBs.  In 2003 on a 33 day roundtrip from NYC on Rotterdam IV, we stopped in Stockholm as part of the Baltic portion of the cruise.  In 2016, on a Baltic cruise on Prinsendam, we spent another day exploring the city.  The first time, we walked around town, and the second time we took the Ho-Ho and the water Ho-Ho to see more of the area.  The pictures are from both visits.


A view of the city as we sailed into port in 2016



The amusement park along the way to the dock



Scenes from our walk around town in 2003.















The picture of the palace is from 2016, and the changing of the guard is from 2003.





In 2003, we toured the Nobel Museum which honors all the Nobel Prize winners except those who receive the Peach Prize.  They are honored in a museum in Oslo.



In 2003, we also went to the Vasa Museum.  This is the only picture that is not a little fuzzy due to the lighting in the museum.



The outside of the Vasa Museum from the water ho-ho.



Another scene from the water



In the same area as the Vasa Museum is the amusement park and the ABBA Museum.  We really enjoyed the ABBA museum.


The area from the boat dock leading to the ABBA Museum and the museum.





One of ABBA's early tour "buses"



One of the attractions in the amusement park.  I loved how they had so many flowers in the park.



I'll leave you with a picture of our home away from home in 2016, Prinsendam, docked behind a beautiful flower arrangement and a fence with a picture on it.





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1 minute ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning from Kaanapali. Great flights, beautiful condo facing the courtyard and ocean.


YAY 🙂. Enjoy!


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The first six or so years of my life were impacted by the fear of polio. As a family we never went anywhere, especially in summer, where there were crowds. I believe this had an impact on me as I never have enjoyed venues that were crowded. I like small ships with lots of space. I prefer resorts off season. We prefer to go out to lunch and not dinner. We seldom go to parades and other events that attract large numbers of people. 

Covid, as others here have mentioned, only magnified what I already felt about crowds and crowded spaces.  We still do not eat inside restaurants - only on outside patios or next to large open windows. 

We are among those who are still not ready to engage in my most coveted pursuit of all - cruise travel. Too many uncertainties about travel arrangements, and  though we are double boosted we are still not ready to risk catching Covid, especially away from home, as this disease is not a “once and done” and the risks of long Covid are just downright scary. 

When we travel we have always been alert to terror threats and avoided going to many places for years because of the possibility of terrorist incidents.  

My world that just a little over two years ago had no boundaries has gotten very small. When just a trip to the grocery store, or the decision to watch the Fourth of July parade becomes a possibly fatal hazard … what is wrong with this world?  When will we all get together and use some common sense to ban the most dangerous of weapons?  And what is all of this doing to our children?

I will, however, enjoy some home made Mexican wedding cookies later today. Thank you Fleet Report and for the vicarious pleasures of travel with those here who are brave enough to cruise. 

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35 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We have been to Stockholm twice on BHBs.  In 2003 on a 33 day roundtrip from NYC on Rotterdam IV, we stopped in Stockholm as part of the Baltic portion of the cruise.  In 2016, on a Baltic cruise on Prinsendam, we spent another day exploring the city.  The first time, we walked around town, and the second time we took the Ho-Ho and the water Ho-Ho to see more of the area.  The pictures are from both visits.


A view of the city as we sailed into port in 2016



The amusement park along the way to the dock



Scenes from our walk around town in 2003.















The picture of the palace is from 2016, and the changing of the guard is from 2003.





In 2003, we toured the Nobel Museum which honors all the Nobel Prize winners except those who receive the Peach Prize.  They are honored in a museum in Oslo.



In 2003, we also went to the Vasa Museum.  This is the only picture that is not a little fuzzy due to the lighting in the museum.



The outside of the Vasa Museum from the water ho-ho.



Another scene from the water



In the same area as the Vasa Museum is the amusement park and the ABBA Museum.  We really enjoyed the ABBA museum.


The area from the boat dock leading to the ABBA Museum and the museum.





One of ABBA's early tour "buses"



One of the attractions in the amusement park.  I loved how they had so many flowers in the park.



I'll leave you with a picture of our home away from home in 2016, Prinsendam, docked behind a beautiful flower arrangement and a fence with a picture on it.





Great pictures, Lenda.  Looks like spell check thinks peach is more appropriate than peace.

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We had some really good news yesterday.  Our credit card company sent an email that they'd received two refunds from Princess Cruises.  The refunds were actually received last Friday by the CC company, but only posted last night.  Our TA canceled one cruise on Thursday afternoon and the other early Friday, so that was a quick refund from Princess.  The request to return the funds to our bank account is in the works, but according to the person I talked to, it will take a few days.


17 minutes ago, USN59-79 said:

Great pictures, Lenda.  Looks like spell check thinks peach is more appropriate than peace.


