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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday November 23rd, 2022


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2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and thank you for the good wishes - Pat and I will certainly give thanks tomorrow for the time we have had to spend together!  I haven't been on Cruise Critic much for a couple of weeks, we have been having many hospital and doctor visits, and my news has all been good so far (heart monitor results should come in today, but I imagine I am just being anxious), polyps benign, bone density improving on Prolia;  Pat has not been so lucky and we are waiting for results from the 'scope they did the other day.  We have been surprised by the speed they have done things here, we hear so many complaints, but we have none!  I must say, each hospital visit I have seen more and more small children in the emergency waiting room.  That has been on the news, that children are getting the 'flu bug that is going around, and there is a shortage of children's Tylenol, actually the drug store shelves are almost devoid of all Tylenol products.  Fortunately, we stocked up on our day in Bellingham, before we had to come home early.


So that is all my news.  Prayers today for those ill, and we will toast those celebrating this evening.  DD is feeding us, I think it will be enchiladas.   Tomorrow we'll probably go out for dinner.

Happy Diamond Anniversary tomorrow Ann and Pat.

Love Pauline and Graham x


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1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

It's a beautiful sunny day, our rain is gone for a couple days. 🙂  I'm kind of dragging this morning, as I probably got 4-5 hours' sleep last night.  Oh to be on a rocking ship again!  Too much rattling around in my head, I guess.


Only 1 cranberry?  I like Espresso once in awhile but prefer a Latte.  That reminds me of the Neptune Suite First World Problem I had in our first and only NS last year.  The Eurodam Concierge tried but said they could only get Espresso pods for the coffee maker.  I don't want Espresso every morning, so just didn't use the coffee maker.  We'll be in our 2nd NS on the Koningsdam in the spring, and this time (in case they still only have espresso)  I think I'd like to bring my own coffee pods that would be compatible with that machine.   In a search on CC someone said the kind of coffee maker is a "Mocoffee" -- can anyone help me with this?


Love Jukeboxes, the quote is a good one, will pass on the meal but the drink and wine both sound good.  I adore Kotor!  We've been there several times.  Of course there are cats galore in that town, which adds to the appeal for me, but the beauty is astounding.  Definitely in my top choices in the Med!


Well the puppy is fitting in very nicely with DS, DDIL and her "big sister" Rogue.  She's having a great time playing with Rogue and looks very happy.


Our youngest DGS (7) has been sick since their first night at Whistler. 😞  I do wonder if it may be RSV, he has all the symptoms other than trouble breathing (thank goodness for that).  Needless to say, he's very sad not to be able to be skiing and having fun with the others.  I'm also worried it, whatever it is, will spread through the family there.


Jacqui @kazuOMG about your luggage!  Unbelievable that they want to deliver it between 11pm and 1 am.  I think I would just say let me come pick it up at the airport.  I know we were tempted when ours sat at SeaTac for a day longer than they said it would.


@seagarsmokerI'm very sorry to hear you both have Covid.  I hope you feel better soon.


Annie @marshhawkI'm probably not the best one to comment on your boss' demands about fund raising.  My antenna goes up when I feel pushed to buy/donate/spend $$ when I know what I can afford or not.  Too bad the boss doesn't know there are people like me who get turned off very quickly by pushy people. As an example, we have donated to Yellowstone Foundation for decades.  When they were taken over by a different group, their mailings became more and more pushy.  We still are donating, just because it's a cause near and dear to us.  But I do notice the change and am not happy about it. At least they aren't calling, but still...  I know you aren't pushy (bless you!) I wish you could find a different job. Again, sorry for being blunt, but it's really too bad your boss doesn't see that a lot of people get turned off by that.


Brenda @bennybearI'm sorry about the biopsy results but thank goodness it was caught early.

Nancy @ottahand7Good news that your DB's prognosis is better!

Sharon @Sharon in AZhow are you feeling today?  Better I hope!

Bruce @aliaschiefThank you for the photos of Hearst Castle.  I went once as a teenager when we lived in the Bay Area but at that age I didn't fully appreciate it 😉  I know I would love it now.


Here's a photo from last night.  Pepper tuckered out on DDIL's lap after playing non-stop with Rogue.



And here are the photos of Kotor that I shared last time.


Sailing into Kotor





It's an easy town to just wander around in.







I could easily post dozens of cat photos from Kotor, but will just leave this one here. This was just outside the Cat Museum.



I had vowed not to buy any more souvenir magnets, but this one captured my heart.



We took a boat excursion to the Skrpjela Baroque Church.  View of our ship from the boat.



