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LIVE Summit Aqua Class Review 3/2 - 3/6


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Starting this earlier than normal as I fly out on the 28th - I don't have a direct flight from Canada to Miami and due to the time of year I decided I rather have a longer holiday than stress about getting to Miami (also first time there). Plus quite honestly I need it, I've worked hard and not had a real break since my cruise in August, just weekends or a day here or there.


I'm Jeannette 41 I'm from the UK originally but live in Ontario, Canada (sometimes I question my choice as I don't like extreme cold and I'm not even in Alberta). I'm married with no human kids but four fur babies.
I work in digital advertising for a TV station here in Canada. I travel alone, growing up I was an only child in London and all my family were in Scotland so pretty used to doing my own thing. Doesn't mean I don't like company just my husband is more of a homebody and I'm comfortable traveling/doing things alone.


The Kids:


This is my second cruise, first was last year on an a standard infinite veranda on Beyond for Italy/Greece. This one I'm in AQ for Key West/Bahamas. This is a short one but I have a vacation to the UK coming up which is why. It's not time off my issue more financially there's only so much I can do (unless I win tonight's lottery) 🤣

This trip is actually a week long in total due to the fact my return flight which was supposed to be on the 6th at 2pm from Miami to Toronto then 6pm home, was changed to 5pm out of Miami and then 8am the next day. Which was not ok by me, honestly what would I do at Pearson area for 12 hours? 
So when Air Canada gave me the options to accept or change the flight I decided to fly back 8am on the 7th. Either way I'm coming home on the 7th but at least Miami is a little warmer right now - it's currently -10C/14F here.
Here's what we had woke up to yesterday, freezing rain to the point half my town had no power as trees came down hitting the power lines and causing fires.




I have a few things to do before leaving Tuesday morning, for work I have to wrap up our promotional campaigns for the station and hand them to my back up. Sort out details of the project I was informed of yesterday starting next week.
As well as let all my back ups know that my team may reach out for things if they have issues with anything.
For home I have cleaning to do, get groceries for my husband as he's staying home with the kids - it's hard getting a dog sitter for this many especially one with epilepsy. Pay all the bills, pick up last minute items, get dog food. Mainly make sure no one is starving while I'm away as my husband probably won't leave the house. Of course pack which I'm trying to be strategic about, I do have Air Tags but if suitcase is missing, it's still missing so putting some clothes into carry on so have at least a couple days of clothing with me.

I also have to pack a secondary bag because work moved an event from the first week of Feb, to the day after I get back. Doesn't sound bad but I get home at 7pm (if everything is on time) and then need to get to Toronto area the next day (315km from where I live). I've already told them I'm not making 9am, more like 10:30 as it's 3.5 hour drive to the office for me. What a welcome back! 
I doubt I'm going to have time to pack for the office so packing that before I leave, I'm certainly not making it there and back in one day (that's like 7 hours of driving plus a full day at work) - this is going to be an adventure. I'll be home for maybe 10 hours before leaving again for the office, the dogs are going to be mad at me, husband won't care lol (I won't remind him I'm leaving for the UK on March 31 🤪)

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I've actually never been to the Caribbean, because it's a short trip it's only Key West and Nassau. I've booked something for Nassau but not sure what I want to do for Key West and I do have another one next December that stops there so I'm debating just staying on the ship and relaxing - last time I looked my cruise wasn't even on the website so presuming it's either sold out or close to selling out.


I feel like I unintendedly have planned different kinds of cruises to see what I like. Last year was 10 days Italy/Greek Isles. Next year I have retreat for 12 days for New Orleans & Caribbean then later that year in December I have another week in the Caribbean but a sunset verdana - they are all different places, different room types and different ranges in sea days.



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I read your first blog!!  I lived in Exeter, Ontario for almost 8yrs, I feel you on the snow.  I grew up in the Ft. Lauderdale area.  Are you staying by the airport in Miami?  Or close to the beach?   We were in London( UK) last month.  It was cold, but we had so much fun.  We have 3 dogs and its $$$ when we board them.  Its nice your hubby stays home with them.  Have a great trip. 

