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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday July 11th, 2022


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Is it still morning there?  Anyway, good morning, or happy Monday.  Thinking of you all, and prayers for those needing them .  Hopefully not a DVT, @StLouisCruisers, what a worry, and @kazu, hope the toe gets better quickly.  Funny how we don’t even think about them until they get hurt!


I had a little cruise this morning on the Thames, between Kew and Hampton Court with my cousin.  It would have been enjoyable if it hadn’t been so hot!  tomorrow we’re supposed to do the rest of the river down to the Tower and look at Superbloom in the moat of the Tower.  I don’t know if I can do it, it’s supposed to be even hotter.  

We docked at La Goulette in 2011 on Eurodam.  We went to Carthage and Sidi bou Said, the souk in Tunis, the museum, the military cemetery and other places, including a carpet place, of course.  Dd bought a carpet which she still loves.  I tried to download a few pictures but my phone is having difficulties, or maybe it’s the internet. 

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3 hours ago, Sea Viewer said:


Please try to get evaluated to make sure that this is not a blood clot in your leg from your flight and the travelling. I had a friend some years ago who got a clot and had several months of problems before it resolved. Now I always wear compression socks when I travel.


I'll second that.  @StLouisCruisers is there an Urgent Care Center near you?  That would likely be a good place to try.  I had a leg pain on my Denali land trip and thought it was a bruise but when I got to Fairbanks and had a look at it, it was nothing like a bruise.  There was an urgent care center across the street from my hotel and I went right there.  They were VERY concerned about a clot and held me for an immediate ultrasound.  Turned out to be just a harmless fluid cell that required no treatment but there's no substitute for peace of mind.



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Good morning everyone!  Thank you for the Fleet Report Rich and thanks to all sharing. 

We booked a cruise last month onboard the Oosterdam that includes La Goulette, but chose the cruise for the other ports— the ones Craig missed while in covid jail. Not sure if we will actually keep the cruise, we have until January to decide. 

Sandi @StLouisCruisers, that’s good news about Buddy’s son being able to be home now. Prayers for Buddy.  Also, we always wear compression socks on long flights. I never knew there were different degrees of compression though. I hope you can get an ultrasound soon. 

Jacqui @kazu— Shadow is a great name and thank you for sharing the history of the breed (or mixed breed). So sad to know they have been abused. 

@smitty34877– oh dear, so sorry Camilla and family have covid and you can’t see her in person. Enjoy the rest of your trip. 

I like fennel in some things but usually cooked fennel. Not sure if I’d like it in a slaw but I would try it anyway. We are having grilled chicken breasts today. I need to get them marinated. 

Have a great day everyone!

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A beautiful day here; should hit 84 by late afternoon.  Think I will take our garbage and recyclables to the recycle center today.  We don't have a regular weekly garbage pickup as do most of our neighbors.  We generate one can of garbage in about a month and four containers of recyclables about every two weeks.  Since I have an SUV, it is easier for me to haul it to the center than lug the huge garbage cans up and down our driveway every week.

Reading the Dahl quote:  couldn't help thinking it would also be true if you substituted love or happiness for magic.

I enjoy the blueberry muffins from Costco.  Might pick some up today as we are down to our last two eggs and need to stop there.


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57 minutes ago, puppycanducruise said:


@dfishGood luck getting your flights arranged.


I was able to connect with Flight Ease in less than an hour but am now on hold while they reissue the tickets.  I think I've been on hold as long for this as I was to just have my call answered.  Turns out they never did reissue the tickets after the itinerary change.  I'm glad I thought to ask them the date of the ticket issue.  It was back in May.  The itinerary change was early last week.  I'm not sure why it should be taking this long to do this unless it is because they waited too long?  I am really glad I decided to spend the time trying to call.  We would have been in quite a jam when we tried to get home.

Edited by dfish
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Good morning Dailyites. Thank you to our guys and gals who faithfully contribute. 


The ocean felt glorious. Played corn hole (tied with sis) ping pong (lost both games) Gin Rummy (tied 5-5) Today is an outrigger I'm not so sure about and may cancel..