We passed this monastery on St. George's Island



Just a couple photos of the church --



Part of the ceiling






Baroque church.jpg


I have procrastinated long enough, time to get those pumpkin pies started.  Have a great day everyone!


Lovely photos Carolyn.

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@bennybear I am sorry to hear about your cancer's return.   Maybe time for Mohs.  My cousin who recently passed had a cancerous lesion on his ear.   They kept burning it off.  Finally it got so invasive that they had to remover his ear.  Thanks for your lovely photos of Kotor! 

@Cruising-alongThanks for a Pepper update!  Nancy 

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Thanks for everyone’s good wishes.  It’s not a recurrence although I have had a couple of basal cells before, just not squamous  and as it’s early  the excision should work well for both.  My DH has had Mohs on several occasions so I’m familiar with that as well.  

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7 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Thanks for everyone’s good wishes.  It’s not a recurrence although I have had a couple of basal cells before, just not squamous  and as it’s early  the excision should work well for both.  My DH has had Mohs on several occasions so I’m familiar with that as well.  

Good luck and best wishes for the cancer removal.

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1 hour ago, Crazy For Cats said:

@Cruising-along while on the NA I was given espresso and decaf pods.  To make one cup of coffee I used the same pod twice.  That seemed to taste ok to me.  I did have to forage for my own Splenda since the cabin stewards never put any with the coffee maker.

Thank you.  So it sounds like nothing has changed, only espresso supplied.  

I'm wondering, were you given the tiny espresso cups?  Dumb question, but that's all we had, so I'm wondering how I would run more water into the tiny cups -- or did you discard the first cup and use it the second time on a 2nd cup? 

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11 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Thank you.  So it sounds like nothing has changed, only espresso supplied.  

I'm wondering, were you given the tiny espresso cups?  Dumb question, but that's all we had, so I'm wondering how I would run more water into the tiny cups -- or did you discard the first cup and use it the second time on a 2nd cup? 

We had two sizes of cups to choose from. I used the larger cup that can hold two runs of the pod.

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Well, the pies are in the oven, and I nearly had a catastrophe.  I almost forgot to add the sugar to the pumpkin mixture...😱  That's a first!  Thank goodness I caught it, I would never have been forgiven.

Now the fruit salad, I don't think there's anything I could do to ruin that...I hope!!


Thank you Jake for your quick answer.  I'll ask for larger cups if we don't have any.  🙂  

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5 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!   Appreciate all the kind words.  
@seagarsmoker hope you both feel better soon! 
@Vict0riann congratulations  tomorrow on 60 years!  @kazuglad your luggage is having such an interesting trip and will be home soon,  seems like you have teen age luggage, argh! 
a few more different photos of our lady of the rocks and Montenegro. 












Nice photos.

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4 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Scenes from the Bay of Kotor, Montenegro. I don’t really know what each picture is of but do know that it’s all beautiful.  This is June 11, 2022 and also the day Craig lost his EarPods. The tracking on his phone never changed from location—Bay of Kotor, so I just think that the battery went out. 

The approach to Kotor is beautiful. Somehow this ship beat us. 







There were sailboats everywhere, this area was especially pretty with the little patch of beach. 






And sunset that evening. Gorgeous. 



Maybe someday we can return and make it to town. I really want to see the cat museum and store. 

Lovely photos Sharon.

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Talk about a small world.  One of the doctors stopped by to check on DH.  She had on a top with a college logo, and was surprised when I recognized it.  It is from a small college in Phoenix, and we see it mentioned on the news especially during basketball season.


9 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

Good morning!   @seagarsmokerI hope you and your DW feel better soon!  Lenda and Sandi thank you for the beautiful photos of Kotor.  It looks like a wonderful place to visit.   Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports!   I will have my cranberries tomorrow.   I like cappucino rather than espresso.  All my cooking planned for yesterday went out the window when DF wanted to go the local casino and then to dinner at a tavern in a nearby town.  They have a juke box in there, the new DVD style ones.   Excellent fried chicken dinner.  It was nice not to cook but I am so far behind I cannot go visit DB today.   

Thank you for the celebrations and care reports @rafinmd.   Thankfully my brother's prognosis is getting better.  He is still in danger of being sent to a nursing home if he doesn't do his PT but his energy level is much improved.    I think he will be on the IV antibiotic for a long time for his bone infection.  He had OT and PT yesterday after I left.   Prayers for all on our care list and for the people in Ukraine.  Prayers for all involved in the mass shootings in Chesapeake, VA and Colorado Springs.   Sadly we live in a time where there is too much hate! 

@grapau27thanks for sharing your fabulous food porn!   @kazuGlad that your luggage is getting closer! 