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Looking forward to following along while you’re on your cruise! Our next cruise is on the Summit too, but we don’t sail until the end of April.
We also refer to our dogs as ‘the kids’ and can empathize with the struggle to find proper care for them while we’re away (our old girl has pancreatitis, so we have to be super careful that she doesn’t get into anything that could cause a flair-up) Fortunately for us, we have a wonderful pet sitter who is totalling worth the hour drive each way


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1 hour ago, kk20 said:

Looking forward to following along while you’re on your cruise! Our next cruise is on the Summit too, but we don’t sail until the end of April.
We also refer to our dogs as ‘the kids’ and can empathize with the struggle to find proper care for them while we’re away (our old girl has pancreatitis, so we have to be super careful that she doesn’t get into anything that could cause a flair-up) Fortunately for us, we have a wonderful pet sitter who is totalling worth the hour drive each way


They look so sweet.  I had a wirehair dachshund who died from Pancreatitis.  It was devastating.  Give them both hugs from me. 

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6 hours ago, calicakes said:

I read your first blog!!  I lived in Exeter, Ontario for almost 8yrs, I feel you on the snow.  I grew up in the Ft. Lauderdale area.  Are you staying by the airport in Miami?  Or close to the beach?   We were in London( UK) last month.  It was cold, but we had so much fun.  We have 3 dogs and its $$$ when we board them.  Its nice your hubby stays home with them.  Have a great trip. 

Thanks, hopefully the internet is better than last year, it started good and by the end I was struggling to load web pages.
Oh that's like right in the snow belt. We have missed most the snow storms this year but this last one going through Detroit/Winsor hit us with all freezing rain, by the time it got to Toronto it was more snow.


4 hours ago, kk20 said:

Looking forward to following along while you’re on your cruise! Our next cruise is on the Summit too, but we don’t sail until the end of April.
We also refer to our dogs as ‘the kids’ and can empathize with the struggle to find proper care for them while we’re away (our old girl has pancreatitis, so we have to be super careful that she doesn’t get into anything that could cause a flair-up) Fortunately for us, we have a wonderful pet sitter who is totalling worth the hour drive each way



They are gorgeous.

My husband, not that he doesn't like traveling but it's like pulling teeth with him lol

It works out, we're a little paranoid with people with the dogs, we've had bad experiences with friends and family. A few years ago his sister was over and the youngest dog at the time was like 1 and that's basically a puppy so very playful, she wanted us to 'lock him in a room' because our niece was running at him screaming so he thought she was playing and would chase her. Rather than explain to her how to behave with a dog she wanted us to lock the dog away in a room alone, I took him upstairs away from her and stayed with him (not locked up). After that we haven't invited them back.

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Its very hard to find good dog sitters.  We actually started a dog sitting business in our town and we're constantly booked.  We turn people away because we can only take a 2-3 dogs at once.  On the plus side, the extra cash is financing our travel : )

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We were on the Summit last June(Bermuda & Charleston) and the ship and Staff were top notch. Our next Summit cruise is also at the end of April(repo from Miami to Bayonne, N J), and again in August to Greenland and Iceland, both in Aqua(accessible cabin 9164).

Our two small schnauzers(male is diabetic) are always a concern, and finding a pet sitter that has long term availability has been a problem.


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3 days out for flight, was going to go for a run today but slept weird and there's snow so opting for chores and packing and will run tomorrow 


Just received an email from Air Canada that's not adding stress at all, 3 days away and already being told 'my flight may be impacted'. Next cruise I'm thinking I may drive to Detroit and go from there, just didn't for this as my first alone drive over the border I didn't want to be for this (maybe shopping or something that's less stress inducing)






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Did you happen to use the gym while on Summit?  I’m referring to the weight lifting area, treadmills, not the spa nor the classes.  I read somewhere here that they limit the number of people allowed into this area at a time.  I called and the woman I spoke to said that they do, so,e times?    My husband is a real gym rat and the idea of not being able to work out on the cruise is enough to cancel.