Ray, thanks for the nice comments on my pictures.  Since peach is a legitimate word, spell check didn't mark it as misspelled, and I didn't catch it when I proofread the post.  Proofreading is not my strong point, and I often read what I meant, not what I wrote.  Even autocorrect would not have caught this, and I don't use it because of the weird things it tries to substitute.  I hope I did better proofreading this post.



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I really appreciate the photos of Stockholm.  We will be taking a Scandinavian cruise next Summer, which includes Stockholm.  I am so anxious to go there.  All these photos make it more exciting.

Thank you to all that posted them.


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Good morning!  Thanks all! @kochleffel @Heartgrove  @StLouisCruisers and @Quartzsite CruiserLove seeing the photos of Stockholm,  our first visit we nearly slept through, after an eleven hour time change that had us waking up early except that day, lol!  We had to visit again! 
@TiogaCruiser wow on those sunflower volunteers! 
@arzz well said!  
@Seasick Sailor enjoy Maui!  
@Overhead Fredwhat a lovely view!  Drool! 

Edited by bennybear
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Good morning/ afternoon. Trust you all had a memorable holiday. Can’t remember the last time I slept till 10:30 but I did just that. Must be the sound of the breaking surf.


We had quite a array of fireworks up and down the beach and as you will see a prettier sunset last night!


Thanks for the Fleet Report. Have a great week.



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5 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  It will be a warm day today but I'll do my best to stay in the AC.  We have to leave shortly for our dermatologist check ups, but have some chores to do also since we try to group everything together and save on gas.  So I'll make this post as fast as I can.  Love all the days today.  Apple turnovers or anything sweet actually is my downfall.  Never been a work-a-holic.  Used to love bikinis and wore them in my teens, 20's, 30's, even into my 40's.  I think the quote is funny and the cookies all look delicious.  We went to Stockholm on our one and only Baltic cruise in 2011.  Had planned on doing that again this summer until the Ukraine invasion.  Which is still a very sad situation!  Prayers to all there and all their supporters, all on Roy's Care list, and family members still in need of them.  And especially today the victims of the Highland Park shooting. 🙏 Cheers to everyone celebrating!🥂


A few photos from my Stockholm experience.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJ-720z1JjNUVVnGUwM8BYV?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1616106169


Love this photo on a small bridge.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLXFhVgxIerF7RBoCKZW8QI?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1616106253


The view beyond the crown.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVL7jUwRn77MInQoMrVFGZMG?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1616106256


In Gamla Stan00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLPgofwTGWbp56alNP2bXbu?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1616106277











This surprisingly is the first time Stockholm was our destination of the day.  


Have a great day everyone and stay safe!

Great photos of Gamla Stan Sandi.

There was a parade on at the Stockholm Palace when we visited.

Best wishes for an all clear for you both at the dermatologist today.


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3 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you for the Tuesday report Rich.  Not a work-a-holic, not suited to a Bikini, but I love apple turnovers.  I'm not quite sure what to make of the Rowling quote.  I've been to Stockholm on the Prinsendam. The meal sounds nice.  My alternative is Rack of Lamb and Key Lime Tart as served on Queen Mary 2 July 4, 2022.


Today’s care list:

Highland Park, Kenosha, and Sacramento (All with deadly mass shootings July 4)
Melinda with stage 4 cancer
StPeteCruiser recovering from Appendicitis
Covid in Durango shelter staff
Heartgrove brother about to be discharged with extremely poor prognosis
From the rotation:
Bennybear DH with melanoma
Strength and healing for Kazu
StLouisSal with weakening legs and covid
Cruzin Terri with continuing health problems


Celebrations and Shoutouts:

aliaschief in Oregon
Seasick Sailer in Hawaii
Volendam caring for refugees
4 days for Cat in My Lap  (Zaandam 7/9 to 8/13)
5 days for dobiemom (Rotterdam 7/10 to 7/17)
jimgev in Alaska
Welcome home Norseh2o
rafinmd  (QM2 to July  8), Mister Boston (Celebrity Summit to July  10), Crazy for Cats (Zaandam to 7/9), GTVCRUISER (Carnival Panorama to July 9) and ski ww (Oosterdam to July 16)  at sea
Vacationing Staff Captain Sabine - Our first female Staff Captain and HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)




Thank you for today's lists Roy.


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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We have been to Stockholm twice on BHBs.  In 2003 on a 33 day roundtrip from NYC on Rotterdam IV, we stopped in Stockholm as part of the Baltic portion of the cruise.  In 2016, on a Baltic cruise on Prinsendam, we spent another day exploring the city.  The first time, we walked around town, and the second time we took the Ho-Ho and the water Ho-Ho to see more of the area.  The pictures are from both visits.


