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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday February 13th, 2023

cat shepard

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Good Monday Morning Dailyites!  Heavy frost on the roof tops, computer says it's 37 and sunny.  Yes it is sunny!  Not in our yard yet, but I can see the sun hitting the house across the street.


I might change my name today to Lucky.   When I sent boss #2 my weeks hours, total sales and projection for hours for next week,  along with the fact that my other campaign had ended, and hinted if I could work a few more hours for him, he upped me to 40 hours a week.  Which because DH and I share a purchase path computer I cant do 40 hours, he also said he would get Chuck his own computer sent out to him, so that I can work more hours.


Here is a picture of us for our closing campaign-



I love lasagna, but as I stated a few weeks ago, there is not really a way to make it for one meal for two people.  So, I'm with @dfish, if you make it, let me know, I'll come over, and I'll bring wine.


Today is work, walk neighbors dog, take DH back to the eye doc, then come home and work, and dinner is left over chili.  Which I get to slurp down while being on the phones. 


We watched the updated Vera last night, and when that was over, we switched to the game,  BFF called and asked if it was OK to talk, I said sure, the Vikings were not playing, I was available.  And DH was laughing at the commercials through my whole phone call.  Nice tight game though.


Have a great day, and @JazzyVthanks for adding me to the care list, but the telemarketing fairy must be looking out for me.   

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We were in Le Havre on June 7 and 8, 2004.  On June 7, we took the train into Paris for the day.  Using a combination of the Metro, Ho-Ho, and walking, we saw quite a bit of the city.  I tried to chose different pictures of our day than the ones @StLouisCruisers Sandi posted.


These first pictures were taken from the Ho-Ho as we got an idea of Paris.







That day, there were long lines at the Louvre, so we decided to stay on the bus.  We got off at Notre Dame and walked through the church.  There was some renovation going on, and a temporary wall was erected in front of the main altar.  A group was putting on a concert and the church was crowded.  We also walked around the back of the church and across the Seine before returning to the front of Notre Dame to re-board the Ho-Ho.







We walked down the crowded sidewalk on the Champs-Elysees and found a sidewalk café for a sandwich and a coke, which turned out to be our lunch and dinner.



The Arch de Triomphe 



Our next stop was the Eiffel Tower.  DH went all the way to the top, but because I got nervous looking up at the top as we waited to buy our entrance tickets, I stopped on the mid level, where I explored both floors of that level.




Looking out from the tower



The stairs you can walk to get to the top if you're really fit and a wheel for the elevator cable





It was getting late, so we headed to the train station.  We were in time for the train, if I hadn't misread the schedule.  That train was not running the day we were there, and we had an hour or more to wait for the next one.  We got back on the Metro and headed to the Arch de Triomphe where we went up on the top.  This picture is looking back down the Champs-Elysees, which was not as congested by that time.



We made it back to Le Havre about midnight.  There was one taxi at the train station, and a couple jumped in ahead of those who had been waiting.  The driver said more taxis were coming.  After waiting about 15-30 minutes, DH called to get more taxis, and we finally made it to the ship about 1 am.  It was a long but interesting day.


The next morning, we rented a car and drove to Caen and visited the Peace Museum.  Also drove to the beaches and then took the coast road back to Le Havre.  I know I took pictures after we left the museum, but I can't find them right now.  These are the pictures from the museum, starting with part of the Berlin Wall.












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We were back in Le Havre on September 18, 2009, on Tahitian Princess.  That time since we were not in port overnight, we took the ship's transfer to Paris.  From the drop-off point, we took both loops of the Ho-Ho and then toured the Louvre, or at least part of it in the time we had left in Paris.  


These are random pictures taken as the Ho-Ho drove around Paris.















We also drove by their very modern library, but I guess I didn't get any pictures.


These next pictures are from the Louvre. 







We were surprised at how small the Mona Lisa is.  The second picture gives a good idea how small.





We then went down to the lowest level and saw some of the ancient Roman statures including Venus de Milo.



We also saw the walls of the palace that is now the Louvre.