Jacqui @kazu I'm happy Shadow is going to make her forever home with you. She will never know abuse again. 


Sandi what bad news of late. You've been through so much this past year. Fervently praying for Buddy's peaceful passing and his son being with him. Prayers being lifted for mom, dad, and Camilla, Tana, and all on our prayer list.


Peace, prayers and blessings 


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1 hour ago, dfish said:

@smitty34877 I'm sorry to hear Camilla and her parents have Covid.   This virus is a major PITA.   Enjoy your time away and come home refreshed.


I am currently on hold with Flight Ease.  Lufthansa and United both claim that our return flight tickets have not been issued.   I can't access the e-tickets for our trip and we fly out Friday.   The first time I was on hold with Flight Ease I had spent most of my "less than an hour's wait" when I was disconnected.  So, I am now on hold for a "less than 2 hours wait".   Joy, oh joy.  


I hope this resolves quickly.  There is someone else on CC that had to buy a return ticket and is now trying to get reimbursed from HAL Flight Ease.  Don’t let them do this to you.


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Good morning and thanks all! We visited Tunisia years ago and enjoyed it, not sure I have access to my photos easily.    
@kazu Shadow was my first dog’s name,  interesting information about the type of dog.   Hope the poor toe feels better soon! 
@dfish sorry you are having such issues with your flights, hope it is sorted out soon!

@smitty34877 so sorry to hear about poor little Camilla and her parents, hope it is mild.

@StLouisCruisersglad you are getting your leg checked today,  I had an issue onboard last cruise and the ships dr had me off for an ultrasound, asap. I was lucky it wasn’t a clot, praying all works out for you.   

Edited by bennybear
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46 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:


I hope this resolves quickly.  There is someone else on CC that had to buy a return ticket and is now trying to get reimbursed from HAL Flight Ease.  Don’t let them do this to you.



I read about that as well and that is what motivated me to try one more time.  I'm glad I did.  They were convinced that they had issued the tickets after the itinerary change, but they hadn't.  The woman I spoke with was very pleasant, but obviously new at this.   

35 minutes ago, bennybear said:

@dfish sorry you are having such issues with your flights, hope it is sorted out soon!



I think it is.  I have new ticket numbers and I'm just waiting for them to show up on my boarding pass.

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5 hours ago, marshhawk said:

 If you have read The Orchid Thief and liked it, please tell me why.



I'll be darned.  I've read The Orchid Thief.


It had to have been, at least, 20 years ago,  I thought it was a pretty entertaining book.  To be honest, I don't remember much about it--good or bad.  It was not particularly hard to read.  Of, course, I've slugged my way through Le Morte d'Arthur--400 pages of tedious narration,  So, by comparison, just about anything else is a piece of cake,


I should also admit that I studied mathematics in college, and we all know how subversive those mathematics texts are.  I'm sure that my mind was thoroughly warped by that experience.

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Happy Monday afternoon.  Prayers for all on the care list, as well as @kazu(toe), @StLouisCruisers(leg issues combined with family cares and concerns) and those with "new"COVID issues.    I have seen on FB several times lately "Wouldn't it be nice to wake up to Peace on Earth."  I could add that it would be nice to not have our Daily family suffering with so many cares, and health issues.


It should only be about 100 here this afternoon.  Guess I had better get used to it, considering I am going to Phoenix, and the SE Colorado, Western Colorado, and then back to Phoenix.  Think I have a couple of weeks to heat to look forward to!


Have been busy this morning with a mani/pedi, trip to grocery store and Walgreens.  Also tried to freshen up my coffee pot for when my sister is here for two days during out trek.  Since I don't drink coffee, the pot usually lives in my garage.


Have a good rest of the day!

Mary Kay

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Good afternoon.  It's 3pm and 103F.  We will be inside the rest of the day.  At least, at my doctor visit and DH's PT session, both places were nice and cool inside.  It was just getting to and from the car, and the hot car that was the problem.  DH said that several of the exercises are getting easier, but some others are increasing in difficultly.  I'd say the PT is showing results.