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7 minutes ago, HardyVA said:

Did you happen to use the gym while on Summit?  I’m referring to the weight lifting area, treadmills, not the spa nor the classes.  I read somewhere here that they limit the number of people allowed into this area at a time.  I called and the woman I spoke to said that they do, so,e times?    My husband is a real gym rat and the idea of not being able to work out on the cruise is enough to cancel.

I can confirm for sure in a couple of days as I'll be heading to the gym. The app doesn't have anything listed about limiting people. It's not like there are covid restrictions now, unless just they can only have x amount of people in during busy times just due to space?

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So after 30 mins of 'wth am I doing' just rebooked with Delta from Detroit - I've never driven across the US/Canada border so this is going to be an adventure. I was totally planned for everything flying from Canada. I have no idea on where I am going or parking  but have 6 hours to figure this out.

Also Air Canada are only giving me a voucher for them cancelling my outgoing flight but the return flight is now useless for me - fun times

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2 hours ago, Lena11033 said:

So after 30 mins of 'wth am I doing' just rebooked with Delta from Detroit - I've never driven across the US/Canada border so this is going to be an adventure. I was totally planned for everything flying from Canada. I have no idea on where I am going or parking  but have 6 hours to figure this out.

Also Air Canada are only giving me a voucher for them cancelling my outgoing flight but the return flight is now useless for me - fun times

Oh no! Fingers crossed for you to have a smooth trip to Detroit. 

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3 hours ago, Lena11033 said:

So after 30 mins of 'wth am I doing' just rebooked with Delta from Detroit - I've never driven across the US/Canada border so this is going to be an adventure. I was totally planned for everything flying from Canada. I have no idea on where I am going or parking  but have 6 hours to figure this out.

Also Air Canada are only giving me a voucher for them cancelling my outgoing flight but the return flight is now useless for me - fun times

Hopefully, you've figured it out.  When I lived in Ontario, I regularly flew out of Detroit.  The border can be very backed up ( assuming you're crossing in Windsor).  I would cross in Port Huron as I lived 65 miles from that border.  I use cheapairportparking.org for my parking options.   AC should give you a credit for your entire flight.   

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I made it. Bloody long day though. So I requested air canada refund me and they are ‘processing’ but in the meantime they decided to book me on a 6pm flight which would get me in after midnight. So I declined it. Since then they rescheduled it twice and it would have left me stranded at Toronto airport over night 🙃


On more positive things I got across the border fairly easy. Did get the question ‘do you work remotely’ which I’ve not had before. Really got grilled on why I was cruising alone too lol I think going forward I’ll be flying for cruises from Detroit because of it wasn’t for the car’s last minute ‘you need to get on i94 now’ it would have been fine so use phone’s GPS hopefully bill won’t be too bad as it’s a work phone oops


Flight from Detroit was fine we got in early but sat on the runway for about 20 mins. So after a long day I’m not even going to the restaurant in the hotel just ordering room service and chilling out.

After Charla’s review last time I switched to the same hotel (Hyatt centric brickell) it saved me a few hundred $

I’m here tonight and tomorrow  which after today I’m glad on. I have no plans other than a restaurant booking for tomorrow so can relax sleep in and maybe go for a walk





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Jeannette - Enjoy reading your Live post.   I was catching up and you had my adrenaline running as I read of you new adventures of driving to Detroit. 


Was so happy to see your posts of arrival into Florida and the pictures of your hotel room.

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Glad you made it safely to Florida, Jeanette.  May everything be awesome from here on.  I HATE Air Canada and we always fly with other airlines, even WestJet.

Key West is lovely.  if you wear sandals, see if you can get to the Kino store.  I bought some there years ago and they are still great.

Have a great cruise.

Oops, forgot to say I love your dogs.  Is it the one with the cone that has the pancreatitis?

Ours is on my avatar and she is spoiled rotten.  A neighbour of ours takes her when we are away and we are very fortunate as they spoil her too.  She is 9.

Edited by TeaBag
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