The entrance hall under one of the pyramids.



We were lucky that the Louvre was not very crowded that day.



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These are the pictures Sandi @StLouisCruisers posted on May 19, 2022.


On May 20, 2015 our cruise on Royal Princess stopped at the port of LeHavre, France.  It was a long port stop because many people like to head out for tours of Paris and Normandy from there.  Our Myrtle Beach buddies were with us that trip and he sent me his photos when we got home, and I sent him mine.  However he didn't change the time on his camera to reflect the local time.  That means his photos are all out of sequence with mine (6 hours difference).  So I'm working my way through them all and trying my best. 


We went to Paris that day, so here goes! 


One of our first sights was the Arc de Triompe.  It's situated in the middle of a huge roundabout so the bus went around and around the roundabout several times so everyone could get a good look at it.  We did not stop there of course, so all photos are taken through bus windows.


Here we are approaching the roundabout and the excitement builds.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVL0dnPlDGPylR5AtrVsffni?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435192045




The glass roofed Grand Palais built for the World Fair of 1900.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVImTNHhUWhiCoI34CgQ4xQC?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435195040


Heading down the famous Champs-Elysees stuck in a major traffic jam.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKR4b5AlNjfIx716FizHzL-?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435192081


The Place de la Concorde which is a large public square.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJn6zFvLS38xFjzVBAqVAZ3?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435192126


Again, the Place de la Concorde with the Luxor Obelisk to the left.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKsBmsFmd7PM9l3BYjZAB7F?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435192130


The Pantheon00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJC5db783w8ygxVre2ox_x8?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435192142


The Palais Garnier Opera House with the gold statues on top00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIMiDQxo40fkKqPQYjshPDn?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435192167


Maxim's the famous French Restaurant in Paris00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIknDE9eehkgc6WAOLTZn54?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435192137


We passed the Louvre briefly.  It would be great to have a tour of the Louvre next time.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLkzPMgJgpJizEX-d7dJpPG?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435192211


We saw the Conciergerie which was a former prison that once housed Marie Antoinette.  It was part of the Royal Palace, the Palaise de la Cite.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIN8wTHJzOCU9TyAExevoWD?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435192242




The sun came out as we arrived at our lunch restaurant, Chez Jenny.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJyRip5u_xZorr8jyjqs7O-?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435192282


There were quite a few people from Princess tours eating there, but it all turned out great.  The meal included wine and dessert so no complaints from us!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLGzx5gkhj7B2_J4qZQWWJz?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435192271


The Colonne de Juillet, a column with a Spirit of Liberty statue on top, the the Place de la Bastille.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLJ-j3RikIUeyJJbJNzMVOW?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435192293


Onward, we saw the Hotel De Ville00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVI2QE615Pqxnb_ZcxWZONuy?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435192315




The bus let us off here so we could walk to the Notre Dame Cathedral.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVK1y3ZKLNUZThFJJn1BGRYE?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435192354


We walked across the Seine on this bridge to get to the Cathedral.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVImV5ilqkJKxf31OsciKYib?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435192384


Notre Dame00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVInTK5WktmJ_3Nh2rBx2eiM?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435192509




We went inside but the photos didn't do it justice.  Poor lighting maybe. 00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKOneMQj_Hc6_XujNT-kNYM?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435195058










Statue outside Notre Dame of Charlemagne00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVL0FLHjNDc7BRPJ2acyQC-I?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435192501


Last we saw the Eiffel Tower.  We all wanted more time here but we had a long way back to the ship.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJUSsffwXB0BaKdyoM7QyJW?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435192722




We were a little delayed by traffic, and were the last tour back to the ship.  Thankfully they wait for ship's tours!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLqOZpdMByAH4Sl6k-hnqG2?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435192744


But we didn't miss our late dining that evening, thank goodness!  It was Baked Alaska night.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKuefmPNcdRJrxlI1PM_GKf?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435192747


What a day!

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@kazuJacqui thanks for the Cherbourg info. Last time there we did the OverLord Tour of the beaches and surrounding area. It was very emotional. I would have to check with Sue but I think we are visiting Ypres this time or something like that.