@dfish  Debbie, that's good news you decided to call about your flights again.  Glad you have the ticket numbers and that the problem seems to be resolved.  Now, you and relax and get ready for your flights and cruise.


@Seasick Sailor  Joy. It soumds like you and your sister are having a lot of fun.


@cruzn single  Mary Kay, just look at your temperatures as a way to begin to acclimate for your trip.  I hope everything goes smoothly and that it doesn't get too hot for you.



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I had sad news today.  A cousin just north of the New York/Quebec boarder passed away today.  It was not terribly expected and I think she was almost 90, but it still a loss.



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2 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I had sad news today.  A cousin just north of the New York/Quebec boarder passed away today.  It was not terribly expected and I think she was almost 90, but it still a loss.



I'm sorry to hear your news Roy.

Sending our condolences to you and all your family.


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Well I was seen by one of the PA's at my doctor's office this morning.  He agreed we should do an ultrasound which he couldn't have done there.  So I had my choice of the imaging facility two blocks away or the hospital next door.  I chose the imaging facility (had gone there for a bone density test once), they called and got me an appointment for three hours later.  So I went home and had lunch and waited around to go back.  I hate doing that with gas prices so high but that was too long to just goof off somewhere.  It's only 20 minutes drive back or forth.


I had the ultrasound done on both legs, not just the right leg, and am waiting for them to call the PA, and then for him to call me.  From what the technician was saying I think there was nothing she could see on the ultrasounds, but will have to wait for confirmation.  So we wait.


@rafinmdRoy, I'm sorry for the loss of your cousin today.  My condolences.

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10 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I had sad news today.  A cousin just north of the New York/Quebec boarder passed away today.  It was not terribly expected and I think she was almost 90, but it still a loss.



So sorry to hear this news Roy. My condolences to you and the family.

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3 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Well I was seen by one of the PA's at my doctor's office this morning.  He agreed we should do an ultrasound which he couldn't have done there.  So I had my choice of the imaging facility two blocks away or the hospital next door.  I chose the imaging facility (had gone there for a bone density test once), they called and got me an appointment for three hours later.  So I went home and had lunch and waited around to go back.  I hate doing that with gas prices so high but that was too long to just goof off somewhere.  It's only 20 minutes drive back or forth.


I had the ultrasound done on both legs, not just the right leg, and am waiting for them to call the PA, and then for him to call me.  From what the technician was saying I think there was nothing she could see on the ultrasounds, but will have to wait for confirmation.  So we wait.


@rafinmdRoy, I'm sorry for the loss of your cousin today.  My condolences.

We are both hoping you get the all clear for your leg pain Sandi 🙏

You did absolutely the right thing to get an ultrasound scan today.

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29 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I had sad news today.  A cousin just north of the New York/Quebec boarder passed away today.  It was not terribly expected and I think she was almost 90, but it still a loss.




Roy I'm sorry to hear about your cousin. 


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19 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Well I was seen by one of the PA's at my doctor's office this morning.  He agreed we should do an ultrasound which he couldn't have done there.  So I had my choice of the imaging facility two blocks away or the hospital next door.  I chose the imaging facility (had gone there for a bone density test once), they called and got me an appointment for three hours later.  So I went home and had lunch and waited around to go back.  I hate doing that with gas prices so high but that was too long to just goof off somewhere.  It's only 20 minutes drive back or forth.


I had the ultrasound done on both legs, not just the right leg, and am waiting for them to call the PA, and then for him to call me.  From what the technician was saying I think there was nothing she could see on the ultrasounds, but will have to wait for confirmation.  So we wait.


@rafinmdRoy, I'm sorry for the loss of your cousin today.  My condolences.


Sandi, I'm glad you got the ultrasound, and I am sending positive thoughts that nothing serious showed up.


28 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I had sad news today.  A cousin just north of the New York/Quebec boarder passed away today.  It was not terribly expected and I think she was almost 90, but it still a loss.




Roy, our condolences on the loss of your cousin.  Expected or unexpected, losing a loved one is never easy.  I hope the good memories of your cousin can bring you and your family some comfort and peace.




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