Back to making rolls and apple pie, then some serious house cleaning.  Just John and my older sister for our Thanksgiving.   Have a great day! Nancy 


Nancy, that is good news your DB's prognosis has improved, and that his energy level is better so he can do his PT.


7 hours ago, kazu said:


Boy, that is asking a lot IMO.  I’m not good at asking for money, either and not everyone has that kind of money to spare 😔 


However, some do.  In hopes that it is of some help to play with - how about something like starting off hoping they can support and if they seem amiable then … “We are hoping that everyone can dig deep and contribute $1,000 to this most worthy cause” if they say no then “any donation is sincerely appreciated of course - can you help?”


Not sure if that is the right way to proceed or not.  Sure sounds like a demanding task.  Do they have a postal (zip) code of wealthy areas and phone numbers for you?  these types of calls need to be targeted to the right people.  If they don’t supply you with the tools, the ask is way too much and frankly, I think it is too much anyways.


I remember when I first started managing out here.  My VP was adamant everyone was rich.  They weren’t and it didn’t take long to see that or prove it.  Sheesh.



Thank you Tony or should I say Antonius 😂 


A very happy and special anniversary to Pat and Ann @Vict0riann a day early 🥂 





Oh dear, Brenda.  So sorry to hear this 😞. I hope they can get it all and it isn’t too painful 🙏🏻. You will be in my payers 🙏🏻 


Jacqui, I really liked your suggestion for Annie @marshhawk about a gentle way ask for donations.  You are much more tactful than my foot in mouth approach. 


7 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning from SE AZ. Craig’s busy vacuuming and a bit later I’m going to finish making the dressing and the pie I never made on Monday. I started the dressing on Monday by sautéing the onions and celery in lots of butter and added the breakfast sausage which Craig finally was able to find at Safeway. Today I just need to finish it up. 

Yesterday I made a spinach casserole that DD requested for our big meal. We also took Blue in for a check up on his toe and Valley Fever results which were negative. He hurt his toe at Craig’s brothers house, it got caught between the slats on the deck and broke the nail above the quick. Our vet did surgery and removed the nail. It’s healing very well and hopefully a new nail will grow normally. 

The size of our Thanksgiving has gotten smaller. DS’s significant other has covid and the girls are sick. So, our gathering will only be 6 people. I’m going to find out if they want a delivery of food, not if they do because DS has never liked Turkey or ham. All he wants are the rolls. 

In our small town on the eastern plains in Colorado there was a diner that had a jukebox. I loved that place. I’ll save my cranberry eating for tomorrow.  I usually only drink espresso when I’m in Italy. 

We missed Kotor when we were on the Oosterdam in June. The sea was too rough to anchor and transport people in the tenders. However, we did stay a while waiting for some new crew to arrive. The Captain said that it was really important for the crew to come through Montenegro because they don’t require visas. I have a few pictures from the Bay of Kotor that I’ll share in a separate post. 

Have a great day everyone!


Sharon, I'm sorry your DS's SO and girls are sick.


6 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and thank you for the good wishes - Pat and I will certainly give thanks tomorrow for the time we have had to spend together!  I haven't been on Cruise Critic much for a couple of weeks, we have been having many hospital and doctor visits, and my news has all been good so far (heart monitor results should come in today, but I imagine I am just being anxious), polyps benign, bone density improving on Prolia;  Pat has not been so lucky and we are waiting for results from the 'scope they did the other day.  We have been surprised by the speed they have done things here, we hear so many complaints, but we have none!  I must say, each hospital visit I have seen more and more small children in the emergency waiting room.  That has been on the news, that children are getting the 'flu bug that is going around, and there is a shortage of children's Tylenol, actually the drug store shelves are almost devoid of all Tylenol products.  Fortunately, we stocked up on our day in Bellingham, before we had to come home early.


So that is all my news.  Prayers today for those ill, and we will toast those celebrating this evening.  DD is feeding us, I think it will be enchiladas.   Tomorrow we'll probably go out for dinner.


Ann, I'm glad your tests have been good.  I hope Pat gets a good report from the scope.  I'm sorry he is having problems, and I hope he feels better soon.


5 hours ago, 0106 said:

Spatchcock for those on those who are unfamiliar with the term...means to butterfly, to remove the backbone, thus allowing it to be completely opened out and flattened. Doing this reduces the cooking time significantly and allows the whole bird to be cooked in different, speedier ways, such as grilling.  @TiogaCruiser I'm sure your turkey will be delicious.


My DS is hosting Thanksgiving.  I just finished preparing my contribution to the meal: marinated shrimp with olives, shaved Brussels sprouts salad with apple and pecans, lasagna with sausage and spaghetti squash lasagna. 