Curious how did you know we were going there this summer on our intensive France cruise on Azamara Journey? Prior to that cruise we are doing Intensive Spain starting in Barcelona.

As much as you loved the Prisendam I sense you would enjoy an Azamara cruise.




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1 hour ago, dfish said:

carrots in the tomato sauce for lasagna or spaghetti.  

I frequently put carrots in tomato sauce because it decreases the acidity and adds a touch of sweetness.  If you grate it, it “dissolves”.

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1 hour ago, Lady Hudson said:

Can’t talk today.  In mourning.  🦅😢🦅Katherine 

for a second I thought you were serious until I saw the eagles and the light came on 💡 


1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

Good Morning Monday.  Slept well last night but still feelings the effects of not sleeping well Saturday.

Pullminoligist tomorrow.




Good luck tomorrow at your appointment, Roy 🤞 


48 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Today we have to get Tana to the pulmonologist in the city. We are using an ambulette service where they assured me they could get her safely up and down our 18 steps. Our neighbor is having health issues of his own and I didn’t want to ask him. I am going with her to manage the oxygen and transfers to and from the wheelchair.


Best wishes for Tana’s appointment today 🙏 

your pics were gorgeous.


33 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

the telemarketing fairy must be looking out for me.   






11 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

@kazuJacqui thanks for the Cherbourg info. Last time there we did the OverLord Tour of the beaches and surrounding area. It was very emotional. I would have to check with Sue but I think we are visiting Ypres this time or something like that.

Curious how did you know we were going there this summer on our intensive France cruise on Azamara Journey? Prior to that cruise we are doing Intensive Spain starting in Barcelona.


Maybe I misunderstood your post?  I thought you were asking for advice on guides?


I don’t have a crystal ball nor any foresight into people’s plans 😘 


I do know you like Azamara and plan to take a hard look at it.  Thanks 🙂


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1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. It will go up to almost 60 later but was still cool enough for the big coat on the early morning dog walk.

I will keep my name but understand the concept. My mom gave us Swedish middle names and I almost wish she had gone with those for a first name.. It was the fifties with a lot of conformity. My DGD got the Swedish name!

Lasagna makes everyone very happy here but today they will make do with left over chili.We have been to the port and went to Monet’s garden that day. I even have pictures I can access.

DH was very happy watching the football. I tried to keep him company but it is not my cup of tea, Tana and I watched the latest Vera and enjoyed that. @grapau27, Graham, I always think of you when I see that  beautiful scenery.

Today we have to get Tana to the pulmonologist in the city. We are using an ambulette service where they assured me they could get her safely up and down our 18 steps. Our neighbor is having health issues of his own and I didn’t want to ask him. I am going with her to manage the oxygen and transfers to and from the wheelchair.


Pictures of Monet’s Garden.






Thank you Terry.

Bamburgh Castle.

Seahouses with the Farne Islands in the background.

Vera has been recorded in many places in the Northumberland area.

The photos yesterday were around Newcastle Quayside area.

Sending Tana my very best wishes.




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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I try to clean my computer daily, at least clear the cache and cookies. I'll keep my name and a salute to Wingmen (On our National Park driving tours I was BFF's wingman). Fun quote. I like lasagna, but too many carbs for now. My DM had a great recipe, but expensive with 4 different meats in it. The drink looks good. I'll pass on the wine.

I haven't been to Le Havre, but it's a port on my upcoming transatlantic cruise. I have been to Paris on a land trip twice.


We started off at 29F, with frost,  but it's going to 55F and it's sunny! I had a strange night last night. I was trying to fall asleep around 12:30AM, when I heard a sound and it felt like my bed shook. I thought, did a tree hit the house, or did something fall? My heart was racing. But I didn't get out of bed. I couldn't fall asleep for about an hour as my heart continued to race. This morning I went top to bottom inside the house and nothing. I looked outside, nothing. Was I actually asleep and dreamed it? Weird!


@cat shepard Thank you for starting us up today.