A view of the city as we sailed into port in 2016



The amusement park along the way to the dock



Scenes from our walk around town in 2003.















The picture of the palace is from 2016, and the changing of the guard is from 2003.





In 2003, we toured the Nobel Museum which honors all the Nobel Prize winners except those who receive the Peach Prize.  They are honored in a museum in Oslo.



In 2003, we also went to the Vasa Museum.  This is the only picture that is not a little fuzzy due to the lighting in the museum.



The outside of the Vasa Museum from the water ho-ho.



Another scene from the water



In the same area as the Vasa Museum is the amusement park and the ABBA Museum.  We really enjoyed the ABBA museum.


The area from the boat dock leading to the ABBA Museum and the museum.





One of ABBA's early tour "buses"



One of the attractions in the amusement park.  I loved how they had so many flowers in the park.



I'll leave you with a picture of our home away from home in 2016, Prinsendam, docked behind a beautiful flower arrangement and a fence with a picture on it.





Amazing collection of photos Lenda.


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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily/Fleet report.

I like apple turnovers, but not eating them currently. No way I'd wear a bikini. My workaholic days are over since I'm retired!  Strange quote.

The cookies look good, but a bit sugary. I'll take the drink. Pass on the wine.

I haven't been to Stockholm. Thanks for the pictures.


It's cloudy and very humid, after some morning showers that we desperately needed. Possible rain again later today. Fireworks last night looked spectacular on TV; by a local company in it's 4th generation that has become known worldwide, Zambelli. There were some locals shooting off fireworks until about midnight, but the nearby big city I'm in a suburb of had cracked down on fireworks and it showed. So tragic about the killings in Highland Park, Kenosha and Sacramento; this needs to stop.


@kazu It's good to hear some things got sorted yesterday - the proof of vaccination and the jam setting. Lovely peonies.

@ottahand7 I hope the hot water heater situation is taken care of today.

@Overhead Fred Nice view from the deck. 

@Seasick Sailor I'm glad you made it there safely. Enjoy!


Prayers for the Care List and a Salute to the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.


Edited by JazzyV
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30 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Great photos of Gamla Stan Sandi.

There was a parade on at the Stockholm Palace when we visited.

Best wishes for an all clear for you both at the dermatologist today.



Thank you Graham.  When we were there we were able to walk to downtown, too.  Beautiful city.


We did well today.  I had two little pink spots on my face that she froze.  Come back in a year.  DH had a spot on his face she took a biopsy of and we hope that comes back okay.  She told him to come back in a year also, but I guess they have to wait and see what the biopsy says.  

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3 hours ago, arzz said:

The first six or so years of my life were impacted by the fear of polio. As a family we never went anywhere, especially in summer, where there were crowds. I believe this had an impact on me as I never have enjoyed venues that were crowded. I like small ships with lots of space. I prefer resorts off season. We prefer to go out to lunch and not dinner. We seldom go to parades and other events that attract large numbers of people. 

Covid, as others here have mentioned, only magnified what I already felt about crowds and crowded spaces.  We still do not eat inside restaurants - only on outside patios or next to large open windows. 

We are among those who are still not ready to engage in my most coveted pursuit of all - cruise travel. Too many uncertainties about travel arrangements, and  though we are double boosted we are still not ready to risk catching Covid, especially away from home, as this disease is not a “once and done” and the risks of long Covid are just downright scary. 

When we travel we have always been alert to terror threats and avoided going to many places for years because of the possibility of terrorist incidents.  

My world that just a little over two years ago had no boundaries has gotten very small. When just a trip to the grocery store, or the decision to watch the Fourth of July parade becomes a possibly fatal hazard … what is wrong with this world?  When will we all get together and use some common sense to ban the most dangerous of weapons?  And what is all of this doing to our children?

I will, however, enjoy some home made Mexican wedding cookies later today. Thank you Fleet Report and for the vicarious pleasures of travel with those here who are brave enough to cruise. 

I've taken the opposite approach.  While these incidents are far too frequent I think in the scheme of things they are relatively rare (but with some sensible measures they should be much more rare).  Part of the problem is that the press thrives on them.  I wonder if there would be as many of these people if they didn't consider it a ticket to instant fame. 


Since I got dumped off QM2 in Perth 28 months ago things have changed for me with a heart valve issue which has affected my stamina and my ability to do things.  While a repair restored much of what I lost, I can no longer do the long strings of cruises that I used to love and am staying closer to home.  I would like to put off cruising until covid is totally controlled but expect by that time I may be unable to cruise so I'm doing it now.  I know there's a risk but people are getting sick at home so I'm just accepting a little extra risk to continue living the best life I can while I can.  The protocols are annoying but they are minimizing my risk and it's a compromise that I think is right for me.



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