Thank you to all who post on the Daily.  Positive thoughts to all who are ill or struggling; cheers to all who are celebrating.





Thank you for the explanation of spatchcock.  I'd never heard of it. 


4 hours ago, durangoscots said:

FYI... just got a call from the shelter. The cat came back. We were worried the individual might dump it. She has serious problems. Her husband brought it back.




I'm glad the husband returned the kitten.  What a sad situation for everyone.


3 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good afternoon everyone. Another mass shooting , this time at a Walmart. There is so much hate and availably assault rifles that this will just keep going on and on. I don’t think assault weapons should be so easy to get.

As we prepare here for Thanksgiving, I’m thankful to have been part of this group for the past several years. I guess we started when the pandemic did. It feels like family.

Stay safe everyone,



Carol, I couldn't agree with you more. I'm not sure how we overcome the hate that has been unleashed in the world.  Easy access to the means to act on the hate only adds to the problem.


I too am thankful for this group of caring and supportive people.  It has been a safe haven and a life saver the past few years.  This year I  am also thankful for all the medical personnel who have helped DH, especially the nurses, aides and therapists.  Even the support personnel and the those who keep the rehab facility clean and safe.  They are all caring, supportive and encouraging.  DH could not have been in a better place to recover.  They also look after family members, too.


Thank you to all who shared their pictures today of one of my favorite places.  


I hope everyone  of the US Dailyites has a wonderful Thanksgiving. 



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11 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Jacqui, I really liked your suggestion for Annie @marshhawk about a gentle way ask for donations.  You are much more tactful than my foot in mouth approach. 


LOL Lenda, I’m not always tactful and usually foot in mouth too 😂  - was just trying to help.


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10 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites.  Happy Thanksgiving eve. 

Not a bad weather morning. Already 52. I ran out to feed the birds and there must have been a dozen dove perching in the trees.


Yesterday we had fun pedicures and then out to lunch. We got back in time to go to a friend's happy hour and stayed til after 7. Today I just have an oil change appt and make pies for tomorrow. We've been invited to our neighbors. There will be 8 for dinner, then a few games. And a few drinks. 


My favorite cranberry recipe is a Cosmopolitan...


Our pub here has a digital juke box. When I was growing up my mom had a restaurant (remember the cafes attached to gas stations?) My mom always said well behaved teens were welcome. Some of them would sweep up, do dishes or other chores, and my mom would make them a burger, fries and pop.


If you only had one coin, what song would you play?




Happy to hear @kazu is going to get her frozen luggage tonight. Prayers lifted for all needing healing.  Wishing ya'll a blessed day.





You asked when to see my next finished painting! This be is oil and acrylic!!took almost 1 1/2 months! Remember I gave you a hint? The tube! A wave! From surfing!


everyone have a blessed 


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11 hours ago, dfish said:

Today's meal will end our run on butternut squash. 

I'm ready for a break from squash, not that I don't like it. As I mentioned before, I'm having squash tomorrow, like the good New Englander that I pretend to be. Tonight's dinner was red Swiss chard, omelette, and baked sweet potato. Chard is probably my favorite green, along with beet greens -- they are the same plant, one grown specifically for foliage, the other for the root (and edible foliage, which you don't always get).


I was booked on a cruise in 2021 that would have gone to Kotor, had it taken place at all, but the replacement in 2022 was a different itinerary on a different cruise line, calling at Kusadasi. It seems that most cruises calling at Kotor embark from the Venice region, in other words, Trieste or Ravenna.





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39 minutes ago, DeeniEncinitas said:





You asked when to see my next finished painting! This be is oil and acrylic!!took almost 1 1/2 months! Remember I gave you a hint? The tube! A wave! From surfing!


everyone have a blessed 



Denise, My sweet sister! This painting is absolutely beautiful! I wish you sold your works of art as I would buy this in a second! 


Love to you and David.

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Good evening, everyone.  


Sue arrived from the woods up north and we had a busy, busy day.  I already had picked up the turkey and made the stuffing.  They are both in the garage - the turkey in a cooler and the stuffing in a pot taped shut in case there are critters about.  Sue and I hit the bank, the post office, and Peel and Pare, a kitchen shop.  She stocked up on coffee and I replaced the measuring cups that never jumped out at me and also got some hot pads, towels for glassware, and a drying mat.  Then we made caramel apple pie.  


Now, a huge confession.  The caramel apple pie smelled so good that is what we had for dinner.  We had to whip the cream by hand because the mixer went in the trash after I blew it out last night.  But, we did it!  Our grandmothers did that all the time.  That's how they beat egg whites as well.  