@0106 Great sunrise. People on my rollcall have been recommending OverlordTour for Le Havre and DD tours. I had a wonderful plum cake in Germany, which I'm trying to replicate: Zwetschgendatschi.

@grapau27 The beach looks lovely.

@kazu I hope the storm misses you.

@aliaschief Enjoy being poolside. Lovely sunrise photos.

@dfish Thanks for the recipes. And the wings look good!

@Lady Hudson Sorry about your Eagles.

@kochleffel I hope you're feeling better today.

@rafinmd Good to hear you slept better last night, and I hope you get a good report from the Pulmonologist tomorrow.

@smitty34877 I hope Tana's appointment goes well. Sorry to hear your neighbor has his own issues.

@Crazy For Cats My Aldi is supposed to have some small cacti. I need to go. Also orchids, but since I will be away for a while in a few months, I'll pass on those I think.

@ger_77 Enjoy your dinner tonight. BFF wants to take me out tomorrow, but I agree it may be a zoo!

@Quartzsite Cruiser I never knew what HEB stood for! We don't have them around here. Thanks for your and Sandi's Paris photos.

@ottahand7 Oh my on that ride; you could have gotten heat stroke! Thanks for the photos.

@marshhawk Congrats on getting more hours, and Chuck getting his own computer.

@Seasick Sailor I hope your appointment goes well today.

@GTVCRUISER Welcome home.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay well everyone.

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Good Monday morning!


  I love all the port pictures and commentary!  Thanks to all for the Daily, Fleet Report, Lists, meal, drink and wine info!  My mouth is watering for lasagna, and I haven’t even had breakfast 😂


Prayers for all in need, and cheers for those with good news!

P.S.  special prayers for Turkey and Syria earthquake victims still trapped, and for the Rescuers, who are still finding people alive a week later.  

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1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Good Monday Morning Dailyites!  Heavy frost on the roof tops, computer says it's 37 and sunny.  Yes it is sunny!  Not in our yard yet, but I can see the sun hitting the house across the street.


I might change my name today to Lucky.   When I sent boss #2 my weeks hours, total sales and projection for hours for next week,  along with the fact that my other campaign had ended, and hinted if I could work a few more hours for him, he upped me to 40 hours a week.  Which because DH and I share a purchase path computer I cant do 40 hours, he also said he would get Chuck his own computer sent out to him, so that I can work more hours.


Here is a picture of us for our closing campaign-



I love lasagna, but as I stated a few weeks ago, there is not really a way to make it for one meal for two people.  So, I'm with @dfish, if you make it, let me know, I'll come over, and I'll bring wine.


Today is work, walk neighbors dog, take DH back to the eye doc, then come home and work, and dinner is left over chili.  Which I get to slurp down while being on the phones. 


We watched the updated Vera last night, and when that was over, we switched to the game,  BFF called and asked if it was OK to talk, I said sure, the Vikings were not playing, I was available.  And DH was laughing at the commercials through my whole phone call.  Nice tight game though.


Have a great day, and @JazzyVthanks for adding me to the care list, but the telemarketing fairy must be looking out for me.   

Congratulations on the job situation improvement.


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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We were in Le Havre on June 7 and 8, 2004.  On June 7, we took the train into Paris for the day.  Using a combination of the Metro, Ho-Ho, and walking, we saw quite a bit of the city.  I tried to chose different pictures of our day than the ones @StLouisCruisers Sandi posted.


These first pictures were taken from the Ho-Ho as we got an idea of Paris.







That day, there were long lines at the Louvre, so we decided to stay on the bus.  We got off at Notre Dame and walked through the church.  There was some renovation going on, and a temporary wall was erected in front of the main altar.  A group was putting on a concert and the church was crowded.  We also walked around the back of the church and across the Seine before returning to the front of Notre Dame to re-board the Ho-Ho.







We walked down the crowded sidewalk on the Champs-Elysees and found a sidewalk café for a sandwich and a coke, which turned out to be our lunch and dinner.