Wishing all who are celebrating a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow.



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Just finished baking my apple walnut pie and a pumpkin cream cheese swirl pie for tomorrow. 


I'm pooped out. Had several unexpected visitors this evening while I was making a baked chicken, scalloped potatoes and asparagus. Did not eat dinner til 6:30.


I pulled in our windchimes, water features, candle lanterns, pillows and cushions. All washed and put away til spring. Put up our Christmas tree although we leave Dec 10th. Put outside lights up and wreaths. 


Sweet dreams friends. 

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DH and I both worked today.  I loved all your responses, and yes I am a tactful telemarketer, while the phone is ringing, I look at the past history, and if that ask wasn't mandatory, I would be getting the old amount or something more.  I mean after the ask, there is dead quiet.  I will have to ask this director at what point do I rebreak the silence....


Today I called a very nice somewhat deaf older gentleman.  I did my ask as I now know that I am being monitored, when i am at work and apparently as soon as my computer goes on ( I knew this, I just didnt think they really would do it)(bug the house)  The man said, but I don't even go to the symphony anymore, I said I know that, maybe we should talk about that. He asked if I was selling tickets, and I said no, at this time, I was just hired to help with telemarketing for the annual fund.  He said he would donate 100 dollars, and I thanked him and got the screen ready for his information, at which point he yelled-Get down!  Get off of that.  I said, Sir, are you yelling at my cat?  He said no, I'm yelling at mine.  If that conversation had happened earlier I bet I could have gotten a bigger donation.  LOL.  


On Thanksgiving and Christmas, I make cheaters quiche.  Instead of a pie crust, I roll out and press together a 6 pack of crescent rolls in a casserole dish. (crust)  I brown chopped onions in butter, and brown sausage, throw in 2 cups of shredded cheddar and tomorrow I will mix the eggs and cream with salt, pepper and paprika, and bake like a regular quiche.  aka betty crocker recipe.   This will feed us all weekend, or I can use it as part of the main dinner if something goes wonky.  I then made jiffy corn pudding,  and then in the morning I start baking.  All day. Quiche, pie, pudding, bird. I can make the stuffing when the pie is cooking, and peel potatoes while the pudding is cooking.


I am very thankful I found the daily this past year.  Thank you for welcoming all that wander here.

Group hug.



Edited by marshhawk
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Here's another report on Thanksgiving side-dish preferences:


It's based on Instacart purchases, so isn't representative of the larger share of people who shop in person.


My native state is just one of six that it reports buying more fresh cranberries than canned cranberry sauce. However, it says that the same state prefers Brussels sprouts over green beans. As I was growing up I never saw a Brussels sprout on any table, and never tasted one until I was in college.


The customer ahead of me in the checkout line was buying  collard greens and seven boxes of corn muffin mix. I would like corn muffins tomorrow, but won't be having any.


As for the false stuffing vs. mashed potatoes controversy, we always had both. (Plus butterflake rolls, to ensure enough carbohydrates to make everyone semi-comatose, which was much preferable to wide awake and quarreling, their usual state.) If the dinner was at my mother's oldest sister's house, there might also be turnips, plus fried crookneck squash since her crazy husband went through a phase when he wouldn't eat any other vegetable. Battering and frying squash at the last minute really, really interferes with the kitchen workflow.

Edited by kochleffel
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A late good evening fromCharlotte, NC. I haven’t read the Daily yet. We barely made it here. We’d stopped at the New River Gorge Bridge in WV. BFF then got texts about a relative being taken to the hospital. We weren’t sure whether to continue on, or head back home. We continued to Charlotte, thinking we could return tomorrow if need be. But he’s doing ok and we will drive to Jacksonville tomorrow, then Fort Lauderdale on Friday. 

Wishing all a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow. 

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3 hours ago, kazu said:


LOL Lenda, I’m not always tactful and usually foot in mouth too 😂  - was just trying to help.



But do you have to take the other foot out of your mouth first?  🤣


3 hours ago, DeeniEncinitas said:





You asked when to see my next finished painting! This be is oil and acrylic!!took almost 1 1/2 months! Remember I gave you a hint? The tube! A wave! From surfing!


everyone have a blessed 



The painting is gorgeous.


Since I got home, I made a start on the Christmas decorating.  I got the decorations out of the attic, amd discovered some muscles I had forgotten.  Usually, DH is there to take the decorarions from me as I get them out of the attic.  Somehow, I managed to get them down without breaking any thing.  I was especially worried about the ceramic Christmas tree, which I made 54 years ago.  Just don't look in our closet, it's a mess.


I'll start putting the decorations out tomorrow. 



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