The Arch de Triomphe 



Our next stop was the Eiffel Tower.  DH went all the way to the top, but because I got nervous looking up at the top as we waited to buy our entrance tickets, I stopped on the mid level, where I explored both floors of that level.




Looking out from the tower



The stairs you can walk to get to the top if you're really fit and a wheel for the elevator cable





It was getting late, so we headed to the train station.  We were in time for the train, if I hadn't misread the schedule.  That train was not running the day we were there, and we had an hour or more to wait for the next one.  We got back on the Metro and headed to the Arch de Triomphe where we went up on the top.  This picture is looking back down the Champs-Elysees, which was not as congested by that time.



We made it back to Le Havre about midnight.  There was one taxi at the train station, and a couple jumped in ahead of those who had been waiting.  The driver said more taxis were coming.  After waiting about 15-30 minutes, DH called to get more taxis, and we finally made it to the ship about 1 am.  It was a long but interesting day.


The next morning, we rented a car and drove to Caen and visited the Peace Museum.  Also drove to the beaches and then took the coast road back to Le Havre.  I know I took pictures after we left the museum, but I can't find them right now.  These are the pictures from the museum, starting with part of the Berlin Wall.













Excellent Paris photos Lenda.

We have been to Paris many times.

We had our honeymoon there in August 1981.

We were there a couple of days after Princess Diana was killed and saw the tunnel where her car crashed and the masses of flowers there for Diana's memory.


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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

@kazuJacqui thanks for the Cherbourg info. Last time there we did the OverLord Tour of the beaches and surrounding area. It was very emotional. I would have to check with Sue but I think we are visiting Ypres this time or something like that.

Curious how did you know we were going there this summer on our intensive France cruise on Azamara Journey? Prior to that cruise we are doing Intensive Spain starting in Barcelona.

As much as you loved the Prisendam I sense you would enjoy an Azamara cruise.




Ypres is in Belgium and best reached from Zeebrugge.

We did a tour with Pauline's mam and dad.

Roy was ex army and particularly enjoyed it.

My grandfather was gassed at Flanders Fields in WW1.



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Congrats to the Chiefs for a nail -biter win. We ate our way through the whole game!  Didn’t care for the half-time show, and haven’t in years. We are not the demographic they are projecting to. 

I do not want to ever change my name again. I can appreciate the women who keep their name throughout their lives. 

Never been to LeHavre. Hope to see Paris again!  Would love to get to Normandy, had family there who survived there, went on to Battle of the Bulge and survived that too!  Thanks for all the great pictures posted!  

I do not care for HAL’s Rustic Lasagna!  It’s available most nights on the MDR menu. The only cheese is the layer on top, practically burned. Where’s the ricotta!  Not even a bechamel sauce in the middle, which is traditional in some regions. For me it is a poor fall-back choice, too disappointing. 

Blessings to those seeing pulmonologists soon, and orthopedics and ophthalmologists and others. May the reports be accurate and encouraging…. and to all in need of healing, comfort or hope! 

Congrats to those celebrating milestones and accomplishment, and the good feeling of new work coming in!  🎉

Smooth travels to all away. Nancy @ottahand7  glad you survived!  

Protection for the rescuers, and all who need life’s basics: shelter, sanitation, water and food. We count our abundant blessings!  

Hazy sunshine, breezy and cool here in Maryland today after a dreary, rainy day yesterday,  warmer tomorrow. Sunrise is approaching 7am now!  Winter is waning! Kayaking weather won’t be too far off!  Today is a good day to be happy!  M—

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Good morning Dailyites, 

Just got back from the clinic. Catching up on our Daily. 


Gosh, I'm so impressed by the contributors who are running our Daily like clock work! Love the multi quotes! @JazzyV you really are doing great on the care and celebration list. Thanks Ann, Debbie, and Dixie for your usual expertise!!


We are meeting some friends for lunch, then couples pedicures at 1:00. I need to run to the market for some things for our game night tonight. Should have stopped on the way home from the clinic but my brain apparently didn't kick in.


Going back to our prayer list now. Wishing all a wonderful day. 

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2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

I was standing in line to board on a recent cruise and started talking to man next to me. He introduced himself and he said you won’t believe this but my last name is Butt and yup mom & dad named me Harry Butt!😃

I keep telling you we have meant before!

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Good morning from St. George’s Grenada.

We were going to go to Grand Anse Beach today, but DH doesn’t feel like doing so.  

Instead we went to the little mall at the end of the pier.

We are joined by the Costa Fascinosa in port and we look like a little row boat next to it.

Bought some spices and specialty coffees and am back on the ship.  Will spend the afternoon at the pool.


Thank you to all who make this thread work.  @cat shepard, @JazzyV, @dfish, @summer slope and all the others.  @Quartzsite Cruiserthank you for the lovely photos of both Le Havre and Paris.  Brings back wonderful memories.


I changed my name years ago when I married DH and have no intention of changing it again.  I just got a new laptop, so it is clean as a whistle.  Don’t think I need a wingman.

I love lasagne, but not today.  No to the wine and the drink.


I hope everyone has a wonderful day.  We are just taking it easy.  Tomorrow we are on our favorite catamaran in Barbados—Silver Moon.  Will probably post late in the day.

Take care and stay safe everyone,

God Bless,


Edited by Cruzin Terri
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Good morning friends!  It's already hot this morning in Cozumel.  Next to us at the dock is Carnival Valor, a 2004 built ship with 3581 passengers according to Cruisemapper.  Down the coast a ways is Disney Fantasy with another 3500 passengers.  I looked up Sky Princess and it says 4610 passengers!  I believe it!  People are everywhere!  There are many public spaces but just walking from place to place you find people all around you.  DH says we won't be going on a ship this size again.  After we went to bed last night I'm guessing there were lots of people still out drinking because DH overheard a conversation between a group of young women discussing that very topic.  One said they hit their 15 drink limit yesterday!😲


At 4 am I was awake, as usual, and I heard a gong like sound in the hall so went to the door and heard an announcement for medical personnel to Aloha deck and gave a cabin number.  That's two decks above us.  Around 7:30 am we saw an ambulance arrive to pick up a patient.  Hope they have insurance and that they will okay.  Bruce @aliaschiefthank you for the early morning wave.  I'll wave back in your general vicinity, north of us.  Do you head home tomorrow?


Thanks to Rich @richwmnfor your Daily info and to Ann @cat shepardfor posting this week.  Thanks also to our F&B department and all the memes everyone posts.  Love them!  To Roy @rafinmdand Tana, good luck at your pulmonologist appointments.  Good luck tomorrow to Jacqui at her physio tomorrow and hope the bad weather misses you. Good thoughts to Annie's DH at his doctor visit, too.  MY DB had a scan and he informed us last week his pulmonary fibrosis is worse since he was last checked in 2021 and after having Covid last year.  He worked with chemicals as a printer at a can factory for 25 years.  Hope he can keep that under control. 


Lots of funny names today.  We had a coach at high school, a young good looking man named Harry Gurley.  He eventually married one of our school mates, which was a shocking event in those days with everyone wondering when they had started dating.


Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserthanks for posting my photos today.  We have only had Le Havre once before as you said, May 19, 2022 but someone may have posted Paris photos from a different port like Rouen.  Nancy @ottahand7sorry about the extreme heat on your excursion yesterday and am glad you didn't have heat stroke.  It will be very hot and sticky in the Amazon too so get ready for that!


We haven't been off the ship yet this morning but may walk around out there a bit later.  When here before we've taken tours.  We hope to be able to get into the Pizza restaurant, Alfredo's today for lunch with some of the passengers off the ship.  There's usually a long line there.  Tonight is formal night so will go to the MDR (Soleil) where they have Duck a l'orange, beef tenderloins, salmon with shrimp, and red snapper.  Always available Mama's Lasagna.  Close enough to classic for me.  LOL!  I think shrimp cocktail is available everyday free.


Prayers for everyone and especially those hurting in Ukraine, Turkey and Sicily.  Cheers for all the happy celebrants!  Talk to you all later!

Edited by StLouisCruisers
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